
Ever got your picture in a strip club bar or been filmed on their DVD?

I went to a club called Mickey's a lot shortly after they opened up and I did notice they took a lot of pics of dancers and customers at that time and put them all along their bars under the glass top. I never realized there was a pic of me in there until I ran into a dancer who recognized me and told me she saw my picture. I was a bit surprised. Then about a couple of years ago, I went to the beach and decided I wanted to visit the Masters for the first time based on all the reviews knowing that it was a relatively new club. It didn't seem like a normal night which is wanted I wanted. I saw several hours of dancers performing special shows I heard it was Las Vegas style. They had want appeared to be TV cameras filming these shows. One dancer noticed I was standing up and found a chair at the stage for me (grabbing a chair from a customer) and dragged it up to the stage. I sat down and she on top of me. Then next thing I know a few months later, I run into a new dancer and she tells me I'm on the Battle of the Masters DVD.

Anybody else been surprised they got caught on film or on DVD?


  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    I was once in a club when they were filming an HBO "G-String Divas" episode, but I never saw it air.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    No but NBC National News was in my office today filming for about an hour. It was mostly about the nasty weather in the northeast today and yesterday (thunderstorms) and what we were doing about it. See if you can spot me.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    When do you expect that to show up on the news? Did I already miss it?
    I remember in college I kept seeing myself in the background on a few occasions when they were reporting on some news on campus. I just happened to be there. I don't mind as much just happening to be there. I just don't want to ever be the news.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I once noticed my arm and back-of-head in the picture that was the 'front page' background image to a club's website. I could be certain of the identity as myself both from the fact that a given feature performer was on stage, and from the rather unique sweater which I recognized. Nobody else could have figured it out. I wonder what the other guys in the picture, who are clearly visible and identifiable, feel about it? We certainly weren't warned that filming might take place.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Bookguy: Is that pic still on their website? If so, what's the website?
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago

    I've just checked it out, and NO, it seems they've upgraded. It looks like the same set of images, but they've been rearranged, mostly reduced in size, and the one in which I appear doesn't seem to be around. It's this club


    and here's their website


    so you can look around all ya want. I'm wearing a white cable-knit cotton sweater and a baseball hat. See if you can find me. :)
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