This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
Like Fox or not, this has nothing to do with Fox. If you have Alexa or whatever, give it a try!
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Like Fox or not, this has nothing to do with Fox. If you have Alexa or whatever, give it a try!
Be afraid, be very afraid.
last commentYeah, "error fixed" my ass. AI trained on liberal brains will give liberal outputs.
""While there are many reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, the most significant may be that she is a woman of color who has overcome numerous obstacles to become a leader in her field," Alexa said."
chuckle giggle snort Oh, and she sucked the right dick.
""While there are many reasons to vote for DONALD TRUMP, the most significant may be that HE is a MAN of WHITENESS who has overcome numerous BANKRUPTCIES to become a leader in HIS field," Alexa said."
or, if you prefer,
""While there are many reasons to vote for DONALD TRUMP, the most significant may be that HE is a MAN BORN OF PRIVILEDGE who has overcome VERY FEW obstacles to become MEDIOCRE AT BEST in HIS field," Alexa said."
It's about that time Puddy. But I know you can handle it, because you said so.
^ Try harder ;)
I don't use Siri or Alexa (or otherwise bug myself without a warrant). But I'd guess the purpose is to give non-controversial facts, not opinions, balanced or otherwise. Saying that experience as a prosecutor is useful in dealing with the issue of crime is, yeah, sorry, a fact. Do you want to dispute it, that's it's good that all kids, not just white, male ones, could imagine themselves as President? Can you give any non-controversial fact that indicates someone should vote for Trump? Instead of saying Mr. Bankruptcy-Is-Just-Another-Business-Tool will run the government like a profitable business, just tattoo IDIOT on your forehead.
^ Is "it's good that all kids, not just white, male ones, could imagine themselves as President?" a sufficient reason to vote for someone? Only in the endlessly self-obsessed liberal mind who wants to look compassionate without actually doing anything.
As for why someone should vote for Trump--cost of living, border chaos, weakness abroad, civil rights, division of the country--and that's just what I can think of in fifteen seconds.
^^ Oh, and as for the issue of crime, how about promoting a bail fund for Minnesota rioters and campaigning on defunding the police in 2019?
But hey, she wanted justice for Jussie Smollett ;)
Trump s appeal to his "believers" is that hell normalize their bigotry and misogyny
'The company claims Alexa does not have political opinions.'
The above comment is only in effect when they get caught. I already refuse to patronize amazon and this is just another reason to spend my money elsewhere.
Icey I haven’t seen him make any misogynistic comments but ironically you said america isn’t getting cubas best- something you copied from trumps prior comment on mexico
Make it make sense to me. The Harris ticket wants to raise corporate taxes, Trump ticket wants to lower them. Why would Amazon support that?
What I know are things were better 2017-2019 post 8 years of Obama, and the past 4 years of Obama v2 have not been good for the majority of Americans. I'm not going to recite all the good Trump did nor the spending issues he had that must be addressed (aside from 2020/COVID).
Put simply: Trumps policies worked. And in previous posts here I've documented from the IRS that the lower/middle class did better with the tax cuts than the upper income classes. State And Local Tax (SALT) deductions were capped at $10 Large for the 2018 through 2025 tax years. Those high tax states (Dem controlled) wanted to find ways around that. If you live in a state with high taxes, too bad, get your state to reduce taxes. If you live in NYC, BOHICA with more taxes piled on.
The question that begs to be asked: can you trust what AI bots are saying especially given they are designed by heavy Woke'sters that don't see no problemo with Socialism. Saying, "My bad" after getting caught is BS with no penalties so they keep on comin as do politicians who are so rarely held accountable that power/control grifting is worth it.
What Harris, well Obama's crew as she is just a Tool like Bandon, plans with higher corp taxes, an Ownership Tax, Open Borders, the Green Agenda - these are failures that the Democrats depend on what Johnathon Gruber, Econ Professor at MIT who helped craft Obamacare - "the stupidity of the American voter" and "lack of transparency is a huge political advantage." This describes Harris supporters.
None of the "smart" people creating this BS ever had a paycheck outside of gov't, and they are well taken care of let alone hiring and running a business. Sure, there are probably a few, the "masterminds" are just book educated with no practical experience other than their theories.
I also never us Siri or Alexa or any other crap. Like 15 years ago, Samsung had a bug in the voice TV remote that the NSA/CIA/MiB used to "wire tap".
I mostly agree with mogul, except, while Brandon was Obama's third term, I believe there is a high probability that Kamala will be Hillary's first term.
Shailynn - to answer your question: the entire DNC leadership - Harris, Brandon, Obamas, Clintons, Schumers, Pelosi, et al- consider themselves to be of the elite ruling class. Bezos, Gates, Oprah, Zuckerberg, Iger, Soros, et al consider themselves to of the elite commerce and cultural class. They work together to oppress the common and see their will done for self-enrichment and perpetuation of power. Remember all the freebies and exemptions given away to Obama supporters during Obamacare and minimum wage exempt bakeries in CA.
illlib- why don't you trying insulting a candidate without insulting the candidates' supporters? You can say that Trump is phony without calling people who are desperate for change and to see our lives improve as idiots. Clearly, Brandon isn't working and Kamala will be even worse.
@mogul those are your opinions, but I don't see any hard facts in what your saying. I could get a hard on more easily when Reagan was President, but that doesn't mean it was because of him.
The largest group of ignorant bigots on the planet are those in America who support Kamala Harris.
Pretty clear it's the entire machine is against trump and there's a reason for it. I say always do the opposite of what the news tells you to do and you'll be OK.
^ good point - Musk is the only one going the opposite way. Is Bezos pretty much silent or did I miss something? I know he wasn’t a fan of Trump the first time around.
@ilbbaicni - opinions? The only opinion I have is Harris will just be a Tool of The Dem Machine and will carry out what she is told to do/say. And yes, this is conjecture looking to the future however, based on past performance. Leopards don't change their spots. That video of her ignoring the press while getting on Air Force 2 while holding he phone to her ear while wear ear buds was as good as her "pumping" electricity into an EV like she was filling an ICE with gas.
Everything I I said was solid. What opinions, aside from Harris, did I make? What I said Trump did, and AI is proving to be a Woke programming propaganda tool Goebbels would have had a wet dream over.
AI does not "think", it says what it is fed based on data it is allowed to collect. The Alexia Trump v. Harris was real, and designed by Woke engineers who hate Trump and the GOP. These engineers/companies promote the Democrat "we're getting the band back together on the Plantation" doctrine. Watch what they DO, not what they SAY.
The big question is still, why do people accept and the MSM supports why won't Harris and Walz (separately) do interviews as diverse, lengthy (17 minutes is a joke) and frequently as DJT and JDV?
Next week's debate will separate the wheat from the chaff. And, I'll be shocked if Harris or Walz are brave enough to do more.
Do the opposite of what the news tells you to? 🤡
I remember trump "believers" beung hospitalized after trump proposed chlorine and a flashlight up the ass to cure covid 😂 😭
If you vote for a democrat, you vote for failure. Woke = fucking retard.
Democrats are the party of weakness.
They're giving Harris such a free pass on any kind of policy, parroting her "joy" line when she peddles TDS 24/7 and double talks on her far left 2019-20 policies vs saying more "center" things now. It's all an attempt to keep the far left and center left together.
If they held her to the same standards they held Trump, Trump would get 350 electoral votes easily.
AI is the systematic bias of its engineers. Vote for her because she's a black woman? Her own party saw her as a massive liability until a couple months ago!
Icey is the typical Democrat and all Democrats are similar.
@Puddy Tat: Take your Way Back Machine to 2020, and Biden was "sold" as a "uniter" and "Moderator". Dems fooled a LOT, too many, of people.
@icey: "trump proposed chlorine and a flashlight up the ass to cure covid " I'd all them idiots too. Then we had Harris wouldn't take the "Trump Vaccine" then after being elected, don't get the jab, get fired. The "false facts" that were censored on SM by Harris/Biden turned out to be true, including the Haunter Laptop.
