I received an email from shekitout yesterday. He had just visited our favorite club and was told by one of the dancers that the club was going to add a bird dog to the day shift because many dancers were complaining to management about how far their co workers were going in the private dance room. He is going to check it out and get back to me. I know that there are some rats. I know who they are because my favorites have told me who they don't trust and why. Why don't the rats just mind their own business? Why should they care what the others do? Are they making less money because of it? Maybe making less than the others but I think that they would be making even less if it wasn't fact that the others are bringing customers into the club. They are get the residule benefits. Fortunately for me my favorites know how to be discreet. They will turn the heat down when necessary and turn it back up when the coast is clear. I will make a full report of this in my next review with rats names.
SW had some interesting insights on this including the supposed fear that "good" dancers would be arrested in any police sweep along with the "bad" dancers. This happened at Angels. "Good" and "bad" dancers got arrested. Do you think the "good" dancers will get any type of fair and impartial meaningful due process by the court system? LOL!
I wonder if you believe in the governments' drug war. If so, then would it be ok for the dancers or customers to "rat" on drug users and or sellers? How about tax "cheats" is it ok to "rat" on them? This is a society that hopefully everyone will start being a "rat" so that the governments can start filling some of their suplus prison space. I wouldn't negatively label them "rats," however. More like government informers, concerned citizens, educators, health care professionals, officers of the court, parents, etc.
Keep using the term "rat" you might end up in court ordered "rehabilitation" where the first step is to admit the heinousness of your crimes. God forbid a man who likes pussy; especially stripper pussy. Hmmm . . . maybe a gay marriage could be ordered.
"Why should they care what the others do?" Because it increases the pressure on them to do the same, which makes their working environment very uncomfortable, and it affects their reputation because people assume that all the girls who work there are doing the same things. Wouldn't you care if some of your fellow workers were engaging in illegal activities whiel at work, and your workplace acquired a reputation to that affect?
"Are thay making less money because of it?" Probably yes.
It is a shame that dancers will do these things. You would think there was a "code of honor" or "code of ethics" among dancers in a club that they would abide by.
I know most dancers will not horn in on another dancer's customer, especially while making money. I've been in situations where I've wanted the company of one particular dancer, and she wouldn't come over to me, only because another dancer had sat her butt down beside mine, without invitation.
One common trait I see among some dancers is that when they have to leave their customer to go on stage, another dancer will zoom right in on her catch. This, of course, draws 'drama'.
As the economic situation worsens, I think you're going to see more and more 'unethical' tactics used by dancers without regard to their fellow co-workers.
A dancer may rightfully believe that it is her ethical duty to turn in a dancer who is breaking club rules or the law. The dancer breaking the club rules may very well be putting not only the club at risk of government attack, but innocent dancers and innocent customers as well.
Besides if the government says X, Y, or Z is a "crime," then it is a crime, right? And, if it is a crime then there may be an "ethical" duty by patriotic citizens to turn in "criminals" either to the government or to the club. The "criminals" can then be "rehabilitated" or terminated e.g. banned from club premises or turned over to law enforcement.
As a dancer who deals with this off and on in our club.. I really don't care what other girls do as long as it is discreet.. I only don't like when I see something going on, that everyone is basically seeing... It does sometimes make dealing with someone a little more difficult because yes they may expect the same they got from someone else. Its just part of the job, and so you just move on to the next guy.. I don't like the idea of someone running to management to tattle on girls, were not in school.. Although if someone gets busted and we all know it, I have to say we do laugh like school kids....
Dancers rating other dancers may not be new, however ratting on them can turn off a number of customers. If that's true, soon the club may notice a big drop off in customers. Customers like it or not, like to feel like they are getting special treatment. Kind of like driving down the road where everyone drives occasionally a little bit over the limit. If a cop or someone rattled on them everytime they broke the law by the tiniest infraction and they were punished for it, almost everyone would think that is draconian and want to avoid the place if possible.
If shadowcat's favorite club didn't offer a bit higher mileage than any ordinary strip club, no one in their right mind would want to visit with the extremely loud music I've heard in that place in the past. I could have a better time at almost every other strip club with no mileage and without super loud music if the tiniest infraction was frowned upon.
