First of all let me say that Bones and I have become personal friends and discuss many things not related to strip clubs. He has 213 reviews to his credit. An amazing feat. I have a mere 6. At one time I did have over 80 reviews and was ranked #4 on the list of top reviewers. Until I fucked up with F and lost them all. 95% of my reviews were for the same club. My favorite club. The question is. Would you rather spend your time and money hitting tons of clubs in search of the perfect stripper or would you rather be like me and have a favorite club that you, in your own mind, know that can't be beat? Bones: you know that I am only posting this for discussion. You are the brother that I always wished I had.
I like some variety. However most people have time and money constraints. If you found something you like, enjoy it while it lasts. PP in Columbia is not my favorite club for a weekend night. I enjoy the same prices or close to the same at a sister club. One girl does charge me two for 20 but I know her a little bit better than most. My other favorites charge me no more than 2 for $30 and one likes to start on a song that she doesn't count. I don't have to hunt around for a seat since the club must have enough seats for a large army compared to a small classroom as the club in Columbia is. Some of the girls in Columbia can be a bit more wild but not that much when the club is crowded. I also have two other clubs I enjoy in the area so my favorite clubs are different. If I had the afternoon off, I could imagine shadowcat's favorite club could be mine as well as it once was several years ago.
With all due respect, none of the above. I like being the way I am. There was a time when I stuck mostly to one favorite club and got pretty involved with some of the strippers there, but I burned out on that after a couple of years. And I never believed it was the greatest club in the world for everyone, just the one I happened to settle on. Now I go to several different clubs, some more often than others. I enjoy trying new clubs in new towns when there's an opportunity, but not necessarily to post a lot of reviews. If I find one I like, I prefer to stay awhile.
When I was younger -- 20's and 30's -- I was in search of the "perfect" strip club. I visited as many different clubs as I could. I loved to travel, both by air and by car, so I planned weekends and vacations around experimenting with different clubs in different cities. It took me awhile, but I eventually realized there are no perfect strip clubs or no perfect dancers. Now, I usually limit my regular activity to two or three clubs -- and typically only dance with the same girls over and over again.
This isn't to say that I have given up on trying new clubs. Occasionally I still try a new club, but in many cases, I leave disappointed. (Most notably my experience at Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indy - a fave of some posters here). I don't know if I have lost my sense of adventure due to age (48) or I am just more comforable with familiar settings.
I enjoy both. I have a regular club I go to about 2/3 of the time. The other times, I try a different club just to see what it is like. It does all boil down to girl. Some in liberal clubs are hands off while some in conservative clubs are hands on.
That said, I do enjoy Bones reviews as they are quite detailed and help me determine where to go when I'm in different areas.
David, I did a lot of traveling, too, in search of the ultimate club, beginning almost immediately after my first taste of lap dancing. Tampa, San Francisco, Memphis, etc. After a few years of that, I realized I could get the same results or better by settling into a regular club, somewhat like Shadowcat preaches. In time, however, it became so familiar to me it was too much like regular life with all the boring melodrama, so I gave up the whole scene for a few years. Since I've returned to clubbing, I've had good luck at trying new clubs, mainly because this site is so much help.
I have been lucky. Over the past 25 years I have had the chance to travel around the Eastern US, making numerous trips per year to the same cities to visit customers. During this time I have done both. I have spent lots of time and money searching out clubs in new areas. But I have also spent tons of time and money in my favorite club in whatever city I was in. It is a great feeling to find a new club that offeres exactly what you want. It is also great to walk into an old favorite and see familiar faces.
Thanks shadowcat, and I feel the same way about you, brotherless also.
First off guys, the reason I have so many reviews, was because last year I had temporarily retired from work and needed to get away from my hometown, friends, and relatives, and help my grieving period a bit. These ROAD TRIPS I took, lasting anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks, visiting clubs was an outlet for me. I spent much money on gas, food, lodging, cover charges, beverages, tips, dances, and of course EXTRAS!! I can only estimate that I spent well over 25K in a 7 month period, if not more. I have no regrets and plenty of fond memories, and no diseases! It was FUN!
