
Comments by ummyeah

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    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    I don't know if it really qualifies, but I did once see a stripper dance to what is probably the least appropriate song ever. She decided to dance to the country song "Daddy's Hands". About a third of the way through the song the whole place just got deathly quiet. Everyone stopped what they were doing and just stared, jaws hanging open. At the end of the song, no one said a thing for about thirty seconds. Even the DJ, who normally talks a mile a minute and always has something to say, was stunned. When he finally got around to talking again, all he could say was "Midnight, what the fuck were you thinking?" She was just oblivious as to why that song might have been inappropriate.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    High priced drinks... A rip off
    Forget strip clubs, how about movie theaters? I went to a movie tonight, and paid $4.25 for large soda. That's rediculous, the same drink would only cost me $3 at the local strip club and I certainly didn't have a mostly naked woman grinding on my crotch at the movie theater. Pity really, it would've made for a much better experience.
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    17 years ago
    Stripper as therapist
    I think you have to work under the assumption that it's always an act, until you get overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Not paying them for their company seems to weed out the actresses pretty quick, in my experience. I've always made it perfectly clear that if the dancer wants to come over and chat with me she is welcome to and, by the same token, if she needs to go hustle up some private dances, she's welcome to go make her money. I've found that I'm almost never wanting for company and I hardly ever spend much money. It seems odd to me to pay for "quality time". I guess I don't see how it could be all that "quality" if I have to pay for it. Enjoyable, maybe, but not "quality".
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    17 years ago
    Stripper as therapist
    Absolutely. The best times I've had in a strip club have been with the friends I have there. When its slow and we're just talking, joking and having a good time. I think its actually spoiled me a bit. I'm currently in Tulsa, OK for some company training. I've hit up a couple of clubs around town and I didn't have near as good a time as I do at my home club. I have found that I prefer to spend most of my time just talking and getting to know the girl(s) rather than just watching and getting some private dances. Of course, I think I would have enjoyed the few dances I bought if they allowed two-way contact in OK, but that's beside the point.
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    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Hot female customer ruins my night
    I've read most of the "seduction" material out there too. I'll tell ya, it didn't work for me. Mack Tactics did. Its advice actually applies more to one's interactions with people in general, it is just written with the slant of interacting with women. Anyway, I'm not going to belabor the point. I'll just encourage you to go ahead and give it a shot. I'll throw out one more point. I would actually suggest you see a psychiatrist. This is not to say that I think you're crazy or can't handle life, blah, blah, blah. I simply think that it would increase the quality of your life if you did. I believe you'll be ok if you never go, but I have a feeling you'll be even better if you do. I'd almost guarantee that you'll actually enjoy it, as well as the therapist. You seem to possess the three qualities that are required to effectively help someone, intelligence, insight and motivation. It's my personal opinion that everyone should see a therapist for at least a little bit at some point in their life. I know mine was able to bring clarity to some things that I felt, but had been unable to put into words. I don't know, take it or leave it, but you might seriously think about it.
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    17 years ago
    The bare look
    I'll speak up for the youngsters here. I prefer a shaven pussy. Why? I'm not sure. I prefer small, petite, young looking women. Maybe I prefer my women shaved because it makes them look younger, maybe I like it because that's "the look" for my generation. I don't know.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Hot female customer ruins my night
    FONDL, Great points. Absolutely true on all counts. I'm a bit younger than you (I'm 26), but I had a similar revelation a couple years back and my life has done nothing but improve since. Book Guy, You've gotten some wonderful, insightful advice in this thread. The one thing that hasn't been addressed yet, is the specifics. How to talk to a female, what to say, do, etc. I'm going to make a recommendation here. There is an excellent book, that addresses exactly this topic. It is M.A.C.K. Tactics by Rob Wiser and Christopher Curtis. I know, I hate the title too. Just disregard it and read the book, it has some great advice that you can apply to almost all areas of your life. I also agree with with what you said about the importance of looks. The way someone looks absolutely plays a role, a fairly large role, in whether or not one is attracted to them. I have pretty high standards myself. My personal rule is that for me to spend significant, personal time with a female, they must stimulate me either mentally or physically. I have dated a few strippers and I'm close friends with a few others. It is absolutely possible to find a beautiful woman with above average intelligence working at a strip club. It just isn't likely. I've been going to my local club pretty much weekly for the last year or so and have only found 4 dancers with above average intelligence. There have been maybe 3 more that were sweet, sincere and pretty. There have been probably 30-40 more that were pretty, but not at all desirable as a girlfriend. I guess my point is, I'm not the best looking guy in the world, I don't have much money, but I still have these fairly high standards and I still get dates on a pretty regular basis, from some seemingly very unattainable women. If I can do it, so can you. (Wow, could I be more cliched?) Ok, I'm done.
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    17 years ago
    Stealing dancers clothes
    Actually, I have heard of a male customer stealing a stripper's clothes. I have a few really good friends of mine that are dancers at a local club. A while back, one of them had a pair of boxers (the silky, short kind, very nice) stolen by a guy. She had gone to school with the guy and they had a couple of mutual aquaintances, so she found out where he lived. She and her fiance went over and actually got them back. That having been said, it is extremely common for dancers to steal other dancers outfits, shoes, etc. Seems almost every week somebody has stolen something from someone at my local club.
