Advice Needed for Las Vegas
Southern Libertine
I have been checking out Vegas club reviews. I am going to go to Sapphire more as a tourist attraction than my typical hustle.
Are any of these Vegas clubs extra heavy? It seems the mod is operandi is everything is expensive and to be high alert for scammers and ROBs. Even the Vegas forums on Reddit and tourist trap sites mention this ROB culture.
I am sure the women are gorgeous from the escort sites alone. Would it be better for a PL to just visit a major casino at midnight at wait at the bar for OR trying a strip club? Its my first time visiting Vegas, whenever I decide my next trip.
Casino hotels or just regular Casinos?
last comment^ Every time I’ve been to Vegas I’ve been propositioned at the casino bar, or at a poolside bar in the afternoon. I haven’t ever been to a strip club in Las Vegas and I’ve been there dozens of times over the years.
I will play along and comment on your discussion.
“No two people's life experiences are the same.. "
Like many have indicated, Vegas is a “tourist trap”, but since you are set on going remember:
I think your best bet is a high end casinos bar. You just have to look the part of upper middle class business man, and remember;
““People greet you according to the way you dress and say goodbay according to the way you behave"
Just make sure you and the girl are in the same page regarding services and make it clear exactly what you want and make sure she understands and is willing to do it at a price you both agree is a good mutual benefit transaction.
Listen to your gut feeling and don’t drink, you want to be completely clear minded and alert to any potential problems.
Alternatively you may try the legal brothels in Pahrump, less than an hour drive from Las Vegas, you can set up an appointment in their website and some offer free limousine service.
Whatever you decide to do, just be careful out there and listen to your spider sense.
And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
If you go to a club. Dont lead with money. Dont play up being a tourist. Dont say youve never been there before.
If you want a sure thing. You like Cubans so Chicas Bonitas. Play it Again Sams is a sure thing but its a lot of strung out older white girls.
Talk of the Town is a hit and miss. Many girls will but some run a scam where they agree to but then act like theyre into it and get loud. Security will come in and everything stops and you lose your money.
Little Darlings is expensive but many of the girls also work at the Palomino where they charge less.
After like 4 am or when clubs close early in the morning. If its a slow night the girls work the strip. For less than theyd ask at the club.
As far as hotels go. The MGM Grand bellagio Venetian. Downtowj Four Queens. The front bar. The hotel girls are a hit and miss. Many just engage in trick rolling. Especially out of town girls.
There are a lot of factors that come into play with how much theyll charge.
Minimal quality mileage to be had in the clubs. By this, I mean you will have to move into 4 figures to get going in any of the big clubs (think Spearmint, Sapphire, Hustler, Crazy Horse 3, Treasures, Palomino). Prices will come down, but along with quality with the 2nd and 3rd tier clubs.
I happen to enjoy Chicas because it's cheap.....but it's not classy, and you aren't going to get full service there.
The upscale strip hotel bars should satisfy what you're looking for I prudent.
If you’re in a hotel room and they try scamming you can just steal your funds back.
You can fuck at chicas bonitas. Jesses "special girls" have a system. One fucks you or whatever while the other shields whats happening. The paisas pay $300 tops. Usually its $200. Thats in addition to the VIP dances which are $25 .
At the touristy clubs youre only cited astronomical figures if you come across as a mark.
It doesnt matter what hotel you pick a girl up at. They go from one to another over the course of the night.
Its not always that busy. Dayshift is a brothel. And ive seen it at night as well. some of those girls are shameless. The corner in the vip area is prime real estate
The downside is the lookout girl may have a penchant for pick pocketing. Thats a huge problem there
The thing is too many factors come into play. Age, how you can relate to the girls. The impression you make.
If i were paying id personally go for semi pros rather than full on 304s. That mechanical shit turns me off
The problem is if youre older and white yhe cubans will try to scam you. You have to be very direct with them and not let your guard down.
Its hilarious icey that you now say youd go for semi pros because you dont like the mechanical shit, but when it came to other discussions you insisted that any hoe will supposedly do more than mechanical shit if she’s attracted to you.
These vegas scammers travel to the east coast from time to time- usually theyre not that hot, so I assume the ones who arent able to compete in vegas, end up traveling around to different cities to look for people to scam.
