
When your ATF retires...

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
Call.Me.IshmaelRhode Island

... what will you do?

A. Let it go and find another favorite dancer to fill the void.

B. Ask her about continued OTC or sugar baby arrangement.

C. A & B combo.

D. Propose marriage.


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Avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices

I've been in that position. I used to see her in the club so much that in time getting dances became awkward and we just became friends. She retired after having a baby and her and her husband moved out of state after he got a tenure track professor job. We're still friends.

Avatar for DandyDan

A. Someone else will inevitably come along.

Avatar for funonthaside

A - Move onto an equivalent provider. It's not good to get too focused on one provider, anyway. However, it can be frustrating to be comfortable with a provider and know you can get what you want with minimal effort. So maybe A+B...but you may have already moved onto OTC after awhile anyway, if she's truly an ATF.

Avatar for whodey

C. When my ATF retired from dancing we kept doing OTC about twice a month for a little over a year until she got engaged and stopped all p4p activities. Even during the period where we were still doing OTC I was having fun at the clubs looking for my next favorite, or at least my favorite for the night.

Avatar for Huntsman

A. These relationships are always temporary. Enjoy it while it lasts but also keep in mind that life is full of moving on.

Avatar for shadowcat

My ATF (TUSCL gridget) contacted Muscular dystrophy, married some army dude for the insurance coverage and quit all sexual activities. I moved on but have not replaced her.

Avatar for skibum609

My ATF moved away during the pandemic, never to be seen again. You cannot replace someone you knew for 12 - 13 years with another, so I never tried and never will.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

C. A & B combo. I think its at least worth an ask regarding continued OTC. They could retire from the club for a variety of reasons but still be open to OTC.

Note: some suspect Mr. P is Icee, so his comment up top may not be genuine, rather he may just be trying to convince guys on here to remain friends with their ATF’s and perhaps give them free money for nothing; Icee believed strippers had the right to rob clients and deserved to be given money just for existing.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

99% of us will hit clubs longer than any dancer’s career. Moving on is the nature of our business. Just ask Wall, who started clubbing earlier than most of us and is on ATF number 5. If you look hard enough, you’ll eventually find someone better. That’s not to say you forget about any previous ATF or previous CF. That’s what those memory brain cells are for.

Avatar for skibum609

I am happy without a current CF and will never have another ATF or another CF. Almost at the point where its one room and done for good, moving on to new.

Avatar for Dolfan

I don't know if I have an ATF, but I have a series of CF's. I guess that kinda my answer A. But I've also seen dancers OTC or more in a sugar baby type situation, although I've never used those words it's basically been an arrangement where she fucks me and I toss her some cash from time to time. I don't really consider them retired until our arrangement ends, but I guess that's also B.

So, a long way of saying C.

Avatar for Dan3635

“That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.”
David Wooderson
Dazed and Confused

Swap “high school girls” for strippers.

Avatar for twentyfive

An ATF never retires, the relationship just comes to it’s predestined conclusion, but she’ll still be your All Time Favorite.

Avatar for CJKent_band


I will play along and comment on your discussion.

Q: When your ATF retires... what will you do?

A: It is going to depend on her availability and willingness for continuing “OTC” services, if she is only “retiring” from stripping.

If she is available and willing, and I am able and willing I would continue with the OTC “business relationship” as long as we both have a good mutual benefit business relationship that it is a “pleasure” to do business with each other.

If she is not interested, able, available or willing in continuing the OTC relationship I would wish her well and let her know that she should let me know if and when she is available, able and willing, and maybe we could get back in business.

“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself.

For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.”

~ Martha Washington

And Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

Good luck with your ATF.

Avatar for Muddy

New hot girls make me forget old hot girls VERY quickly.

Avatar for PAWG_Patrol

Find a younger ATF with bigger T&A. Problem solved.

Avatar for GoVikings


i've had a few favorites over the years. my current one is probably the best of them all but she doesn't dance on a regular basis and she's bad at communicating

Avatar for funonthaside

Muddy is exactly right.....which is why I generally hop from girl to girl and club to club...but sometimes I get reeled in by a reliable provider than becomes at least a repeatable CF.

Avatar for WOODDR2

All great answers and I agree with all of them. There's always new strippers every day.

Avatar for carnival

be happy for her. This is a short term fix not a long term career

Avatar for georgmicrodong

My first ATF, lo these many years past, explicitly let me know she was retiring, and was going to be exclusive with her boyfriend of the time (now husband and five kids, and if her facebook is any indication, deliriously happy), and subsequently dropped mostly out of sight. Here and a series of successive favorites would fall under A, either because they didn't want to or I didn't.

Twice now I've done B, once with my ATF, and again with my current fav/sugar baby, but both of these were after all the option A girls.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

^Georg how are you finding all these girls willing to be exclusive with you, and at such low rates per meet.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@rickmacrodong:"how are you finding all these girls willing to be exclusive with you, and at such low rates per meet."

I can only assuming it's my dashing good looks, scintillating personality, and incredible ability to make a woman orgasm for hours on end.

Avatar for funonthaside

That's CLEARLY the case.

Or,......bear with me, at many clubs, you can't swing a dead cat without finding a girl who likes money/

Avatar for rickmacrodong

@GMD well the last one you can do if you’re willing to lick and finger for hours

Avatar for wallanon

Mr. Moody has it right. Another ATF can (and will) come along if you're open to it.

But that's not saying it isn't a high bar to clear. Each of my ATFs had to outshine the one(s) they replaced, so ATF5 had to be a better overall experience than four others. Not to mention I'm still actively banging ATF4. My current ATF and the dancer she replaced are like binary stars that all other current and former favs orbit around. It's those two and a very wide gap before anyone else. While there isn't a tie at the top, they've traded places before...but that's a story for a different thread.

To stay on topic, ATF4 and ATF5 are young enough (in their 30s and still hot) where they may both be around after I leave my gloves in the center of the ring. ATF5 actually got that status after being out of dancing for a few years but recently decided to start up again after some unexpected bills hit.

If one of them were to retire from dancing tomorrow I'd be more inclined to go with option B, but A and C are always there.

Avatar for funonthaside

So the key is building up your bullpen, so you have backups in the event of an injury.

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