And Dems pressed BUY AND EV and save the world. Guess the child Lithium miners in Africa didn't matter nor the horrible AFG bugout that Biden demanded regardless of the advice the Pentagon provided and Harris/Biden are "proud".
Chlorine, nice try. Idiots try out for Dawin Awards all the time, especially Dem supporters on the CCP Tick Tock.
Harris has always been conservative and even supported Trump's legislation like sesta fosta.
^stuff like supporting sesta fosta and imprisoning people for weed just means she combines the worst aspects of conservatism with liberalism. Youre talking about social conservatism she isnt economically conservative. And when it comes to something like sesta fosta its not necessarily a left right issue, you have the religious right but also groups on the left who dont want prostitution. Married women in general, whether left or right, are likely more often in favor of banning it
^Stupid comment even for this bitch.
In 2004, W got reelected because the economy looked pretty good. That nearly lead to an economic situation worse than The Great Depression. So, clearly, a simplistic approach doesn't work. The Republicans borrow money so that people with much more money than they need can have even more. The Democrats borrow money to help people who don't have enough economic security, although granted, they don't spend it as effectively as they should. Pretty clear to me which is the least bad option.
^ The seeds for the 2008 financial crisis were laid long before, with mandated loans to low-income borrowers in the name of "housing justice."
Our recent inflation has been driven by Biden/Harris-led Democrats spending on top of Trump's known stimulus and a supply chain crisis. All because Democrats open their wallet and go OMG TAKE MY MONEY! when anyone says the word "green." Now we're refinancing low interest rate debt with high interest rate debt, and Biden's last budget proposal is 50% greater than the last one.
I spoke against Trump's tax cuts, but that's nothing compared to the proposed spending binge.
11 different posters on this thread.
I count 7 as conservativish 7/11 = 63.6%
I count 4 as liberalish 4/11 = 36.4%
I wonder if that is a statistically accurate representation of strip club clientele?
My final anal sis of the data indicates that 100% of the commenters are fucking stupid for arguing with grown ass men on topics that nobody is going to change their positions on. That, and it's entertaining.
^ If we're all fucking stupid, what does it make you for relying on us for material? Man, I thought you'd be a better troll than this. sigh
Remove "if".
It makes me the KING FUCKING TARD man!
5 - 10% of voters are still undecided. Most of them just have other decisions to make, sooner than 2 months from now. But some of them might get some use out of reading the arguments on both sides. And, yes, many people do change their opinions, generally based on life experience. I have. Grown ass = open mind.
"In 2004, W got reelected because the economy looked pretty good. That nearly lead to an economic situation worse than The Great Depression."
OK, get a beer:
Per the NYT, the 2008 Financial Collapse had roots back to Clinton and the Community Reinvestment Act (Carter Administration). Clinton threatened banks that did Red Lining, well DOJ AG Janet Reno, with lawsuits. Red Lining was establish under FDR in the 1930s, and it was literally a Red Line that outlined poor communities that were ignored by FHA because of their Minority Status. Once that was lifted, banks made Sub-Prime Mortgages (junk loans) to people who couldn't afford them as many were ARMs and other gimmicks for lower entry then increases and "fees'. In/around 2001/2002 Bush told Congress (Dem controlled) that Fannie/Freddie Mac were making loans that were based on bad credit. The House Financial Committee, specifically as I recall Barney Frank, told Bush "don't worry". Junk mortgages were buried in quality paper to conceal, and Fannie/Freddie covered them. Eventually, the Ponzi Scheme collapsed. This was covered by the NYT. Bush tried to stop the junk mortgages and Dems told him not to worry, and BANG. So, of course Obama ran on this and blamed Republicans.
Bush should have been on the bully pulpit like he was for 911, and forced congress to reel in the Clinton abuse of CRA, Red Lining was bad for 60 years and Dems who controlled congress the majority of that period never stopped it, that would be called DEI today, something CA is trying to do with illegals and Harris wants to do by giving 1st time home buyers $25 Large as a down payment. Where will the money come from, just crank up the printing press as we are already at $1.5T deficit spending per year. This will just inflate home prices just like colleges' tuition knowing kids can borrow uber-amounts. Inflation is primarily fueled by excessive gov't spending creating shortages that effect supply/demand; too much demand for the supply drives prices up.
Harris' "grocery store gouging" thugs, who know nothing about economics as they have never run a business, (and yet Woke Apple makes like 35%-40% margins while grocers are around 2%) will cause shortages as products won't be affordable to produce and manufacturers will stop producing. This was seen in the USSR with toilet paper lines and other shortages with price control, Nixon's Phase 1/2 Wage/Price freezes, and Carter's hot mess with gas lines in the late 1970s.
When GM was collapsing during Obama's "Great Recession", US Treasury gave GM like $50B and took stock as collateral and assigned a gov't supervisor, who had zero business experience, to ensure GM recovered. US Treasury after many years, sold their GM stock under Obama at a huge loss, GM's stock in 2010 was ~$37. Today it is ~$48, and has traded between $20 and $60 the past 14 years, with a .99% dividend.
@mogul so you blame what happened near the end of W's 2nd term on policies of the 90s (that he didn't reverse). But, what happened in the economy in the pre-pandemic Trump's term had nothing to do with the preceding 8 years under Obama. Very fair and balanced of you.
^ What was W supposed to do, cancel all the subprime mortgages that banks were forced to write in the name of "justice"? You can blame W for not seeing the time bombs in securitization (though Mogul raises some points) but not for the Democratic push to issue bad loans.
As for the Trump economy, the 8th year of a recovery, especially from a sudden deflationary shock, is a lot harder than the first. Trump not only grew the economy but did so while interest rates were being raised from the ridiculously low Obama era rates. This illustrated a truth that is very uncomfortable to the left-- the best way to generate growth is to remove obstacles and stay the fuck out of the way.
Now Harris is proposing throwing more money around than Oprah. You get housing assistance! You get a government grant for a startup! All at a time when debt service has eclipsed the entire DoD spend for the year.
Give me the Trump economy over that.
^ Actually Trump is proposing throwing more money than Harris, he wants to add IVF to government spending and he’s proposing, eliminating taxes on Social Security, and Tip Income without any regard for how he’s going to pay for those items, but keep making up stupid claims. BTW the proposal to increase tariffs is a joke, mainly because he’s lying about who pays the price.
^ And Harris is proposing price controls and a tax on unrealized capital gains. I was specifically answering @ilbbaicnl's points above.
But I guess you need your TUSCL argument of the day.
Harris is juat trying to appeal to what Americans want. She wont really do it.
BTW Why is your every response to facts that you don’t like characterized as an attack on me, is it possible that you can’t rebut what I’m saying so you try to marginalize the facts. BTW your comment about Harris’s proposal to lower the current cost of capital gains has been praised by most economists including Goldman Sachs, but don’t let a little bit of fact checking ruin your day.
An example of pervasive liberal bias boiled down to its essence. Don’t buy into anything they’re trying to sell you. Only very stupid people already knew it.
It’s not the role of government to money from some citizens so others will have more.
I don’t no how people who are concerned about an intrusive government when it comes to abortion can also support the most intrusive act of actually taking away money and giving it to others
@25 - Because you are not addressing my comment. I don't see how IVF or tip income will meaningfully affect tax revenues, and I haven't heard his proposal on SS taxation so I can't speak to it.
"Harris’s proposal to lower the current cost of capital gains" My comment was about the tax on UNREALIZED capital gains. Every economist I've heard says it would be a disaster.
^ I’m guessing you don’t have any unrealized capital gains, nor does the vast majority of those folks posting here. BTW do you know what would really be a disaster? Raising tariffs that will create stagflation, that’s what the vast majority of economists are really concerned about.
On the contrary, anyone who owns a house or stocks has unrealized capital gains. These taxes always start on the rich like income taxes then get extended down and down. Even if they stayed on the ultra rich it would send capital out of the country so fast your head will spin.
I agree that tariffs are a horrible idea but that's irrelevant to the discussion.
Yall just jealous. 20fag is a real rich nigga. He parties on yachts and snorts coke off anorexic asses while swilling whiskey for breakfast.
