
Comments by DougS (page 46)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Eat first or fuck first?
    I will not eat before going to a club, and I prefer sex on an empty stomach. However, most of my OTC experiences start with eating. Some of the best OTC experiences that I've ever had though, consisted of talking, drinking, photo taking, dancing/playing, sex, then Steak N Shake... in that order...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
    Yoda: Why waste $10 a pop (or with insurance, it costs me $1.70) on V/L/C for just a lad dance? That amount of money is like dropping pennies on the street... it's meaningless. Like Chandler eluded to, when I get LDs, my goal is not to nut as fast as I can. Typically, if I'm getting LDs, I'm getting them for HOURS. During my last half-dozen trips to a club, I litterally spent 8 hours in VIP - that's 8 hours solid of "play time". So, prolonging the climax is the goal. Actually, I prefer NOT to leave with a wet spot. Additionally, I get plenty of enjoyment out of those marathon sessions, but being the sensitive guy that I am, giving the dancer something hard to rub on so that SHE gets some enjoyment out of it, too.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Looking for...
    I've gone into detail with the type of girl that will ALWAYS get me going and put me hot on her trail (or is that tail?). BUT, there are a few girls over the years, a few recently, that are totally NOT my type, but have caught my eye and got me wanting them perhaps even MORE than my ideal-type girls usually do. Does that mean maybe my ideal-type is really NOT my ideal type? A few cases... I love long, straight, silky/shiny hair. BUT, there's a cashier at the local grocery that has WAY short hair.. shorter than mine, and spiked on top, she also has sexy brown eyes (and I'm not talking sexy because of her makeup, 'cause I don't think she wears ANY makeup). She's got a cute face, but I wouldn't call it pretty. Killer llittle body... but damn, after seeing her yesterday, she's been on my mind a LOT... Another girl, working at the local pool supply store, has the ideal hair, 'cept red, which I don't prefer (although my wife is a redhead?!). Killer body, wholesome looks, almost pretty, but more cute than pretty. BUT, she has a nose ring, tongue stud, and a lip ring. Without those appliances, she looks girl-next-door. Her personality is definitely WAY different than she appears with those piercings. She is also friendly, and we did some mutual flirting... SHE appeared in many of my fantasies over the summer, believe me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Have you noticed...
    Parodyman: To be honest, at first I didn't blame Funseeker for taking your "assualt" the way he did, but he's definitely taken it way too far and has been placed on the infamous list. Also, to be totally honest, I've nearly placed you on that list as well, but I have to give you credit for your public apology. I also realize you were just doing some chain yanking to stir things up.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to avoid emotional involvement with strippers!
    Casualguy: Yep, what you described is THE recipe for emotional involvement. Spending a lot of time, exchanging personal info, taking it OTC. Been there, done that... experiencing the EI. It's not all bad, but it sure as hell complicates things.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Thoughts on the fantasy aspect of SC'ing
    Chitown: I'm with you on this one. She would no longer be on my "to do" list - for dances or anything else. As a side note, as much as I love hair, to have a girl tell me that I can't touch her hair would be such a turn off, I'd be done with her then. I've only had ONE girl, in all of my years of "clubbing", tell me that I can't touch her hair. Bookguy: With your prefernce for waifish girls, I think you'd fall in love with the girl I've described in another thread ("Looking For..."). And yes, I can NOT get that girl off my mind today.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Looking for...
    Bookguy: Even though Pool Store Girl seemed to show an interest with some mutual flirting, Grocery Cashier Girl didn't seem the list interested, but on the other hand, I think she could tell I was drooling over her while talking to her, and didnt run off screaming. Unfortunately, in both cases, even if they were agreeable to meeting OTS (Outside the Store [snicker]), due to where they work, it's far too dangerous and risky - my wife (and kids) sometimes accompany me to both businesses. I WAS very close to saying something to Miss Pool Store, though. In fact, I went in during the week one day, specifically to see if she were flirtier without my boys with me, and perhaps to drop hints that I'd be up for more... As MY luck would have it, she wasn't working and when I asked about her, I was told by the woman working that she had quit due to being pissed at mgmt. Interestingly, the woman continued by saying, "I still talk to her.. I'll tell Jackie that you asked about her" In my wishful thinking mind, that implied to me that "Jackie", would know who the woman was talking about, if she told Jackie about my visit. Which again, implies to me that perhaps they'd talked about me in my absence. If it weren't for the danger level, I would be VERY tempted to ask that woman to pass Jackie a message for me... but I am too gutless... and with all the time that has lapsed since then (since July), I'm sure that I've missed any window of opportunity that might've been there.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    older or younger
    Evilcyn: It's great to see a dancer posting on this discussion board. I appreciate your input, so I hope you continue to do so (wish other dancers would join in, too). I like, and am intrigued by your attitude. Any chance you can divulge the club that you dance at?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to avoid emotional involvement with strippers!