The number 1 factor, in a hoe being a scammer/providing a mechanical experience is whether or not she has a pimp. A girl in a strip club has club security and can personally meet with and vet clients on her own, and only go OTC with someone who she feels safe with, so she has less of a need for a pimp than the hoes walking around the street or posting on the online websites. Some of those street walkers could easily be cops too.
The good news though is there are also some pro pornstars living in vegas (although they charge higher rates). so other than finding girls from the clubs, the best bet would be to find independent, well reviewed escorts. They may ask for some personal info for screening
@ Icey, thanks again for the advice. I am a black 33M. Average build, over 6 feet. I can definitely pull off the professional look seeing as my job requires it.
My only question is will a simple polo/slacks look work or do I need to wear a suit coat. (I'll bring one).
Thank you @CjKentBand, Jaybud, and Twentyfive
@Icey, Tell me more about the Talk of the Town scam, I like women who are loud. And do I need to talk to Jesse when I'm at Chicas Bonita's. I'm okay with the setup as long as they're honest about it.
@Icey is Golden Nugget a good spot? That was a place mentioned on here before. Also, Main Street Station ?
I'll be going to these places near midnight.
Ggofv. Your age will work in your favor. And even slacks and a polo shirt may be overdressed.
At talk of the town. The dancer will promise everything. Gets you in vip. Where rooms are just sectioned off with curtains. And when you touch her she'll get loud. Thats a sign for the bouncer to come in. He'll act upset with her. Ask thw customer if hes trying to do anything illegal. The customer will get flustered. Leave or not expect anything. The bouncer gets a cut of the money.
Golden nugget is good. But girls go from casino to casino over yhe course of the night. Theyll ask for more money if they think you're spending or staying at a nicer place.
Mainstreet station is a little off Fremont. The times ive been its been dead at night. But youll see plenty of tweakers ans crack hoes on your way there.
Jesse is the gwneral manager at chicas bonitas. Really tall cokehead mexican guy. He takes a cut from extras girls so when you see him working extras are definitely available. The big problem is some of the cubans are there to just pick pockets.
Jerrys Nugget can be a hit or miss. Girls working at chicas bonitas and the palomino are there before or after shifts sometimes. Same with the bars on fremont East.
@ Icey, I thought older men had it made (save for Erectile Dysfunction).
The pretty women are strip clubs typically beeline to 50+ year old white men. The problem is that it's very obvious they are money hungry. I only experience this behavior at Black clubs and that's probably because I'm not a regular anymore (visits are 3 months apart or more).
How will being young and black help me? By the way I don't act like your stereotypical Black guy. Im pretty sure they'll pick up on that. I will be super cautious.
@ Icey, thanks for the information about Talk of the Town. All the stuff is helpful. That's a pretty wicked practice, surprised they haven't lost business over it.
@ Icey, you even have billboards saying " they will send you a girl" she probably isn't the girl you want and you have pay additional cost on top of what you paid.
That bouncer story sounds crazy. Just pray that place gets raided by abusive cops who fuck those dancers and bouncers good
Wait, hotel girls in Vegas are available? How do you go about setting that up? Tons of hotel girls I would rather have over dancers.
On YouTube a guy was warning about a popular Las Vegas scam. If you see a sign saying to the effect of "call this number" with the promise of sending a chick to you. Don't do it. its a scam. I personally only do transactions in person. I don't even like using Cash app or PayPal for escorts. too many scammers.
From what i see older white men get attention but its not good attention. They're seen as easy marks.
I don't think your race will come into play. Vegas has a lot of international tourism. Theyre used to dealing with different men. Yeah some hold stereotypes band prejudices but i see a lot less of that in Vegas.
Being younger helps because youll have a lot more in common with a dancer than someone old enough to be her grandpa. Its easier to build a connection and create a level of comfort when you can communicate. That leads to better offers. Makes them see you as less of a mark.
Talk of the town and places like ut last because of high customer turnaround. Tourism makes it possible.
Those ads for escorts arent scams per se. I used to go to a restaurant that had kne if those agencies in the same complex. Lots of yelling in Russian and girls doing coke and drinking in cars. From what i understand you pay yhe agency booking fee when she arrives then negotiate a price with her. Never pay ahead or leave a deposit.
Tcabot they work the casinos. Just sit at a bar or slit machine. Theyll come up to you
But it all comes down to how you deal with them. Different strategies work for different men.
