I'm fairly new to visiting strip clubs. I enjoy the attention of the younger women. I've had some great dances and often end up having fairly nice personal chats with the girls. I wonder how I would procede to having more physical experiences or maybe OTC encounters? Is that unrealistic for a guy my age? How do i approach the topic with a dancer?
However, my opinion is NO. There are many approaches one can use in finding out if a dancer will do OTC. You can outright ask her or be suttle about it and say you would like to see more of her or spend more QUALITY time with her. Sometimes if you don't "beat around the bush" about OTC with a dancer, you'll never find out if she is of the 'outcall' type. Good luck. You'll get a lot of responses from other members.
If you see a really sharp dancer you want to spend OTC time with, just ask her about the chances of spending an evening together. I doubt you would hurt her feelings if she declined.
You are right there in my age range... just a tad older than me, but I've had no trouble finding dancers that will meet for OTC, so there is hope for you!
There are a lot of factors that influence your chances of hooking up with a dancer OTC, and the "success" that you will achieve.
1) rapport... You HAVE to establish some sort of rapport with the girl. You can offer her all the money in the world, but if there isn't some sort of rapport going on between you and her, she is not going to accept any offer.
2) trust... she has to trust you. She is not going to meet up with a guy OTC, unless she feels safe with him, and is reasonably sure that he isn't going to harm her. YOU have to trust her, as well. OTC-ing could be very dangerous for both parties involved. (a humorous side-bar: the first time that I OTC-ed with my ATF, she left a letter on the passenger seat of her vehicle that detailed who she was with - my name, age, description, hometown, cell number, kids' names, etc... so much info that had I done something to her, my ass would have been in jail before I went to sleep that night. She told me about it later; I thought it was cute.)
3) expectations... you BOTH need to be upfront about what each of you expect to get out of the encounter, ideally (highly suggested) you work out the financial details beforehand, too.
How do you approach the topic with a dancer? Every situation is different, and is every dancer, so there obviously isn't a canned answer to that question. BUT, here is what has worked with me...
My approach is based upon the dancer and the vibes that I am getting from her. If the dancer is getting very "hands on" and is openly "taking the matter into her own hands", that is a green light. Be as open and blunt about what you are wanting. You can say things like "we could get much more comfortable and have a much better time at my hotel", and judge her reaction... if favorable, then keep up the line of suggestions. If not favorable, back off a bit, and be patient. Perhaps it's my taste in dancers, and thus the dancers that I select to entertain me, but this scenario has only presented itself to me twice. In both cases, their response was more than favorable; one came back to my hotel, the other met up with me in my vehicle - fun was had by all - yowza!
The more typical situation that I find myself in, is having a fantastic time with a dancer that I visit with many times ITC. After building a good rapport with her, I realize that I want to spend more time with her. I start hinting that I'd like to see her OTC, and stress that I'm not just looking for sex (because honestly, although it'd be nice, that isn't my main goal). I've taken this path with three dancers.
The first - who was also my very first OTC dancer - "went out with me" several times, but nothing more than sharing dinner together and talking (and some kissing). It was nice, though.
The second - (my prev ATF) We spent a LOT of time ITC, then took it OTC for dinner, and "other things". Keep in mind, patience pays off. Our first OTC was nothing more than dinner, then MOtel, where we listened to music and talked. Other than massaging her back, nothing happened. MANY OTCs, phone calls, letters, etc., spread out over several years took us from the first OTC, to "photo sessions", to private dances, to the "ultimate" playtimes that we experienced.
The third - (my ATF) Currently on-going. Started out really enjoying each other's company ITC, followed by some hinting about OTC, followed by a lot of coaxing. After spending five nights ITC - all but one were marathon sessions of 7+ hours, and about 20 phone conversations, we met OTC for dinner, going back to my hotel afterwards. Since then, we've OTCed a half-dozen times - it'd be much more often than that, if the logistics were easier to deal with. We usually do "date-type" things such as dining, talking, watching TV, playing games, etc. To date, other than a lot of heavy DFKing, nothing has happened. That is fine with me. I REALLY like her and if given the opportunity, I could see us "together", but there are a lot of issues to deal with; most are probably insurmountable.
I would see a further impairment to maybe a few dancers to going out with a married man. Every dancer is different in what she thinks is ok or who she wants to bother with. Many dancers do not want to go out with any guy in the strip club.