
$$$ Again

Sunday, November 28, 2010 10:55 PM
Getting back to a recent thread about how much we spend on "this," what about the rest of the outing, pre- and post- SC? Some clubs give free admission with sports event ticket stubs, golf scorecards, etc. Not to mention staying in Las Vegas hotels, eating out 3 times a day, gambling, and whatever else people do there. These things are expensive enough by themselves, without going to the SC afterward and spending another few hundred. Do people really piss away thousands of dollars a day like this? Now, I'm not rich but I'm nowhere near poor. I live in one of the most expensive zip codes in the US, if not the world. Condos on my street START at $1.1M. I've been around wealth all my life. My close friends, all 30-40-50 something, are internet entrepreneurs, technology executives, film/tv/media people, doctors/lawyers and senior engineers, and real estate investors and developers. Some big-time trust fund babies too. And NO ONE THAT I KNOW SPENDS MONEY LIKE THIS. ???


  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I remember a TUSCL member (I think steve229) mentioned he read in Sports Illustrated that the majority of NFL players end up in bankruptcy or going broke. Probably from too much strip club and entertainment spending.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    br, You say, "...thousands of dollars a day...", well no, not this guy, but hundreds, sure. Just not every day.
  • mikeya02
    14 years ago
    Is 800 a month in the club a big spender?
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Thousands of dollars a day? Not me, but In a month, yeah. This month might be an aberration, as I make up for my ATF, but even the aforementioned $800 wouldn't be out of line for me. Now, mine is all local, with cheap motels rather than exclusive resorts, and no extravagant expenses fir meals, so that pretty much represents money spent on results, not incidentals.
  • jackslash
    14 years ago
    I know for sure that I spend way too much in strip clubs. I'm going to stop just as soon as I get tired of staring at beautiful girls and playing with their tits.
  • MondoGoGo
    14 years ago
    Amen brother Jackslash, amen!
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I try to keep my hobby related annual spending under $20 k. Most of it is otc with this one stripper and I have got POP per session averaging $150. Last time was $120. My other choices are itc in the club with different girls for $100 - $300. For obvious reasons I dont spend a lot on lap dances.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    samsung1: maybe not most but we've seen a lot go that way for sure. When I lived near a college there were 2 famous players who, while still in college, were out clubbing every week with an entourage of strippers, spending hundreds if not thousands on champagne, etc. These were ghetto kids so not wealthy. College players are often supported generously by alumni. These guys were spending every penny. So the habits start early. mikeya02: $800/mo is basically what it costs to drive a really nice car vs. a serviceable one, play golf every weekend, go skiing, or other middle to upper middle class activity. So no, it's not a lot. What gets me is spending this on top of all the other expensive stuff. Again, even the rich people I know don't spend money like that.
  • ztrzi2000
    14 years ago
    Player11, what is the acronym "POP?" I have found that I can spend close to $900 on a single visit, and I have done that multiple times in a month. I know I should not do that, and most months, I have enough self control to not go at all, but once or twice a year, depending on other factors, I lose that control and blow a few thousand in one month.
  • jackslash
    14 years ago
    A couple weeks ago I test drove a Jaguar XK, which I was considering as a replacement for my BMW. I loved the car, but then I did the math. The monthly payment would mean cutting out one or two strip club visits a month. Screw that. You've got to get your priorities straight.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    The luxury car analogy is a good one. When I had my mid-life crisis, I ran the numbers on the de rigueur fully loaded Corvette. I eventually decided to make what the payment would have been my strip club budget instead. One good thing is that unlike a car payment, I could always just stop going to the clubs if I needed to for financial reasons...okay, that last part isn't true, but I could definitely cut back if necessary.
  • mikeya02
    14 years ago
    It's an addiction to spend a ton of money on girls. Like coke or crack. And the strippers are addicted to money.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    OV, Most of my visits are like your, under $50. Only times above that are when I find a potential new dancer to add to my "favorites" list, or visit with a favorite. Typical visit to my local club, 2-4 beers at the 2fer price, $10. A drink for my favorite bartender, $10. $1 tips for the dancers tip walk, $15-20, and that is about it. Typical visit with a favorite, drinks, $20-30. Dancer tip walk tips, $10. Dances with my favorite, $100-200. Now if I try a VIP room, that could go up, I assume, but not to that stage yet. All said, still less expensive then owning a boat and going fishing, playing golf, etc!
  • EarlTee
    14 years ago
    ztrzi: POP = price of pussy
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    Occasional SC trips are just part of my entertainment budget. A couple hundred a visit every once in a blue moon is about all I can get away with right now. Mostly its a problem of being able to go and have a good time then get home without the SO knowing about it. The opportunities are becoming more infrequent. The bright side is, I have $200 bucks a month that I would be spending on SCs in my pocket. Perhaps after a while and with opportunity a trip to Toronto might be in order. With SPs, MPAs and SC, there's plenty of fun to be had there!
  • bubbaloo
    14 years ago
    I always say I could have any number of bad habits that could easily cost me plenty. Suppose I was a sucker for casinos or liked to get drunk and rack up drunk driving charges? I'll never tell what I spend in my favorite club, but I always enjoy every penny's worth. Like most people I work hard for my money, and I'll decide how to enjoy it. Cheap therapy if you ask me. I'll stop when I think I'm not getting entertainment worthy of the cost.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I've spent some seriously stupid money at clubs on occasion, and I don't regret a dime of it. I'll stop going and spending foolishly when God stops making beautiful women. Or if my wife finds out. (whichever comes first).
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    lopaw, If your SO finds you out, quite likely you would not have to worry about her any longer, would you?
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    Clubber says: [ignore]Posted: 11/30/10 lopaw, If your SO finds you out, quite likely you would not have to worry about her any longer, would you? ___________________________________ Lets look at the possibilities: 1. She takes it as a challenge and tries much harder to keep your sexual interest at home! WIN 2. She thinks it sounds fun and wants to join you and maybe bring some of the girls home for some 3way fun! WIN 3. She apathetic and tells you to do what you want as long as she doesn't have to see/hear about it. WIN 3. She can't take it and leaves you...you're now free to do as you wish (though with only half the assets you used to have or worse). WIN/LOSS 4. She decides to hang it over your head for the rest of your life making you feel guilty while trying to humiliate you in front of everyone you know. LOSS Depending on how you feel about her, your chances look good.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    She shoots you. LOSS
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    bumrubber: "Do people really piss away thousands of dollars a day like this?" Um, er........... Yes.
  • golf123
    14 years ago
    hi I am middle class guy and I have been spending 600-700 dollers per month. In the begining it was less only limited to itc. But I now meet my ATF otc and it gets expensive, does not matter how hard u try to control. May be any of u can suggest to cut down without cutting fun.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Lol Prim0's #3 would have been the most I could have hoped for......but sadly, Clubber has pinpointed the most likely outcome for me. And I'll be lucky if she only shoots me!
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