Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?

Atlanta suburb
PUSSY!!! But where do you draw the line? If your are getting what you want. Then I guess that it is worth it. If not. When do you stop? I stopped with the crack whore that tricked me into driving her to her dealer and back. I stopped with the crack head that recently had a baby that was born addicted. I knew that she was lying to me about a whole lot of things but I put up with it because she was good in bed. I quit when another dancer told me that she was going to visit her parents in Richmond VA. She suggested that we get together there. Even gave me her parents phone number. I tried to follow up but every time I called her cell phone number, I got "Not available". Even talked to her father. I gave up on Natalie(real name)because she made promises that she never kept. My new policy is to not get involved OTC. Wanna bet how long that lasts?
My current ATF and I were supposed to go an event 2 hours away recently. She called at the absolute last minute to cancel, so it was impossible for me to find anyone else to accompany me. She did not apologize, until I brought it to her attention the next day, and made clear that her lack of concern was not appreciated. She then spent the rest of the nite apologizing and has asked that we try to make it to a similar event this summer. We'll see. She is great about returning calls, in fact, probably calls me more often than I call her. She at least tries to be on time when we go out. But after that one cancelation, I don't completely trust her. I can see plain as day that at some point, she'll do it again, or she'll simply grow tired of me. She is a stripper after all, and that's just the way it is.
The last dancer I knew never gave me an excuse. When I ran into her in the club she always wanted the same thing from me. It was not a dance but I got her to do that anyway.
Stripper Shit (SS) and Bull Shit (BS) comes with the business. Without SS and BS, dancers wouldn't be making what they are making now. Hell, if I were a dancer, I'd be spreadin' SS & BS like it was going out of style!!
As has been pointed out in the past, WE are guilty of it, too. Sometimes there is just as much Customer Shit spread as there is Stripper Shit.
In the club, it's all just a game... a fantasy... strippers know it... customers know it..
We will put up with it until the annoyances arising from SS outweigh the pleasure that we experience.
They got it! We want it! We pay for it!
And as far as (CS) customer shit - I pretty much lay it out on every club visit I make!
I don't play along with any SS relating to paying for OTC action, since I'm not interested in that or in leading a girl to think I would be. They must understand that about me, because I don't get many such offers. And I don't think that's because the strippers I favor are all virtuous.
Amen FONDL. In fact, it also seems to me I've seen lots of non-shit-filled strippers who are just being "coy" or "girlish" naturally. I kind of find it fetching, but also kind of find it annoying as heck. We do like young women, but their behavior is so often ... young womenish ...
I think you have a great attitude and sound like someone that I'd like to spend time with. I'd have to draw the line with meeting your BF, though... that would ruin the "fantasy"; a definite turn-off.
I don't like the "stripper shit", and I can honestly say am not a guy that throws around "customer shit". I treat the girls VERY well, and am not one to try to push the envelope in order to see how far I can get with a particular dancer. I am usually honest... with my faves, probably TOO honest.
Is there any chance that you dance in the midwest?
Funny thing is, we always talk about how stripper shit is used to string customers along and wring more money out of them.....and yet the SS I've received never has a big payoff for the girl, actual or planned. I'm not a big spender in the club, and I never pay for anything OTC, and they know it. If anything, they lose money by wasting their time trying to jerk me around, although I think they tell themselves the nominal dances I buy makes it a profitable gambit. I think they just like the feeling of making a guy jump through hoops for them, whatever. It's a trait that draws them to stripping in the first place. And in some way, I get a thrill from playing with that trait in them, and I get easily bored with girls who never engage in SS (or PYGS).
Doug, I actually work @ this lil club called Charlies in Bham, AL. If you are ever in Birmingham, or plan on visiting just drop me a line and I will let you know if I will be working. And to all of the nice gentlemen who frequent gentlemen's clubs, I greatly appreciate you and the way you respect us by not giving us strippers "customer shit"!! :)