
September 11 2001, Never Forget!

It's been 23 years and i still remember that day like it was yesterday.
I woke up to a beautiful, warm, sunny day that turned into a nightmare that I will never forget. I don't see a reason to rehash what happened, everyone that experienced it knows.
I will never forget, I hope you don't either.
Eternal rest to the innocent victims and peace to the survivors and families of all.


  • twentyfive
    8 days ago
    Well said, buddy.
    We need to remember that freedom is not free.
  • ATACdawg
    8 days ago
    I'll add an Amen to that.😔
  • gammanu95
    8 days ago
    Like Kennedy's assassination was to Boomers, 9/11 is for Generation X and Millennials. I was at work when our Area Supervisor came out of the break room and told me that a plane had crashed into one of the WTC towers. I finished what I was doing and walked in just in time to see the second plane hit the other tower. I was also watching live while the towers fell later that afternoon.

    This second part is not intended to be partisan politics, but is a warning references to recent geopolitical fact.

    Now, the Taliban has taken over Afghanistan again. AQ has reformed under their protection. The US government has shown that our current leadership is willing to cut and run, abandon its allies and equipment, and allow 20 years of blood and progress to be surrendered to our enemies for domestic political points. ISIS is growing again in Syria and Iraq. This administration is the same one that called them the JV, even as they conquered huge swaths of the middle east and radicalized our citizens online to become domestic terrorists. Of the tens of millions of illegal aliens invade across our southern border, thousands are military-age males from countries with active terror groups and openly hostile governments. It is complete ignorance to believe that entire cells are not crossing with the intent to commit far worse atrocities and greater loss of life than 9/11. Our military has already retooled from anti-terror desert campaigns to cold war style near peer conflicts which they found they are understaffed and unequipped to fight. It is also known strategy of the Russians and the Chinese to attack our physical infrastructure with massive, simultaneous attacks by sleeper cell saboteurs in the event of any outbreak of hostilities.

    We must remember our pledge of "Always Remember."
  • Muddy
    8 days ago
    I live in a blue collar part of Long Island where it's just full of current/former cops and firefighters. If they are from a certain age, most baby boomers a lot retired now but a lot of those guys worked like hell in those months after 9/11 at ground zero. They got spots on their lungs, seeing all these doctors, they're all fucked up, they talk about it all the time. One of my FDNY neighbors from when I was growing up Ray Pfiefer, dead.

    But lets not forget who did that. It wasn't a natural disaster like a hurricane. Nope, Islam did that. Islam killed 3K on 9/11.

    Little girls in the UK gang raped by muslim men, again and again and again. Islam did that.

    People randomly stabbed on playground, in the street, at a carnival etc. etc. all over Europe, every single fucking day by "refugees" aka jihadists. Islam did that.

    A bunch of little kids blown up at Ariana Grande concert. Islam did that.

    Speak out against Islam like Salman Rushdie, you will be hunted forever because Islam.

    Make fun of their prophet like the writers of Charlie Hedbo. Well they got murdered. Yup Islam.

    Hold on lets hear from the moderates of the muslim world, let's hear them speak out against the extremists: *crickets*

    Is anybody else sick of Islamic bullshit? It's a fucking death cult belongs nowhere near this country. It belongs in the middle east and it needs to stay there. Not a fit in the western world, at all. End of story.
  • gammanu95
    7 days ago
    Islamophobia^ sorry, it just is. By that logic, all AA should be shipped back to Africa to remedy urban violence, drug use, welfare burdens, and crime. All Hispanics should be deported to their countries of origin to end chain migration, drug trafficking, child sex trafficking, and other crimes. Opium, fentanyl, and more drugs are imported from Asia, better send all Asians back, too. Some serial kilers, pedophiles, and mass shooters are White, we should go back to Europe. Jews support "genocide" in Palestine. They should all be sent somewhere other than Israel. Native Americans are all degenerate gamblers and alcoholics, they should be headed back across the Bering land bridge they crossed from thousands of years ago. That covers everybody, right?

    Seriously, you should judge individual and groups by the actions of that individual and those groups. Identity politics and attacking the most populous religion in the world is not the solution.
  • Icey
    7 days ago
    Americas Reichstag
  • jaybud999
    7 days ago
    Wow! I'm in agreement with gammanu's response to Muddy.

  • Muddy
    7 days ago
    @gam Usually I agree with you on a lot of stuff. But your totally wrong on this. Islam is an ideology. What you stated was race stuff. Immutable characteristics vs a chosen set of beliefs. There are muslims of all races, arab, white, black, asian. It's belief system of a ton horrible ideas. End of the day, it's really just a bunch of made up bullshit that we really shouldn't have to deal with. And that absolutely murdered those people on 9/11.

