
Take it from a Stripper: Strippers are Awesome

Wednesday, November 23, 2011 12:00 AM
<p> First off, I have to say that I have been a stripper for 3 years. I use the term stripper, because that&#39;s what I am. I do dance, but that&#39;s not why people come to watch me, and I know that. I&#39;m not lying to myself. A lot of people hate strippers because we take their money, because we lie to them, because we won&#39;t have sex with them, or because sometimes we do have sex with them. No girl ever got into stripping because she doesn&#39;t care about money. It&#39;s a great way to make lots of money on your own schedule. Those are my favorite things about the job. There is a lot else that I really like too, though. It&#39;s (usually) a fun environment to work in. You get to drink while you&#39;re at work, and nobody at the strip club doesn&#39;t like to party. If they don&#39;t and were dragged there by their friends, you quickly realize it and stop talking to them. They&#39;re not going to buy a stripper a drink or get a lap dance anyway. They&#39;re too uptight. It&#39;s also fun to play dress up in clothes and make-up that everyone else will only wear on Halloween. Mostly, it&#39;s liberating to admit that womens&#39; bodies are sexy, that we can be proud of them and show them off without having to pretend like we don&#39;t know what we&#39;re doing, and to own our sexuality and use it for our personal gain like men do every day of their lives.</p> <p> Stripping is not dehumanizing unless you hate yourself for doing it, even though you&#39;re not doing anything wrong. Some strippers do hate themselves because of how they were brought up or because of how their parents or boyfriends make them feel. But these girls aren&#39;t hurting anybody. The people that make them feel bad are just hanging on to prejudices that only make sense in the context of wanting to keep women down and wanting to keep women from owning their sexuality. Strippers can be total bitches. Anyone can be. A lot of them though, are smart and interesting women, on a road to learning more about themselves than most people ever will, and making a lot of money while they do it!</p>


  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    Thanks for your comments, starbeam. I know I think (most) strippers are awesome! As long as I bring dead presidents with me, and let them mingle.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Take it from a Customer: Customers are Awesome.
  • rrbill
    13 years ago
    All strippers are sweet and innocent, with a heart of gold beneath their scanty raiment.
  • rrbill
    13 years ago
    Strippers all have hearts of gold beneath their scanty garb.
  • bubbaloo
    13 years ago
    Strippers are awesome. Just the thought makes me smile. Sit at a tip rail and see two boobies for $1. Best deal anywhere.
  • thesamurai
    13 years ago
    You wouldn't happen to dance using the name Jezebel would you? LOL
  • Samella
    13 years ago
    No. Only the strippers I've fucked or who have made me nut in my pants before I could are awesome. All others are essentially useless.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Goddamn it's nice to hear that attitude! Thanks for taking your clothes off and letting me look at your body. Uh, I don't suppose you'd care to post some pictures would you? I mean, that's why you're a stripper, to show off your body, right? :))
  • rrbill
    13 years ago
    Strippers are the highest form of life on this planet. Cheerleaders can't hope to keep up.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    ^^^^^ That's crazy talk!
  • bhunter5252
    13 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ Cheerleader fetish Me too
  • troop
    13 years ago
    starbeam, you could go from awesome to way awesome by posting some pics.
    13 years ago
    Wow, only 2 paragraphs and she gets a free month.
  • JER612
    13 years ago
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Just don't LIE to customers starbeam.
  • Player11
    13 years ago
    Yes I think Strippers are certainly awesome. Over the years certain ones have made me awesome mistresses.
  • mroo
    13 years ago
    Take it from an elevator farter. Farting in elevators is awesome.
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    I have met a few of those Witches (with a capital "B")but I've met more caring, interesting women at strip clubs than almost anywhere else. You are right, with a few exceptions, strippers are awesome. (and as for taking my money, nobody used a gun; they used a ....used a , well they didn't use a gun). ps - ditto what Troop said
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    @addicted, thanks for putting it all back in perspective. That was helpful. [eyeroll] Yes, strippers ARE awesome, except when they are not. And Mexican food is fantastic, except when it gives you the runs. And heavy metal bands are freaking cool, except when they suck.
  • wwpmi
    13 years ago
    Thanks Starbeam I have been catching up on my reading since the T-day break and I read Jessxxbby article first and I was starting to bum out until I read yours. I travel and visit more than a few clubs in the world and I always seek out performers (for respect to jess I did not say providers) with your attitude. Hope to run into you when your on the clock.
  • kingcripple
    13 years ago
    i happen to agree with you 110%
  • Love2surf
    13 years ago
    I agree one the most beautiful person I know is a amazing awesome person and dancer!
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