I agree with evilcyn to a certain extent; so long as it's kept discreet, I don't really care what other dancers are doing. Luckily, I work in a club where all the dances are done in large, open spaces that are monitored by both camaras and bouncers (who'll bust us for the slightest infraction, such as taking both feet off the floor); there isn't really an oppurtunity for the dances to get too out of hand. While some girls might allow a bit more touching than others, I have yet to witness any extras. If I did, I'm not entirely sure where my loyalty would lie; you wouldn't want innocent dancers and customers arrested in a raid (nor would you want your club to be heavily fined or shut down), but I also believe that consenting adults ought to do whatever they wish. It's a fine line, for sure...
I bet the same strippers who complain about being ratted on would become the ratters if other girls began openly performing acts they thought were too far beyond their own personal limits - say, anal intercourse or dildo play. To many strippers, any co-worker who does more is a filthy whore who should be walking the street, not working in her club. Most likely, the club's management already knows what happens in the VIP anyway.
Let us know what shekitout finds out. In my brief experience at your favorite club (2 visits), it was very clear what limits were set by each dancer. Seemed like a good plan to me. Birddogs just make the whole experience way too uncomfortable. Too bad. Keep us informed.
"I have yet to witness any extras. If I did, I'm not entirely sure where my loyalty would lie"..... hmmmmm I would say that your loyalty is with the club "AS A SNITCH" or with your fellow dancers "AS A CO-WORKER". You might just have to CHOOSE one of these days.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the time, dancers try to ignore what others are doing unless they think it will get them in trouble. I'm familiar with that. I don't go out of my way to cause trouble if I don't think it's going to hurt me or people I know. I am willing to cause a little bit of trouble if I think it will prevent a whole lot more later on. There's probably a lot of dancers getting even for this or that in some clubs. I guess snitching or ratting would be one more reason for dancers to get even. I believe as others have said earlier, I believe in some clubs the management isn't that concerned about tiny little touching infractions as much as they are about the possibility of drug use or major violations that would get the club in trouble.
Guys, don't worry about any changes at Platinum Plus. I was there on Saturday afternoon, Dec 1, and all is well. Got the usual hands on service from 3 of my regular dancers. Review to follow in a day or two.
My loyalty would lie with the dancers who, like me, choose not to break any local, state or federal laws. It's just not as simple as you make it out to be.
Above all, I would want to protect the dancers who conduct their work in a legal fashion. Secondly, I would want to protect the CUSTOMERS who choose not to participate in any illegal activity. Thirdly, I'd want to protect the venue in which I conduct my business (the club). If anyone is breaking any sort of "honor code," it is the dancers who are putting their fellow co-workers, innocent customers and their very own club at risk for serious legal ramifications. Personally, I think that two consenting adults should have the right to do as they please, but the law speaks differently (this is a HUGE reason why I support the legalization of prostitution). I have no ethical objections to "extras" (even if I choose not offer them), nor do I look down upon those who participate. However, they ARE illegal, and those who wish not to participate (both dancers and customers alike) should be able to enjoy their personal strip club experience without the fear of being detained in a raid or possibly arrested.
MIDancer says, "... so long as it's kept discreet, I don't really care what other dancers are doing." I'd agree with that, except that my experience is that dancers always talk, both with each other and with customers. So it's never discreet, everyone knows what's going on.
Shadowcat, it may not be the same to you but I bet it is to a lot of dancers. Everyone wants a work environment where they feel comfortable, dancers are no different. When someone is engaging in illegal practices to increase their income, others are going to suffer. That's true anywhere.
I doubt that p+ will add anyone to day shift. It's not worth the money to them. My guess is that this is just more stripper shit. Many of the dancers are jealous of the girls making money so they spread rumors. Those of you that visit p+ know that it can be pretty competitive on day shift and a little idle time can get some dumb talk going around.
I know for a fact that some of the ratting had to do with one of the dancers openly using cocaine with a customer in the private dance area. Another dancer saw this and spoke up because she did not want Platinum to end up in the news over a drug bust. I'm sure if any of you saw a coworker openly doing coke, you would mention it to your manager.
dana: You may be right. I have been told by many dancers that the management does not care about how far some dancers are going but does fear a drug bust. I know of one dancer that was suspended recently for doing coke in the dressing room.
Take Platinum Plus in Memphis (before they got busted).... management knew of all the wild sex antics of their dancers in the VIP lounge and turned their heads. But, drugs and money laundering got them BUSTED! All the dancers there knew which dancers put out and which ones didn't, but it was that "sacred stripper code" among about 100 + dancers that kept things running smoothly as far as the 'extras' went.
Of course when they got busted, the charge of prostitution & solicitation were added on for kicks. It's like getting stopped for speeding and having the charge of 'improper lane changing' added on to your ticket!
