A question for the guys

avatar for fxxychick
I have been a dancer, stripper, entertainer (whatever you pick) for a while now. And the weirdest thing happened to me recently. This past Mon night while I was working I received a phone call in our dressing room (never happens because all of my regulars have my phone #). Anywho, the guy on the other end was recapping his visit with me @ the club to make me remember him (I am bad with names but great with remembering faces). Well after a brief recollection, I let him know I remembered him. Then he proceeds to let me know that while I was dancing for him (and yeah where I work we do air dances, its the law) he blew his load in his pants, and has been thinking about me ever since. I knew his visit was a while back because Mon night was my first night back @ work in over a month (yeah I took a break to chill out for a while). He then asks if I were working this Fri, I told him I was, and he said that he couldnt wait to see me. Although it was flattering to know that I had that affect on him, it kinda creeped me out. I have done several dances for my personal regulars and the regulars who hang out in the club, and I have never had anyone tell me this before. Let alone track down the # to our clubs dressing room (which is not posted in a phone book)to get in touch with me to tell me this. Yeah in the back of my mind I wonder if maybe a guy has been aroused but not to the point of "blowing their load".

So guys, has this ever happened to you: "blowing your load" while you were getting a dance? If it has, would you tell the entertainer or keep it to yourself? If it hasnt, theoretically would you tell her? Should I be nervous if he comes in Fri?


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avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
One point of getting lappers is to blow my load. My favorite girls do go out of their way to provide this service. It does not always happen, but I am disappointed if I'm TRYING to make it happen and yet it doesn't. A girl who doesn't want it to happen, or who lappers me in such a way as to RESIST it happening, is a girl who doesn't get my repeat business.
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
Never from an air dance. I don't see how that is possible. Some times from a very good lap dance. Mostly from a HJ administered by the dancer, over or under my pants. They always know when I have busted a nut. I don't have to tell them. There is a wet spot and the happy look on my face. I don't think that you need to be nervous but I would certainly ask him how he got the phone # for the dressing room.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
FoxyChick: I didn't think it was even possible to "blow" without some actual physical contact. I gotta think that perhaps he was stroking when you weren't looking, while you were giving him an air dance. I don't think you should be concerned or nervous when he comes in, but you should definitely keep your eyes on him. I also think that if he has a "happy ending" he should be tipping you extra, whether you did something to help it along, or not. Charge his ass... you should get "combat pay" (or is that "cumbat pay") pay for that!

I personally, do NOT like to achieve a "wet spot" in the club. It is not my goal to get off during a dance. In fact the last time I was in the club, my dancer of choice really tried to make it happen, and believe me, she really had me going, but I chose not to let it happen (in the club).

Would I tell the dancer? Well, if I were about to jizz, I would certainly warn her first; she has a right to know, and "take cover" if she prefers. It's not fair to soak her ass, if she doesn't have a chance to get out of the way. Even if I didn't warn her, believe me, she will know if it happened or not. No need to tell her. If during an air dance, would I tell her.. if she didn't see it or feel it exploding against her ass, I'm not going to tell her. I'd be TOTALLY embarrassed to tell her that I shot my load without any contact? Geesh!!

avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Fxxy: It's not unusual in full contact cubs, and it's sometimes talked about openly between dancer and customer. It also can be pretty easy for the dancer to detect without the guy telling her. It's never happened to me, but if it did I wouldn't try to hide it. With an air dance, however, I would think it's extremely rare for the customer to cum. I'd say impossible, except I know that all guys can have different thresholds.

This is just a guess, and excuse me for creeping you out even more, but I bet the truth is he's been blowing his load WHILE thinking about you ever since. Perhaps while he was taking the very odd step of calling you at the club to tell you about it. (Sorry.)
avatar for fxxychick
18 years ago
Thanks guys for the ensight.
BG: I dont mind turning guys on, I'm pretty sure I do that most of the time when I am working. Hence, why I have my regulars or repeat customers (who dont come in as much as my regulars do but they do come back). It's just that it has never happened to that point, to my knowledge. I guess I would have expected it to come from one of my regulars or someone else who frequents the club whom I am familiar with because they have seen me in action week in and week out over time.

