
I piss off another dancer

Atlanta suburb
Platinum Plus Reviews
Reviewed By: shoeshow Send Private Message to shoeshow Rating: 10 Friday, February 29, 2008
As a dancer for Platinum for seven years, I've been lurking here for about two. Tonight, I MUST respond to Shadowcat's last entry. I will begin by saying I began working in Greenville, opened the Maine club, and have worked in Columbia at Platinum and Heartbreakers.

I don't know Megan. In fact, I only know a few girls by name. But what I'm about to say is only to make you sit back and shut the f#@k up about the kind of dances you're getting.

First, and foremost, this is a Gentlemen's Club. If you (or anyone else posting here who wants or expects *more*) are looking for some *relief* by wearing shorts in the middle of the winter because you expect a hand/blow job instead of a DANCE, then take your perverted ass to Two Notch Road.

She sold you two-for-one *dances* not something to brag about here.

So, whenever you guys decide to grow out of spin-the-bottle or one-minute-in-heaven, then the big-boys' clubs will be there with adult *entertainment* (NOT hookers) waiting to perform.

Furthermore, and lastly, noone "auditions" the dancers. We are each independent contractors, so don't expect to pay the same to each or get the same type of treatment. Granted, bitchiness from the girls won't work too long, but neither will *expectations* on your behalf.

missing a glass slipper


  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    review by shoeshow 03/01/08 1:54 PM
    Posted by: shadowcat Send Private Message to shadowcat [ ignore ]
    Well, I guess that I got told off. Just remember, sweetie, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you". The reason that this club is rated in the top 10 is because of my reviews and others. 6 years ago, when I first started coming here, this club was not even in the top 40. Now there are guys driving hundreds of miles to visit the club. I know that every dancer has her limits and I respect that. What I don't respect is a dancer that makes promises and doesn't deliver. We call that a ROB. "rip off bitch" and that is what I think of Megan. The reason that I keep coming back is because there are a lot of dancers that appreciate me and my buddies. I am surprised that after working there so long that you know so few dancers by name. I have a lot of dancer friends there that respect and trust me. I have taken them to lunch and helped them with financial problems. They like my short pants and look fore ward to my monthly visits. Obviously you are not one. So just stay away from me and we will get along fine.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Actually seems kind of funny. However I think she's not thinking that well unless she's just in a pissy mood. Not the best way to get customers into a club. Obviously there is still one club that is busy. I haven't visited there myself in months. Now I am wondering if I know Megan. hmmm, maybe I should say "yeah, she's right, you guys are perverts!" I bet guys like you are why strip clubs started calling front row seats "pervert row". I just don't understand why a pervert would visit a strip club. :)

    If it's any consolation shadowcat, I called called a name too when I visited a church with short sleeves when the temperature outside was in the 40's. One guy said "last of the Vikings!" as I entered. I didn't think it was cold at the time.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    You think dancers get in a crappy mood if their income drops below normal?

    I really don't know if less people are visiting strip clubs in my local area because I was sick one week and haven't been back since and that was a few weeks ago now. I heard the flu or some kind of sickness was widespread across the USA a couple of weeks ago. I wanted everyone to get better before I return to a crowded strip club.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Just remembered one dancers name. It's not the same. I'm sure shadowcat and people reading reviews talking like more is available piss off some dancers when they have guys visiting asking for more than what they are willing to do. I remember on one visit to shadowcats club, a dancer came up to me and said "oh good, you look like a normal guy, there are a bunch of weirdos in here tonight". On another night in the same club, I heard a dancer say "can you believe some guy asked me how much for a blowjob?" Then something about who does he think I am? Apparently conversations aren't that private when you have to shout over the really loud music. Two dancers were talking near me.

    A dancer upset when a bunch of guys come into the club wearing shorts in the winter time and asking for things they don't do? It was almost 70 degrees today. I could have worn shorts easily. A guy asking for something extra? Since when doesn't a guy try to get more? I'll answer, when he is already getting extra from somewhere else or he has no desire in getting anything extra.
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    Honestly shadowcat youve written more "offensive" things before. That review didnt really say anything that warrented such an odd response. I say it was either a pissy mood on her part or you offended her at the club one day.
  • trojangreg
    17 years ago
    Whenever I have been at PP Columbia with the Cat he is nice to all the dancers. Not just his favorites but everyone. He does not make anyone do what they don't want to do. If a dancer doesn't want to play with the Cat she doesn't have to. Even the dancers he doesn't get dances from are glad to see him. He brings candy and cd's and hands them out to everyone. I know I have started going to PP Columbia because of him. When I go I spend lots of money on all the dancers not just his favorites. That probably goes for a whole lot of TUSCL members who wouldn't be spending their cash at this club. Lighten up Francis we just want to have fun with beautiful naked ladies.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    There's always going to be push-back from strippers that don't do "extras" I think.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    My guess was pissy mood. A few guys came in wearing shorts when she thought it was cold outside and she immediately thought they were perverts. Then she heard something one of them said and that just seemed to reinforce her opinion that shadowcat started all this perversion in her mind. Of course I'm speculating but it sounds like fun. For me to be 100 percent right though, I'd have to be psychic or really lucky. So do you feel lucky?

