
Comments by clubman2 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    63, 63 plus 3
    Amazing!!! Dougster(???) There are millions of people out there with average to above average intelligence that bring logical, well reasoned and, at least to some degree, fact based arguments with whom to debate whether I agree with their position or not. You on the other hand, in the few posts you have made in this thread and elsewhere, have shown yourself as a sub-par moron bringing none of those attributes. Suggest that you find a kiddie board where you may be able to convince someone that you have something of value to bring to the table. Or in other words that you may be able to understand FUCK OFF (ignore)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Would strippers like pirates as in the old days?
    I just can't bring myself to respond to that.. I would definitely be mcp and going down hill. I yield.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Would strippers like pirates as in the old days?
    yea, and they get to go sailing LOL
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Would strippers like pirates as in the old days?
    Yea but I know the power of female persuation and I have confidence in what they can accomplish especially with the power they hold in this area. LOL
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    63, 63 plus 3
    Suggest you go read history and other documentation. Check your timelines and what they already controled and then THINK.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    63, 63 plus 3
    Oh boy. "The was a chanel inthe way" That's a real problem. How did we invade France (Normandy), or North Afica or Italy. I guess we drove. And that would have won the war in Europe. At that point we were not in the conflict nor was Russia. Pacific - you can't win a war with just a fleet. You need to be able to put boots on the ground and from here supplying an invasion would have been virtually impossible.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    63, 63 plus 3
    Actually Dougster there are a couple of pieces of info that could have altered the conflicts significantly. With the war in Europe, if, following Dunkirk, the Nazis ahd realized how weak the defense were in GB and had invaded instead of depending on the ability of air power to bring England to it's knees it would have in effect kept the US from playing as significant a role. We would not have had a staging or jumping off point and the conduct of a war from accross the Atlantic would have been difficult at best. As to the Pacific, there are a number of pieces of intel that could have made a difference. Location of the US carriers at the time of the attack. Location and relative weakness of the fleet at Midway and Coral Sea. Relative weakness of the forces in Hawaii would have made capture and occupation possible again denying us reasonable access as a jumping off point for that theatre. Unfortunately war, any war, is filled with "if only I had knowns" that could change the outcome or at least the course of the conflict. Unfortunately of late even good intel would not have affected our actions since some assholes only accept that which fits the decisions they already made. You can figure out who I'm speaking of, I'm sure.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Would strippers like pirates as in the old days?
    A pirate, maybe maybe not, but a pirate ship, lets see: A bunch of horny guys to perform for A cap'n that can be bought off with a BJ Big valuable chests everyone wants to get their hands on A string of horny customers with plenty of booty to pay for the booty Swords and sword fights right in front of her face Wait a minute...that sounds familiar Oh yea, it's a strip club
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Bernie Mac dies at 50
    Really liked him and his brand of humor. He will be missed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The discussion here has been quiet.
    hmmmm... well we could try it out both ways and see which one was better and then report back so our friends here didn't waste their money if it was just an advertising gimmick. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    The question then, and where empathy comes in, is knowing and/or understanding why she felt the way she does. In that way you are able to deal with her and perhaps even move her point of view. It's a matter of relating/understanding where she is comming from. Same with the guys who need a trophy wife. Why?Stature in others eyes? A sense of accomplisment? A sense of self woth? Is it because in other areas they are and/or have been second rate? Why is it important. To be able to read these without just accepting their explanation at face value is the application of true empathy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Okay, you need to stop thinking of empathy in the narrow context of emotion. Think rather of the rot cause of why people act or react the way they do, and that does include emotional reactions. But in a broader sense, why is having a fancy car important. Is that something that makes them feel important and if so why. Why is that the thing that works for thwm. Why won't an individual make a change in their company logo but won't say that that is the problem with makiing a merger deal that in all other respects they are in favor of. What is behind their actions, judgements, decisions,etc. Emotion is only one of the things to be considered. It is in the the result of experiences that cause people to display various emotions to different stimuli. What are they? Sorry I seem to be having difficulty in positioning empathy today. I do it much better in speeches.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Replace emotions with motivations, needs, and other driving forces. Empathy is not about emotion. That's easy to see. But if you look at emotions, apply it what is deep behind them not the surface cause.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    Bobbyl: I fear that the Roman Catholic Chruch which is the dominant religion in the vast majority of the countries I eluded to, would take umbridge at your ascertain that they were less christian. The fact is that the percentage of "practicing" christians in these countries is signifiacantly hiher than here. It is the people that make the judgements that matter and in the U.S. it is more a function of the loudest voices. Unfortunatley the most vocal of these is the "moral majority" only they are a minority and with their own share of scandals. Again, I'm not saying that I approve of his actions, what I'm saying is that our obsession with this is ridiculous as with most things even remotely related to sex.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    Bobbyl, you are on the edge of being correct but not quit there. It's not Christianty that's at fault although it is a mechanism. If you consider that some of the nations of the world, particulary the Hispanic countries, Italian and in fact many of the European nations are more heavily Christion than the U.S. It has more to due with radicalism within any religion. Our forefathers were in truth radical and we as a people have not had the time to completely get beyong that as is the case in some countries. One notable exception would be the fundamentalist Islamic cultures where that radicalism and subsequent lack of tolerance for anything sexual supresses sexual tolerenc in the extreme. In the other christian nations there is far more tolerence and acceptance in sexual matters.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Both are actually correct, the variable being the strength or depth of that empathy. Many people can identify the clues, this can be to some degree learned but the subconscious identification and understaanding of those clues is true empathy. That understanding and subsequent actions constitute the guidance system I mentioned. Where most people make a mistake in thinking of empathy is seeing it as sympathy, always a danger with highly empathetic people and can be a very fine line.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Just a thought. Empathy or the ability to read the subtle cues and clues of others and then act accordingly is a key ingredient of really good salespeople as well as leaders and I can see it's application in her case. Again it was just a thought
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Interesting. Again I am simply throwing out a thought for consideration but I submit that the pervieved lack of empathy may in fact have been finely tuned empathy. Let's assume for amoment that she read your somewht conflicted views on empathy and ths predented herself in that non-empathetic manner because she knew the effect it would have on you. Remember, empathy is more than just being able to walk a mile in another's shoes without feeling the pinch. It is a guidance mechanism that allows you to read and understand others so as to guide your own behavior in dealing with them. Just a thought.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    I wouldn't say that what he did was right but I view these types of issues as more personal than an indictment of what their overall contibuton could be or how that impacts their judgement in other areas. The fact is that many on this board are admittedly guilty of the same thing. But to the larger issue of politicians or other senior officals being guilty of the same offenses, if all those who have cheated were run out of government we would have an immediate reduction in the size of government that would be staggering. Both chambers of the congress would probably have difficulty in attaining a quarum. This is not new but goes way back. Every administration and congress from Reagan forward (that's are far back as I can directly speak to) has been rife with this kind of conduct. Most countries take this with a grain of salt unless something occurs to embarass the government or the country as a whole. It's time we all grew up and opened our minds a little and focused on the much larger issues we are faced with rather than sensationalizing sexual behavior.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    the other side has so many scandals it wouldn't be too smart to get into that game. I'd rather have a human that makes mistakes and learns from them than a robot that thinks he's always right and is intractable and inflexible.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    aha! This sheds a whole new light on Gambling dancer's behavior.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Jenna love her hate her?
    prophetic! and he's always a judgemental dick
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Jenna love her hate her?
    low blow
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Damn, after all these years and jeff's still got the slave woman doing all the work.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Jenna love her hate her?
    I'm all over it lol