In my experience in clubs, working some years ago and as a customer since, I have found that that is about all the girls talk about...each other...be it who they are dating, what a whore each other is, how each other go too far, etc. Its stripper drama, and goes on 24 7.
I was at p+ yesterday. They have added an afternoon guy to "watch over" the activity. He was pretty unobtrusive and didn't cause much concern - the dances seemed about the same as ever. That changes in the late afternoon when the old door guys come on - things get a lot more circumspect.
I was also told that management was trying to get the dance price up to $25/dance. Not all the dancers were into it, but I did hear it from two different girls. I refused those offers.
rob0411: Good for you for standing up to higher prices. You know me. You know that I won't pay them. I don't have to. As to the day shift bird dog, I believe that if you know your dancer and are discrete nothing will change. I have heard from my buddies that the club is watching several dancers. I have names. Several of them are among my favorites. I have heard that this started because one dancer was doing coke with a customer in the private dance rooms. This is the clubs worry. Drugs!
last commentI wonder if you believe in the governments' drug war. If so, then would it be ok for the dancers or customers to "rat" on drug users and or sellers? How about tax "cheats" is it ok to "rat" on them? This is a society that hopefully everyone will start being a "rat" so that the governments can start filling some of their suplus prison space. I wouldn't negatively label them "rats," however. More like government informers, concerned citizens, educators, health care professionals, officers of the court, parents, etc.
Keep using the term "rat" you might end up in court ordered "rehabilitation" where the first step is to admit the heinousness of your crimes. God forbid a man who likes pussy; especially stripper pussy. Hmmm . . . maybe a gay marriage could be ordered.
"Are thay making less money because of it?" Probably yes.
I know most dancers will not horn in on another dancer's customer, especially while making money. I've been in situations where I've wanted the company of one particular dancer, and she wouldn't come over to me, only because another dancer had sat her butt down beside mine, without invitation.
One common trait I see among some dancers is that when they have to leave their customer to go on stage, another dancer will zoom right in on her catch. This, of course, draws 'drama'.
As the economic situation worsens, I think you're going to see more and more 'unethical' tactics used by dancers without regard to their fellow co-workers.
A dancer may rightfully believe that it is her ethical duty to turn in a dancer who is breaking club rules or the law. The dancer breaking the club rules may very well be putting not only the club at risk of government attack, but innocent dancers and innocent customers as well.
Besides if the government says X, Y, or Z is a "crime," then it is a crime, right? And, if it is a crime then there may be an "ethical" duty by patriotic citizens to turn in "criminals" either to the government or to the club. The "criminals" can then be "rehabilitated" or terminated e.g. banned from club premises or turned over to law enforcement.
It does sometimes make dealing with someone a little more difficult because yes they may expect the same they got from someone else. Its just part of the job, and so you just move on to the next guy..
I don't like the idea of someone running to management to tattle on girls, were not in school..
Although if someone gets busted and we all know it, I have to say we do laugh like school kids....
My loyalty would lie with the dancers who, like me, choose not to break any local, state or federal laws. It's just not as simple as you make it out to be.
Above all, I would want to protect the dancers who conduct their work in a legal fashion. Secondly, I would want to protect the CUSTOMERS who choose not to participate in any illegal activity. Thirdly, I'd want to protect the venue in which I conduct my business (the club). If anyone is breaking any sort of "honor code," it is the dancers who are putting their fellow co-workers, innocent customers and their very own club at risk for serious legal ramifications. Personally, I think that two consenting adults should have the right to do as they please, but the law speaks differently (this is a HUGE reason why I support the legalization of prostitution). I have no ethical objections to "extras" (even if I choose not offer them), nor do I look down upon those who participate. However, they ARE illegal, and those who wish not to participate (both dancers and customers alike) should be able to enjoy their personal strip club experience without the fear of being detained in a raid or possibly arrested.
FONDL: You are trying to compare apples to oranges. It ain't the same.
Shadowcat, it may not be the same to you but I bet it is to a lot of dancers. Everyone wants a work environment where they feel comfortable, dancers are no different. When someone is engaging in illegal practices to increase their income, others are going to suffer. That's true anywhere.
Of course when they got busted, the charge of prostitution & solicitation were added on for kicks. It's like getting stopped for speeding and having the charge of 'improper lane changing' added on to your ticket!
I was also told that management was trying to get the dance price up to $25/dance. Not all the dancers were into it, but I did hear it from two different girls. I refused those offers.