
Prince Phillip puts his foot in it again...

AAP March 13, 2010, 7:36 am

The Queen's gaffe-prone husband Prince Philip proved that at 88 he is as undiplomatic as ever when he asked a young sea cadet if she worked in a strip club.
The former naval officer, infamous for his colourful off-hand remarks, was visiting cadets in Exeter, southwest England, when he put the question to Elizabeth Rendle.
The 24-year-old, who works as a barmaid in a nightclub, was asked what she did for a living.
"I just said that I worked in a club, and then he asked, 'Oh, what, a strip club?'", she told The Daily Telegraph newspaper. "Obviously I said 'No' and then he said 'Oh, it's a bit too cold today anyway'.
"I was quite surprised but I think he was just trying to lighten the mood. It was a joke and we were all laughing, which drew everyone else's attention to us.
"I don't think he put his foot in it, it was a joke and I didn't take any offence. I think he was just putting people at their ease."

The Duke of Edinburgh's comments are usually intended to put the other person at ease when meeting royalty but they have often landed him in hot water on foreign visits.

Past royal outtakes include: "Still throwing spears?" - when quizzing an Australian Aborigine during a 2002 visit and, to a 13-year-old boy dreaming of flying in a spacecraft: "Well, you'll never fly in it, you're too fat."

During a state visit to China in 1986, he warned a group of British students: "If you stay here much longer, you'll all be slitty-eyed."


  • sanitago
    15 years ago
    and to think some folks thing Joe Biden has a bad case of hoof-in-mouth disease!
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Sure. Great. When I ask women if they work at a strip club, it’s all “Call HR this” and “Don’t you realize this is a performance review that.” When the prince consort of England’s monarch does it, it’s all in good fun.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Who gives a fuck about the "Royal Family." Dumb leeches.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    Hey, I'd tip her if she worked at a strip club:
  • SnakePlissken
    15 years ago
    I love that the girl was cool enough to get that it was a joke and think it was funny, and not act like some feminist bitch about it.
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    Hardly anyone takes what he says seriously Dudester, the gaffe you mentioned only just made the papers and didn't even get a mention on TV. You are partly right superdude, but compared to our 'honorable' members of parliament, notably Gordon Brown (who really are leeches) they are saints. Rather have a monarch than a president though. No offence intended.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Rather have a monarch than a president though."

    Why? They don't have any real power. I can understand why you might like a parliamentary system as opposed to our system in the USA, but what does the monarchy add to anything except an added expense to the country?
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    MrG. No they don't have any real power although they could exercise it if they wished. The monarch brings in far more revenue than is spent on her.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "No they don't have any real power although they could exercise it if they wished."

    Ummmm, I don't get it. If they have no "real power", then how could they "exercise it if they wished"?

    From what I can tell, your monarch can only pardon convicted offenders or reduce their sentences, issue & revoke passports, throw out a foreign national from the UK, appoint bishops & archbishops in the Church of England, print the "authorized" Church of England version of the Bible, and officially confer the orders, decorations, & medals of the UK. Also, apparently no new prerogatives can be created for your monarch, and your Parliament can abolish any individual prerogatives that the monarch has in place now. Also, it appears that the monarch's prerogative powers are now almost always exercised on the advice of the Prime Minister or the Cabinet, who is then accountable to Parliament.

    "The monarch brings in far more revenue than is spent on her"

    ...only because the monarch owns so much stuff in the first place...going back as far as the Middle Ages.

    No offense meant, but your monarchy looks awfully unnecessary from this side of the pond.
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    MrGuy...I guess I did contradict myself a little. The monarch can also disolve parliament as well, something we all wished she would do. Well the monarchy may look unnecessary from where you're siting but over here most of us like it just the way it is. It's not perfect it's the better option IMHO. Having served in the Armed Forces and seen service I suppose I am bound to be biased though. No offence taken MrG and none is meant the other way, as some are aware I am a long time admirer of the U.S.
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    Disolve Parliament? Seriously? Both houses, or just Commons?
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    Just the commons, it's full of cheating, tax evading lying bastards with no morals.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "The monarch can also disolve parliament as well, something we all wished she would do."

    Yea, but there would have to be another parliament (or govt., since the makeup of your parliament is how your govt. is arrived at) formed after the monarch dissolved it & there were a set of elections.

    "Just the commons, it's full of cheating, tax evading lying bastards with no morals."

    LOL...but doesn't the upper house of your Parliament not have any real power as well? They apparently can't even legally vote in elections for members of the House of Commons (where all the real power lies)!

    I understand how you might be upset at the way your govt. works over in the UK londonguy, but I kind of doubt that you'd ever get what you really want out of it.
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    Mr G. The Lords can act as a 'brake' on legislation or even stop it going through, it happens every so often. Well the problem is MrG that all parties are similar in many respects, that's a BIG problem. However I'd rather have the conservatives in than the hypocritcal labour party.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    The Lords can definitely slow legislation down, but I don't think that they've been able to stop or significantly modify any legislation since 1911. Your system certainly has its quirks over there, and our system over here certainly has some very odd results sometimes.
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