    Bookguy: You might've hit upon another element of why I like to get "emotionally involved". It IS kind of a thrill to know that I've got dancers calling me to talk to me. Also, I've mentioned to my inner group of friends (well, three friends, not counting fellow TUSCLers), my relationships with my faves and ATFs. THEIR reaction to that - a sort of hero-worshipping awe - definitely adds to the lure.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The high price of lap dances
    Casualguy: If I were to guess, it sounds like you also work in the IT field. Bookguy: Moralification? religiousyness? Are you a speech writer for George Dubbyah?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dancers smelling you and telling you that you smell good?
    Yup, I hear it all of the time, too. I don't think it's just one of those lines, but like everyone's pointing out, it's the appreciation for your cleanliness, and testament to the degree that you stand apart from those stinky patrons.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Looking for...
    Fondl: You might like this link... http://www.videovat.com/videos/1518/kelly-ripa-cheerleader.aspx
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Best ways to butter up a stripper?
    Evilcyn: I can't speak for every guy, but I don't look at giving dancers compliments as "buttering them up" - that's got kind of a negative connotation, as if we are complimenting them to get something. I also don't think that was the mindset when this topic was posted. I DO tell the dancers what I like about them, not just what I think they want to hear. I hadn't thought of your angle before, though, that you can "cater" to our likes and dislikes better, knowing what first attracted us to you. That makes a lot of sense. And probably means that I should be even more complimentary than I am. For instance, I love the long hair, and maybe by pointing that out to a dancer, she could do things like burrying my face with her hair, etc. I might have to try and get to the Cleveland area sometime... small and flexible sounds inviting... If you have other dancer friends, please encourage them to post on her. It really is refreshing and eye opening to hear the dancer's side of things. In fact, a few years, I don't know if anyone else here remembers it, but there used to be a link on TUSCL to a dancer that would answer questions from us guys on here. It was something that I found really interesting, but for some reason it stopped. I would love to see something like that again.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Best ways to butter up a stripper?
    Maybeenuf4u: I do the eye contact thing all the time - looking into her eyes, whiile she's showing and playing with her tits, or doing the "panties rub", etc. What the heck, I've seen a LOT of girls rubbing themselves through their panties, and not being a breastman, breasts aren't that big of a deal to look at (and I can caress them just by feel, 'cause I know where they are [wink]).... I'd much rather look into her sexy eyes and watch HER get turned on (or pretend to, as the case may be). Actually, during dances (and sex) eyes are extremely sexy and also can communicate a lot. Simply by looking into her eyes, you can tell if she likes something that you do, or REALLY likes something...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Ex dancer calls for a "session"
    Sheik: I don't think I'd be thinking "psycho" already. To me, she appears to be employing Stripper Logic and operating on Stripper Time. She appears to be undependable. BUT, you said you were interested in perpetuating the "sessions", so it must've be good and well worth your time (and money, if that was involved). So, I think if it were me, I'd give her the benefit, and not give up on her quite yet. I wouldn't call her, though. You don't want to appear as being desparate. Just wait... I'm sure she'll contact you if she enjoyed the sessions, and especially if she needs the money.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Should I go to law school?
    I still think nursing would be ideal for you. After reading this article in our local rag, >>I'M<< even thinking about it, especially if I could get into THAT kind of nursing... nothing like adding my love of flying to a career! http://www.southbendtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070204/Biz04/702040524&SearchID=73271332555181
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Looking for...