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    17 years ago
    Boxer Rookie
    Good grief dude, she's already agreed that "full contact" isn't the best way to describe her dances. I normally enjoy reading your posts, Book Guy, so no disrespect intended, but damn, give it a rest.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I read the birthday gift thread. It was a bit specific to his situation and merely asked whether or not it was a good idea. However, for the sake of simplicity, I'll just take this discussion to his thread, instead of continuing this one. Clif, I agree with you %100. We men are notoriously able to delude ourselves into the most unbelievable fantasies. That's not the case here. Would I be willing to see her outside of the club? Absolutely. Will that happen? I seriously doubt it. Is this an attempt to change her perception of me to the better? If you want to look at it like that, sure, I suppose. To me, it's the same as tipping her. She goes out of her way to give me a great experience when I go to the club, to me that deserves some recognition. I don't tip a whole lot when I'm in the club, generally a dollar per song when they're on stage and I generally get the dollar dance when they come by, but that's it. When I buy a private dance, I don't tip any extra. She never asks me to tip, never asks for a drink, and generally sits with me all night. I have yet to buy more than one private dance with her in a single night, and have never gotten a "VIP" dance from her. With her making maybe $20 from me on nights when guys are buying multiple VIP's from her, and she still chooses to sit with me. I figure that's good enough to deserve a LITTLE something extra, every once in a while. Sorry, this is a bit wordy, but it's late and I tend to ramble. I'll head over to the other thread now and stop cluttering the forum.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Getting a stripper a birthday gift
    Any suggestions on an inexpensive, ie. $20 - $30, gift to get for a dancer? Perfume's not a bad choice, if perhaps a bit pricey. I can't see spending the money on the spa treatment, but if you've got it, go for it. Anyway, I don't want to get anything too fancy or extravagant, just something to show appreciation for the great service. (On the off chance you're interested in the more detailed explanation, it's in the "gifts" thread I started before I moved to this thread.)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    AN: You just hit the nail on the head. Certainly, a PL will, most likely, buy his favorite stripper gifts. However, just giving a gift to a dancer does not make someone a PL. That having been said, I've thought about it, and decided not to purchase a gift for this dancer. I don't want her to get the wrong idea about what I want, which certainly isn't a relationship. A buddy of mine has purchased a gift for her, and he is a RIL. A gift from me would likely be interpreted as competing with him, I think. Therefore, I don't think it would be a good idea.
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    18 years ago
    Favorite Books
    This is going to be a partial list, but here goes. Some Favorites The Incarnations of Immortality series by Piers Anthony Tales of the Nightside by Simon R. Green Super System I & II by Doyle Brunson The Gunslinger series by Stephen King (except for the last one, I haven't read it yet) A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word by Randall Kennedy Currently reading Pimp by Iceberg Slim Infinite Insights into Kenpo vol. I-V by Ed Parker Sr. some other light fantasy novel whose title escapes me at the moment
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    18 years ago
    Favorite Books
    parody = He was, without doubt, one of the absolute baddest mofo's ever to grace this earth. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend the movie "The Perfect Weapon" starring Jeff Speakman who studied under Mr. Parker. The fight scenes in the movie are some of the most accurate representations of Kenpo on film.
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    18 years ago
    Musings on fake breasts
    Basically, it boils down to whether or not they are aesthetically pleasing. I'm not a huge fan of large breasts, but a nice c-cup on a 5'0", 100 lb woman is really hot. Whether they occured naturally or not is rather irrelevent as long as they look good. What makes them look good? Perkiness is a must for me, I don't care much for saggy boobs. Firmness goes along with perkiness so that's a plus. Of course, no obvious scarring, no mis-shapen nipples, no nipples pointing in different directions, etc. I personally also don't like it when they go TOO big. Of course, that's just my opinion. Each to their own.
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    18 years ago
    Lap Dance Timing
    chitown: go ahead and share the wealth, some of us are in the Midwest :)
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    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Bang For $$, Hrly Rates, Clippers, etc.
    I've got to agree with most here, song cutting isn't/hasn't been a big issue. However, I had an experience with it last night that pissed me the hell off. I went to my favorite club, had one of my regular dancers talking with me all night. Near the end of the night, I bought a dance from her. It was going great, until the damned, bastard dj cut the song at about a minute and a half. Even the dancer couldn't believe that he cut the song that short. Oh well, win some, lose some. I guess that'll teach me not to wait till the end of the night to buy a dance.
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    18 years ago
    What about the Duke University rape case?
    A sports team from a large scholastic institution is accused of raping one or more women. This isn't exactly an unheard of situation. I don't really think that it's any of our business one way or the other. We need to get our noses out of it and let the police do their job. The fact that she's a stripper is mostly irrelevent, if you ask me.
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    18 years ago
    underwear experiment
    Giveitayank: I thought about that, the only problem is gym shorts aren't part of my style at all. I understand that the strip club isn't a fashion show, but I've yet to go straight from my house to the club then back to the house. Therefore, I'd like to reasonably presentable and I'm not at all sure I could pull off gym shorts. I will definately do some thinking on this and try to find a way to fit them in, if for no other reason than they are really comfortable and it's summer time. someyoungguy: You may be on to something there. Only thing I would be scared of there is the post on the back of the button could be worse than the zipper, I don't know. My conclusion so far? Much, much more testing is in order. Ahhh, the things I do for science. :D