@icey: you need to be BANNED. Now I know who made those racist reviews.
@Puddy Tat: Let's say you have $100M in say TSLA In 2025. Then, in 2026 TSLA drops 30% (it has been a Mr Toad's Wild Ride the past year). Do you get a refund on the Ownership Tax you paid the previous year, or just pay the tax in 2026 on your now $70M? The Socialists have no answer!
^ that's the trillion dollar question. The left sees all wealth in the country as theirs on loan to the people, and created wealth as a source of protein to fund the ambitions.
I own some TSLA, not a ton, but it's one step short of a meme stock.
@twentyfive: "Raising tariffs that will create stagflation, that’s what the vast majority of economists are really concerned about." The plan is to tariff hard on those countries that hammer us. We were fine for 3 years (throw out 2020). Those economists also supported the IT Infrastructure, all this cash Biden tossed out, shutdowns and uber gov't spending that fueled inflation.
Wanna build Chinese cars - do it here, not in Mexico. Use American labor and keep projects in the USA, not wiring them back to the CCP.
This is a negotiation tactic.
@Puddy Tat: "...his proposal on SS taxation so I can't speak to it." SS was a tax we were forced to pay. In the 1970s SS was shelling out more than it was taking in so they made SSI payments taxable in ~1980/1981.
SS is taken out of paychecks ("we" pay 6.5% and employers pay 6.5% to really 13%) after pre-tax stuff, then it is applied. The reality it is a double-tax that effects seniors and disabled that are dependent on it. SS was never to be a Retirement Plan, just a safety net. When SS gets a bump, the cost of Medicare comes out of the SS payment and offsets most of the SS increase. For decades federal politicians had their own "SSI" and were exempt from paying into SS and Medicare.
SS needs to be overhauled and addressed on so many levels. This Kick The Can is total BS.
Here is the proposal; it requires taxpayers with net wealth above $100 million to pay a minimum tax on their unrealized capital gains from assets such as stocks, bonds, or privately held companies, I don’t see any additional taxing of private homes, if you own 100 million in Tesla and instead of selling some shares to raise money, you borrow against the stock which is taxable, why should you be able to avoid paying taxes on the profits which you’re spending the same way, if you sold the stock and reinvest elsewhere you won’t be paying additional taxes, the tax is on the gains.
Yep SS needs to be overhauled, but there is an obligation owed to people who paid into the system for years, if they weren’t so fucking anal, and did their jobs well and overhauled the immigration system there’d be an abundance of people paying into SS. Funny how the lawmakers keep getting richer, and they’re the last group with functional pensions, yet they used our SS as a piggy bank for years, let’s require them to pay back the money they took out with their own pension money.
@Mogul Social Security absolutely was absolutely intended to be a Retirement Plan. Go back to the 1930s and read the history and how the SS system was set up and how it was designed to work.
Mogul watch your mouth. And dont accuse me of shit your fellow bigots do
^^ Social Security was designed to be a safety net for the elderly, not a national retirement plan.
It is a waste of time to argue with the lunatic fringe of the American electorate who believes that it is better to keep a candidate with a proven track record of success away from a second term, than to deny a first term to an unelected incompetent with a unbroken streak of failures, simply because that lunatic fringe has some imaginary personal problem with the first candidate.
It should also be noted that that Mogul and puddy are doing the research and backing up their arguments with facts and citations while the opposition (as usual) is not.
25, that is your fear and insecurity lashing out. I offer a sincere and unbiased critique of another unproductive TUSCL political arguments (as you are incapable of debate), and you respond with a limp-wristed, ineffectual label stolen from more successful hacks in the liberal media. You should really log off and look at how you're wasting your life.
^ You are seriously weird, stupid person that thinks he’s smart that’s funny, afraid of you that’s even funnier.
^ Fear and insecurity. Were you a strong, confident, and knowledgeable individual, you would not take my observations of this discussion thread as a personal attack and have lashed out at me without provocation. You simply cannot accept that someone has a different opinion from you. Do you disagree that shows a weak and fearful mind? You never have any facts and data to back up your consistently erroneous and fictitious claims. Do you disagree that is the hallmark of a lazy fool? You are the Mark 1 Mod 0 liberal that Reagan was referring to as knowing for a fact so many things that simply aren't true. You do not have the strength and intelligence to incorporate these lessons, so I am not going to spend any more time on you this evening.
Social Security Administration refers to those receiving as "Customers". No they are American Citizens (we,, use to be) who were forced to pay in.
In today's economy, a $4,000 monthly check (many are below the $2,000 monthly paycheck due to their salary over the years) less Medicare of around $180, doesn't go so far as a "retirement" plan. It was a safety net brought on due to the Great Depression.
Originally, it was not taxed until politicians mishandled it so poorly in the 1970s they had to tax it. Medicare, part of LBJ's Great Society,, started ~1968 was just part of your SS when you retired as you no longer had company paid health insurance. You got health coverage (no cost) and SS that was not taxed prior to 1983.
Today, SS is taxed, as I already described, and Medicare runs about $2,100 a year out of your SS plus they have a $230/year deductible and once that is met, they cover 80% of the contracted (well, they tell health providers how much they'll be paid and to sit down and shut-up it is what it is) and you are responsible for the the other 20%. So, you need to buy the Supplemental Plan for around $185/month (depending on the Plan, your age and state) for $2,200/yr. Subtract this from the SS check and you are running below poverty hence the reason a lot of retirees 1) foolishly thought they could comfortably retiree on it; 2) have issues on this fixed income for things like groceries, clothes, property taxes, transportation, ect. The cost of energy and groceries are not even factored into the CPI and won't impact the annual SS COLA. Depending only on SS & Medicare is a fools dream.
Congress just writes IOUs for the excess SS taxes collected that are directed to the General Fund (I don't know if they still are today.) Point is, IOUs are paid by taxpayers.
I'm one of the those who doesn't want to depend on SS so I'm quite comfortable with my savings from my career. Allowing over 10M, closer to 15M although gov't is clueless as to how many are here illegally, the Dems want to give amnesty to (again, 1986 as the last time and CA fell) who have never paid into SS to collect is insane - THEY AREN'T EVEN CITIZENS!
Interesting how companies. after WWII, gov't put restrictions on salaries so companies provided Health Insurance as a way to attract better workers with a benefit without "salary", and it was really cheap. - this was a loophole.
Since post-college I've referred to any insurance as a communist plot to undermine our country - sure, insurance will pay for it. Is anyone saving $2.000/year with ObamaCare plus you didn't always get to keep you docyt, and medical costs and premiums/deductables went non-linear.
So, if America SUCKS SO BAD, Canada is calling. Don't change America as the majority of the population like it. Canada is not so bad, right? The home of beer, donuts, maple syrup and free medical care, eh! Oh, and the massage places where anything goes - BOOYAH!
If SS were managed by real money managers like Fidelity and not bureaucrats ,it wouldn't be headed for insolvency and it wouldn't be taxed. And, money put into IRAs and 401k funds should not be taxed as that would help lessen the dependency on SS.
There isn't a Tax the Democrats didn't like. My best example is the Spanish American War Long Distance Excise Tax from 1898 - 2006. In May 2006, the IRS and the Department of Treasury ((under BUSH), eliminated the 3% federal tax on long distance phone service. Back in 1898 there was NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX. An excise tax was a way to get the wealthy to "chip in" as only they could afford a phone let alone long distance calls - tracking had to be a real BITCH without computers to record calls, it had to be done somehow by female operators in Central Offices (COs) on paper ledgers.
My only financial regret was not putting MORE into a Roth when it was initiated.
@gammanu95 & Puddy Tat: Good to have you here, and the others that have common sense and solid facts. The Left are just left with zippy-do-da who want everyone to live in misery too. This is why I suggest Canada for them.
And, sadly, this topic went off the rails. It was about the BULSHIT with AI, and Silicon Valley controlling the information. This wasn't a mistake. This isn't 1972. Information can be digitally recorded and saved. "My Bad" doesn't work anymore. Alexia, and the other AI dickweeds, is design to answer with Propaganda when needed.