    Dude don't get duped and guilt tripped by these cucked liberals who never have any idea what the fuck is going on. Ever. Use your common sense. We just have to be men and have spines say what it is out loud. This religion has done so much horrible fucking shit all over the world. It needs to be called out. Especially on a day like today.
  • gammanu95
    7 days ago
    My common sense and lived experience is that I know many Muslims who are peace and freedom loving citizens who are natural born citizens. They hate the terrorists, and are no more responsible for their abhorrent actions than you or I are for slavery 170 years ago. Some of their women are damned sexy, too.

    Leave it to liberals like 25 and wld4cocks to denigrate and demean entire swaths of the nation simply because they disagree. You are smart enough to separate people by their individual character and not how they worship.

    Freedom of religion is the first amendment in the Bill of Rights for a reason.
  • twentyfive
    7 days ago
    ^ you’re still a whiny little weirdo
  • gammanu95
    6 days ago
    ^Still a bitter, demented old dick, with small penis syndrome. Since you asked, life is treating me great. Business is up, clean bill of health from my doctor, beautiful weather, family is doing great, a vacation to MA planned for Thanksgiving, another to Nice, FR for next spring. That's why I'm so happy. Why are you always so mad? Retirement sucks? Obsessed with me? Small penis syndrome? It's all your own fault. Touch grass.
  • gammanu95
    6 days ago
    And to Muddy, thank you for showing these libs how to disagree without being disagreeable.
  • twentyfive
    6 days ago
    Weirdo is a glutton for punishment, he never learns his lessons, that’s probably why he uses a sorority’s name as his screen name. You have a weird fascination with my dick, you must be a homosexual.
    What a fucking loser you must be.
  • gammanu95
    6 days ago
    I really hit a nerve. Why are you always so mad? Retirement sucks? Obsessed with me? Small penis syndrome? It's all your own fault. Touch grass.
  • twentyfive
    6 days ago
    Weirdo, I’m not mad I laugh at you’re just a loser
  • twentyfive
    6 days ago
    Why do you always ruin every single thread that I post in everyone here knows you are a POS, my original comment on this or any other thread had no mention of you yet you come here looking to ruin every thread. Don’t blame me for your miserable existence. Such a shame that you can’t pull yourself together, you’re most likely a drug addict, and homeless.
  • gammanu95
    6 days ago
    Please show me where I attacked you in this thread? You attacked me first, as you always do. You are too weak and insecure to be around people who disagree. That must be why you hide inside all day, trolling TUSCL, and waiting to see what I will say next. Nice retirement. Even for a bitter, old, asshole, you are really pathetic.

    I can and will post where I want. Go fuck yourself.
  • twentyfive
    6 days ago
    Weirdo you posted 9 posts above
    >>>>>"leave it to liberals like 25 and wild for cocks to demean and denigrate entire swaths of the nation simply because they disagree"

    You go and fuck your pitiful self you lowlife bitch, and if you don't want to see my posts put me on ignore, or be prepared to defend yourself every day, that you involve me in your nonsense.
  • gammanu95
    6 days ago
    I'm happy to see your posts. I need to correct all your lies, ignorance, and bullshit. You are the one who gets all butthurt, flies into a rage (pussy tough guy behind a keyboard), and derails threads. If I am such a problem for you, you can put me on ignore.

    I will post where I want, and say what I want. Go fuck yourself.
  • gammanu95
    6 days ago
    btw, you must be a really thin-skinned bitch to consider that an attack. You are a liberal. You do denigrate entire swaths of people who disagree with you. A thin-skinned, demented old loser, hiding from a world he fears and envies. Touch grass.
  • twentyfive
    6 days ago
    ^ Fuck off loser, go and touch grass yourself, you're the whiniest little bitch anyone has ever seen, not to mention your a fucking liar, I've told you before keep my name out of your piehole or be prepared to get smacked back every time you take a shot.
    You love to dish it out but you can't take it, at all.
    BTW what entire swaths of people do I denigrate, and who the fuck do you think you are, you and every other person on this site knows you'd never speak to anyone F2F the way you do here, you'd get the shit kicked out of you, lowlife scumbag
  • gammanu95
    6 days ago
    You're hilarious. BTW, everyone knows that you're feeble, decrepit, old, loser. Fat, blind, deaf, crippled by arthritis, who talks tough behind a keyboard but would scream elder assault if anyone even looked at you in a way that made you piss your depends.

