At what do you say: “It must be me?”

avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life

I’ve always thought I had rather mainstream tastes. But more and more when I see posts of women and the OP asks “smash or pass” or “hot or not” I find myself in the minority. (Generally I don’t find them attractive)

Same with TV shows and movies. No matter how hard I’ve tried to watch and like “The Office” it’s brutal. I can’t get through season 1.

One of the hottest shows on is “The Bear”. I’ve tried watching it and feel the same way. It’s so painfully awful I can’t get past a few episodes before I give up. Then I read good reviews, try again and give up again.

I haven’t been in a movie theater for years. The MCU movies don’t move my needle.

I don’t find most dancers hot anymore. Too much ink and too many piercings.

Do I just have high standards? Does the younger generation just have low standards. I am beginning to think it must be me.


last comment
avatar for Studme53
6 mos ago

Discovering that one dancer that makes your heart race is worth all the time with duds.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 mos ago

Sounds like the world moved on and you didn’t. Older generations have always struggled with changing pop culture and tastes. It shouldn’t matter to anyone but you. If you’ve tried new music, tv, movies, body trends, etc. with an open mind and still can’t get into it that’s ok. You’ll just need to go to places that cater to you. Maybe check the yellow pages for some ideas lol

avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 mos ago

I rarely find dancers attractive nowadays. A lot of them look really beat and old. The lifestyle catches up with them. All the alcohol and drugs lead to zero impulse control and toxic decisions. They all have an addiction to fast money. Zero personality and conversation skills. Even a few years ago it was just pretty girls who wanted easy money. Now its girls who can't do anything else.

avatar for Lanechange
6 mos ago

Some people actually like pop music. It makes money somehow. Other people have good taste.

My taste is different because i like the more experienced dancers because to me moves matter more than looks.

Consider yourself as having been told "i'm ok, you're ok"

avatar for georgmicrodong
6 mos ago

It's nearly always me. Ever since I can remember, I've been in the (perceived) minority with regard to my likes. Sports? Not really, other than occasional football game or golf match. Food? I'm usually the one with the plate with only two or three items on it at any gathering. Woman? More tats and piercings, please.

In some ways it's a pain, but in other ways it's "more for me; thanks."

avatar for shailynn
6 mos ago

Motörhead you’re officially an old fart. I’m not far behind you. Pop culture doesn’t appeal to you anymore, and not to me for the most part as well. Ever since the Sopranos ended I’ve probably only watched a few TV shows over the years, and I agree with the Office, never could get into it.

I always wondered why my dad listened to the music of the 60s when I was little. Now I get it, he didn’t like the modern music of that time. Same reason I mostly listen to music from the 80s and 90s now, rarely listening to something new, even if it’s new music from one of my favorite artists from the 80s and 90s.

One other note, I listen to old music and think it’s brilliant, but I watch older TV shows and find most of them cheesy as hell today. For example, Miami Vice, A-Team, Friends, even Seinfeld is hard for me to watch these days, but when they were new I thought they were amazing.

How come someone didn’t even think to open a strip club that only had dancers from 35 and up? Those women would make a killing just talking to older PLs on subjects they could relate to, where PLs and young dancers often struggle to interact. There are tons of stunningly beautiful women I see everyday well over 40. Problem is most wouldn’t want to strip because they already have careers in other areas making good money.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

@motorhead - how old are you? I'm in my mid 40s and I'm in the same boat. I could only name one Taylor Swift song and two Beyonce songs. I've seen one MCU movie and that's because my sister was in town and wanted to. I couldn't get into Game of Thrones. On the rare occasions I play a video game, it's stuff from my childhood. I'm generally not a fan of piercings and tattoos (but there are exceptions).

Pop culture has passed me by but I don't care. Good for them if they like it, they probably think we're a bunch of fuddy-duddies just like we thought our parents were when we were in our 20s.

