What would you rate this dancer?

avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices


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avatar for rickmacrodong
6 mos ago

Shes hot. Is she persian?

Im pretty sure shes been posted before by a different user

avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 mos ago

I don't know if anyone posted her. She works at a few la clubs

avatar for chiefwiggum
6 mos ago

8 at best for me. The face is a 9 for me, but the implants are terrible and out of proportion.

avatar for rickmacrodong
6 mos ago

What does she charge for OTC? Do you pretend to be persian when you see her. Or are you really persian boy

avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 mos ago

Are you really autistic or just completely lack any self awareness?

avatar for TheeOSU
6 mos ago

Lulz, she's perfect for you dougie, a fake fat pig for a fake pig like you, a match made in heaven!

avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 mos ago

Chiefwiggum. A lot of guys don't like that. To me its sexy. But with so many bbls out there I prefer the way a natural body feels

avatar for rickmacrodong
6 mos ago

Mr P its simple, your name is Persianality, that dancers name is Persia. Because of that I thought to ask if you’re actually persian or pretend to be

avatar for TheeOSU
6 mos ago

oink oink lulz

avatar for motorhead
6 mos ago

Very pretty face. But agree with Chief W - her tits are too big and are disproportionate to her body. Also “-1” for the visible tats I see

avatar for motorhead
6 mos ago


avatar for mogul1985
6 mos ago

For me, not my type of "spice", way too over-the-top for me.

avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 mos ago

The thing I don't like is she has some pretty bad tattoos. The one on her thigh is terrible

avatar for rickmacrodong
6 mos ago

Its too bad she appears Americanized and no longer foreign. Might be pimped, and asking $800+ for OTC.

avatar for Jascoi
6 mos ago

too much azzzzz. i need to pregame...... probably was the hottie i like BEFORE she overdid it.

avatar for Dolfan
6 mos ago

A 4, the face isn't bad but that body is god awful.

The food on her other account doesn't look too bad though. I'd be much more inclined to hire her to cook than to dance.

avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 mos ago

Her food page is nice. She actually does catering too. But it doesn't pay the bills/lifestyle.

The thing with bbls is they can look really disproportionate on thin girls with the slightest weight drop. With thicker girls I've seen some very nice natural bbls. But making a body shape trendy is the worst possible thing. Now we're seeing a shift to thinner more fit and with smaller boobs. Because of the whole Y2K and 90s trends. What will happen to all the bbl girls ? Plus there's no telling what the long term implications for those surgeries are

avatar for skibum609
6 mos ago

Pass. Rather get an omellette.

avatar for DickGozinner
6 mos ago

I would rate her as "axe handle wide." Pass.

avatar for georgmicrodong
6 mos ago

Doesn't really do much for me. But who knows, my ATF wasn't my type when I met her, either.

avatar for twentyfive
6 mos ago

I’ve seen NFL centers smaller than her

avatar for twentyfive
6 mos ago

Too wide for me

avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 mos ago

You're just trolling . Her waist is tiny and you compare her to an NFL center ... https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ct0Zb4KAN0c/?igsh=MXV5aHZsb3QwNjdncQ==

avatar for twentyfive
6 mos ago

You asked for an opinion, I gave you mine, never said she was fat, did say she was overweight and not my type, what you’re doing is trolling. If you don’t like or want my opinion put me on ignore.

avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 mos ago

Calling her an NFL center is trolling. You're a known troll here now I see why

avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 mos ago

Saying she looks like an NFL center is trolling and dumb trolling at that https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-4D1MrUYq/?igsh=MTBocTV3cTd0d3FieA==

avatar for twentyfive
6 mos ago

^YAWN, you bore the fuck out of me. Why don’t you find someone who cares to argue with icee

avatar for Dolfan
6 mos ago

He's not wrong, her hips certainly look wider than Jason Kelce's to me. Jeff Saturday is certainly slimmer than her now, but probably not while he was at his playing weight.

avatar for rickmacrodong
6 mos ago

Icee who cares. Nobody wants to see her or deal with her pimp.

avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 mos ago

25 you're everything they say you are.

Dolfan you're piggy backing off the troll.

avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 mos ago


The trolls don't actually believe she's shaped like an NFL player. That's the dumbest trolling I've seen

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 mos ago

That's a pretty aftermarket body but I'd still hit.

I'd wager half this board has paid to fuck much uglier than her.

avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 mos ago

Not liking her is fine. But obvious trollish remarks are just dumb. I don't get the men who belittle women they'd never have a chance with

avatar for rickdugan
6 mos ago

She is very pretty, but the implants are too much.

avatar for rickmacrodong
6 mos ago

Icee you’re confused… some people have different tastes

avatar for deboinair
6 mos ago
  1. She's not ugly but "Build a Bodies" just don't do it for me. It turns me off instantly.
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 mos ago

I think I'm just used to bbls, implants, lip injections. Good ones look nice. But I miss the feel of natural bodies. Its insane how a body can be a trend. Now that we're getting to a more Y2K aesthetic some girls are having stuff removed.

avatar for motorhead
6 mos ago

“I don't get the men who belittle women they'd never have a chance with“

But that’s not the question. You didn’t ask if we would have sex with her (paid or free). You didn’t ask if we would get a lap dance with her.

We need a little context. And perhaps everyone views these questions differently. When you ask to rate someone I understand it to mean rate her in the context of the most beautiful women in the world. Not comparing her to some hoe in Flint, Michigan. Not comparing her to the “women of Wal-Mart”. Maybe that’s just me. Like I said, pretty face but she ain’t anywhere close to a perfect 10 in the way I interpret the question

avatar for skibum609
6 mos ago

She is a fucking caricature of a woman and beyond that everyone has different taste and no one need be upset that the OP likes fucked up women.

avatar for oscarlomax
6 mos ago

She looks attractive. It comes down to personal taste. For me, I'd chat with her to gauge her demeanor. And to see how her body feels. After that, what's "fun factor" that runs between us?

avatar for Studme53
6 mos ago

Not my type

avatar for rustyjay
6 mos ago

Fake body and face? Complete turn off. I’m sure she looked hot before. Damn shame

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