Good lies to tell strippers

avatar for casualguy

Just thought of a subject that might be fun, good lies to tell.

Got one you want to share or got one you're thinking about?

I was thinking of telling a story to get rid of an unwanted stripper. Maybe tell her I was at a nuclear power plant years ago but I couldn't find anyone around. I found out why. Now I occasionally glow in the dark. Then tell the dancer, but you shouldn't worry, the radiation my body emits shouldn't be enough to kill her unless she stays around me long enough. If she buys it and says why aren't you dead already? I could say well, they gave me these iodine tablets to help neutralize the radiation in my body, however there is still radiation going out. I don't know. Something I just thought of.

Any good stories out there?


last comment
avatar for MisterGuy
17 yrs ago

That's a bad story to tell in a strp club IMO...unless you really don't want to get any dances from the strippers there. We all know that strippers talk amongst themselves about customers. Some of those conversations that I've been privy too in the past are quite comical. :)

My latest (and best?) line for when a stripper asks me what I do for a living is that I'm "temporarily independantly wealthy". It's fun to see the dollars signs light up in their eyes when they hear

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

My favorite lie was always, "Sorry but I'm just about out of money."

avatar for BobbyI
17 yrs ago

"Sure I'll pay you $50/song for your air dances."

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 yrs ago

"I expect you to give me an uncovered blow job to completion. That's what comes along with all the lap dances that I ever get."

Either she believes it and it either works (lapper with blowjob) or it doesn't (no lapper), or she doesn't believe it and it doesn't work (no lapper). I like all three options. :)

avatar for chipitin
17 yrs ago

I'm casting for a movie I'm planning to shoot called "Strippers Gone Wild"

avatar for danapdg69
17 yrs ago

That's an oxymoron almost as good as "government intelligence". There are no good lies.

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

I haven't been laid for about 10 years.

avatar for chandler
17 yrs ago

"I'm not just interested in your body."

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 yrs ago

"I can see a future for you and I". (you strip & I be da boyfriend)

"My real name is T__, but my stage name is Bones. I used to be a male stripper." - - - (you cannot believe the questions I get after that line)

"If you can make me 'cum', I'll give you a $50 bonus." - - - (ooops, inflation just hit, here's $10)

My favorite 'lie' or 'line' is when a dancer tells me in the middle of a BBBJ or FS, "I've never done this sort of thing in a club before." - - - My response is, "Me neither, so it's a first for both of us."

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

I think I've used the line "I'm about out of money." However it doesn't work real good if the dancer watches you during the night and sees you going in the back multiple times with other dancers. Sometimes though, the dancer will believe you and spread the word among other dancers.

I've had a couple of dancers tell me I should be dancing for them but never gave much thought to making up a story saying I used to be a dancer. I guess I would have to figure out where I wanted to go with that story. I guess if someone is bored with the average strip club visit, just tell a lie and live a fantasy of being someone else. Of course if you return, you might have to deal with dancers who believed you.

avatar for JC2003
17 yrs ago

Ask her for free dances.

avatar for DarkAmigo
17 yrs ago

"Maybe Later"

avatar for motorhead
17 yrs ago

"My girlfriend is a stripper too.....I'm just bere because I was bored after she went to work"

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 yrs ago

You should see me in six-inch heels ...

avatar for SuperDude
17 yrs ago

My daughter is a dancer here.

avatar for SuperDude
17 yrs ago

My granddaughter is a dancer her.

avatar for SuperDude
17 yrs ago

I'm a part-owner of this club. Let me sample your BJ. (Can be used only once per club.)

avatar for MisterGuy
17 yrs ago

Hey, that guy you just gave a BJ to was lying to you baby. I'm the real club let's fuck! (Can be used only once per visit of SuperDude to his favorite Detroit club).

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