I'm getting to the age where I see peers dying of heart attacks. I'm caring more about meaning than amusement. The Puddy Tat is more concerned with caring for his clowder than cheap catnip and balls of string (except for enjoying the company of some fine alley cats).

And I've never been happier.

avatar for minnow
6 mos ago

motorhead : I'm OK, you're OK. Some people will take any garbage that is put in front of them.

avatar for ancientlurker
6 mos ago

You're a dinosaur, Callahan. But so am I.

avatar for skibum609
6 mos ago

I would point out that if you like tattoos and women who are really overweight, then you would think strip clubs are amazing right now. If you like giant Boobs strip clubs are amazing right now. If you like petite spinners like I do, you wonder wtf most of the time but find a gem like Luna (Boardroom) and just spend money on her. One is enough, when it's the right one. 21-year-old conversationalist/spinner. Nice.

avatar for rattdog
6 mos ago

nah it only you, but that's not a bad thing. if you ask yourself would be really be 100% happy if you settled for something less and the answer is no then that's the way it has, is, and always will be. you've gotten this far in life already with your high code of standards. so why should you lower them at this point?

avatar for rattdog
6 mos ago

to add-you already know what you like and into. when it shows up in due time go for it. if it doesn't show up where you're always at go elsewhere.

avatar for boomer79
6 mos ago

I’m in my 40s and somewhere in between on that. Some things I get and some I feel kind of out of step about. I have realized I have a reputation for being picky about dancers but the ones I like the most aren’t necessarily the most popular although I basically assumed they’re the most in demand.

avatar for Manuellabore
6 mos ago

^Ski^: Did Luna at the Boardroom used to work at Electric Blue? That one is definitely a spinner, although she’s up there in years (doesn’t matter to me) and not much for conversation ( also doesn’t matter—she told me on our first meeting that she prefers to talk about sex) As to OP, I don’t care about pop culture, including most modern movies and TV. shows, although there’s always the occasional diamond in the rough. Same with dancers. Usually, I can walk into a club I’ve never been to before and find at least one worth getting a dance from. It might be worth it to take an intentional breather and maybe have a fresh perspective when you get back to it I’m also amazed at how cheesy most of the old TV shows I used to watch seem now. But The Office, Friends, and The Bear we just never good

avatar for whodey
6 mos ago

Mainstream tastes and preferences change over time so just because the majority of people in a different generation like things that you don't like is normal. It doesn't mean that you have high standards or they have low standards, it just means you and them like different things.

Just think about the things that you liked when you were young that maybe your grandparents hated or the music they listened to that you didn't like. It goes that way for everything from movies and TV shows, to books and music to what's attractive and what's not.

In addition to age there are other cultural aspects that make a difference. Even amoung the same age group you'd get drastically different answers to the question of "who's the best band" or "what's the best movie" or "who's the hottest stripper in this club right now" depending on if you ask someone from the Southside of Chicago, somebody from rural Iowa, someone from Miami or someone from Malibu. That doesn't mean any of them are wrong, they are just different.

avatar for skibum609
6 mos ago

MANUEL - Luna at the Boardroom is 21.

avatar for blahblahblahs
6 mos ago

Pop music is just that, pop music. When they were the hot thing, I could only identify two songs by the Spice Girls or Britney Spears, and now I can only identify one or two by Taylor Swift. That type of music has never appealed to me. It's a bit harder to find good new music these days because the mechanisms that I used in my youth (college radio, independent music stores, my friend circle at the time) are either non-existent or stuck in the past. Chatting with a dancer about music is actually a great way to discover new (to you) stuff. If she goes on about Billie Eilish or Swift, just move on to a different topic.

In terms of the world passing me by, I do feel that way a bit in the clubs. I don't understand the big round ass thing at all, and I'm not into fake boobs. This is one of the reasons that I find reviews with "most girls were 7-9" completely unhelpful it the reviewer doesn't describe their tastes.

avatar for twentyfive
6 mos ago

Motörhead, it’s more than ok to be picky and know what you want !

avatar for boomer79
6 mos ago

I will say though one thing is eternal. The hottest generation is always the one in young adulthood right now.