Now, as far as today, my favorite clubs are in Cleveland (for the time period), Kokomo, and Indianapolis. The clubs in Cleveland are "EXTRAS" clubs only and won't last long once the Ohio State Bill 16 takes effect!
I did have one favorite club when I lived in Memphis and that was The Tunica Cabaret. Since I had to travel from Memphis to Robinsonville, Mississippi everyday to work, I had to pass this DAMN club on the way and on the return trip home. I became known as a REGULAR of course and used this facility to get whatever my heart desired in the form of (sexual) tension relief, as a fair price! For the sake of my bank and wallet, I hope this club NEVER opens up again!
Anyway, my suggestion is to enjoy regular clubs while at home base, and if travelling, try new clubs to compare. Good luck.
P.S. I didn't do these ROAD TRIPS to be No. 1 on TUSCL's lists, it just happened I found TUSCL before a 9 month vacation to STRIPLAND! I could care less about my standings. Thanks.
I certainly am not even in the same league as Bones or Shadowcat, but at one time I had moved up to the 37th spot on the reviewer rankings, but my clubbing opportunities were at best once a month.
Currently, when time permits, I will spend OTC time with my ATF. I may venture to one of a few clubs (in Indy / Kokomo) if I have any time left, after spending the day with Miss ATF. Other than that, unless things change between my ATF and I, the only clubbing will be to "strange" clubs when traveling on business.
I guess I understand Shadowcat's outlook, since I too feel fortunate that my favorite club is accessible with minimal travel and provides all that I am looking for. I have lately done some traveling and have checked out other places, but it just makes me appreciate my "hometown" club even more.
I work in a club in 'Bama that has been open for 25yrs. Although I have only worked here for 2yrs, I must say a ton of our business comes from those who love our little club out in the woods and have been coming here for yrs. Personally, I enjoy working here because it has a "Cheers"-like atmosphere. Everyone knows everyone. At times we get wild-n-wacky and it feels like you are just hanging out even if you work there because its so laid back.
last commentThis isn't to say that I have given up on trying new clubs. Occasionally I still try a new club, but in many cases, I leave disappointed. (Most notably my experience at Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indy - a fave of some posters here). I don't know if I have lost my sense of adventure due to age (48) or I am just more comforable with familiar settings.
That said, I do enjoy Bones reviews as they are quite detailed and help me determine where to go when I'm in different areas.
First off guys, the reason I have so many reviews, was because last year I had temporarily retired from work and needed to get away from my hometown, friends, and relatives, and help my grieving period a bit. These ROAD TRIPS I took, lasting anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks, visiting clubs was an outlet for me. I spent much money on gas, food, lodging, cover charges, beverages, tips, dances, and of course EXTRAS!! I can only estimate that I spent well over 25K in a 7 month period, if not more. I have no regrets and plenty of fond memories, and no diseases! It was FUN!
Now, as far as today, my favorite clubs are in Cleveland (for the time period), Kokomo, and Indianapolis. The clubs in Cleveland are "EXTRAS" clubs only and won't last long once the Ohio State Bill 16 takes effect!
I did have one favorite club when I lived in Memphis and that was The Tunica Cabaret. Since I had to travel from Memphis to Robinsonville, Mississippi everyday to work, I had to pass this DAMN club on the way and on the return trip home. I became known as a REGULAR of course and used this facility to get whatever my heart desired in the form of (sexual) tension relief, as a fair price! For the sake of my bank and wallet, I hope this club NEVER opens up again!
Anyway, my suggestion is to enjoy regular clubs while at home base, and if travelling, try new clubs to compare. Good luck.
P.S. I didn't do these ROAD TRIPS to be No. 1 on TUSCL's lists, it just happened I found TUSCL before a 9 month vacation to STRIPLAND! I could care less about my standings. Thanks.
Currently, when time permits, I will spend OTC time with my ATF. I may venture to one of a few clubs (in Indy / Kokomo) if I have any time left, after spending the day with Miss ATF. Other than that, unless things change between my ATF and I, the only clubbing will be to "strange" clubs when traveling on business.
Shadowcat: Let's get another discussion board topic started about the TUSCL Convention in October. Just paste and copy. Keep it within the top 25.