
I'm Truly a PL

Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:39 AM
I went to see my doctor yesterday for what turned out to be a minor ear infection. My doctor was booked for the day so I was assigned to the Physicians Assistant. Ok that's fine. The nurse came in, took my vitals and left the room. A minute later the PA came in. Wow. She was young, just out of med school, petite, cute, and well proportioned. Her form was modestly hidden by her lab coat, but there was more there than meets the eye. I instantly thought, “I would love to see you topless in a g-string”. And get this…her name was Mercedes! Really. C'mon, only strippers have names like that. But that's how she introduced herself and that's what was on her name tag. Mercedes! I almost cracked up. My thoughts again imagined her on stage, in big heels, working the pole. During my exam, Mercedes was professional and friendly. A very nice experience. But I could not keep from thinking what a good time we could have in a VIP area. Yes, I am a hopeless PL (and proud of it).


  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    I work with several women who would look good on the pole (and at least one I'm virtually certain I've seen actually doing so), and I have those thoughts all the time about them.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
  • BaddJack
    13 years ago
    My Doc is also my best buddy. He had a young female (smokin' hot and named Crystal--another great stripper name) join his practice. The first time I saw her was when I blew out my knee and my Doc was at a seminar. She knew me by reputation and tried to be too helpful. She was enthusiastic and tried to convince me that she would listen to me and attempt to diagnose ANY problem I had in a "personal" manner. I told her that I feared my dick tasted funny. She was not amused.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Sounds like a Wade Garrett moment: "That woman has entirely way too many brains to have an ass like that."
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Mercedes is a real name for a woman, so you don't have to be a stripper. The car's name comes from the woman's name.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    1000 most common female first names in the US population during the 1990 census. [view link] Mercedes is ranked 433. Lexus, Ferrari, Viper, and Porsche are not on the list though and those are stripper names I have heard before.
  • MisterGuy
    13 years ago
    <p>I've got two similar stories to the OP to share. My doctor's office is affiliated with a local medical school, so they frequently have young doctoral students seeing patients initially after a nurse takes down your vitals.</p> <p>One time, I was having some intestinal discomfort & was examined by one smokin' hot, young Asian hottie. Feeling her hands all over my chest & abdomen was VERY exciting indeed.</p> <p>Another time I ended up having a mild case of prostatitis, which was only diagnosed after having a tall, hot, young brunette conduct a prostate exam. In addition to a prescription for some pills, I was given instructions to "frequently masterbate" (at least once per day) to help get things right again. To which I leaned over to the young doctoral student & joked, "So, what are *you* doing this weekend?" Both she & my regular doctor laughed out loud. :)</p>
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