One thing about clean consumer types is I think they still are considered the most attractive at least in middle class circles. Just look at college coeds. They just aren’t as common in strop clubs.

avatar for skibum609
6 mos ago

Friday at Saratoga I saw more beautiful spinner young women at the track than I have in my last 2 years of strip clubbing combined. All young, thin, beautifully dressed (love a sundress on a pretty girl) and they all had "my parents have a few bucks" look about them. Such a different look than a pretty dancer. The sorority girls at the next picnic table were stunning. For Desires fans imagine a woman who looked like a cross between Natalie and Parker.

avatar for twentyfive
6 mos ago

^ I was on Ibiza last week, you would have been in heaven, slim beautiful women all ages, all well dressed and all very sweet natured, and friendly.

avatar for boomer79
6 mos ago

Yeah pretty sure that look isn’t out. Life is just fine for those girls. I know plenty of places to encounter them. I’ll see more at one football game this Fall in Athens than in 20 years of strip clubbing.

I think they just generally have other options for money and corporate expense accounts are no longer the best customers in strip clubs. I think there is less money and the customers overall have changed as much as the dancers although clubs like Cheetah and Pink Pony have the kinds of girls I like and an atmosphere I prefer but I’m not getting any mileage and if I did I’d seriously pay for it. If they started giving it up like Vivide it would get very crowded fast there.

As to music and movies some is good and some stinks. Looking back some of the things I used to like were kind of junk though too. I think as you get older you know more what you like and aren’t willing to accept things are cool because that’s what everyone else thinks.

avatar for Muddy
6 mos ago

I can't watch movies. I think the same thing maybe it's me. But I just can't get into it. I'm not buying that bullshit. Don't watch TV anymore. Hollywood made this shit unwatchable. And as soon as you try to brainwash me, which is every movie, I'm out. Also many actors today seem to be douchebags way more than there counterparts of yesteryear who were badasses you know like Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson. Sports harder for me to pay attention by the day.

avatar for ATACdawg
6 mos ago

I know what I like - tall, shapely, sexy, intelligent and preferably 35+.

Anyone who doesn't agree can just get off my damn lawn!😂

avatar for misterorange
6 mos ago

@Puddy - "I could only name one Taylor Swift song and two Beyonce songs. I've seen one MCU movie."

I can name one Taylor Swift song and zero Beyonce songs. Had to look up what MCU means and having done that, I scrolled through all those films and never saw any of them. Lol.

avatar for Rightfield
6 mos ago

Hollywood thinks they can mesmerize me with Computer Generated Images like I was a little kid watching Saturday morning cartoons. They cannot. And of course, there is no such thing as Saturday morning cartoons any more. But CGI is boring as hell.

And then there is Hollywood's social engineering agenda. Not what I am looking for either. But how did we get from naked women to movies? At least no politics on this thread yet.

avatar for blahblahblahs
6 mos ago

I think y'all gotta readjust a bit. Beyonce has been around since the 90s, she's not exactly new. Not knowing her stuff doesn't mean that your out of touch with today's music, it just means that you have never been into the kind of music that she's made.

avatar for oscarlomax
6 mos ago

Times change and so does the packaging on items that sell well. The majority of us really locked into our "tastes" during late teens and early adulthood. Some of us always were curious and accepting of "new" stuff and blended it with our own already locked in tastes. Some haven't. I like curvy (not obese) women with cute faces who don't take themselves or the world too seriously. The ink doesn't matter although I've joked with some about running out of room to display the next issue of the graphic novel that dominates their skin. If they laugh or smile, I know we can talk further. It all comes down to what you're willing to allow as entertainment and what bores you. I find the things I enjoyed in the past, I enjoy now regardless of the packaging.

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