Have you noticed...

Have you noticed that I have not been too active on TUSCL in the past two months. I wanted to give a certain individual time to calm down. The whole point being that posting would go back to normal.
Two months later this PSYCHOPATH is still posting almost three times daily some kind of insult towards me.
In the past I have had a little fun winding this person up, but as it became obvious that he was genuinely upset I did apologize to him publicly. (More than once.)
As much fun as it has been to watch FUNSEEKER's trulu impressive descent into total madness I am afraid that I will not be wasting anymore time on this little game.
Feel free to post whatever uneducated, in need of serious editing, mistake laden drivel you wish FUNSEEKER. I am no longer impressed with your tenacity. You have become boring and will probably join your fellow loonies Clifbar/davids/Romantic Lover on my ignore list.
last commentBy wanting to expose me I think Funseeker is letting his latent feelings slip. He has clearly been hanging around with Clifbar too much.
As long as this IDIOT parodyman-> STARTS & STIRS SHIT, WRITES FAKE REVIEWS, taunting and insulting me I will continue to expose this ASSHOLE parodyman-->'s SHIT STIRRING.
Doug S, the whole point of keeping all of my posting with Funseeker under one thread is so that those who do not wish to be involved or even read this garbage do not have to. If you do not like it please go elsewhere. I tried to stop but the psychopath funseeker continues to seek me out. Best to handle things here quietly and away frommainstream TUSCL.
Funseeker, you are a boob. And not the good kind either.
You're indeed an IDIOTIC MAD ENGLISH PROFESSOR who writes FAKE REVIEWS, STARTS SHIT, apologizes, and all over again and again!
Note to self: don't waste my time reading the "have you noticed..." thread...
Let's all drop this and talk about hot girls...
Being an IGNORANT BUFFOON must be FUN for you otherwise you would SEEK out an education or at the very least some ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION! But please don't let my opinion dissuade you from remaining a DUMB MOTHER-FUCKER! Ask other members on TUSCL if they think you would be able to pass the third grade the way you write. Then SEEK the help you so desperately need. Remember learning can be FUN!
We have NOTICED that this MAD ENGLISH PROFESSOR STARTS SHIT, posts FAKE REVIEWS, apologizes. And, back again STARTS SHIT, STIRS SHIT, posts FAKE REVIEWS, and on and on and oooooooooonnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I said that I was done posting on this subject but Funseeker's DESCENT INTO MADNESS is too bizzare to look away. Just like a bad wreck on the freeway, we all look at the scattered body parts and shudder.
I can't remember how to put someone on ignore. Please help me.
People will be going to Kansas strip clubs to see you as dancing an extras dancer!
You will indeed write reviews of performace of your whole family affair!
We all have NOTICED that you the MAD ENGLISH PROFESSOR is back to START and STIR SHIT. Also, working as an extras dancer making a family affair!!
You will indeed post reviews and FAKE REVIEWS!
I'm so glad you noticed Funseeker!
I have an excellent idea for you. Next time you strap on your helmet and climb aboard the little yellow bus that takes you to these fine strip clubs in Kansas; take your copy of "Curious George" with you. Instead of lap dances you could pay one of the nice ladies to help you read it. This could be a fun way for you to improve your language skills.
You're such a jerk who is looking spelling errors!
You're also the IDIOT who apologizes for FAKE REVIEWS and again posts FAKE REVIEWS!
You're indeed the real MORON on this board!!
Sometimes i crack myself up.
You're the real JERK MAD English Professor!
A little advice. If you have recently hit your head please wait 48 hours before posting.
Read this attempt at a sentence and see if you can make some sense of it: "Who the JERK are you tell me how I write."
The grammar on this one is not much better than the first. "You the FAKE REVIWER, the real ASSHOLE around here!"
I will reply with; "Who the JERK are you Funseeker to butcher the English language the way you do?"
P.S. What the fuck is a "FAKE REVIWER"?
Who the JERK are you tell me how I write.
You the FAKE REVIWER, the real ASSHOLE around here!
I see that funseeker STILL does not read what he types in for a post.
"He is the real phychopath!"
I can't even pronounce that. You would need to have your teeth smashed in with a hockey puck to be able to pronounce the word psychopath the way you have spelled it.
parodyman--> is the SUBHUMAN who posted FAKE REVIEWS after apologizing for his earlier SHIT STARTING & STIRRING and posting FAKE REVIEWS!
He is the real phychopath!
If you're reading this please take note:
parody started his shit and apologized, and then I didn't do any posting on this matter. I felt case closed.
parody simply couldn't keep quiet and back at starting his shit by posting three FAKE REVIEWS which contained taunts and insults at me.
I can tell you that he will back at it agian.
parodyman--> is the one keep STARTING and insulting others by POSTING FAKE REVIES again and again!
He started the whole SHIT! He also did his SHIT to shadowcat and others.
He is the real ASSHOLE around hear. Just doesn't know how to STOP STARTING and STIRRING SHIT!
parodyman - You're the IDIOT coming back again and again to START & STIR SHIT!
You should had left me alone insted of throwing YOUR SHIT at me!
Thanks Doug. Glad to see that some one gets it. I certainly never meant to become the focus of some complete lunatic's existance. I just wish things would go back to business as usual.
Parodyman: To be honest, at first I didn't blame Funseeker for taking your "assualt" the way he did, but he's definitely taken it way too far and has been placed on the infamous list.
Also, to be totally honest, I've nearly placed you on that list as well, but I have to give you credit for your public apology. I also realize you were just doing some chain yanking to stir things up.
He is also tormenting me with his extras wife too!!!!!!!!
parody is here to torment me with his "extras girl" mother!