In a place of unobstructed information flow, you wouldn't have what I posted, nor "show me photos of Nazis" and you get everything BUT Nazis!
Points well taken, mogul. I've always maintained that AI = GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out). Lately I've been rankled by the uptick of Chat GPT videos on YT. The computer voices are more refined, but still less desirable than YT posters who narrate their own vids. To those Chat GPT jockeys who ask people to subscribe, donate to Patreon, I flip them the bird, particularly with all those annoying ads.
Artificial Intelligence is an academic term that non-academics misinterpret. They think it means what academics call Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), creating a full simulation of a human mind. When the popular media and the general public hear about AI breakthroughs, they assume it means AGI is right around the corner. But AI breakthroughs have all been in specific, narrow abilities. The first one, back in the 90s I think, was playing chess. Siri and Alexa are about voice communication, what they tell you is driven by a mediocre search engine. ChatGPT / Large Language Models basically just combine search engine results together into a readable summary. But it basically has to assume it's accessing mostly accurate results and few inaccurate ones.
^The same attitude was prevalent in the rest of the world on the Kristallnacht in 1938. They assumed this horrible thing would expand and be the most dangerous force in history. two year later the holocaust began.
ATTENTION libs of TUSCL: do your fucking research before posting!:
Artificial intelligence Alexa is an artificial intelligence (AI) service powered by Amazon's vast cloud computing infrastructure1. It uses AI technology and techniques to become smarter and more versatile2. Alexa is a real application of artificial intelligence that is increasingly integral to our daily life3. Through a voice user interface (VUI), voice services like Alexa can communicate with people in ways that feel effortless, solve problems, and get smarter over time4.
I thought illILlib had just missed the point until I did the research. Another example of liberals "knowing for a fact" something which simply is not true.
Right wing extremists portraying themselves as victims of a society struggling for social equality and equity. Its what makes weirdos like the ones on here potentially violent and dangerous. Paranoid white men are the biggest danger to American society
Why would any American care what a Progressive thinks and says? We don't consider you Americans, so we don't care. The biggest group of bigots on the planet is progressives.
Skibum your paranoid ass has been on here touting the neonazi replacement theory 🤡
^ The left has been bragging about "the great replacement" for 20 years, dumbass.
No it hasnt. But the neonazis claim its a secret communist plan to replace the white population of the US.
You basically believe it 🤡
The Racist 'Great Replacement' Conspiracy Theory Explained
Read The Emerging Democratic Majority buy Rui Texeira and John Judis. Then look at Obama's "coalition of the ascendant."
The left has been gloating about it for decades. But that's what I'd expect from the side that is resegregating society.
Youre basically the type that the article i posted describes 🤡 Keep up the neonazi conspiracy theories. Dont forget to blame the trannies
^ Still waiting for facts for you. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
What part of what I said isn't true?
If you can't give a source, I consider you to be gagging on my dick.
The Racist 'Great Replacement' Conspiracy Theory Explained
The Puddy Tat- Icey Entropy Maxim being demonstrated here
Who can add the most clown emojis?
SPLC has been a leftist advocacy group for years.
Hey, maybe post the link a fourth time and it'll make it from an objective source.
Icey still choking on it!
Youre latino Jewish ass is a poster child for white supremacy. Youre exactly what the article describes.
Latino Jewish white supremacist, LOLOL!!!
That's a first.
Keep choking on it!
Youre not white and kn here claiming theres a leftist conspiracy for the extinction of white people 🤡
Your fellow racists would consider your mixed ass as part of the conspiracy
@gamma - not much need to say more, now that I've given Icey a fact-based enema and all he has left is name calling.
^ HAHAHAHA stand back and clear!
Tetradon puddy tat youre a mixed race person claiming that its a favt that theres a conspiracy for the extinction of white people. By your definitions. Youre part of that conspiracy 🤡
"ChatGPT / Large Language Models basically just combine search engine results together into a readable summary. But it basically has to assume it's accessing mostly accurate results and few inaccurate ones."
This is a real problem as Search Engines, Google has like +75% of the market, prioritize searches based on THEIR algorithms. The best example of a propaganda Google search was typing "Attempted Assassination photo tr " would start to autofill Truman, not Trump. Meta (FB) at the same time was also suppressing Trump assassin attempt posts. No coincidence at all, If it acts like a Wokie, and speaks like a Wokie, it's BULLSHIT.
Then Elon bought Twitter, the Left had an underwear changing moment. They lost control of THEIR narratives. When SM sites get away with "My bad", "buggy" they are just caught and didn't expect the backlash. Even Google's Genesis when asked "Show Photos of Nazis" it showed anything BUT Blue eyed/Blonde hair Germans. This is insanely STUPID as we live in 2024, not 1924.
The Left is stupefied when they saw no bump from Harris' DNC soiree or her "lengthy" 17 minute CNN Bash scripted interview. They can't understand it.
Why? They have opportunity sunk costs, and believe, supporting the Dems. When Don Lemon on CNN did a street interview in Deep Blue NJ, he was put back on his heels. He argued with people! He believes the same horse shit the MSM feeds viewers like making Goose Foie Gras:
The people Lemon interviewed were random and not select Wokies.
When you believe someone is providing fact-based data, unless you know how to properly research, you're being scammed. Digital media easily can be edited/deleted/massaged, books can't. Harris' crew has be caught updating digital media to make her look not so radical.
Icey's comment: "Tetradon puddy tat youre a mixed race person claiming that its a favt that theres a conspiracy for the extinction of white people. By your definitions. Youre part of that conspiracy."
When this is all you got, it's time for the fork, you're done.
Mogul. There is no conspiracy to wipe out the white race. If you believe in that neonazi bs. Then you are paranoid and a potential danger to society. How is the government committing a genocide of white Americans? 🤡
Do you post on stormfront? Are you a fan of the Turner Diaries?
Some of you just use thus forum as a soap box for your far right extremism.
"CNN's Isabel Rosales reports to Anderson Cooper about the Winder, Ga. school mass shooter's alleged Discord posts in 2023 expressing a desire to kill and frustrations over transgender issues. A transcript of Colt Grey's father's interview with law enforcement last year reveals that his son was allegedly bullied for being queer at school."
Meanwhile, this is the emotional clusterfuck that is Icey.
@Icey: I never said there is a White "genocide", YOU said that. Sure, a change in Demographics that will favor Democrat/Welfare-Dependent voters, sure there is. All the Illegals contribute nothing to improve America. Sure, they pick our veggies/grapes, become strippers, landscape and provide dirt cheap labor per Nancy Pelosi. Guess you've missed that currently 77% of crime sin NYC are from Illegals, and this will continue to METASTASIZE across the country.
Mogul youre defensing tetradon/puddytat s position that the gov is trying to cause the extinction of white people.
Youre on here pulling stats out of your gaping ass to support your racist rantings. Whats metastasizing is neonazi hatred from your kind. Right wing domestic terrorists are a major problem
The largest domestic threat
The myth of migrant crime
Put on your tinfoil hat and defend neonazis and mass shooters 🤡
^ I wish you well with recovery.
Who is latino and jewish? Icey you yourself claimed to be latino jewish, you even said sephardic jewish specifically lol. You literally had a spiel on how you were 7 different races
Cacaplop/rickmacrodong your buddy tetradon/puddy tat is mixed race claiming the gov is trying to cause the extinction of white people 🤡
Icee you constantly insult cubans, indians and white people, there’s little point to debating racism. You sound like the mindless blm protesters bringing up race, complaining about race but then insulting a bunch of races
Mass shootings are only a small category of overall murder related deaths.
Icee you posted
The myth of migrant crime”
That is hilarious how you type out the article title to attempt to reiterate your horrible points, it reminds me of that thread someone was talking about getting a high end watch or supercar and you posted “save up and buy what you can afford”. the fact you think a comment like that is good advice or worth a post is laughable
Debunking the Myth of the ‘Migrant Crime Wave’
the "Great Replacement" is encompassed in a larger and older "white genocide" conspiracy theory,[46] popularized in the US by neo-Nazi David Lane in his 1995 White Genocide Manifesto, where he asserted that governments in Western countries were intending to turn white people into "extinct species".[47][
It seem like, with the deficit, we just gotta hope we get lucky. The Republicans are not willing to tax those who can afford it. The Democrats aren't willing to prioritize transfer payments protecting those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Neither party is willing to make military spending more cost effective.
