Utah has a funny list of rules for performers on stage, one being that strippers (male or female) can't have pubes.
It's also against the law for us to fart on stage, lol.
Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer my women without hair beneath the eyebrows.
Maybe a tightly trimmed and carefully groomed landing strip, but absolutely nothing more.
^i once tasted a girls nipple and it had a salty, yeasty taste to it that was so gross. I later realized she had a boyfriend pimp, so that salty taste was either a lack of cleaning, or the guys dried cum.
I was further disgusted when i saw a stack of empty domino’s pizza boxes on her hotel desk.
I was further disgusted when she was riding me, and i saw her very hairy pussy dripping juices down. I was thankful I had a condom on to protect from those juices… and thankful I didnt taste her pussy. Though she didnt allow DATY either as she was pimped.
I’ve never tasted yeasty or odd tasting nipples besides that instance.
So I was at a club the other night and there was a dancer who I guess was trying to look goth which I'm fine with but then it got weird. She had a unibrow which was intentional and might have even been fake, she had hairy armpits but when she got nude she had a shaved pussy.
Ok I'm not into the hairy armpits trend at all, I'd prefer a trimmed bush or smooth but why go smooth down below and hairy up top? Who does that?
BTW she looked like she was absolutely miserable dancing but then again that might have been just her thing.
GMD does shaving the cock n balls make someone an underage boy? Nonsense. Its the size of the cock and pussy that increase with age and adulthood. Not being clean shaven. If you want or need an extremely tight hole, youre much more likely to be gay or into underaged people, than someone who simply wants things clean shaven down there.
Are you finding a lot of women willing to suck a hairy dick or balls? Even if they do, chances are they only suck the tip when they could be deepthroating it if there wasnt icky hair there.
I'm OK with well-groomed humans. I don't want to see thatches. If you look at even the stars of the 1970s and early 80s, when hair was in style, the hair was still well maintained and put into proper place. The guys with chest-hair generally reduced it and directed it and limited it to the "right" part of the chest; the girls with big dark pussy patches kept their upper thighs generally clean to the bikini-line or, if they didn't, it was "their thing" to be hirsute.
I'm confused by the article. Why do the women need to engage in some kind of campaign to cause their hair to grow? Wouldn't they become hirsute ("poilu") simply by waiting a few weeks to a month or two, without shaving, because during the interim their natural hair would ... duh ... grow naturally?
I for one am a proponent of deepthroating hairy balls. Hairless balls remind me of molerats. Men seriously don't need to be shaving anything except maybe their heads after they start balding.
"^ I have no idea what underage girls look like so I will defer to your obvious expertise."
Anyone with daughters knows what underage girls look like. And if they say they don't, they're either lying or more uptight than a fundy Christian in a whore house.
Why would a man with daughters know what an underage girl looks like? A dutiful husband will do his part for bath and diaper duty, but by the time she hits puberty it should have been years since he saw her nude. What kinds of fucked up households have you been in?
last commentthis bush thing is terrible. bald is beautiful.
^ Yes. I don't want to cough on a hair when I'm chowing down on some puss.
Utah has a funny list of rules for performers on stage, one being that strippers (male or female) can't have pubes.
It's also against the law for us to fart on stage, lol.
Pubic hair FTW! On both genders I find being completely smooth down there super unattractive. Glad the culture is shifting back.
I mean, you should groom how you want, but I look forward to the day when the plucked chicken pedo look goes out of vogue.
Well I don't see it as a pedo look, to me it's a clean clear view of the prize.
Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer my women without hair beneath the eyebrows.
Maybe a tightly trimmed and carefully groomed landing strip, but absolutely nothing more.
@gammanu - I used that exact same line talking to a friend today. I love eating some shaved, clean pussy, without having to cough up hair.
The hair captures sweat in it. Maybe if you shower together first, its fine to suck a hairy one…
Gammanu technically thats incorrect… you want neck length or longer hair, eyelashes on the eyes… etc
First, I'm not sure who "Julia Fox" is, but she (?) looks like a man.
