Visiting a SC on a motorcycle.

How many guys here do this? The reason i ask i because when i ride my motorcycle i wear protective gear and don't have anywhere on the bike to lock my stuff up. Its not a big deal locally because i know the area . I would like to take some nice rides on the bike but am a little reluctant to bring my gear into a club. Would appreciate some suggestions from fellow clubbers.
last commentive seen guys bring in their helmet all the time and just set it on the table. Some places will require to leave at the front along with the caps.
"Visiting a SC on a motorcycle - How many guys here do this?"
You could not PAY me ENOUGH $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to get on & ride a Murdercycle!!!
Have you ever rode one Alucard? They're a blast, when driven safely and responsibly. And its a good excuse to go out and ride to a SC on a nice day.
"Have you ever rode one Alucard?"
NO, Never! And I don't intend to!
A person can be the SAFEST rider in the World, BUT you ALWAYS lose in any collision with another Moving Vehicle, the pavement or immovable solid object! Assuming the person survives the collision, serious bodily injury most likely will result.
In 30 years of being an Operating Room Nurse, I've seen MORE broken & nearly Destroyed bodies resulting from Murdercycle accidents than I can remember. I don't intend to join that group!
Blue42TX probably has it right concerning the helmet & other gear.
I completley respect your opinion. Im very aware of the danger involved, and i think its too fun to not ride! Thanks for the input anyway.
I'm waiting for Clubber to comment.
I am in COMPLETE agreement with you. My mother lost a younger brother in a motorcycle accident. He lost control of the bike and suffered a fatal head injury. My mom basically set down one hard and fast rule when I got my driver's license -- NEVER ride a motorcycle. I have followed that rule.
My reading comprehension sucketh big time. I completely overlooked the part where the OP asked anyone's opinion on the wisdom of riding a bike...
I don't ride. So I couldnt comment respond to the OP. But I could respond to Alucard. So I did.
It's not like no one ever deviates from topic on TUSCL. :)
I have noticed if a club has a coat check they usually have a way to check in your helmet as well. They might charge for it if they already charge for a coat check.
Samsung im pretty sure that most clubs in northern wisconsin dont have a coat check. Oh well i guess i can just lock my helmet to the bike and hope no one messes with it. Thanks for the input guys.
I've brought my bike to clubs a fews times. I'll leave my helmet at the front door or with a bartender. This has never been a problem. Other than a helmet I don't wear any other gear. But, I do have a backpack I can lock to the bike if I need to. Good luck and be safe.
Took awhile. I was in Daytona for the race since Sunday.
Anyway, metalhed, I've ridden my bike to clubs many times. I leave my helmet on the bike, I hang it on the shift lever. If I have on a jacket, I just wear it in. Never have I had a problem with my bike, parking at a club, knock on wood.
Thanks for all the replies. Clubber i think you make a good point, im sure im just a little paranoid that someone would mess with my stuff.
If you ever get to S. Florida, let me know and we can ride my SC bike tour!
Clubber that would be awesome, im very envious of the fact you can ride almost year round. And i bet you hit up some nice clubs too!
Clubber has enjoyed many fine clubs over the years. He only goes for conversation. UHUH !!! LOL As far as the topic, most places would let you leave your stuff inside the club, probably charging a coat check fee. Some clubs won't allow motorcycle gear, they don't like bikers, I guess some of them are troublemakers.
Personally, I'd like to have a motorcycle again. I had 2 cycles long ago, yes, Alucard, they are dangerous. I was very lucky not to have sustained worse injuries the night, some drunk back-ended my BSA motorcyle, back in the 70's. I'll never forget doing somersaults through the air after I bounced off the guy's windshield. :) To each his own.
I've done it, and checking the helmet or carrying it with me works fine. The helmet usually even gets you some extra attention from the ladies, if that's what you're looking for. Having said that, I usually take the car because I like to be fully geared up on the bike, and it's just too much hassle to change out of my armored pants at the club. Plus I like to have a beer or two while in at the club, but I won't touch alcohol when I'm on the bike.
Im with you on the no alcohol while riding, which is kind of a bummer, but a good time can still be had.
Ride mine to the club all the time. Have you considered an adjustable cable lock? I use one 6ft cable lock, run it through my jacket sleeve, helmet, and overpant leg, then lock it all to the bike.
Yep, we can ride all year, just don't have anywhere to ride! :)
As for the attraction of bikes, one of the best I heard years ago and before recent H-D ads, is that it is one of the few times you aren't in a box. Box being, home, car, office, cubicle, etc...
As the saying goes, it isn't, If you will get hurt, rather, when will you get hurt?
Only a fool would mess with a biker or his bike! One might be alone, but trust me, there are others around.
I've rode to a few sc's on my harley. It was fun. The host or Hostest will hold your helmet for you. Some of the girls have motorcycles them selfs & ride for fun. So try it
I'd probably be hypocritical if I talked about how dangerous I thought motorcycles were. I remember riding on a regular bicycle at speeds up to 60 mph with no helmet on and loving every minute of it in the middle of highway traffic. Well the rest of the traffic wasn't bothering me at that speed but if I wiped out, I probably wouldn't be posting this today. I believe I stayed away from motorcycles mainly due to cost. I might have gotten hurt if I had my hands on one because everyone I knew always liked to know how fast everything would go.
After saying that, I do not think it's safe to routinely ride a motorcycle in South Carolina. The drivers here and many other places are awful at times. It just takes one stupid driver to pull out right in front of you and you can't stop in time. Then you become another statistic. I do believe riding mopeds at night is even more dangerous though. I hear about night driving moped drivers getting killed a lot. I prefer to stay out of the 20,000 to 50,000 annual dead riders or drivers club. However I don't blame anyone wanting to have some fun and go for a ride. I'll wish them luck if they routinely ride around with all the other idiots operating large death machines on the road.
Now if I looked like the star of one show called Ghost Rider, then of course I wouldn't care because I would have demonic powers over life and death. If you haven't searched youtube for the term ghost rider, then you missed out on some good videos. A dare devil went by that name and posted videos online.
I did finally get talked into wearing a helmet while bicyling. It may have saved my life one evening.