Chandler: I agree 100% although you didnt creep me out more. Just now knowing and I really cant remember exactly what he looks like although I do remember the encounter, hell even the table we were sitting @ in the club, is what's probably the source of my reaction. I guess its a comfort zone issue.

Moreover, I figured if a guy were turned on and decided to tell me, he wouldn't go so far in depth as to how much he was turned on. Maybe its knowing that a few girls who still work, or have worked, with me have had stalkers and people follow them when they leave the club, and it started with something similar that they thought was just flattery or BS.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
True.. you can never be too careful where stalkers are concerned. It seems that every dancer that I've talked to has her story about "the time when a guy followed her, when she left the club".

If I were a girl, that'd be pretty scary-ass stuff. I worry about my ATF (and faves), and tell her all the time that she should trust NO one ('cept for me [wink]).
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
Blowing a load from nothing but an air dance and his hands were where they could be seen?, has to be a miracle or a one in a million wet dream the guy had while awake. I could just imagine some other dancers having fun with him by touching him for 5 seconds and then he says "ok, I'm done."

I've never blown a load due to a lap dance in a strip club. I may have had precum come out which is a clear fluid that may leak out when a guy is excited but that is not the same thing as blowing a load. It's easy for a guy to know when he blows a load because he feels a big release.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I understand a bit about worrying about getting stalked. As a guy I tend not to worry too much about that. I did read some tips, if you're driving and worried you may be getting followed, take 4 right turns (a circular path). If the person following you does the same, they are following you. I guess in a few rare cases they may be lost and hoping you know the way. I heard the other suggestion if you think you are being followed is to not go home but to go to a well lit place with a lot of people around. I had at one time thought about the local police department but at night, there may not be anyone around in some places. I've thought about these things because I've had female relatives get followed in the past.

I haven't worried about any dancers following me or threatening me in that way that I remember. I did meet one dancer who seemed to be eerily infatuated with me and told me she knew me. It almost seemed like she could be stalking me but I kind of enjoyed it. She knew things about me from several years ago that I didn't even know. One of those was that she remembered the first time she ever saw me and that was 14 years ago at the time. She actually remembered me leaving a strip club and told me she was 16 at the time. I don't remember any dancer remembering details like that about me 14 years later.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
One of the worst things to see following you is a vehicle with blue lights flashing.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
18 years ago
I can see maybe "leaking" somewhat from an 'air dance', but think it's impossible to BLOW a load just watching, unless the dude is just a premature enjaculator! If that's the case, he wouldn't be worth a fuck anyway. BTW, I don't let the dancers know when I BLOW a load, in most cases, they've already found out on their own!
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
Fxxy, the answer to these kinds of questions will almost always vary termendously with both the club and the girl. In some clubs it would be frowned on while in others it's clearly the whole point of the exercise. And in the case of the latter type club, whether or not he says anything, the girls will know when the guy is "finished" because he'll stop getting lap dances at that point and probably leave.
avatar for Gitano
18 years ago
No, I have never blew my load in my pants. If it happens it happens, but I've never even been that close. Yes...a raging hard-on, but no feeling of wanting to cum.
And if somehow I was able to blast a load, I wouldn't necessarily bluntly tell her, "I just came" If for some reason she couldn't tell I had an orgasm then I may say "wow..you sure made me feel great."
And I definitely would not be calling a dancer up and telling her this, especially with the scenario you mentioned. Unpublished number.
One guy mentioned it here. I think as well that the guy was probably janking while telling you his story. Make him tip you next time for phone sex.
Air dancing and orgasming? Can't happen. I don't think even when I was 12 that that couldve happened. You must be touched in some kind of way...even if its underwear or pants rubbing.
Would never happen to me, but I'd be a sorry ass wanker for telling that to a girl.

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