I don't want to see or feel hair down there. Trimmed with a very little bit left, ok, I guess. But a big bush? Hell no, that shit is nasty.
^i once tasted a girls nipple and it had a salty, yeasty taste to it that was so gross. I later realized she had a boyfriend pimp, so that salty taste was either a lack of cleaning, or the guys dried cum.
I was further disgusted when i saw a stack of empty domino’s pizza boxes on her hotel desk.
I was further disgusted when she was riding me, and i saw her very hairy pussy dripping juices down. I was thankful I had a condom on to protect from those juices… and thankful I didnt taste her pussy. Though she didnt allow DATY either as she was pimped.
I’ve never tasted yeasty or odd tasting nipples besides that instance.
Nothing worse after going down on a woman, than sitting there like a cat gacking up a furball.
Why do you want your women to look like underage girls?
^ I have no idea what underage girls look like so I will defer to your obvious expertise.
Just like dudes who have an obvious hatred of gay people, methinks those who yell "ped0" too loud or too often doth protest too much.
So I was at a club the other night and there was a dancer who I guess was trying to look goth which I'm fine with but then it got weird. She had a unibrow which was intentional and might have even been fake, she had hairy armpits but when she got nude she had a shaved pussy.
Ok I'm not into the hairy armpits trend at all, I'd prefer a trimmed bush or smooth but why go smooth down below and hairy up top? Who does that?
BTW she looked like she was absolutely miserable dancing but then again that might have been just her thing.
GMD does shaving the cock n balls make someone an underage boy? Nonsense. Its the size of the cock and pussy that increase with age and adulthood. Not being clean shaven. If you want or need an extremely tight hole, youre much more likely to be gay or into underaged people, than someone who simply wants things clean shaven down there.
Are you finding a lot of women willing to suck a hairy dick or balls? Even if they do, chances are they only suck the tip when they could be deepthroating it if there wasnt icky hair there.
I'm OK with well-groomed humans. I don't want to see thatches. If you look at even the stars of the 1970s and early 80s, when hair was in style, the hair was still well maintained and put into proper place. The guys with chest-hair generally reduced it and directed it and limited it to the "right" part of the chest; the girls with big dark pussy patches kept their upper thighs generally clean to the bikini-line or, if they didn't, it was "their thing" to be hirsute.
I'm confused by the article. Why do the women need to engage in some kind of campaign to cause their hair to grow? Wouldn't they become hirsute ("poilu") simply by waiting a few weeks to a month or two, without shaving, because during the interim their natural hair would ... duh ... grow naturally?
I for one am a proponent of deepthroating hairy balls. Hairless balls remind me of molerats. Men seriously don't need to be shaving anything except maybe their heads after they start balding.
"^ I have no idea what underage girls look like so I will defer to your obvious expertise."
Anyone with daughters knows what underage girls look like. And if they say they don't, they're either lying or more uptight than a fundy Christian in a whore house.
^The biggest group of whores on the planet are democrats. No morals at all. I don't have daughters, so I have no idea why people ogle their own.
"Everything I don't understand is evil."
Clean shavenness has no relevance to age. Its the size of the organs that increases with age. Maybe the hair color could change.
Also its poor taste to impose sikhism on everyone. The pubic area, whether for men or women, needs to be clean shaven for hygiene reasons.
^Very true about all progressives. The sad part is progressives understand nothing they aren't told to believe.
Why would a man with daughters know what an underage girl looks like? A dutiful husband will do his part for bath and diaper duty, but by the time she hits puberty it should have been years since he saw her nude. What kinds of fucked up households have you been in?
I prefer clean shaven. But I loved the trend where they were shaving pube designs.
I don't really care if she's hairy. As long as she's clean. Its a.novelty and different sensation.
Lmao did you go through all of Puddy Tats old posts/threads to find stuff to comment on…