It's also true that the corporatist/Obamaist Democrats and the Trumpers are strange bedfellows in making sure we only have those two choices. But that Trunpers are much worse on the suppression of democracy, then want to not certify election results that go against them, and "find" votes in their favor. Add to that the fomentation of hatred of refugees based on lies, and ignoring it when a jury finds a candidate probably committed rape.
^ "But that Trunpers are much worse on the suppression of democracy,"
Jan 6 is a partisan Democrat concern they're making out to be worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor combined because Americans are nostalgic for the Trump economy and an administration that was objectively better for civil liberties (my #1 issue--both Harris and Walz are hostile to freedom of speech).
"Add to that the fomentation of hatred of refugees based on lies"
Most of them aren't refugees, they're illegal immigrants coached to lie about it. The crimes in New York and now especially Denver are there for everyone to see. But you live in Chicago, so I guess you have enough crime to worry about. What's another pound on an elephant?
"ignoring it when a jury finds a candidate probably committed rape."
Actually it was "found liable for sexual assault." Not convicted, not rape. Just so happens to be similar to the plot of Carroll's favorite TV show. Coincidence?
Seriously, you're going to quibble about the distinction about a distinction between rape and sexual assault? We'll just have to agree to disagree about it. How would the jury be influenced by a witnesses TV show preferences? Can't you see how desperate you are, to not face some obvious truth?
Why do you think an illegal immigrant can't be a refugee? If you prefer to live a fact-free fantasy world, why make it so negative? Why not just fantasize that everything and everyone is great?
"Can't you see how desperate you are, to not face some obvious truth?" Obvious? No, the whole thing reeks of a lie. Is Trump an angel in that regard? No. But it doesn't mean the worst accusations about him are true.
"Why do you think an illegal immigrant can't be a refugee?" A small fraction fit the definition, and they are being coached by administration-funded nonprofits to do so. But it's still a lie. The Democrats' goal of doing this is obvious, to import more voters, hence why they're trig to create a path to citizenship for them.
I noticed that Google was using an experimental search using AI and asking for likes/dislikes. I hit the dislike button.
The majority of unauthorized immigrants are refugees from poverty.
I do reject the asserting that Trump is legitimately a convicted felon. A jury found he had committed misdemeanors beyond a reasonable doubt. They also found, with some unspecified standard of proof, that he committed or sought to commit one or more of a laundry list of crimes, none of which he was ever even indicted for. And that converted misdemeanors into felons. Reminds me of how you get 20 years for smoking rock cocaine, and a kleenex to wipe your nose with for snorting powdered cocaine. But I don't see any clearly documented flaw like that with the Carroll case. If we reject jury and court decisions just because we don't like them, we're giving up on rule of law.
This is your idea of freedom of expression?
"The majority of unauthorized immigrants are refugees from poverty."
There are billions of poor in this world. If you think everyone on earth has a right to live in America, regardless of what Americans say, we're at an impasse. But immigration law, not to mention most Americans, doesn't seem to think so.
"If we reject jury and court decisions just because we don't like them, we're giving up on rule of law."
Yeah, by that reasoning I guess OJ was an angel. I look at the reasoning and evidence. The other 3 charges might have some merit. They weren't massaged and redefined by someone who, along with the AG, literally campaigned on getting Trump before they even had a crime in mind.
"This is your idea of freedom of expression?" Whataboutism noted. Freedom of speech did well under Trump. Meanwhile, this is what you're advocating for.
The reliably-left ACLU on government surveillance (
Kamala Harris referring to freedom of speech on social media as a "privilege" (
Tim Walz saying freedom of speech doesn't extend to "hate speech," unlike the Supreme Court (
They've told you exactly what they're going to do to freedom of speech. We haven't gotten into the straight-up government persecution of Trump, and their hostility to the rest of the Bill of Rights.
Is this what you want?
Tetradon/puddytat is a mixed kid of immigrants ranting against immigrants 🤡
The mixed race boy wants to be white so bad he got a mental illness from it
^ Naah, sugar tits, conservatives man up and know this country allows people of all skin colors to succeed. We're not whiny little bitches.
Never said everyone has a "right" to come here. You know you have to raise red herrings to distract from you're guy being a dangerous, emotionally unstable sociopath.
The system (in two trials) found that OJ probably committed murder, but there was reasonable doubt. Not a shocking outcome, when the LAPD allowed racists like Furman to be on the force.
Yes, the Obamaist Democrats are a potential threat to democracy and individual rights. But Harris has not promised to pardon people who tried to violently overthrow the results on an election, without valid evidence it was justified.
Was Nixon "persecuted" too? You can't claim that nomination as a candidate makes someone immune from prosecution.
^ Then what is a "refugee from poverty" and why do they have a right to be here against the wishes of Americans? We have poor American citizens that we have a duty towards.
No red herrings here, I'm merely pointing out where you're deflecting from your own side's shortcomings to "hurr durr durr whatabout Trump!?" Like anything the left does is OK because Trump happens to exist.
We don't have to worry about what Trump would do in power because we have FOUR YEARS OF IT. What social media platforms were jawboned into taking anything down? When did he create a censorship bureau, and when that got taken down over public outcry, outsourced it to other firms? You focus on the molehills of Trump rather than the mountains of Biden/Harris. That's the problem with you libs, you accuse Trump of what he SAYS and ignore what your side actually DOES.
Jan 6 was a rally that got out of hand. No one who isn't already on Team Blue cares.
The cases against Nixon had a lot more merit than those against Trump. The others against Trump at least relate to accusations of things that were crimes when they happened. Let those trials proceed--the one in New York was the worst kind of kangaroo court, with a biased Biden-donor judge, a jury that was told they didn't have to agree on a predicate crime, an AG/prosecutor who literally campaigned on getting Trump, and literally a trial for something that happened years ago timed for when campaign season got into gear. Is that all a coincidence? That's banana republic shit. If the accused were anyone other than the #1 candidate for the opposition, this wouldn't have sniffed the light of day.
Trump was right--they're after the ordinary American bitter clinger deplorable, he's just in the way.
This clown wants to control women's bodies, trans bodies and even has the audacity to pretend like he should dictate who can or cannot enter the US. These weirdos aren't espousing freedom of speech. Theyre promoting social darwinism like Hitler did
This forum clearly shows jow fascist trump "believers" are
^ LOL you make my point again and again. Just name calling.
Who can dictate who enters the US? That's called the "law," honey. If I were in charge we'd do a lot more than that, we'd fine the shit out of anyone caught employing illegals and anyone coaching then to lie on their forms. And work illegal immigrants who commit felonies to the bone to repay their debt to society.
You libs didn't care about trans anything until a few years ago. Just need something else with which to divide America, a country which you have repeatedly said is evil. No one takes you seriously.
It's not a new, nor party-specific, problem that prosecutors don't have only honorable motivations. That's why there are judges, juries and defense attorneys. The right of the defendant are best protected when they can afford the best lawyers, as Trump was. I don't see reason to think he was not properly convicted of misdemeanors. As I said, the legislature should not have done an end-run around the beyond a reasonable doubt standard for a felony conviction. And the trial judge is at fault for not instructing the jury that the law permitting a felony conviction was unconstitutional. In any case, the case about the classified documents is a stronger one. Trump is clearly guilty of trying to subvert democracy in a moral sense, but he may not be guilty of a crime due to legal technicalities. Pursuing the case, and letting the courts work out the technicalities is hardly persecution.
Have you read about the ordeals the police officers protecting the Capitol went through on Jan 6? Could you look those officers in the eye, and call it "a rally that got out of hand"? Don't you think you should demand from Trump a commitment to not pardon anyone who assaulted a police officer>
So your point is, in 4 years, he only tried to overthrow democracy once, and it didn't work, so it's all good?
