
Georgia school shooting: Typical suspect

avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team

WTF is wrong with white people? Every time i see a mad white guy in a maga hat, a disgruntled redneck or awkwrd white teen im thinking another white guy about to shoot the place up...


last comment
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago


avatar for Icey
6 mos ago

Its the truth. You should be more afraid of armed paranoid white men than of trannies

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago


The dad was arrested for letting his deranged kid have a gun

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

Statistically, black people are 13% of the population, commit 50% of the murders, and 90% of black v white interracial violent crimes.

Now I know you're going to say bIgOt!!!!!111!1!1 because you are allergic to facts, but these are FBI crime statistics.

Truth is a bitch!

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago

80% of mass shootings are by white males. The fact that you come on here blaming blacks for crime shows what you are.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

^ You did exactly what I said you would. Lulz.

Guess what percentage of violent crime are mass shootings. Tiny. When I can dunk on you with objective statistics, might be time to reconsider.

Choke on the truth, bitch!

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago

Your racist ass is dismissing mass shootings because whites commit them. Go say that in public. You never would

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

^ You don't know me, sugar tits. Already have.

Fly up to Boston, I'll say it to your face.

Can you debunk my stats or is my dick still in your mouth?

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago


69% of arrests in 2019 were whites....

Youre posting more racist bs on here than muddy

avatar for TheeOSU
6 mos ago

'WTF is wrong with white people?'

Well dougster you're a white guy so tell us, WTF is wrong with you?
BTW dougie, what are you portraying today? Chicano? Persian? Something else?
Reality is it doesn't matter because what we do know is you're the racist game player here. Lulz

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

^ Still not citing what I said which was violent crimes and specifically murder.

Now, can you debunk my stats or is my dick still in your mouth?

avatar for TheeOSU
6 mos ago

Icee is dougster!

avatar for TheeOSU
6 mos ago

Dougster is icee and a dozen other alias accounts!

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago

Theeosu no one cares about your autistic word salads on here

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago

Its crazy the shooter was even named Colt. Thats what paranoid gun culture breeds

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago
avatar for TheeOSU
6 mos ago

Facts dougie, FACTS! You know it and yes you care, DIPSHIT, Lulz

avatar for mogul1985
6 mos ago

#BAIT - when CNN is the reference....that sound you hear is a plugged-up overflowing toilet.

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago

Mogul. Colt is a mentally disturbed 14 year old white male gun nut and the son of a gun nut who was arrsted for arming Colt. He killed 2 people while shooting up a school. Thats a fact. That such shootings are a predominantly white male problem is a fact

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

Should we ban guns from LGBTQ people?

"CNN's Isabel Rosales reports to Anderson Cooper about the Winder, Ga. school mass shooter's alleged Discord posts in 2023 expressing a desire to kill and frustrations over transgender issues. A transcript of Colt Grey's father's interview with law enforcement last year reveals that his son was allegedly bullied for being queer at school."


avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

Meanwhile, this is the real Icey.


avatar for mogul1985
6 mos ago

This is for our buddy Icey. The problem with CNN is it is no way accurate or reliable. Sure, you need to a spend a LOT of time separating the wheat from chaff. There is so much chaff in MSM (CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR/PBS, CNN, MSDNC, WaPo, NYT, The New Yorker, The Atlantic and least we forget "fact checker" Snopes) that they are way more wrong than correct. Sure, Fox gets it wrong but no where near like the MSM - it's like comparing MSM's 2,000 pound bombs to a Fox's 40mm grenade. Harris, if she really is POTUS material needs to do long form and lots of them with Left AND Right journalists/outlets like DJT/JDV are doing a lot of.

It’s no surprise Whites commit “more” crimes as there are more Whites. This is how the Left “How to Lie with Statistics” works - there is a book called this from the mid-1950s that is still used today in Stat classes. Looking at raw numbers tells the story you want to tell. Let’s take a peek under the hood.

A big problem with FBI numbers is a lot of cities (Dem) have lowered felonies to misdemeanors, a LOT of criminals are never charged, many people never make it to court as the “Soros” DAs don’t prosecute, and the biggest problem is the effort to report crimes to the FBI/DOJ TODAT is so cumbersome many don’t report. Given this distortion, here we go. These are just round numbers, close enough for Gov’t Work.

Icey’s FBI reference is from 2019 and the population was stated at 230M which doesn’t make sense as we are closer to 341M just 5 years later. Census shows ~334M in 2019, and we know damn well there are at least +10-15M illegals from 2021 to 2024 added to the country that are not counted.

US Population in 2024: ~341,000,000
Crimes in 2019 (from Icey’s FBI source): 12,713,034
Percent of population committing crimes: 3.74%

White: Total Population: ~60%/Crimes: 4,729,290
Hispanic: Total Population: ~19%/Crimes: 1,126,806
Black: Total Population: ~13%/Crimes: 1,815,144
Sample size: 92% of Total Population

Crimes Normalized by Population Percentage for ~13M crimes:
Hispanic/Latinos committing crimes per their population: 27.99%
Whites committing crimes per their population: 37.20%
Blacks committing crimes per their population: 65.9%

So yeah, whites commit “more” however there are 4.62x as many Whites as blacks and 3.16x as many Whites as Hispanics. I could put in a lot more effort, however, it isn't worth it and this makes my point in Icey’s FACE!

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago

The FBIs stats are wrong?

Trying to criminalize the black race doesnt change the fact that 80 percent of mass shootings are conducted by white males.

Youre trying to minimize Colt Grays massacre.

