
Comments by BaddJack (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Compliments? Do you feel good giving them and or receiving them or are they just
    I never was complimented about the size of my dick. I once got frustrated with an older (read: looser) gal in VIP and made the bouncer laugh when I yelled: "You want more penetration??? I'll jump off the pool table!!!"
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    16 years ago
    How long with your ATF?
    I have only had one, back in the mid-80s in Kansas City. She was my ATF for maybe a year. I quit drinking (lucky that I gave up sobriety later) and by the time I went back, she was gone. Cricket: are you out there anywhere?
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    16 years ago
    Spring of 1982. Was a law student in Kansas City. Across the river in KCK there was a scrubby run-down joint called The Bowery. I had never been there because I heard it was a good place to get my head busted and because there were 2 great clubs nearby. My buddy tells me the law firm where he works represents the ownership of The Bowery and that there was going to be a donkey show that night at 10 pm. Needless to say, we ignored all warnings and crossed the Rubicon (actually the Kaw River)and arrived on the street outside of The Bowery just as a cop was leading a sad looking burro to his trailer and the cop's buddies were cuffing and stuffing several balding men and one 300 pound bottle blonde in a Sheherezade costume. I think we were lucky that we didn't see the show.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer names
    FONDL: I am an old dude, having been going to strip clubs for decades. I agree completely. I am constantly running into real women, in real life with names that sound like stripper names. I ate at a diner recently and the waitress was named Roxy and her trainee was named Prosche. Ugh. Stage names, on the other hand, are starting to fall into three categories: ones that sounds like they could be the girls' REAL names (Debbie, Jan, Lori and Nancy at the last club I visited); names that MUST be fake: Cashmere, Rumor, Sin, Dragon and TryMe (all heard in the last couple of months). The third category is small and decreasing: the classics. You mentioned Angel and Mercedes. I also miss Cinnamon, Harley, Candy and the like. Good stripper names. There is no way I could get a lap dance from a Debbie.
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    16 years ago
    Greatest movie line ever
    "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."--The Princess Bride, delivered in perfectly over-the-top fake Spanish accent by a non-singing Mandy Patinkin. Great movie. Great line.
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    16 years ago
    Ginger or Mary Ann?
    Clearly, Betty. Barney musta been hung.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Any body ever done a porn star?
    I have been lucky enough to have fucked two of them. Both are small-time, but have numerous credits in their filmography. The first was Aspen Alps. At the time she was merely a "big natural" model in specialty magazines that stripped at the original Million Dollar Fantasy Ranch in Warrensburg, Missouri. She gave high mileage lap and I tipped lavishly. Around 3 am I saw her at the Waffle House and offered to buy her breakfast. We ended up back at my motel room and she proceeded to give me the best fuck of my life up to that time. I could barely drive the next day I was so tired. I was in my mid 30s at the time and had never cum five times in a night. I thought the last one would be Saharan, but there was a tiny bit of liquid. I cramped for three days due to the dehydration.... The second was Blondie Anderson. I met her a a strip club in Lake Ozark, Missouri and had three great dances. I saw her again a few weeks later when we were both traveling for business. Due to my abnormal body size (except where it counts the most, dammit) she remembered me right away. The sex with her was better than average, but not what I had hoped for after renting several of her hardcore flix.
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    16 years ago
    Ginger or Mary Ann?
    Old question. I am even old enough to have pondered it before the days of TVNation and Nick at Night. For those that watch "WKRP in Cincinnati": Loni Anderson or Jan Smithers?
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    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Who Pulls It Out?
    I am an old dude. I never pull it out. I know where her hands have been. Sorry, man.
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    14 years ago
    Everclear - Volvo Driving Soccer Mom
    This was great fun. I agree with CT, I had to look up the lyrics to "get" all of them. I wonder where my heart-throb "Cricket" is these days. By now she might be a Buick driving Soccer Gramma.
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    14 years ago
    great. I double-posted. I look like such a noob.
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    14 years ago
    Give it up, Steve.....VD was LAST night....
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    14 years ago
    Give it up, Steve.....VD was LAST night....
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    14 years ago
    Goldfingers Infinity
    When I was a bartender, a couple of my regular customers were closet queens. I am certain that they had hot spots....I just never looked.
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    14 years ago
    stevie: we MUST update us after the V-Day date. And when she gives it up in the old uniform, post a pic or two. Please. I'm beggin' ya.
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    14 years ago
    Pretty-Coco pictures
    why you be flippin' me off, gurl???
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    The big gurls
    I have been told by B that my head cheese tastes good. Go figure.
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    14 years ago
    Little Rock tonight
    samsung: given the VIP explanation that was told to me, it is no wonder a bust occurred. I did NOT partake, but I did think the girl (clearly, one that was busted) was hot and sexy. Review finally done.
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    14 years ago
    Little Rock tonight
    Reviews will be posted in the next day or two. I missed Gauge, but Bill was there, sitting ringside and making it rain....
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    14 years ago
    waste of money!!!!!!
    Vixen: what is the best stripper name you have ever worked with? (By the way, "Vixen" is a top-10 choice in its own right)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    waste of money!!!!!!
    Fifi. Nice stripper name.
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    14 years ago
    I'm Truly a PL
    My Doc is also my best buddy. He had a young female (smokin' hot and named Crystal--another great stripper name) join his practice. The first time I saw her was when I blew out my knee and my Doc was at a seminar. She knew me by reputation and tried to be too helpful. She was enthusiastic and tried to convince me that she would listen to me and attempt to diagnose ANY problem I had in a "personal" manner. I told her that I feared my dick tasted funny. She was not amused.
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    14 years ago
    No Cheerleaders at Superbowl?
    If there are no cheerleaders, what the hell am I going to watch between commercials?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    She Wolf
    &quot;....and [her] hair was <i>perfect.&quot;</i><br type="_moz" />
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strippers in costume
    GUYS:<br /> <br /> Stand down....I was quite drunk on Friday night with the same guy that was to go with me on Halloween.&nbsp; We did not go to strip clubs on Friday nor Saturday.&nbsp; Two enormous problems arose on Saturday that caused me to scrap the mission:<br /> <br /> First, HIS wife was super-pissed.&nbsp; I got him home the night before after 3 am, stinking of gin and Taco Bell vomit, with just a hint of eau de ingenue, as we &quot;danced&quot; with a couple of college girls at a bar that admits minors, so long as they don't drink.&nbsp; Both of our spur-of-the-moment dance partners had the MINOR wristbands, but got shitfaced sipping off of his gin and tonics and my Jameson and water.&nbsp; Good-natured grope-dancing, with a smattering of hanky-panky, ensued and her I-am-a-young-girl-and-therefore-wear-too-much cologne got on his clothes.&nbsp; So, my clubbing partner went to marital jail for the night and was ordered to pass out candy, wear the smiling face and behave--or else.<br /> <br /> Second, I was nuclear hung-over ALL DAY Saturday, so going alone, and taking one for the Team--just so I could report back to YOU guys--truly seemed like a bad plan.&nbsp; Instead, I nursed my headache, ate popcorn and sat on my ass watching the World Series and two college football games on the tube.&nbsp; <br /> <br /> Plain and simple, I wussed out.&nbsp; I feel so greenvegas about the whole thing.&nbsp; I apologize.<br /> <br /> I will do better next time.<br /> <br /> Your Obedient Servant,<br /> <br /> BaddJack<br type="_moz" />