"It's not a new, nor party-specific, problem that prosecutors don't have only honorable motivations."
It still doesn't make this case honest. I don't see why anyone is obligated to shut up and take it because they aren't the only one ever to be railroaded.
"In any case, the case about the classified documents is a stronger one."
As I said, that one is free of the other machinations.
As far as the Capitol police, yes I've read about them, yes I can call it a rally that got out of hand, and yes Trump shouldn't pardon the small number that actually assaulted a police officer.
LOL overthrow democracy. I think another guy in a Viking helmet and another grandma in a wheelchair would have done it. "Democracy" wouldn't have been overthrown that day under any circumstances. Again, that's Dem partisan fear. Really no one outside the blue bubble cares.
So you think, if the cop who arrested Charles Manson was hoping to get a promotion for doing it, that means Manson was persecuted?
So Trump's theft of classified documents, an act that could risk lives, is fine with you?
I haven't seen any clear commitment from Trump that he won't pardon those who assaulted police officers.
The rioting, in and of itself, was an attempt to overthrow democracy, but not a serious one. The serious ones were the efforts to throw the Presidential election into the House by preventing legitimate counting of electoral votes, and to "find" votes in Georgia.
Trump supporters ransacked the capitol and killed four people. Over 140 were injured. Minimizing what happened while claiming to support democracy is ludicrous 🤡
@ilbbaicnl - did they change the definition of the crime and goose the jury and instructions to get Charles Manson?
I said the "theft of classified documents" is at least worth going to trial.
The great selfie stick riot was only an "attempt to undermine democracy" in the heads of fever dreamers. Selfish and stealing podiums while being ushered room to room.... that's why only partisan leftists care about Jan 6 nowadays.
Please tell me you have better!
How was the jury "goosed"?
We have to vote before it goes to trial.
Those who rioted had the goal of preventing the official counting of electoral votes, required so that the result of the Presidential election could take effect. But, yes, their chances of succeeding were slim. Have you stopped to think that, if Trump hadn't lied about having solid evidence the election was stolen, Ashli Babbitt would still be alive? That doesn't seem like a big deal to you?
^ jury instructions. Oh yeah and a judge who donated and whose daughter worked for the Biden campaign.
I don't believe the election was stolen but with a million new procedures in place for the pandemic, yeah, anyone who said the election was the most secure ever needs their heads examined. Trump didn't tell Ashli Babbitt to climb the wall. He's not responsible for every one of his followers' actions. He told them to keep it peaceful and eventually to go home."
Who a judge supported politically is not, in itself, reason for recusal. You seem convinced that, if Trump doesn't get special privileges, that means he's persecuted. We'll have to agree to disagree about that. I agree the judge should have told the jury the bootstrapping to felonies was a violation of the Bill of Rights. But I don't think there's proof that the NY law in question was passed with the intent to go after Trump or Republicans.
Suppose you lied to a guy and told him his wife was cheating on him, but he shouldn't get violent with her. But then he did get violent with her. Would you have no responsibility for that? I think it's comparable, when you convince a vet that democracy is being overthrown.
So your rock-solid defense of Trump is that changes were made due to the pandemic, so lets just assume they were made with an ulterior motive. No evidence, just assume.
If Republicans were saying, there are ways people could vote illegally. Let's tighten things up, and spend the money to make sure that doesn't make it harder for anyone to legally vote, I would totally support that. But, not what they're saying.
"Who a judge supported politically is not, in itself, reason for recusal." Yes, it is. It's the reason they don't hire all Bronx umpiring crews for a Yankees-Dodgers series, and take them on their word that they aren't biased. Anyone who isn't in the tank can acknowledge it.
"You seem convinced that, if Trump doesn't get special privileges, that means he's persecuted." No. What special privileges have I asked for?
"I agree the judge should have told the jury the bootstrapping to felonies was a violation of the Bill of Rights." That's a giant fucking omission. Should be enough for a mistrial. At least you acknowledge it, half the libs here are so Orange Man Bad they can't.
"But I don't think there's proof that the NY law in question was passed with the intent to go after Trump or Republicans." It was massaged to go after Trump, that's all that matters. We agree on the facts of the case, I don't see how you can say this was right.
"I think it's comparable, when you convince a vet that democracy is being overthrown." Anyone equating anything in the last few years with "democracy overthrown" is not living in reality. Where were the commandos that the left accuses the right of harboring? Waltzing down the halls stealing podiums and shitting on desks is not "overthrowing democracy."
"So your rock-solid defense of Trump is that changes were made due to the pandemic, so lets just assume they were made with an ulterior motive." Think you're misinterpreting me. I'm not one of those people who says the election was stolen, though there are a ton of abnormalities that should not have happened. I'm saying they this lack of election safeguards is unacceptable. Nowhere else does mail in voting because it's insecure. Yet Dems screech that not having it is vOtEr sUpPrEsSiOn. Why the hostility to any kind of election integrity safeguards?
And yes, Republicans are pushing for voter ID and dead/moved voters taken off of rolls. Democrats are opposing they tooth and nail. There aren't many reasons why they would want to do this.
Trump was persecuted in NY. Alvin Bragg ran for election promising to get Trump. That doesn’t mean Trump was innocent. He definitely went to lengths to pay Stormy and conceal it. Yeah, the legal theory was strained. Also true, Trump’s defense sucked. He offered no alternative narrative to paying $400k in order to conceal a $130k payment. No surprise he was found guilty.
@PT You really need to get your facts straight before making any kind of statement, especially one that is so easy to find an accurate statement,nine other countries offer no-excuse mail-in voting: Canada, Germany, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Poland, S. Korea, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Now I’m not claiming anything other than the fact that mail in voting is available in other countries so you can do your own research and comment on whatever you like about the subject and I have no opinion on it except that it is available.
^ So "nowhere" was an exaggeration. You can get your yuks in.
Democrats are still trying to remove every election integrity safeguard.
@hank - so Trump was innocent of that of which he was tried. I rest my case.
I guess you also feel the Nuremburg trials were unfair because the judges weren't Nazis.
So claiming the most recent election was stolen is NOT claiming democracy was overthrown? In other news, water is falling from the sky, but it's not raining.
What were some relevant abnormalities?
If you require X to vote, and many voters don't have X, and you don't give a shit they don't have X, yes, that's voter supression. In other news, 2 + 2 = 4.
"I guess you also feel the Nuremburg trials were unfair because the judges weren't Nazis." Bizarre example. What laws were twisted to convict the Nazis? Oh wait, those were actual bright-line crimes. In this country, due process is sacred, even when you aren't popular.
"So claiming the most recent election was stolen is NOT claiming democracy was overthrown?" Correct, if you can distinguish by degree. You're confusing a September breeze with a vat of liquid helium. Democrats said the 2000 election was stolen, or 2004 voting machines stole the election. Have we charged Jesse Jackson or Al Gore or any of them over that? If not, why would you charge Trump?
"What were some relevant abnormalities?" You're way over your skis if you want to claim the 2020 election was the mOsT sEcUrE eVeR with all the first-time pandemic adjustments. But let's start with this--observers removed from facilities, "found" ballots that seemed to skew Democrat, found non-resident ballots, broken chains of custody. We could get into things like ballot harvesting that add uncertainty (if not fraud) to the process too. All of this is well documented. Maybe it would or wouldn't have made the difference, but pointing these out is not some farfetched conspiracy theory.
"If you require X to vote, and many voters don't have X, and you don't give a shit they don't have X, yes, that's voter supression." Which is why turnout INCREASED where it was suspected. To participate in modern civilization, shit, man, to get into the Democratic National Fucking Convention, you need a government ID. To buy a beer, to get on a plane. Voter suppression is just the left's all-purpose excuse for not winning elections. They're already crying Russia Russia Russia.
In 2000, Al Gore gave a televised speech, accepting the Supreme Court's decision in favor of Bush. When did Kerry claim that the election was stolen from him in 2004?
What are your sources for these supposed abnormalities?
"Which is why turnout INCREASED where it was suspected." What does that mean?
