
Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?

Atlanta suburb
PUSSY!!! But where do you draw the line? If your are getting what you want. Then I guess that it is worth it. If not. When do you stop? I stopped with the crack whore that tricked me into driving her to her dealer and back. I stopped with the crack head that recently had a baby that was born addicted. I knew that she was lying to me about a whole lot of things but I put up with it because she was good in bed. I quit when another dancer told me that she was going to visit her parents in Richmond VA. She suggested that we get together there. Even gave me her parents phone number. I tried to follow up but every time I called her cell phone number, I got "Not available". Even talked to her father. I gave up on Natalie(real name)because she made promises that she never kept. My new policy is to not get involved OTC. Wanna bet how long that lasts?


  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    stripper shit - telling you one thing and acting interested, then doing something else to the contrary, then turning right around when they see you again and giving an excuse, acting like they are still interested. Giving guys the run around and giving excuses. The reason I told myself I wasn't going to go out with or ask any dancers out. I did that for years until I met a dancer who said she knew me and didn't give me any stripper shit. I had forgotten what stripper shit was. A dancer I know now, has brought back my memories by not returning my phone calls the last couple of weeks. I'm tired of that crap even though I didn't really feel like talking to her one week. I might still go out with her one time just for fun (not sex) if she does actually call (she used to promptly return all phone calls). However she'll have to more strongly persuade me to go out with her again since I'm alot less likely to bother her since she seems so busy. I remember one girl in college was the same way, started ignoring me after I agreed to go out with her (I was wondering if she thought that was like playing hard to get after she already agreed to go out). I called that date off after I got ticked off at her ignoring me. End of our relationship.
  • imnumnutz
    17 years ago
    I think I put up with it because I always think I'm the guy who could change her. I think I and others are often romantics at heart, and hope to "rescue" these "damsels in distress." 99% of the time they don't want to be rescued, but just want to continue doin' what they do.

    My current ATF and I were supposed to go an event 2 hours away recently. She called at the absolute last minute to cancel, so it was impossible for me to find anyone else to accompany me. She did not apologize, until I brought it to her attention the next day, and made clear that her lack of concern was not appreciated. She then spent the rest of the nite apologizing and has asked that we try to make it to a similar event this summer. We'll see. She is great about returning calls, in fact, probably calls me more often than I call her. She at least tries to be on time when we go out. But after that one cancelation, I don't completely trust her. I can see plain as day that at some point, she'll do it again, or she'll simply grow tired of me. She is a stripper after all, and that's just the way it is.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I was tired this morning so I went back to sleep. A phone call woke me up. It was the dancer I talked about calling back again apologizing saying she left her phone at the house. I saw where she had left a message on my machine. She was hoping I wasn't angry at her. Well, it's hard for me to be angry the second I wake up. She's lost a lot of my trust though. I was a bit angry at her but less so now after hearing her apologize. She had me quite a bit confused as well since she didn't give me any indication in the club that she was trying to blow me off, well I mean as a figure of speech on that one. I think I'll call her back and tell her maybe some other time (if I don't find someone else I'd rather go with instead first). I know I'm not planning on asking her out for anything again.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    stripper shit, sometimes a nice pair of tits and a sweet voice will convince you to do things where you might otherwise say forget about it. I think I'm thinking about someplace I want to go and trying to decide who to go with. The dancer I mentioned said she still wants to go with me. Doesn't call me for 2 weeks but sees me in the club instead, then the day we're supposed to go somewhere she calls and apologizes. Frustating. I don't usually put up with it for too long. She did ask if I still had her number. She was right. I was thinking about throwing it away.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    stripper shit drives you crazy. Maybe it's just some girls in general but dancers seem to be good at it.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I did just think of one reason to go out with her again that would be more fun. :)
  • blaze_n_hot
    17 years ago
    I admit it, I'm guilty of stripper shit. Sometimes it's because I'm just being a flake, but most of the time it's because I'm not interested in the guy but still want his money.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Hi, blaze_n_hot. I don't believe you're the only dancer by far. I can usually recognize it early on but not always. I usually just move on to someone else unless the dancer stops giving me stories and excuses.

    The last dancer I knew never gave me an excuse. When I ran into her in the club she always wanted the same thing from me. It was not a dance but I got her to do that anyway.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Stripper Shit? Stripper Shit? You mean all those times that those dancers told me how big of a dick I had, how well I ate pussy, how personable and intelligent I was.....was.....BULLSHIT??? WHAT??? Fuck, BUST my bubble!!! You gotta' be kidding me! Those dancers weren't truthful with me??

    Stripper Shit (SS) and Bull Shit (BS) comes with the business. Without SS and BS, dancers wouldn't be making what they are making now. Hell, if I were a dancer, I'd be spreadin' SS & BS like it was going out of style!!
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Why do we put up with it? It's certainly not because we enjoy it. We put up with it because they have what we want. They know we want it and that we will do (and sometimes pay) almost anything to get it.

    As has been pointed out in the past, WE are guilty of it, too. Sometimes there is just as much Customer Shit spread as there is Stripper Shit.

    In the club, it's all just a game... a fantasy... strippers know it... customers know it..