From my second visit onward I have mostly had more luck with Casino girls than with girls at clubs. I would strongly recommend you do not book an escort or have a girl go to your room that has been arranged by a Taxi driver that works for an escort agency. On my recent visit there were far more girls looking for customers in Freemont St. than I have ever seen in previous years.
Icey - I thought the above poster meant female hotel staff. Not the women who haunt hotel casino floors.
Hotel staff will call security on you.... The possibility isnt zero but its close.
The weirdest proposition i got in Vegas was a Cuban uber driver offering me his girlfriend bfor $199.99 😂
^good luck with that, might be a scam, might be a super mechanical, borderline scam experience
Tcabot I would say the server girls at the casinos could definitely be available.
As far as hotel staff, they’re usually older latina women arent they? They’re probably available and at low rates, but usually not hot
@londonguy which casino girls are you referring to the escorts who hang out at casinos, or the actual server girls working at casinos?
@ Icey thanks for clarification
@ londonguy I appreciate the warning. I was considering using the Backpages method (Does that site even exist anymore ?) for Vegas.
But the deal is there are so many reports (even from normies Vegas sites) of Casino babes dressed to the nines approaching guys it almost doesn't seem worth the effort to try a club for extras. The club will provide better entertainment value, but your facing 1000 or more for anything OTC.
I mean I've seen some of Vegas talent. You PLs have 40 year old MILFs straight out of porno. And that's just for average joes.
^ I was unable to walk through the Casino at the Golden Nugget after 10 pm last weejkend without being propositioned.
With the girls working casinos youre up against girls there just to rob customers, out of state scammers, girls with gorilla pimps. Its not that simple. Fremont is safer than the Strip in that respect. The girls are known and dont want to get 86d or get a bad reputation. But it happens especially if theyre off the main pedestrian mall.
OTC only costs $1000 and up if youre seen as a mark.
Strip clubs themselves also have girls there to rob, girls with gorilla pimps etc.
The pornstars charge $1000 OTC
@ skibum, thank you. I'll add Golden Nugget to the list.
Make a account. Best $100 youll spend for 1 month access. Start messaging a few days before you arrive. Chat with a few girls. Youll get ghosted a few.times. and get canceled on near last minute at least once. Most girls want some small talk to feel out how normal or risky yu are. A few are all business.
Search this forum for SA seeking or seeking arrangements for tips and details.
Meet at your hotel bar. Or.if you're generous or hungry have dinner. Then have fun.
Skibum youre lying again. Theyre at the bar. Then try guys at the slot machines if they dont get anyone. Then move on to another casino. Casino security goes after ones that are too brazen.
3131 Its all the same girls. Youll just end up paying more.
This advice is all bad. Youre overcomplicating and making things too expensive
^Lmao @ fucktard.
I couldn't care less what you call me. At least im giving real advice on here
No its not all the same girls, thats very bad advice. For a variety of reasons seeking will have girls who are unwilling to post on standard escort websites. The regular hoes may also have profiles on seeking but youll also get actual college girls and others on it
Every local site will feature the same girls. Theyll sell you a different fantasy on each one or wherever you meet them. Thats if theyre actually even in town.
All of this is so simple. Sit at a casino bar and choose the hoe you want....
^You're a fucking liar and a fraud. Advice from you is worthless. I said I was propositioned in the GN casino. I am every time I go. That is advice from a real person, not a nebbish loser like you boy.
Ski bitch you said they come up to you just walking through the casino. Your advice isbas good as rickmacrodongs
The city of Las Vegas, and Vegas strip clubs in particular, suck my left nut, while fondling my right.
" Its all the same girls. Youll just end up paying more."
Actually it's a small percentage of SA girls that are also dancers / escort sites / hotel bar workers. You.can identify those in the first few messages on SA.
I've found that the vast majority of pros don't mess with the hassle of SA. I speak from not only Vegas but dozens of US cities over the past decade. Vegas IS the best city for a visiting SA monger. Just search this site and you'll see multiple guys reports their experience with SA in Vegas.
SA attracts many girls that don't have the looks or attitude to be an escort. Think girl next door cute... not escort sexy.
Icey maybe shower more than once a month and they will approach you as well.
Theyre not that brazen. Security goes after the obvious ones.