^ 2004 I didn't say Kerry did...Jesse Jackson did among others. But the source is irrelevant.
"We examine how voter ID impacts the parties’ electoral fortunes in races at the state level (state legislatures and governorships) and federal level (United States Congress and president) during 2003 to 2020. Our results suggest negligible average effects but with some heterogeneity over time. The first laws implemented produced a Democratic advantage, which weakened to near zero after 2012. We conclude that voter ID requirements motivate and mobilize supporters of both parties, ultimately mitigating their anticipated effects on election results."
This is a top scientific journal, not a lib advocacy group.
I don't care of voter ID laws were used 60 years ago to suppress the black vote, that's ancient history. That's called "poisoning the well."
I'd be in favor of a free voter ID, easily, if it would give elections that everyone can have faith in. Is it oppression to require an ID to enter a government building (or DNC?) To buy a beer? To get on a plane? To drive a car? Your article's slant is obvious by them only citing liberal interest groups as hurt by this.
80% of voters, including 60% of Democrats support voter ID, including 64% of black, 77% of Hispanic, and 76% of low income. 33 of the 37 OECD nations do. Why is it uniquely oppressive here?
Why would you be against something that improves turnout in BOTH parties and increases faith in the vote?
It is true that many Democrats went too far in challenging Ohio's electoral votes in 2004. I would not vote for any of them. But note that two Ohio election officials were actually convicted of impropriety: .
Voter ID is a good safeguard as long as a person doesn't have to travel more than 20 minutes or so to get one. Hard to accomplish that in many cases for people who don't have cars. A compromise could be to also accept utility bills as ID. Arguments that the burden on voters doesn't fall disproportionately on Democrats doesn't make the burden OK. I'd agree that it's wrong if some people are abstaining from beer because they don't have reasonable access to the necessary ID.
Democrats are certainly not innocent of gerrymandering, and focusing efforts to make it easier to vote in places with concentrations of Democrats. But voting for Trump clearly will take the problem from bad to much worse. Ask yourself, why did the Republican Governor of Maryland make more of an effort to quickly get the National Guard to the Capitol on Jan. 6 than Trump did?
^Voter ID: I've said this before, as have millions of others - Gov't ID is required for so many facets of life, there is no reason NOT to have it. Putting a 20 minute distance is just unreasonable. As soon as you do that, "I live 21 minutes away" will be the excuse. Utility, cable, phone, ect can be had by illegals or felons. That is not proof of citizenship, just residency.
"But voting for Trump clearly will take the problem from bad to much worse. " It's my understanding for NatGuard local, governor handles it. Pelosi said on video it was her fault for the lack of security Trump requested. We can go round and round on this.
^ We had 4 years of Trump and it did not become harder to vote.
I'd be fine with alternative methods of ID so long as it keeps to one legal voter, one vote. But I doubt that someone who doesn't care about participation in society enough to get an ID would care enough to cast a vote.
A policy that everyone agrees on benefits both sides and more importantly faith in the system as a whole. I don't get why ANY safeguard, whether ID, in person voting, or reviewing rolls draws fire from the left, unless they are doing something untoward. All the documented irregularities of 2020 have both sides working the refs for this year.
Gerrymandering is a different issue and one that both sides have been content to do when they have power. If it were up to me it would all be done by a mathematical formula that only took into account density and convexity. But that means Democrats would have to give up majority-minority districts, which are historically favorable to them.
I'll never have faith in computerized voting as it is ripe for fraud on so many levels. AND, there are no state statutes or fed laws requiring servers and disks to be reserved for 7 years (typical statute of limitations) for audits as needed. This business of erasing is ridiculous. The use of paper ballots with gov't ID, and earrly voting 2 weeks before an election is quite reasonable. We use to get results before day break, and now with computers it take weeks in some states, and Florida can produce results by 11:59PM ET on election day.
In POTUS elections, no results should be posted until the last Territory, America Samoa is closed.
"...nine other countries offer no-excuse mail-in voting: Canada, Germany, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Poland, S. Korea, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom." And, America had better GDP and lower inflation. Big deal. They are not America. I don't give a rat's petuti about other countries. They have "fair" elections in Iran, Gaza, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela and so on too.
"He definitely went to lengths to pay Stormy and conceal it. Yeah, the legal theory was strained. " Really? Non-Disclosers are very common including Trump's which was AFTER the election.
When Paul Pelosi had his DWI crash in Napa, the guy he almost killed was paid-off including a non-discloser, and unlike the vast majority of Cop Cams, Pauli P's was buried by the police. Powerful people have their perks, right?
"But I don't think there's proof that the NY law in question was passed with the intent to go after Trump or Republicans."
Show me the man, I'll show you the crime. This is how Stalin's crew worked.
I linked above to a source that reports that most people purged in Georgia were purged incorrectly. Nobody is objecting to removing invalid entries in the voters rolls. Just when the level of indifference to avoiding errors make it clear there is an ulterior motive.
We should use the Israeli system, without voting districts.
Proving your citizenship is a bigger can of worms. You'd have to give people time to do it, and help to get their birth certificate. But most illegals have a tax payer ID number, not a social security number, so they could easily be caught if they tried to register.
The thing is, all these vulnerabilities existed from day one of Trump's administration. His lack of action on them shows he wanted an excuse, not a real reason, to explain claims of election fraud.
Saying it was the fairest election ever may well be true. But, there are potential vulnerabilities that have never been fully addressed. And no real evidence of ballot box stuffing was found, that was all pure bullshit. Reforms after the problems in 2000 and 2024 have greatly increased the security and reliability of only counting ballots that were actually voted by a nominal voter. Unsolicited ballots are only sent to registered voters. I guess someone could fish them out of the trash. But, if that was common, you'd get cases where the person threw it away because they voted in person. So you'd see the double votes.
The thing about Pelosi declining security has been debunked. LE actually did arrest, before the protest, many people who had a history of violence or threats. The people who got violent had no known history of doing so. Trump can get a pass on not preventing it, but not on his failure to even try to act quickly in response. Most of the people who were violent don't really support Trump, they don't think he's extreme enough. But there were some who would not have been violent if they didn't believe there was clear proof the election was stolen. That is on Trump.
Trump was only stopped from taking more extreme measures by a threat of mass resignation the Justice Department: . He has no loyalty to any principles, so he was blindsided by people he appointed not having unquestioned loyalty to him. He's made it clear, if reelected, he's going clean house of anyone who has principles other than abject loyalty to him personally.
@puddy “so Trump was innocent of that of which he was tried. I rest my case.”
The thread has moved on but not sure how you could read what I wrote and think I said he was innocent.
@hank - you said "the legal theory was strained." That sounds like "he should not have been charged with a felony." Of course TDS creates some major blinders. Everything is OK in pursuit of Orange Man Bad.
@ilbbaicnl - You linked to a leftist advocacy group that of course is going to cite exactly what they want to see. Every illegal vote cancels out a legal vote. The left acts like anything that increases the number of voters is prima facie a good thing.
In 2016, 136.75 million people voted in presidential elections; in 2020, 158.38 million people voted. Clearly if Trump was suppressing voters, it didn't work. In Georgia, 6.714 million registered in 2016, 7.234 million in 2020, including 2.049 million black voters vs. 2.179 million. These numbers do not support a claim of voter suppression.
"We should use the Israeli system, without voting districts." Israel is a nation of 9 million people, the size of New Jersey. The Constitution is pretty clear that the US is a union of states. If we had a national election, rather than state-by-state recounts, we would have recounts in every district and chaos as an army of lawyers descends on it. Yeah, a national popular vote might be "fair," but it comes with its own hurdles and is not constitutional.
"His lack of action on them shows he wanted an excuse, not a real reason, to explain claims of election fraud." You're contradicting yourself. Did Trump promote voter suppression or not? You can't have it both ways.
"Saying it was the fairest election ever may well be true." It beggars belief that anyone would say that, with a million new procedures put in place for COVID. Doesn't mean Trump would have one, but new procedures are not clean.