That's right! Parody will be sucking everyone's cock and STARTING & STIRRING SHIT at the same time!
parodyman--> is the ASSHOLE around here who STARTS & STIRS SHIT, writes FAKE REVIEWS insulting and taunting others. Apologizes, STARTS & STIRS his SHIT, writes FAKE REVIEWS, on and on and on and on.............
Thankyou Abbie for that really helpful response. Made all the difference to me.
Funseeker: People occasionally ask why I don't make fun of grammatical mistakes more often. There is a simple explanation. It's just too easy to pick on grammatical errors. On top of that, it also doesn't warrant much mockery. I do point them out from time to time, but how often can you point out a misspelled word before you're beating a dead horse to a bloody pulp? You should feel honored. Being the one and only exception to this makes you special. I know... You have been considered "special" ever since the little yellow bus first picked you up and took you to school. But you are a special cause here on TUSCL too. No one here writes the way you do and I just want to make sure you recieve the recognition you deserve.
I've noticed that I've grown tied of the whole thing. I agree that at first Funseeker's respose didn't seem excessive, now I don't care. The whole thing is boring. Buh bye.
Not to others, just to you. And only because I care!
You're the IDIOT who STARTED SHIT again and again and again......
FUNSEEKERwill you ever learn? I have made a sport out of pointing out your shortcomings and making you look like a jerk. You upped the ante by behaving like a psychopath. You get so pissed off by my making fun of you, yet you continue to come back for more abuse. What the fuck is wrong with you? Have some self respect man. Just go away.
Wondering if he got the message?
parodyman--> is the IDIOT who repeatedly came back with his SHIT and FAKE REVEIWS with taunts insults.
He is also a SUBHUMAN who loves STARTING and STIRRING SHIT!
The learning HAS NOT begun.
parodyman--> has never learnt how to STOP STARTING & STIRRING SHIT!
"Learnt" is not a word DUMB-FUCK!
Beating up on Funseeker is too damn easy. Does anyone have a dead horse I can whip for while? Might be a nice change of pace while numb-nuts goes out and gets edumacated.
parodyman--> the IDIOT repeatedly STARTED these SHITS! He never knows how to stay from SHIT STIRRING!
Is your favorite album "Stop Making Sense" by the Talking Heads? It would be fitting. After all you stopped making sense quite a while ago.
Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was...
This fool is worried about what he calls my "FAKE REVIEWS" yet has not written anymore of his own error filled pieces of crap. Kind of funny how he only has time to post how I am a "SHIT STIRRER AND STARTER." Yet half of the time he does not even spell that right. Who is the IDIOT Funseeker? I am asking you.
parodyman--> is the real IDIOT who writes FAKE REVIEWS with taunts and insults to others and STARTS & STIRS SHIT! Does this all over again and again!!
I guess I'll save myself the trouble of stirring shit by shitting directly on Funseeker's keyboard. His random key pounding should stir it sufficently. Hey, he may even accidentally use English. He might even spell something right. Who fuckin' knows?
parodyman--> is always there to START & STIR SHIT!
Also, there to write FAKE REVIEWS!!
I'm also here to torment Funseeker.
He is the poster of poor English.
He is the one who cannot spell.
He is the one, who like a cockroach after a nuclear attack, will still be posting the same tired 4 lines over and over.
I am the one who laughs at him.
I'm also here to torment Funseeker.
He is the poster of poor English.
He is the one who cannot spell.
He is the one, who like a cockroach after a nuclear attack, will still be posting the same tired 4 lines over and over.
I am the one who laughs at him.
These two remind me of the strippers on the other boards - talking smack to each other. I just plain don't get it - why dont you two go out into the parking lot and fight it out instead of boring all of us with crap we could all care less about...
I'll ask treetopsman the same questions I've asked others. Why do you care? Do you not realize that you are not obligated to read this? Are you capable of skipping the threads you do not care for?
Clifbar: Well said!!
parodyman--> will be knocked out after only two rounds. Then comes his SHIT starting & stirring!!
Funseeker are you still hanging on Clifbarf's jock? I've had that pesky little dildo on ignore so long I almost forgot he posted here. If it wasn't so much fucking fun making you cry like a little bitch you'd join him on the ignore list.
I think that FUNSEEKER has stopped seeking fun. He has not posted any "reviews" in quite a while. This makes me sad. He tried so hard. Perhaps he is now SEEKING INSTRUCTION IN THE CORRECT USEAGE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE!
parodyman--> can't stop STIRRING SHIT!
A Cry baby!!
The Mad ENGLISH Professor is a aslo a SHIT STARTER & STIRRER, and a FAKE REVIEWER too!
What the fuck is an "aslo"? Do you know how to write?
Who the FUCK are you to tell me you SHIT STIRRER?
pardoyman--> is the SPELL CHECK COP in addition to his usual job as a SHIT SRARTER & STIRRER on this board!
I only spell check you Funseeker. Because you are "SPECIAL"!!!
I have a new theory as to why FUNSEEKER is such a dumb piece of shit. I think he is one of those "SPRAY PAINT HUFFERS." That would explain the loss of brain function and sloppy speech.
It also explains his partnering up with that piece of gutter trash Clifbar. Now we have two dummies for comparison. One sucks paint fumes, the other sucks DICK by the yard.
Which one is the biggest loser? Only time will tell.
I never let Clifbar off of my ignore list so maybe one of you can tell me if he still posts here on TUSCL? I don't give enough of a shit about him to look for myself.
No answer? I guess everyone has Clifrod on ignore!
I win! Neither of these two dildos (Clifbar & Funseeker) have anything to say!
I have noticed and you should too.