
Comments by SnakePlissken (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Quick Survey: Are All Women Ultimately Whores, Anyway?
    SuperDude, I don't think I've ever met anyone who went to a strip club for any reason other than to have fun ogling naked girls or to buy sex. I think you're delving too deep when you say that most men go to strip clubs to purchase a fantasy of importance. For the vast majority, it's really just the base desire to see and touch and maybe more with attractive, naked girls.
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    15 years ago
    Jerzey boi
    Extras for free...
    *dances, and extras, and anything else really.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Jerzey boi
    Extras for free...
    A good bartender will give their best customers a few drinks on the house, a good stripper will do the same with dancers.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Will America's elite continue flushing tax dollars down the drain in Haiti? Afra
    This reminds me of a joke: I saw the headline the other day "Haitian Boy Freed After 10 Days", and I thought "those morons, did it really take them that long to figure out he didn't do it?" But seriously, Haiti is tragic and I even gave a little money to Doctors Without Borders, but there is no way they are ever going to be a functioning society and it is a fool's errand to try and make them so. And now, on topic, does this mean a lot of Haitian women will start stripping?
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    15 years ago
    Baltimore / DC Recommendations?
    Don't try Fantasies in Baltimore for extras, it's not that sort of club. Scores might give you better luck.
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    15 years ago
    Alexis Texas
    I found a bunch of the clubs near me and signed up for their mailing lists, that way I'll never let features fly under my radar. I'll definitely get a picture with her and post it up here for you all to see.
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    15 years ago
    How strict would a dress code be to deter YOU?
    I wouldn't mind going to a club in a suit. It's fun to dress sharp sometimes.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Dancers from outside the U.S.
    In the DC/Baltimore area it's the former USSR.
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    15 years ago
    Strip club bill advances in Missouri
    ^^^ Dead on, Santiago. Reminds of what that cunt Palin recently did trying to make the White House Chief of Staff resign for calling people "retarded". Free speech doesn't end when it starts to offend you.
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    15 years ago
    (Half) Naked Girls
    Apparently it does, here's so info: http://www.al-islamforall.org/Litre/Englitre/sexinis.htm#13.%20NUDITY http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2006/jan/17/worlddispatch.egypt Rasulullah means "apostle of God" and apparently is an honorific way of referring to Muhammad. Of course, there's some debate on it, but at the very minimum a large minority think so.
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    15 years ago
    Valentine's Day Gift for your Favorite?
    You're such a hopeless romantic, Dougster.
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    15 years ago
    Then & Now
    I would make some smart ass comment, but I'm young and don't know how the years will treat me, so I'll remain silent. Karma is a dangerous thing to cross.
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    15 years ago
    (Half) Naked Girls
    I remembered something today, and that is the fact that in Islamic teachings, it is considered unholy to have sex fully nude. You're supposed to have some clothing on, even among husband and wife. This adds another item to the list of things that I love, which Islam forbids: -Premarital sex -Premarital anal sex -Porn -Strip clubs -Booze -Full nudity -Pork This just furthers my conclusion that Islam is pure, unadulterated evil.
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    15 years ago
    (Half) Naked Girls
    "In a perfect world it is full nude, full contact." Now, now, in a perfect world it would be full nude, full contact, AND full penetration.
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    15 years ago
    Valentine's Day Gift for your Favorite?
    I was going to give mine a little heart shaped box filled with cocaine.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    A friend and I were once at Archibald's in Washington DC and some Ukrainian dancer told us she liked girls as well as guys. I didn't buy it and thought it was just her trying to appear sexy to us. On the other hand, I was once at a club in Baltimore and Sunny Leone and others were feature dancing. Sunny was making her way along the bar for her tip crawl and started making out, really deep and nasty, with one of the strippers who was sitting next to a customer. I was lucky enough to be sitting next to him.
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    15 years ago
    Obama's State of the Union: Narcissism!
    "some of the same actions that Obama took last year aided the USA in pulling itself out of the Great Depression under FDR" World War II pulled us out of the Depression, not FDR's wasteful programs.
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    15 years ago
    Obama's State of the Union: Narcissism!
    Misterguy, I'm well aware of all of the stupid stuff so many Republicans did, but that doesn't give the Democrats license to do it too, to an even greater extent. You don't fix a budget deficit with an even larger budget deficit. The Democrats' "fixes" are a bunch of debunked Keynesian nonsense. Like I've told people, I don't blame Obama for starting the fire, I blame him for throwing nitroglycerin on it.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Lady Gaga
    I definitely want her to ride my disco stick.
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    15 years ago
    Adobe uses porn in anti-iPad campaign
    I heard the joke: "The iPad, for douchebags whose friends didn't notice their iPhones."
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    15 years ago
    Adobe uses porn in anti-iPad campaign
    Haha, Bang Bros, I download their shit from Limewire sometimes. And Adobe is right, the internet was made for porn, after all.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Did you hear about the new Haitian boy band? It's called "New Blocks on the Kids"
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I think you're all being cold and callous. Haiti is in a very sad state; collapse of medical care, destroyed infrastructure, looting, corrupt use of aid, food shortages, people starving in the streets. And then not to mention that earthquake on top of it all.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Obama's State of the Union: Narcissism!
    "PAYGO is already back, as of 2007, due to the Dems putting it back in place" Haha, yeah, in the same way the USSR was a democracy and the segregated South gave black people the right to vote: in name only. "The fact is that both of the extremes on the Right and the Left are against strip clubbing. " True, one side is against it because Gloria Steinem says so, and the other because Jeebus says so.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Too good to tell?
    No, I would never do that, tell us where this club is immediately.