
Mixed emotions.

Atlanta suburb
Friday, September 26, 2008 2:01 AM
I met a dancer a year ago. 21 yo next door type of girl. ( Might be 22 now) Perfect petite body. Tits to die for (32B). Great personality and high mileage lap dances. I have not been able to get a lap dance from her for the last 4 months. Just too popular. Now the truth comes out. She is doing extras. $80 for a covered BJ, $200 for a fuck and $1,000 for OTC. This has been confirmed by a trusted TUSCL buddy. He was going to go for the BJ but she got shit faced and left the club. I have been told by another trusted dancer ( that I would like to get real nasty with) that she has lost regulars because of her drinking and because her pussy smells bad. Stripper shit? I have another sure thing dancer. I have her cell number and an invitation to call her again next month. (FS OTC for $140) #1 is the most beautiful. a 9 +. #2 has the best personality and a chance for OTC with time. #3 is a sure thing for FS OTC or ITC for a damn good price. Which way would you go?


  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    I don't know but it sems relatively simple to me. Forget number one, believe me dealing with the excessive drinking alone is not worth it. been there. Unless it would kill the chance with #2 I'd have fun with #3 while I spent the necessary time to develop #2. If that would kill the chances then you need to decide what the odds are. At least that's what I'd do since #2 is only a maybe anyway.
  • zorro
    16 years ago
    I am missing something here...Why do you have to choose? Do all three, then you will have RELIABLE INFORMATION and you will know which ones you want to see again. On a related note, am I the only one who finds these kinds of posts annoying? They give the impression that the original poster can't make a decision to save their lives, and it makes them look like a gonad-less pussy. I know these posts are mostly to get attention, but really guys, grow a pair and figure these things out on your own. It's not hard.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    zorro: You have to choose because it is your money. I'm sorry you find my posts annoying. Perhaps you would prefer posts on politics and economics. They seem to be popular. This board is supposed to be for discussion of strippers and strip cubs. To share experiences and ask for information and to be fun. I did not seek advice on how to handle this situation. I already knew the answer to that. I just wanted to see how the rest of you would handle it. I have the balls to handle the strippers and the balls to post anything on here that I want. You don't have to read it.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I would choose the hottest one, everytime. However, I'm afraid of nasty smelly pussy and that is without contemplating oral sex. Next in line would be the one that I've established a long time business relationship with. I like drunks; despite the fact that the drunks in my family are extremely mean---drunk or not, but the reckless goes up a tad with the booze. Unfortunately, I don't get to meet many alcohol abusing dancers.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    shadowcat is just having fun. he sure is egocentric guy. not uncommon among guys that are getting what they want. it is true, he did not ask for advice. he asked "which way would you go?" Some would interpret that as asking for advice but .... no, he knows what to do, and I have no doubt he has a better time than his critics.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I don't follow the original problem. However, I think a good rule: is when in doubt about which woman to fuck (for money), the correct answer is d) all of the above, all at the same time.
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    Go for the cleanest one, with the least drama.
  • Anna
    16 years ago
    Wow. I find striking similarities between this post and bad porn...I'm not sure what to make of what I see but continue to look anyways. I have a few observations to offer...apply them however you please. (1) Dancer #1 is cute and popular. Dancers are very jealous creatures at times and most vent on a bad night by "hating" on others. Take your "trusted dancer"[[oxymoron if you ask me]] and her comments with a grain of salt. (2) Dancer # 1 is a drinker...a drunk stripper is a happy stripper I always say. (3) Dancer # 3 leaves the club with you for what I would charge for 4-5 dances. You get what you pay for and also how many men would she have to be with per week to make a living? It's...nauseating. (4) You should spend time with whoever you have the most fun with and by fun I mean laughing talking and sexual chemistry. (5) It isn't exactly clear to me by reading your post if you are looking for a relationship with these ladies or just a physical encounter but I will say this...Do not date dancers. [Be informed that I say this not only because it only creates drama for you...but also to protect dancers from men such as yourself who would actually consider this scenario a internet-worthy issue. No offense.] xxx
  • boomer37
    16 years ago
    Do 'em ALL!! Then decide on repeat business...
  • zorro
    16 years ago
    I see, this is just a hypothetical situation to be contemplated by the rest of us. In that case, my original answer stands. In the future, if a limited budget is part of the hypothetical, that should be stated.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    zorro: Nothing hypothetical in my post and budget didn't have anything to do with it. I have no financial problems. I know that certain dancers do and I try to take a little advantage of that. The post was to entertain and seek your experiences. boomer37: I have already done repeat business with #3 OTC on 3 occasions. Including lunch. #1 is a drunk and wants too much money. If she comes off her high horse, I will do her. #2 I am still working on. She has the best personality of the 3. Ask StripShopper or magicrat. They have met her. We have gone as far as we can ITC. She is not ready to commit to OTC. Says I have to WOO her first. How does a 66 yo Woo a 30 yo? Except with money. Now look at my last club review. I am also playing with all of the girls mentioned plus 2 that I left out. I just heard that my last FLAME is back working at the club part time. Tuesdays. And I will be in the club Oct 14, a Tuesday. It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it. Come down for the convention. I could use the help and the girls would appreciate it. Bragger...
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    SHADOWCAT - GET REAL. IT HAS TO BE HYPOTHETICAL JUST READ YOUR OWN QUESTION: "Which way would you go?" That is a hypothetical question, man.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    arbeeguy: The back ground facts were real. I guess that you are right about any answer being hypothetical. That is all they could be, given that the rest of you don't know any of them.
  • zorro
    16 years ago
    ok, I gotta bail out. This thread is damaging my brain.
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