
Comments by bubbaloo (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Anybody cuttind down on S/C activities like me to afford Tax hikes, Obama care?
    Well mr VH. Spewing the typical leftist bull that if someone will not agree with you, they must be stupid. Somehow you seem to think I am rich. That is not true at all. I gre up very poor. Much poorer that any people I have ever met on government assistance. And no, my family did not ever accept help from the government. I served in the militart, with honor. Always worked more than 1 job. Then sacrificed and scrimped to start my own business. Worked hard, paid my taxes. Always did what most think is right. Now we want to redistribute the wealth now thast I'm slightly comfortable for the first time in my life? Nobody owes you anything Asshole. If you want or need something, get off your ass and earn it. Don't give me aguilt trip that you can't afford it. Get some training. Apply youraself at your job so that you can earn more. Work two jobs if you have to. No body said it would be easy. Grow up and stop having everyone else pay your way. If you want to be a socialist, leave my country alone. I've traveled most of the world and let me tell you, socialism is not the answer. Go to Europe. Pay $10 a gallon for gas and 3 times a much as you should for everything for a while. Then see how well their systems work. Our insurance, medicalsyatems, and others can be bad and expensive untill you see how they work when the government runs them. What have you and your type ever done for this country but complain and take?
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    12 years ago
    How fast do you go?
    Could be my hands are better at wrenching on horsepower and holding young women. Never cared much for a computer keyboard. Sorry- since the demise of the El Camino and the Monte Carlo. Nothing left more white trash than a CamEro.
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    12 years ago
    How fast do you go?
    I am a habitual speeder. Get out of this country and the rediculous speed laws every chance I get. Speed laws are ONLY a means to collect rvenue. If safety was a concern maybe ours cars would be inspected and maybe a liscence wouldn't be handed out to anyone that wanted one. No Triumph TR-7 without a rocket attached will do 155 mph. Had one. 4 cylinder, maybe 100 hp. Also british made, 80's vintage. Bullshit. It's Camaro, not Camero you white trash trailer dweller. Can't even spell the name of your own car? The most dangerous part of any camaro is not the speed, it's the parts dfalling off. You guys need to talk about strippers, not cars. I've spent more miles at over 100 mph than you guys have spent sleeping. Some of you think 70 or 90- mph is fast. Pathetic. I guess, guys are more interested in computers and their I pods than engines anymore. I'm embarrased for you.
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    12 years ago
    Visiting a SC on a motorcycle.
    Ride my bike to the club all the time. Often as an excuse to get out of the house. Good thing the mileage isn't checked. Don't seem to ride too far some days considering how long I am gone. Leave my gear at the coat check with the bartender, never been a problem. The girls like to see a man enter the establishment, dressed in riding gear- dressed like a man. I had a girlfriend in my younger days that her dad forbid her to get on a motorcycle because of the danger. He fell off a ladder painting the house and was in the hospital for weeks. You can get hurt doing anything. I have more miles on bikes than any of you nanacy boys would ever understand. Sure thy're dangerous. But maybe that's part of the attraction. Doing something other people would not do. Or would not consider exciting. I have a collection of few nice scars collected over the years, but none of them are from motorcycles (yet). Sure I've crashed, any real rider has. But a real rider prepares himself with training and always wearing the proper protective gear. We know we could get hurt- don't preach to us, but we feel the risk is worth it. I love when people drive shitbox cars and tell us how dangerous motorcycles are. Motorcycles do have a few safety advantages over cars. They can out brake and aout accelerate anything on the road when operated by a skilled rider. They are small and agile, can fit through a small opening to evade problems. It's all in situation awarenes, training, and being prepared. I KNOW I could get hurt- but I also know motorcycles are not for everyone. So all you nancy boys- keep driving your little Geo and Toyota cars and leave the real machinery to us men. I just reurned from a 3 week, 8500 mile trip to central america. Been riding about 40 years, and NO I don't have a damn Harley.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    girls asking for a tip after the dance
    Tips are earned. It's that simple. I tip well and often- unless somebody asks for it. It's the same as an employee asking for a raise. If they earned it, they have it without asking me. If you dont earn it you don't get it. You don't get a tip for only going throught the motions. At least ACT like you enjoy what you're doing and ACT like you like me. That's what I'm paying for. If a girl asks me for a tip- she did'nt deserve it and will not dance for me again.
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    13 years ago
    Stripper Phones
    The only thing to do if you don't like it is not frequent this sort of establishment. As for me - I feel I pay enough taxes that somebody should be getting away with something. I enjoy my time and the dollars spent. I don't think I need to worry about the rest of it. Laws, such as rules, are meant to be broken. Seems to me plenty of the posters on here select which rules, and laws they like to adhere to. Enforcing any law is a subjective thing.
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    13 years ago
    Is the economy that bad?
    It seems to me that people in charge always paint a picture of things being better than they really are. Some of us are in recession proof professions (myself included). Business is good, but just try and get paid- that's the real problem. My trips to the club have been reduced just for the fact that my cash flow is terrible. I had my best sales month ever this May, but you would never know it by looking at my bank account. Collecting overdues has become a nearly full time job for me. I guess the real problem is I need the club to relax more now than ever. Gonna be a good summer though.
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    13 years ago
    Where to go in Minneapolis?
    Minnesota is considered a very liberal state. Liberal in a bad way with none of the good. Go into any gentleman's club round here and you would think we were all Amish (narly). Lots of nice looking girls and great to talk to and be around but dont expect much more.
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    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Did you ever want to ask a hot girl you saw, "Are you a stripper?"
    Recently I was behind a very attractive young woman at the Grocery checkout. She gave me a huge smile as she paid for her purchase with a stack of 1 dollar bills. I know she could have been a waitress or bartender, but I much prefer to think she was a dancer. Either way she had a killer smile.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Making it rain. A black thing?
    In my opinion throwing anything at another person is disrespectful. I usually tip a dancer so that no one else in the room knows the amount. I don't see how it is anyone else's concern. If i like a dancer I tip well enough that she will know it. What's the point of showing off. I go to clubs for my enjoyment. Not to impress anyone else.
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    14 years ago
    Too chubby to dance?
    Are you kidding me? What's with you guys? I'd Spend all the time I could with this girl. Look at that ass! If she has a cute face, pretty smile, and nice personality I would hand her my wallet at the door.
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    14 years ago
    $$$ Again
    I always say I could have any number of bad habits that could easily cost me plenty. Suppose I was a sucker for casinos or liked to get drunk and rack up drunk driving charges? I'll never tell what I spend in my favorite club, but I always enjoy every penny's worth. Like most people I work hard for my money, and I'll decide how to enjoy it. Cheap therapy if you ask me. I'll stop when I think I'm not getting entertainment worthy of the cost.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Take it from a Stripper: Strippers are Awesome
    Strippers are awesome. Just the thought makes me smile. Sit at a tip rail and see two boobies for $1. Best deal anywhere.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    As any group of people, it is dangerous to genaralize strippers. There are some that are normal and some that aren't so normal. I've met all types- some that are the nicest, best people i've ever known. I also know some real losers. I expect it's the same for all of you.