
Comments by jaybud999 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Could Donald Trump lose the popular vote but “win” the presidency twice?
    You two ass wipes exchanging quotes from the same clown......smh....almost as bad as the guy who cuts and pastes a statement and replaces all the last names and pronouns with the opposite side.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
    One of the most pathetic sites at a club
    Yeah, as Muddy stated.....that's a "crack-monger", he can't stop. Only one time in my history have I hit the club machine: it was in New Orleans post Hurricane Rita (I remember the lobby of the hotel on Bourbon still had fans blowing in the lobby). I got so fucked up that I got "pulled" into an AA club (no longer there) and did some dances. I pull out my wallet.....I had $23 bucks! She waltzed me right over to their machine, and I barely cranked out my PIN.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    Donald: Do the Debate
    ^^ask your mom......and sister. They whine for that spray-face. Your wife was up next, but she's all bent outta' shape, target too big.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will neve
    CJ, this is a moderately high level piece of philosophy for this board. Not only that, it can be applied to your perspective as well (although, I know who you're aiming this towards).
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Latina MILFs that dance at clubs
    If the MILF is still put together well, then all that matters for me is her ability to run the fantasy and dance in a way that I like. If the MILF is starting to drop out of prime (within the MILF cat.), then I'm going to need the above AND the gift of gab.....so if they don't have a command of English, I'll pass.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    @CJ Didn't you already run this one? Or am I mixed up with a different poster?
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Anyone who approved this needs their review privileges revoked
    Agreed: piss poor review, with a spray of whipped garbage on top.
  • review comment
    a month ago
    I desire more visits like this.
    Oh yeah! Skibum on board for some shit talking! I'll find the right one.....
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    There's no Election Fraud
    gam, you normally aren't this stupid. But, your comment running through the same stolen election story because of voter fraud scenario isn't a good look. Be conservative, be ultra conservative, no "problem", but don't believe stupid ass shit that's been investigated WELL....and a conclusion made.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    Donald: Do the Debate
    "KAMALA debating TRUMP is like me debating the PUBS' (and JOE MANCHINs) on this site. HARRIS (and I) just need to get HIM (or them) to speak (or post), then sit back and let HIM (and them) demonstrate what absolute idiots they are." See how we're closer than we think we are? Quick little changes, and we're feeling the same way!
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Copy, paste, be stunned.
    ^^^^funny. CjKent, I expect some name calling....now. Do not capitulate.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    There's no Election Fraud
    ^^^ "Yes, let the hate flow through you......" ---The Emperor (you know, Return of the Jedi?)
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    Harris picks Walz for VP
    Calculations on this discussion: Topic ON WALZ: 98% Topic ON VANCE: 2% Smh.....c'mon orange boys......you're going to focus your energy on tearing down Walz, why not talk up Vance instead? Anything good, worthwhile to discuss there?
  • review comment
    a month ago
    GA/FL PAWG Hunter
    Jon Taffer should rescue this club too
  • review comment
    a month ago
    I desire more visits like this.
    Good review overall. But you can't even do a review without inserting a piece of politics?
  • review comment
    a month ago
    Not for me…
    Strong dislike of Sapphire for the EXACT scenario you encountered. Same experience at Hustlers LV.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    There's no Election Fraud
    @Muddy "But these morherfuckers we are dealing with are full blown trained marxists, they are not fucking around. Ofcourse they are going to cheat, and they turn around and say your the threat to democracy. It’s commie fuckhead 101. I’m not buying that bullshit for 1 second." You sound as retarded and stuck in mental mud as Punkin' head, motormouth, and gammagay.......see how that infantile name calling sounds? That's how you sound, kermugins.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    There's no Election Fraud
    @pumpkin head "Only someone without functioning brain cells believes the demented Biden won it fair and square." "Now lets storm the capitol building and stop this sham!!!!!!" That's how fucking stupid it all is. Both sides.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Black Strip Clubs - Intentionally not listed?
    @ggofv Don't mind Gam and ski, they can't figure out how to make a comment that doesn't suck the conversation into political horseshit. It's part of their generation and mindset.....
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    Donald: Do the Debate
    ^^^^it's all the same shit, from both perspectives numb nuts......and that's for all you clowns jerking each other off to a picture of Don.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    Donald: Do the Debate
    @pumpki.....I mean misterorange "Bottom line is, any simpleton that considers this shithead DONALD to be presidential material is gonna vote for HIM, regardless of whether HE debates or not, or if HE does and falls flat on HIS face. At this point, if you don't realize that HE'S a rotten piece of garbage, there's no hope for you."
  • review comment
    a month ago
    GA/FL PAWG Hunter
    Jon Taffer should rescue this club too
    I've been eyeing this place the last three times in Vegas......but then I always hedge to Chicas and Spearmint for early days, since they offer $20's on the floor.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Friday Plans is Amazing. Thanks Everyone
    ^^^that was funny.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Comics for Kamala
    @gamm He said "colored." That's everything you need to know. Wrong generation buddy. "You're a troll"......when your viewpoint doesn't match mine! Silly.
  • review comment
    a month ago
    Looking for friends in all the right places
    I really like your last paragraph.