
Comments by Mouse (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why are Strippers so Contemptuous of Prostitutes/Escorts?
    True, Yoda, we all have egos - no man would be worth a shit, if he didn't have some ego and cockiness. I think your posts are fine, except as pointed out above. Braggadocio produces the opposite effect of what's intended.
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    20 years ago
    Why are Strippers so Contemptuous of Prostitutes/Escorts?
    Yoda, I think we've made our points. If some folks want to buy sex, it's fine with me - actually I think it should be legalized across the country. I believe it's time to leave the adult sex entertainment business alone - that is, strippers, prostitutes, & pornographers, except to regulate veneral diseases. It should be legal, but it should be clean. Our Country needs to lighten-up on a number of issues.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why are Strippers so Contemptuous of Prostitutes/Escorts?
    Hopefully down in price, and hopefully more accepted and safer.
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    20 years ago
    Mental Stability
    What would you people do, if you didn't have RL to hammer - get a life!
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    19 years ago
    Hey, Yoda...
    Couldn't help but notice the Ol' crowd back posting - wonder how long it will take before we start fighting?
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    19 years ago
    Hey, Yoda...
    Niceass, why were you not posting for a while? Just curious.
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    19 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master (Part II)
    Yoda, you must admit you seem to attract more attacking comments than anyone else on this forum. Why is that? Do you have some thoughts on this?
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    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    Of the all the strippers you have met in the clubs: a) What % would you say you had respect for? - about a 1/3rd I respected after I got to know them. But, many strippers are troubled people with sundry issues, and many are flat-out dishonest and manipulative - qualities I can't respect. b) What % would you say had respect for you? - over 90%, after they got to know me. I have also been forthright with strippers, paying my tab and being certain I was clean and polite. I alway make'im earn their pay and don't let them rip me off. Moreover, I avoid becoming a RIL or an ATM for these ladies.
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    19 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master (Part II)
    Yoda, FONDL has you as an "old fart." Heaven forbid, I had you in your mid 40s - who's right?
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    19 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master (Part II)
    It's settled then - Yoda and FONDL are self-proclaimed OLD FARTS. Anyone disagree?
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    19 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master (Part II)
    Old Fart and Dirty Old Man are compliments? Bizarre! - but this forum is bizarre.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Davids you're not alone with your observations - check out these messages.
    FONDL, like you, I believe the "Newbie Rules" are largely true and most useful to Newbies, not highly experienced veterans like yourself. Rules, like these, could obviate a financial disaster, a broken heart, and/or depression for a naive customer, who might be vulnerable to a seasoned, amoral, mercenary stripper. I also agree that there are decent women stripping, who are sensitive and lookout for the feelings and well being of customers. I pray I'm always sharp enough to tell the difference, but as admonished above, it's not always easy.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Davids you're not alone with your observations - check out these messages.
    FONDL, I agree with you when you're dealing with NICE people - that is, if you're nice to them, they'll be nice to you. If you're mean to a NICE person, they'll usually ignore you and move out of harms way. BUT, this is not true for the true scam artists. These perfidious characters prey on NICE people - that is, for them NICENESS is a charater trait to be exploited. Being nice to scammers advertises you as a potential victim. Some customers walk into strip clubs with the word CHUMP written across their foreheads, and the stripper scammers decend upon these idiots in feeding frenzy. Although the newbie rules above are written in a blunt (even harsh) fashion, they should be read by everybody. The best defense against a con artist is to know you might be dealing with one.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Davids you're not alone with your observations - check out these messages.
    FONDL, I understand your points as well. I've run into some first-rate women in strip clubs. Even tried to SINCERELY seduce them to establish a real relationship. Indeed, some I succeeded with and others...well, they liked other guys more. But, that's the mating game - you win some and you lose some, and I'm not angry...but JC, one was a bona fide 10 and I came within a nanometer of succeeding...almost nirvana. I'll keep trying with the 10s no matter where I encounter them, inside or outside strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What if your sexy neighbor was a stripper?
    I'd ask for a private dance!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is "scamming" anyway?
    You know what they say, "There are no VICTIMS, just VOLUNTEERS!" We volunteer to walk into a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids vs. RomanticLover
    Davids, do you really think you're going to out stripper the strippers? They make a living at their game - providing the so-called "fasntasy" - and they do it almost daily. These ladies are experts at the con game and getting customer money. Good luck. If you figure a way to consistently get free dances or extras, please post it. I won't hold my breath, and I think you understand.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Old is Too Old to Pick-up Hot Young Girls?