    We will put up with it until the annoyances arising from SS outweigh the pleasure that we experience.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Customer shit, I wonder if that's what one dancer thought when I told her I wasn't into eating pussy. I just didn't want to with her. Any girl who seems to greet me not with a handshake or hug or kiss but instead with a blowjob almost every time I met her, I had to wonder how many guys she might be sleeping with. I told her I was tired of all the big dick comments as well but I couldn't change her either. I think I even told her she didn't have to start sucking my dick every time she saw me. I just thought she was some kind of nymphomaniac. I did enjoy her smile when she said she had a tight pussy. Talk about a girl who was almost impossible to break up with. She got into trouble with the police with speeding over 90 traveling from another state and stopped coming to visit. I put up with stripper shit as long as I'm still happy with the girl. If not I forget about her or start ignoring her sometimes doing the same thing she was doing by pretending everything is fine and putting her off.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Well put Doug! BRAVO!

    They got it! We want it! We pay for it!

    And as far as (CS) customer shit - I pretty much lay it out on every club visit I make!
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I only put up with stripper shit to the extent that I allow them to tease me with it, but I never take the bait anymore. If a stripper says we'll have to get together sometime, I'll talk about how great that would be but I won't follow up. If she gives me her phone number, I'll stick it away and tell her she'll be hearing from me, then I'll throw it out once I empty my pockets. On the other hand, if she says let's go fuck after work, I might be up for that, given the low risk of getting the runaround. Even during my visit, if a girl says she'll "be right back", I'll save her seat only until another girl I want to see comes by. I don't kid myself that I'm breaking anybody's heart. My attitude about stripper promises is that they're only good for as long as she's there next to me. Once she goes off and bumps into another guy all bets are off. So, I just adopt the same cavalier approach in return, and everybody's happy.

    I don't play along with any SS relating to paying for OTC action, since I'm not interested in that or in leading a girl to think I would be. They must understand that about me, because I don't get many such offers. And I don't think that's because the strippers I favor are all virtuous.
    17 years ago
    But is it really stripper shit or is it pretty young girl shit? Seems to me I've seen lots of stripper shit by girls who were never anywhere near a strip club.
  • fxxychick
    17 years ago
    The one thing I find funny is I am honest with customers I sit with. I tell them straight up that I dont give out my #, I'm not interested in a date, yes I do have a BF, and Im rather blunt when I make it known that I'm not going to lie and tell them what they want to hear to make $$ because its not worth the time. I just let them know if they want, they can come back and see me so we can chat, have some drinks, laugh, and dance a lil. There are the few that think that I am giving them "stripper shit" when I state this. Most accept it and tip me better because of my honesty. Its a damned if I do or damned if I dont situation. Hell, I have tons of regulars, and they all know and have met my BF and one has hung out with me and my BF in the club where I work. By the way, how about "customer shit"? I always love the asshole that thinks that since he has a lot of $$ to throw around that he can treat the girls like shit. I have actually taken $$ from that type of guy and thrown it right back @ him while I was on stage several different times. And the funny thing is most of the other guys in the club applaud and tip me and the other girls better for having to deal with "customer shit".
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    "But is it really stripper shit or is it pretty young girl shit? Seems to me I've seen lots of stripper shit by girls who were never anywhere near a strip club."

    Amen FONDL. In fact, it also seems to me I've seen lots of non-shit-filled strippers who are just being "coy" or "girlish" naturally. I kind of find it fetching, but also kind of find it annoying as heck. We do like young women, but their behavior is so often ... young womenish ...
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I think you have a great attitude and sound like someone that I'd like to spend time with. I'd have to draw the line with meeting your BF, though... that would ruin the "fantasy"; a definite turn-off.

    I don't like the "stripper shit", and I can honestly say am not a guy that throws around "customer shit". I treat the girls VERY well, and am not one to try to push the envelope in order to see how far I can get with a particular dancer. I am usually honest... with my faves, probably TOO honest.

    Is there any chance that you dance in the midwest?
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    FONDL: I agree that a lot of it is just pretty young girl shit. I've been getting it all my life, because I've always been attracted to wild young things, since long before I ever set foot in a strip club. However, strippers take it to a whole other level. The money element, and the fact that it's their job to pretend to be attracted to you adds jet fuel to the fire.

    Funny thing is, we always talk about how stripper shit is used to string customers along and wring more money out of them.....and yet the SS I've received never has a big payoff for the girl, actual or planned. I'm not a big spender in the club, and I never pay for anything OTC, and they know it. If anything, they lose money by wasting their time trying to jerk me around, although I think they tell themselves the nominal dances I buy makes it a profitable gambit. I think they just like the feeling of making a guy jump through hoops for them, whatever. It's a trait that draws them to stripping in the first place. And in some way, I get a thrill from playing with that trait in them, and I get easily bored with girls who never engage in SS (or PYGS).
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Fxxy: I like your attitude, too. More as a poster than I think I would as a dancer. I'm sort of a fool for bad girls and their games, and prefer not to have the straight story spelled out for me. That's OK, though. If you were my type, it sounds like I'd need to take a number and get in a long line.
  • fxxychick
    17 years ago
    Thanks Chandler and Doug. I guess because outside of the club I am just as laid back. I just try to have fun and get everyone around to have fun while I am working. On occassion I dont mind throwing in a free dance or buying a drink for a nice guy here and there. My only vice is I can drink with the best of them and I tend to get others around me kinda wasted, but hey I will make sure you get home safe even if I have to call a cab to come and pick you up, hell I will even pay for it.

    Doug, I actually work @ this lil club called Charlies in Bham, AL. If you are ever in Birmingham, or plan on visiting just drop me a line and I will let you know if I will be working. And to all of the nice gentlemen who frequent gentlemen's clubs, I greatly appreciate you and the way you respect us by not giving us strippers "customer shit"!! :)
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