But then you believe the gov is committing the genocide of whites. Neonazi 🤡

avatar for TheeOSU
6 mos ago


avatar for TheeOSU
6 mos ago

Remember that dougie?
Feels like home to you now doesn't it, LULZ

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago

You just want to derail the thread with your autistic word salad

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago


Why are mass shooters overwhelmingly white men?

avatar for JamesSD
6 mos ago

What kind of idiot do you have to be to buy your troubled 14 year old his own gun?

Irresponsible gun owners disgust me.

avatar for sfrsox
6 mos ago

Dad should be castrated and spend rest of life in jail at the very least. What a buffoon.

But yeah, look at the stats.

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago

The dad is definitely to blame. Instead of buying a 14 year old an AR 15. He should have been there to listen to his problems . But these crimes should be treated as terrorism which is what mass shootings are.

avatar for rickmacrodong
6 mos ago

Icee you can look at yourself as an example. We unfortunately live in a world where some people believe its okay to steal, kill, destroy, etc.

avatar for Upon878
6 mos ago

Aren't most of these school shooters Trans?

avatar for Hungryhunnypot
6 mos ago


avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

^ Vote blue if you want to lose freedom of speech, support mandatory gun buybacks, illegal immigrants taking over apartment buildings, capital flying out of the country so fast your head will spin, want your kids encouraged to become chemically and surgically castrated, green mandates that the science and infrastructure aren't there for, having to choose between food and heating your home, more weakness and war abroad, funding Hamas and Iran, and a VP who's a fan of communist China.

Otherwise vote a straight Republican ticket. Trump’s an asshole but America was a better place.

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago

Vote blue if you dont want a country where neonazi beliefs are mainstream and impact policy

avatar for rickmacrodong
6 mos ago

Youd vote blue just to stay aligned with the crip gang more than anything else
You probably pretend to be snoop dogg smoking weed all day

avatar for rickmacrodong
6 mos ago

How long before weed is considered a “right” like food, healthcare, education…? That might be next on the bucket list of rights

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

^ Hey, at least cannabis plants emit oxygen. All the cannabis plants in Jamaica aren't enough to replace the oxygen he steals from more deserving life forms!

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 mos ago

@puddy “Statistically, black people … commit … 90% of black v white interracial violent crimes.”

Wouldn’t black people commit 100% of black v white interracial violent crimes? Who else could commit black v white crimes?

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

^ I'm talking about interracial crimes where a black person and a white person are involved.

These are FBI crime statistics. I'm waiting for the "hurr durr durr BIGOT!1!1!1!!!" but numbers are numbers.

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago

A kid with an ar 15 isnt freedom of speech

Tetradon/puddytat is afraid that he won't be able to freely engage in hate speech anymore. Hes repeating the neonazi mantra that hate speech laws are bigotry against bigots 😂🤡

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

^ Not sure how you get from kids and guns to freedom of speech but you admit to spending most of your day baked, so I don't expect facts or logic from you.

Don't think you know the definition of "hate speech" other than anything that makes your little brain big mad.

I support freedom of speech, even for you, because the constitution is the law, not a suggestion, and I love watching you embarrass yourself. ;)

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago

Trying to minimize mass shootings and school shootings just foz most perpetrators are white is insane. Watching an indian and mixed race person defend white supremacy is.....no words for that

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

^ Wait, I'm Indian now? Wow, you are confused!

Numbers are what the numbers are. Cope.

avatar for rickmacrodong
6 mos ago

Mass shootings are only a % of overall murders. Most are done by the gangsta guys you try to emulate lol.

Also the neonazis you keep referring to are a fringe part of both the left and right. Trump uses them for their votes, he doesnt endorse their views or even follow their views.

avatar for rickmacrodong
6 mos ago

Hate speech laws are just tacking on additional charges anytime theres a difference in demographics with a criminal and victims. Its not morally worse if a black guy kills another black guy vs kills a white guy. But with hate speech laws, you can add on additional charges if theres a gender, age, religious, sexuality or other difference. Funnily enough the hate speech law proponents dont even want the law to apply both ways. They want it to apply if a straight guy kills a gay guy- ive never heard them advocate for the reverse. The people asking for them arent even willing to follow them properly and fairly.

avatar for jaybud999
6 mos ago

Vote RED if you want to lose freedom of speech, support mandatory gun OWNERSHIP, illegal immigrants PUTTING IN WORK WITH NO RIGHTS, capital flying out of the MIDDLE CLASS so fast your head will spin, want your kids encouraged to become BIBLE THUMPERS (FINE, JUST MEMORIZE THE TOP 10), DECREASE FUNDING FOR DECREASING GREEN HOUSE GAS EMISSIONS BECAUSE IT'S TOO HARD TO START SOMEWHERE, having to choose between food and heating your home, more weakness and war abroad, funding tHE DEFENSE INDUSTRY TO BOMB Hamas and Iran, and a VP who's a fan of BINDING FEET.

Yes, that's how stupid your blanket statement sounds.

I'll say it again: we both meet somewhere in between.

ex. "Jay, you want an open border!" No I don't. "Puddy, you want armed guards along every mile of our border!" No, you don't.

ex. "Jay, you want to take my guns away!" No I don't. "Puddy, you want to be able to open carry a long gun at Piggly Wiggly." No you don't.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

^ "Yes, that's how stupid your blanket statement sounds."
No, you just sound stupid. For an admitted troll, you're not very good at it.
At least throw a little humor. Some parody accounts can be funny with them.

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago

Jaubudd thats onevof the best posts on here 👏👏👏

avatar for Icey
6 mos ago


Another mass shooter- domestic terorrist. Typical suspect

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