
Little Rock tonight

Avatar for BaddJack

Visiting the parents in Louisiana.

I am driving the length of Arkansas to get there.

I hope to try Paper Moon in Little Rock tonight, and experience enough to give a full report.


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Avatar for samsung1

I look forward to your review!

Avatar for shadowcat

Be sure to see the Bill Clinton presidential library...err adult book store.

Avatar for Dudester

Keep an eye out for Gauge (onetime porn star). I'd like to get her in VIP.

Avatar for BaddJack

Reviews will be posted in the next day or two. I missed Gauge, but Bill was there, sitting ringside and making it rain....

Avatar for samsung1

paper moon in little rock had a prostitution/public indecency problem recently. 6 people got busted.

Avatar for BaddJack

samsung: given the VIP explanation that was told to me, it is no wonder a bust occurred. I did NOT partake, but I did think the girl (clearly, one that was busted) was hot and sexy. Review finally done.

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