    What's your opinion?
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    In my opinion, shadowcat will continue posting about his top dog position. That's just life in shadowcat's danger zone, he doesn't know when he'll piss off someone.

    I started thinking in a way we as a society are all fucked up. Some of us enjoy watching movies like Sparta 300 where there is lots of blood flying and fighting. Some people enjoy fighting or watching fights. I was thinking in a way we aren't any different than the Romans who enjoyed watching a fight and it didn't matter how bloody it got. I was thinking I've met some guys who would have enjoyed watching a dancer get her panties in a wad and upset. I've met some guys who enjoy getting just about anyone upset. I'm not really into the drama myself though. I will admit a good fight can be entertaining though.
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    Ive noticed some of you guys love to goad each other on
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    "Danger zone"?? That's not really an unusual reaction for a non-"extras" girl to think that a guy wearing shorts or shorts with no underwear is a perv. I've heard dancer friends of mine talk that way all the time. Some girls don't mind though or they don't mind the money at least...who knows... Goading? Never...
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    This is the 4th time in the last 4 years that I have pissed off a dancer and they were all related to something that was written on TUSCL. I have even been threatened with physical violence. It will continue to be business as usual for me.
  • godfatherstill
    17 years ago
    Just like a CUNT to say...."I'm going to get naked and dance with you but you're a PERV if you get turned on by it and want me to do something about it"....that's just stupid, what does she expect? Shadowcat, just ignore her and go about the way you normally conduct your business, there are plenty of ladies who appreciate pervs like us.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    Getting turned on is one thing...I think they almost expect that & might be insulted if that doesn't happen. However, doin' "something about it" involving basically being a whore, which not all dancers aspire to be.
  • rootman
    17 years ago
    I think some of you are a little harsh calling the girls whores for doing what you want them to. It's the old double standard again. Guys are supposed to fuck everything in sight and the girls are trash if they give you a little fun? Not in my book. Strip clubs are supposed to be some light fun, right?
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    Physical Violence?!??!? Jesus christ thats nuts!
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    Hey, I'm just telling you what dancers everywhere are saying about "extras" girls vs. non-extras girls. One side thinks the other side is full of whores. One of my former ATFs was a whore and proud of it.
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    ShotDisc- WHORE!! LOL
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    wondergrl - SHORTY! ;)
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    Damn thats cold Misterguy
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    The truth hurts sometimes wondergrl... ;)
  • godfatherstill
    17 years ago
    MisterGuy wrote: Hey, I'm just telling you what dancers everywhere are saying about "extras" girls vs. non-extras girls.

    Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? I suppose the line can be drawn just about anywhere but I don't think non-extra girls who dance nude on the laps of paying customers are exactly saints compared to the extra girls.
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    What Ive noticed is that there is no saints anywhere. Alot of the girls I wouldnt label "extras" girls are and visa versa.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    I think what you will hear from dancers is "I don't do that kind of stuff" as if to say that they don't need to whore themselves out to make money (as if that's a bad thing). I think all the girls that dance in a strip club have to be comfortable with nudity on *some* level, otherwise they wouldn't be nude/partially-nude dancers in the first place. You'd be surprised how many girls hate they way that they look, but yet they take it all off anyway (or least when they absolutely have to).
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    We can engage in all kinds of self delusion, or at least compartmentalized thinking:

    Women: I dance naked and rub guys dicks, but I'n not a whore becasue I don't do HJs

    Men: I pay women to rub my dick, but I'm not cheating on my wife because I'm not getting a HJ

    Women: I don't like the way I look, but I'm going to strip in front of strangers

    Men: I look like a stud, although this beer gut makes it hard to tie my shoes
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    Not all dancers that I've known have allowed guys to touch them much (or at all) let alone grind on them to get them off (or even touch them much or at all). I do think that there's a distint difference between whoring one's self out and just dancing in front of a guy...maybe I'm being too nuanced though.
  • njscfan
    17 years ago
    I don't mind any woman drawing the line wherever she wants. It's up to the individual. But I think it's a little weird to label someone a "gentleman" who pays money to watch naked women dance, and label someone a "pervert" who pays money for sex. That distinction is a little too subtle for me.
  • now_starring
    17 years ago
    All the girls are selling sexual services for a fee; some just agree to provide more service than others, but I don't think any should be talking bad about the others. As far as the pervert thing, if you are in a strip club as a paying customer you are probably(99.9%) a pervert on some level.
    Back to the strippers, If a guy has gotten extras from other girls the strippers should not be upset if they are asked. At least he is open about what he expects, and by asking he is making sure nobody ends up in a confrontational situation. If you(the stripper) allows extras then everyone is happy, if not then he does not have to waste his money and your time. I would rather be told what is/is not allowed.
    When a man and woman are on a date a guy can't say if I spend X dollars over Y time will you (insert sexual favor as needed), but when I go the club it is business not a relationship so the same rules don't apply.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    There are rarely any "gentlemen" in strip clubs from what I can tell. There are cops that are posing as patrons though.

    I don't think the perv moniker is only used for guys that pay for sex in a strip club. Everytime that a guy pulled into the parking lot at this NY club that I used to frequent quite often, the girls would say in unison "We got another pervert on the way". It was odd to watch and hear, but there it is.
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