    Fondl: Oh yeah... I'm a Katherine McPhee fan, too... Igiveup: I've been "fucked" by MY computer, and believe me, it isn't fun.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are men who flip shit to other men because they got payday loans pathetic losers
    This thread all took place before I got interested in this discussion board. (I'm not sure why it took me almost six years of membership before I discovered this menu option, but I AM glad that I did) The Pay Day loan thing struck me as humorous. If getting one of those makes one a PL, and if I wasn't already one (which I am), I'd say I fit the description. No, never got a pay day loan, but when I was planning my next OCT about two years ago, and noticed that my "entertainment fund" was getting way too low, I made a stupid mistake. I wanted to get a loan that the wife would never hear about (of course), so I asked around and heard about a "non secured loan". I went to the bank and asked more questions, and finally signed the papers, with assurances that my wife wouldn't find out. I got the money... enjoyed a VERY good OTC with my fave of the day, and even paid off the loan a month or so later - all was good. Whew! Right? Wrong. About that time, those "free credit report" ads started popping up on TV, and my wife thought it'd be great to see what our rating was. At work I ran the report and then looked through it. One of the items on the report, was my "non secured" secret loan. SHIT!!! Since my wife was excitedly planning on viewing the report that night, I put my IT know-how to work and copied the contents of the report into a file, edited out the section(s) that showed even remotely anything about that loan, then printed it out. Whew! Right? Wrong. Again just recently, the loan reared it's ugly head. Planning to do some serious remodeling, we applied for a Home Eq loan. The bank sent out papers for us to fill out, and as MY luck would have it, included was our credit report. SHIT!!! For once, luck was with me on this one... as I scanned every line closely looking for anything incriminating, I saw that the credit report was just a summary, along with our "credit number". Another bullet dodged. Whew! Right? Well... for the time being. Though this little stupid trick I pulled is going to hang over my head forever, along with a dozen or so other mistakes I've made over my years of clubbing and OTC play that could (and probably will) come back to bite me. Signed.... a BIG PL
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Looking for...
    BG: I think she was chunkier earlier, but I belive she's trimmed down (a la Kelly Clarkson). The last pic I saw of her - I think it was in Sunday's newspaper - she looked pretty hot. I don't like chunkers and she certainly appeared to be far from chunky. Squinty eyes? That doesn't bother me at all... if she's squinting, she won't be in pain from the eye shot [wink]. I still say she's hot... she's got the long silky hair that I like http://www.americanidol.com/contestants/season5/katharine_mcphee/ http://www.canadaeast.com/storyImages/e012912A.jpg Say Ahhhhh .... http://images.shopintuition.com/seenon/2036.Katharine.jpg
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Dream Hypothetical Multiple Choice Question
    B. is the closest to what I'd do. I'd be spending time with, and $3,000 on my ATF. (don't even have to think for that answer)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    If a club doesn't consistently offer dancers that will provide good two-way contact, there is NO way that it should be in top ten... and definitely not a #2 club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dancers smelling you and telling you that you smell good?
    Minnow: Have you seen pics of her... she's not half-bad, either. Definitely "doable". BUT, there seems to be a little psycho side to her. SCARY! Personally, I want to see pics of the other woman involved in the triangel.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are men who flip shit to other men because they got payday loans pathetic losers
    Fondl: She IS paying the bills ... I make the money, she pays the bills for several reasons. I tend to procrastinate, so as a bill payer, that is NOT a good trait. Also, many years back, when I was still the bill payer, I was spending a LOT of money on another hobby (R/C planes and R/C cars), and she wanted to keep her eye on that, I guess... probably a good idea. EXCEPT, by shutting the door on that harmless hobby, we all know which hobby I took up to fill my void, so to speak. Not being the bill payer makes THIS hobby more difficult, too... which is why I established my secret "entertainment fund".
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
    Bones: Uhh... maybe I will have to sit at a DIFFERENT table for the TUSCL North Chapter Reunion!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    Chitown: Agreed. I DO read those reviews though, for explicit details, and I have to admit that if I find myself in San Diego on business, I'm going to pay that place a visit.