    I'd love to keep this up and point out all of the hypocritical statements and bullshit in your last post (like I do with all of your posts), but I have a family, and a life, and fun, meaningful things to do this evening. You know, all of those things you don't have because you're a hateful bastard.

    As always, touch grass. Or go fuck yourself. It makes no difference to me. I'll still be here tomorrow.
  • twentyfive
    6 days ago
    ^ weirdo
  • jaybud999
    6 days ago
    God damn! You two fucktards are entertaining. It's like high school with emotional retards.
  • wallanon
    6 days ago
    When I saw this was a regular front room post I was thinking it should've probably been labeled for politics. Tough to have a discussion about 9/11 anywhere without it going that route. I was in a bar on 9/10 watching the presidential debate (they make for great drinking games) and it was still on people's minds two decades later. Most of the talk there was about what a shitshow the withdrawal was, but there's still a lot to unpack about the whole thing.
  • rickmacrodong
    6 days ago
    Muddy I dont agree with your post, but your post does represent what many on the right think and feel, and it is why I dont think the right should refer to themselves as constitutionalists. Even if you argue Islam is a death cult, it is still a belief system and a religion, so you cant be pro freedom of religion and also want to ban certain religions.
    There was also that whole incident with the ground zero mosque where I believe not just right wingers but also left wingers argued it shouldn’t be allowed to be built.

    Additionally some of the events you mentioned, including 9/11, were almost guaranteed to be Israeli agents dressed up as Arabs, as they have been known to do historically like with the lavon affair, uss liberty bombing, king david hotel bombing. One of their go to strategies historically and even now, is to pretend to be Arab when committing terrorist attacks.

    Banning Islam should be doable easily in the US, the only question is what do you do with the Moslems who are already here? Allow them to practice their faith with restrictions? Allow them to practice freely as long as its done peacefully? No doubt many of the right wingers want to kill and rape them, but thats not a reasonable solution IMO and especially as many of them are US citizens.

    Also what about Judaism? Any violent texts in Islam, you can usually find the same sort of text in Judaism, many times tenfold. Even the concept of killing gays is something those Moslems copied from Biblical texts.

    If the excuse is that Jews or Christians no longer follow their religious texts strictly, well that is basically what most of the Moslems at least in America are doing. Or even in places like Saudi Arabia. Look at how many of them are drinking, banging hoes, gambling, doing all kinds of stuff. Theres even some Moslem hoes in LA, NY , Miami.
  • skibum609
    6 days ago
    In 2001 my brother flew American Airlines flight seventy-seven fifty-seven times. We knew he was going to L.A. that week and since he never went on Monday, we assumed he was flying Tuesday. He was, but not to LA and upon his arrival in Boston he discovered 157 vm/texts wondering if he was alive and couldn't figure out why until he saw an airport tv. In a weird quirk, I try to fly on 9/11 every year. This year was L.A. to Boston. I grew up in Framingham MA, home of Staples, who had a lot of employees on one of the planes and lost a lot of people I knew that day.
  • misterorange
    5 days ago
    Back in 2001, I was an outside salesman for an independent office supply company in northern NJ. “Remote” functionality was nothing like today, but from your home computer you could access email and the ordering system. That particular morning I decided to log in before heading out to visit a few customers. It was just before 9am.

    An email from the operations director to all sales staff simply said if you have customers in lower Manhattan, expect delayed deliveries due to the incident at the WTC. All my customers were in NJ, but I was curious what had happened, so I turned on the TV. I saw the first burning building and not even a minute later I watched the second plane crash happen live. The next email said they had instructed all delivery drivers to immediately return to NJ.

    After watching the subsequent collapse of both towers, and several hours of chaos that followed, the update we got was that all but one of our drivers were safe and accounted for. Most didn’t make it back to NJ, but they were out of danger. The one missing driver had been unable to move his truck and was reluctant to abandon the vehicle. The delivery manager screamed at him over the radio to leave the damn truck, and that was the last thing anyone knew.

    The way the day unfolded, we all were preparing for the worst news, but it turns out he narrowly made it out of there. With no communications working, I think it was after midnight before the company learned he was okay. Weeks later the truck was found crushed under a pile of rubble.
  • TheeOSU
    5 days ago
    Wow, that guy was lucky.

    BTW, thanks to you and ski for getting this thread back on track!
  • misterorange
    5 days ago
    ^^ 👍
  • Estafador
    4 days ago
    I can never forget. My cousin has his birthday on that day.
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