
Comments by clubman2

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you consider a stripper/whore a friend?
    I don't know David. I seem to recall the 'free love' days of the late 60s and 70s as being pretty decent. At least what I can remember of them. lol
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you consider a stripper/whore a friend?
    Bobbyl, you are really getting cynical. What it says is there are exceptions to the rule. Oh, and I left nothing out. Recognize that some, again I said some and perhaps a small minority, do view it as a job and are totally different on the outside. As I said, this is rare but it does happen. Life is not all black and white, or in your mind all black. Because you've not experienced something doesn't mean it does not exist.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you consider a stripper/whore a friend?
    Bobbyl Well from the macro view you're right, however, that is not always the case. There are some instances, rare I admit, where you establish a relationship where you pay during their "office hours" but outside of that they are a FWB. You hang out and do things together and sometimes you get some and sometimes you don't. Classic FWB.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you consider a stripper/whore a friend?
    Of course. Just separate the job from the person. I have several who are friends and a few have have remained so after retiring.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Need some tips with this stripper....Help (Want to be friends)
    deogol you're right. If you get to them before they get spoiled they can be allot of fun. Unfortunately that puppy period doesn't last too long.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Need some tips with this stripper....Help (Want to be friends)
    Wait and see how she acts when you are not spending the money on her that you did. You may find that she has a totally different attitude. If I was you I wouldn't cut her off completely but rather way down. Then make your decision. It can't hurt to ask but don't be surprised if she reacts differently.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone any celebrity?
    Catherine Zeta Jones
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hiding the Tell-Tale Signs
    One thing is for sure, if the girl is wearing perfume or glitter makeup she's not to bright. Those that I've known that are successful and in the business for a while recognize that that is a way to cause a customer trouble and therefore lose them. Many of the girls I know now use one of the water based body spays instead since they aren't as strong and don't transfer as readily. In addition, since they are not oil baed they wash off easily, don't seem to penetrate your clothes and are easily covered up with a fresh shot of your own aftershave if need be.
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    16 years ago
    Hiding the Tell-Tale Signs
    Of course you could always get a divorce, then you don't have to try and hide it. LOL
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Mixed emotions.
    I don't know but it sems relatively simple to me. Forget number one, believe me dealing with the excessive drinking alone is not worth it. been there. Unless it would kill the chance with #2 I'd have fun with #3 while I spent the necessary time to develop #2. If that would kill the chances then you need to decide what the odds are. At least that's what I'd do since #2 is only a maybe anyway.
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    16 years ago
    threesome OTC
    There is truth in the comment that threesomes can be damaging, however, that's when they are both looking to give their attention to you and get attention from you. The safest, and hotest, is when the girls are both bi. Then the attention is evenly spread among the three of you and nobody feels left out. No to mention the fact that the two of them together can be hot. That's the best of both worlds for everybody concerned. At least imho
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    16 years ago
    Never Thought an OTC Would Lead to This
    Cougar - I dodn't believe I'm going to say what I am but...I've been ther. It could be that you do love her. It could be that it's yor own feelings that you don't trust. You've, either consciously or subconsciouly elevated her in you own mind from a great piece of ass to a real woman. This conflict in your mind can be the cause of the problem. Your last comment about trust, and bringing somebody else in sounds like your way of lowering her again in your mind back toward the great piece. I know I'm going to catch flak on this but, give it a rest. It doesn't happen or I should say surface often, but some of these ladies are worth being viewed as people. Separate the work from the person. As long as you recognize that it can all go bad and are prepared you have nothing to lose. Who knows, maybe you have found one of the real diamonds out there. In other words relax and enjoy the ride. See where it takes you. Some things just can't be analyzed. Just a thought.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Surprise! Surprise! How would you feel if...
    Okay, we all recognize the general public doesn't have a high view of stripper and present there own mores and ethics. With the exception being the way you feel about how their reaction to that knowledge would impact you and the SO, how would you personnaly feel. I know I would go bullshit. I would have a problem with other men having that kind of access to my lady. But that's just me. To put some clarity around this, I have had serious relationships with strippers to the point that I was very close to marrying one, but she would have quite the bussiness as that became reality. This question of course is not applicable to those who are dancing with consent. WG - I have no doubt that you would provide support and understanding to your daughter if that was her choice but would you want or wish for her to take that path? My guess is no.
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    16 years ago
    Surprise! Surprise! How would you feel if...
    Intellectually good response.How about emotionally. Knowing what goes on in the LD room, even with "good girls", no reaction about other guys handling her? No curiosity about what is 'really' going on?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I love it when...
    The dancer is smiling and making eye contact with the crowd. Looking nice and sensuous
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I hate it when...
    The dancer on stage is just walking back and forth, chewing gum and looking totally bored.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    Can probably better assess that after another visit but I'd say that's a possibility. At least last night, that would have been in the context of a good LD. Did 3 with each dancer and it was a definite possibility.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    The one I justposted has the paragraphs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper shit...
    Wondergrl, I have to agree with your hubby. But having had some real good relationships, along with the bad ones, what the hell Shadowcat, give it a shot but be prepared for the worst. You'll never know unless you try. Of course I'll never trust again, but that's me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    njcsfan calls ME a "liar"?
    Bobbyl, I am going to try an act as an impartial referee or judge. Given the foregoing about keeping the lies straight, that is not necessarily a win. It could be said in defense of that string that: you are 13, with no money, have unprotected sex with male strippers in which case erectile dysfunction is not a problem. I'll give you one point for the no sex unless directly infered that it be with a woman. Suggestion, drop this onging attempt to be the top dog at putting people down. That's not really an acomplishment to be proud of and just cast you in a light as someone who has nothing of value to say. On top of which it's getting old. If you are that bright show it with significant input of value.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "Dirty" Talk by Dancers is Positive or Negative?
    Lopaw, one thing you said hit it right on the head for me. It's in the how they say it. With some dancers it's the same old line of bull that gets spit out by most dancers and it sounds that way. Others have a way of saying, basically the same things but in a way that almost sounds sincere, these are the ones that have the ability to make the fantasy come alive. As you, the ones, and I've only met a few over the years, that make the fantasy about violating me that are an instant turnoff.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    njcsfan calls ME a "liar"?
    Bobbyl, while I do say "might" I believe that it would have appropriate, if in fact there was a possibility to read the original post as I did to have that clarified, not with an explaination that frankly, as I said made no sense, but with a simple statemant by the poster that he was not insinuating that he had carnal knowledge and that he apoogized if that was the way it was taken. It doesn't require a very big man to admit that his post may have been poorly worded. I think that would have been well received and a lack of that type of courtesy says alot to me. But that's my opinion.
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    16 years ago
    njcsfan calls ME a "liar"?
    Bobbyl, regarding the comment njscfan fliped out about, yes, I was really pissed. At the time and still, that comment came accross as more than an appreciation of her breasts. It, particularly with the smile face at the end seemed as though he was claiming to have had sex with her. Whether true or not, that is not something that is appropriate to post on the board paricularly about another board member. And frankly the explanation given made no sense at all. It was not somethig that anyone would infer from the original comment posted. Perhaps it was just poorly written but that IS the way it came accross.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Miller Lite
    How about Turkey 101 and Turkey 101 and maybe Turkey 101. Yeah, that'll work.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strip Clubs in DC/MD/VA
    Been awhile but there are a number of clubs downtown DC as well as in MD. None I know of in VA All, or at least most metro accessible. All listed in DC yellow pages.