One Good Turn Deserves Another
I was driving home buzzed late at night at the end of a vacation. I stopped at a Speedway in New York to get some food and drink to balance out the alcohol. I bought an extra large fountain drink, a rice krispie treat, and two calzones from the grill. The girl working the counter only charges me for the fountain soda and rice krispie. I said to her, “You forgot to scan the calzones.” She said, “Don’t worry about it.” So I got over $7 of food for free. It felt weird to be walking out of the minimart with something I didn’t pay for.
The next day I stopped at a Sheetz in Ohio. I grabbed a bottle of water, a bag of cashews, and an extra large fountain drink. At this particular Sheetz, a girl who I had been friends with for years was working. (To make a long story short, she got involved with some drug dealing thugs post-high school and got a criminal record. She could only get shitty jobs like Sheetz and supplement it with spicy content on OnlyFools.) It turns out I got to Ohio about a week too late, she had already quit or got fired when I asked one of her co-workers if N***** was working. The cashier only charged me for the nuts and gave me the water bottle and fountain drink for free, which amounted to close to $4. I asked him, “Don’t you want to charge me for the drinks?” He said, “Don’t worry, I got you.” Was he just a nice guy or did name-dropping his porno-filming ex-coworker help?
The following day I was in Illinois. I ran out to McDonald’s to buy lunch for coworkers. I got everything in the order, but the workers gave me a free caramel frappe that I didn’t even order. I told them they made a mistake with the frappe, but they said it was their treat. With the way things had been going, I wondered if I stopped at the titty bar after work and bought a few lap dances, the dancer might give me top for free.
Free food and drinks three days in a row? Was this a case of hourly workers not giving a fuck or karma?
Let me note this: The day preceding the events of the aforementioned three days, I was in a grocery store buying cases of beer for the last blowout day/night of vacation. Ahead of me in line was a family trying to buy chicken, a bag of vegetables, and a couple other items that looked like dinner. Their credit card was declined. It might have been maxed out. They didn’t have enough cash to buy the items. They looked sad and were just going to walk out of the store without the food. Softy sinclair didn’t want to see the family with kids go hungry, so I told the cashier to just charge their chicken and sides to my credit card. It ended up being somewhere between $20 and $25 with tax. I told the family, “You don’t have to thank me. Just pay it forward when you are able to.”
last commentOh I totally believe in karma
Considering your diet those couple days you might want a cardiologist on retainer
Just be glad you didn’t kill someone while driving buzzed, asshole!
I have done something similar a few times, I posted about it a few years back, thank you for sharing your kindness Sinclair, it feels good to do a little bit for someone else who needs it, doesn’t it buddy.
You did a kindness for stranger, and the Universe is bringing some of it back to you. We really need more of this to balance out the bad energy on this board.
The Big G works in mysterious ways.
Sounds like you scored at the convenience stores and fast food, but how’d it go at the tiddy bar?
I have occasionally paid for items for others at the grocery store, but out of impatience more than kindness.
lol at that picture Sinclair posted
I agree with gamm. When is your last day here gamm?
Ok, ok.....I'll see myself out.
In the case of the speedway I'm guessing they were about to throw the calzones out and were uncertain about the freshness.
You did a wonderful thing for that family. Kudos.
Tbh I didn't find the stories of the stuff that you received for free to be as heartwarming. Those workers weren't paying for that stuff, their employers were. Call me an ultra-capitalistic scrooge if you want, but I don't like the thought of employees giving away stuff that they should be charging for.
Thats true on the calzones- they were probably due to be thrown away thus no issue giving them away. But Ricks point is also correct- generally speaking employees dont have the right to just give away food. Even managers dont unless they have permission from ownership. Employees and managers arent paying out of pocket for any of those goods. Of course ownership may only have paid $1 for the chocolate bar they’re selling for $4… but that’s because they we’re willing to invest and buy hundreds of them at once and are paying for a place to store them.
To steal from a brother or sister is evil. To not steal from the institutions that are the pillars of the Pig Empire is equally immoral. -Abbie Hoffman
^exactly why this douchebag is not an American.
"Buzzed" driving is inadvisable; but I am pissed about the Public Service Announcements that say: "Buzzed driving is drunk driving". No it isn't. That's why they are called different things.
The only time I got free food was at Burger King when they were switching over from the breakfast menu to the lunch menu at 10:30 AM. After I paid for my order, the clerk said the cash registers switched over to the lunch menu making it impossible to sell any more breakfast items. She told me what they had for free, otherwise they were going into the trash.
^Rightfield^ Some people feel "buzzed" with a .08 BAC , some don't. All are "drunk" (or "under the influence") in the eyes of the law
A lot of folks mortal or otherwise have favorites. You are someone's favorite it seems