"And no real evidence of ballot box stuffing was found, that was all pure bullshit." Not an answer. New ballots that ran disproportionately for Biden were found in many places. Ballots are being sent to nursing homes and other places where people are not able to vote for themselves.
"But there were some who would not have been violent if they didn't believe there was clear proof the election was stolen. That is on Trump." That's your opinion. In fact, Trump told them to pack up and go home. Trump is not responsible for everything his supporters do. That's more Orange Man Bad.
"He's made it clear, if reelected, he's going clean house of anyone who has principles other than abject loyalty to him personally." This happens everywhere in the corporate world, and in the federal government, goes back to the beginning. No one wants employees that will undermine there agenda at every step of the way. If anything, Trump had a lot of disloyal people on board, and it's harder to remove them due to federal service protections. The left makes it sound like Trump is going to replace everyone who disagrees him with a mindless slave--well, did he do that in his first term? If he didn't, there's no reason to believe he would in the second. This is yet more TDS to hide Harris' doublespeak and failures in her current office.
The guy citing alt right and neonazi conspiracies is attacking others mainstream sources. Puddy tat tetradon is a fucking joke
^ This is the real Icey, who claims to be a big deal when he can't even keep a girl from a low-level weed dealer.
@ilbbaicnl has been civil and factual, you're not mentally or morally fit to judge a thing about me.
Thats icee loco.... But having relationship problems or depression is better than being a mixed race person obsessed with white supremacy and trannies
^ LOL we all know it's you. Depression isn't the same as simping for a girl and losing her to a low-level weed dealer.
Please carry a potted plant around to replace the oxygen you steal from the atmosphere.
If one person's vote is suppressed, there is voter suppression. Any stats about how many votes were not suppressed does not change that. You are using Marxist logic, that the masses matter, not individuals.
The Constitution has 27 amendments. Mindless insistence in not changing the Constitution is itself unconstitutional.
Trump only told them to go home as a CYA, when the riot failed to lead to martial law.
Exactly, Trump is going to put in people who are loyal to his intention to make his word law.
"If one person's vote is suppressed, there is voter suppression." If one illicit vote is cast, one legal vote has been nullified.
"The Constitution has 27 amendments." And until it is amended, it is the clear cut law of the land, not a suggestion to be disregarded when inconvenient. Want a national popular vote, pass an amendment or don't complain.
"Trump only told them to go home as a CYA" Glad you know what he thinks. Contorting yourself so you can say Orange Man Bad.
"Exactly, Trump is going to put in people who are loyal to his intention to make his word law." Good. Democrats are allowed to, why are Republicans not?
So you want a Stalinist type deal, where it's OK to stop some from legally casting their vote, to prevent illegal votes?
You have to have a complaint first, otherwise there's no reason to amend (duh).
True, I can't. But why else did he wait till the Pentagon finally allowed the Guard to be deployed, before telling rioters to go home?
No President, of any party, should appoint office holders because they are willing to break the law.
Freedom of expression under Trumpist Republicans, you sign a petition they don't like, and the cops come to your door: .
"So you want a Stalinist type deal, where it's OK to stop some from legally casting their vote, to prevent illegal votes?" Not sure where you got "Stalinist" from, that's just name calling, but I favor one legal individual, one vote. One illegal vote cancels out one legal vote.
"You have to have a complaint first, otherwise there's no reason to amend (duh)." Nothing is stopping you. The idea of a national popular vote has been around forever, along with liberal kvetching about it.
"True, I can't. But why else did he wait till the Pentagon finally allowed the Guard to be deployed, before telling rioters to go home?" You should have stopped after the first sentence. We'll never know.
"No President, of any party, should appoint office holders because they are willing to break the law." So because they support Trump's agenda rather than the Democrats', they're breaking the law? Is the FBI (Strzok and Page) conspiring to stop Trump acceptable? Or the DoJ's blatant double standards of prosecution? Frankly, I hope Trump sweeps away the bureaucracy. The left's fear is that we'll see how unnecessary they truly are.
"Freedom of expression under Trumpist Republicans" I'll see that, and raise you a government-sponsored censorship bureau, leaning on a social network of 2 billion, outsourcing censorship to outside agencies under the guise of "fact checking," and a President/VP candidate who have openly expressed hostility to freedom of speech. There's no equivalence.
^ Wow.
DeSantis has the cops visiting homes of people who signed an abortion rights ballot petition. Sounds like something right out of 1984, a Marxist government watching people's every move.
Stalin was more concerned about guilty people escaping punishment than falsely accused people being punished. Analogous to being unconcerned that measures that seek to stop illegal voting may also interfere with legal voting.
True, your whining about me just making a proposal is not stopping anything, but it's annoying, and make you sound dumb.
If I see a flag flying, I know the wind is blowing, even if I can't see the wind. In the same way, I know Trump actions were either malicious or incredibly incompetent, without being able to read his mind. So I'll give you that, he could hypothetically be incompetent, not malicious. But, I doubt he's that incompetent.
No, they'd be breaking the law in ways similar to those listed in Jack Smith's indictment.
The Biden Administration ask (improperly in many cases) asked social media companies to take down posts, and those companies willingly complied. Private websites, newspapers etc. have the right not to publish material from third parties. Trump carried out the practical remedy for that, he started his own website. That isn´t comparable to somebody showing up a your door with a gun on their hip because you signed a petition. The cost-effective first step in confirming signatures is a letter or a phone call. This is a clear attempt to intimidate. Florida cops should prioritize going after Florida men high on bath salts.
IMO, some thread posters need to go to club and get some T & A.
"Analogous to being unconcerned that measures that seek to stop illegal voting may also interfere with legal voting." Horribly twisted and irrelevant analogy. Not sure who's talking about putting anyone in jail.
"True, your whining about me just making a proposal is not stopping anything" You're the one whining here. If it means that much to you, start the petition.
"In the same way, I know Trump actions were either malicious or incredibly incompetent," All idle speculation with little impact on Americans' lives now
"No, they'd be breaking the law in ways similar to those listed in Jack Smith's indictment." Specifically which ones?
"The Biden Administration ask (improperly in many cases) asked social media companies to take down posts, and those companies willingly complied. " Courts have ruled that such "jawboning" constitutes an implied threat
@wld4cocks: that is fake news. There is an investigation into fake signatures and a fraudulent petition.
'@wld4cocks: that is fake news.'
Yeah just as his doppleganger random/rumdummoron/member was the premiere kool aide drinking leftist shill in his day wild4testes is today's version of more of the same bullshit.
^^ Did not have standing to sue != it did not happen
Tell us youre delusional and have ocd without telling us 🤡😂😭🤡😂🤡🤡
🍊 ♂️ Believers be like....
"The Biden Administration ask (improperly in many cases) asked social media companies to take down posts, and those companies willingly complied."
This is more of a subtle warning. If gov't is "asking" you do something, it's like Don Corleone making an offer you can't refuse.
The WH claims they are negotiating with Big Pharma to lower prices. It's more that they are telling Big Pharma what to charge and what lobbying influence will result in. There is no negotiating. When the DOJ prosecutes, they have unlimited resources. A lot of people can't defend themselves as can someone like DJT.
If Harris wins, we know we'll have 4 more years of the same, regardless of what she is saying "today", and probably worse for Americans. If Trump wins, Americans will probably do better based on his first 4 years. A LOT depends on Congress and the Deep State bureaucracies.
The path we are on is not sustainable.
LOL gammanu starts a separate topic where he pretends that Conservatives don't resort to name-calling. But can't help himself from continuing to call people names. He is endlessly proving why he has no credibility.
^ Yeah wild4testes, like you have credibility? LMAO You have zero credibility ball sucker. Oh my there's that name calling again Lol
🐶 😺 🤤
I think you have to look at things Trump tried to do, but was stopped. He tried to seize the ballots, and have a Maduro style vote count, where we'd just have to take his word for it what the count was. He tried to get rid of the ACA, only John McCain stopped him. When people over 50 get laid off, they have an especially hard time finding another job with health insurance. If they have pre-existing conditions, without the ACA, they won't be able to get health insurance that a non-rich person could afford.