    You're too old guys, unless you're Michael Douglas, Hugh Heffner, or the like - men with extraordinary wealth and status. If you've got that EXTRA STATUS, then you've got a shot at the hot & hungry young women (i.e., the users, mecenaries, and status seekers), otherwise go for women your age. The odds of success are MUCH better.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are Strippers Female Players?
    davids, I went to that “seduction” site you suggested, and there appears to be some useful info there, but no doubt there's money to be had by those promoting the site, and it made me think who's playing whom...hmmm. I've been interested in the seduction game for some time and have read extensively about it. Having done that, I ended up back where I started – that is, with the basics that I instinctively understood before I started. Here they are: 1. Generally speaking, when boys and girls are rated 1 to 10 in desirability, 10’s end up with 10’s, 9’s with 9’s, 8’s with 8’s, etc. regardless of how well you may LEARN to play the “game.” Stated differently, it is EXTREMELY difficult to change a 6 guy into a 9 or 10 guy. If the socioeconomics and genetics are not there from the start, the results will be about the same no matter how much you "learn." Nonetheless, to function as high as possible within your innate range, there are basics of good manners and bodily presentation that all men should learn and apply. 2. Avoid the girls that don’t like you much, and date only the girls that do like you – in fact, the more they like naturally from the get go the better. To make this work for you, learn to recognize the signs that a woman likes you and, likewise, the signs that she doesn’t care that much. The biggest mistake men make in the mating game is chasing women who don’t like them. When they don’t like you much, move on and move on quickly – don’t waste time and resources on such women no matter how they look or how much you like them. Something is going to happen only if she likes you! 3. The man’s biggest enemy in the jungle of love is an overly high interest level. If he loves her more than she loves him, he’s in deep shit. When the women loves him a bit more than he loves her, then the attitude he instinctively projects is the perfect attitude. She sees this difference in interest level as challenge, and challenge to a woman is romance. These are the 3 basic rules that will keep a man in control of the situation – have realistic expectations, spend your time with women who like you, and stay a little less interested than she is. Try it a see what happens – you’ll be happy. .
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are Strippers Female Players?
    davids, like I said above..."to function as high as possible within your innate range, there are basics of good manners and bodily presentation that all men should learn and apply." I believe men are EVENTUALLY going to function (and, thus, attract and keep) within their innate desirability range - hopefully at the upper end of that range. If you understand and effectively apply the seduction techniques you advocate, those methods will help. But, to do so effectively, you'd be a gifted upper level player – a player already enabled by a high innate range of genetics and socioeconomic status. Indeed, women are attracted to intelligence - intelligence that often also has status attached to it. It’s one thing to read about the “player” techniques; it’s another to effectively apply them. Not everyone can – most can’t - not even close and especially over the long haul, when the truth will eventually surface. For the bona fide 10s (both physically and mentally), you’ve got to be made of the right stuff, and it’s essentially impossible to fake. Don’t even try. Finally, strip clubs are loaded with woman WHO WANT YOUR MONEY, not your love. Why are trying to work strippers against themselves? You seem like a man who likes a challenge, but be careful. Strippers know men like you better than you may realize – games are a daily exercise for them. Indeed, you remind me of the conqueror type. These people have unusual high energy, which they find difficult to control. They are always looking for people to conquer or obstacles to surmount. They love power and by-hook-or-by-crook they get it. Sometimes they display outburst of emotion, when pushed. To seduce the conqueror (i.e., get his money), the ladies give him a good chase. The girls do not make themselves easy prey. They’ll make themselves somewhat difficult, moody, and they’ll use coquetry. They’ll get you charging back and forth like a raging bull – using your own energy against you. davids, are you doing in the strip club what you’re doing on this forum?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are Strippers Female Players?
    davids, yes, I've read "The Rules" as well as "The Real Rules" - the latter a follow-up book to the former making exactly the points I'm making above about the inevitable long-term result of 9s with 9s, 10s with 10s, etc. (When I talk of a 9 or 10, I’m referring to an overall alloyed score of mental and physical qualities.) Basically, “The Real Rules” state BE REAL (i.e., be honest and be yourself, it’s what determines the outcome anyway, so why not save time and cut to the chase from the start). Moreover, I had read David DeAngleo's work before – I especially like his NegHit approach. NegHits are fun, because putting down those annoying self-absorbed 10s has special enjoyment, especially as you observe them squirm under the pressure to maintain their self-image. But, some have already been exposed to the NegHit approach – alas, we are not the only one’s reading all that dating junk. By the way, the most effective charm in the strip club is what I call the “green” charm – green as defined by the color of money. Like yourself, I gave up on trying to seduce strippers, because the odds of finding the one you like without a boyfriend or husband is very slim. I’d say well over 90% are already connected to some significant other. It makes seducing them more difficult. Besides there are many more quality women who don’t strip and are unencumbered by boyfriends. Nice chatting with you! Regards, Mouse
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are Strippers Female Players?
    Davids, in my opinion this PUA guru and self-help scene – including all the expensive books, seminars, etc. – is a SCAM. I went through some of this shit, bought it hook-line-and-sinker (at considerable expense), but I have the same coterie of women as before. Nothing really changed, especially in my long-term relationships. Much of this dating self-help stuff reeks of the mercenary self-help scene in general. I’ve always wondered – why don’t these self-help gurus take their own advice and become multi-millionaires. Why share their secrets with us? In stead, they’re hell-bent on telling the self-help needy how to do things – of course, for a price. Go to your local bookstore and check out the self-help section. It's huge! This is BIG BUSINESS. Clearly, there’s more money in telling people what to do than in taking their own advice. Obviously this begs the question – is their advice worth paying for? They don’t take it themselves. Moreover, there seems no end to the demand. This also begs an important question – does it work? Apparently not! Of course, their advice should not be too effect, otherwise the self-help gurus would put themselves out of business.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are Strippers Female Players?
    davids, I'm not saying the "Players Guide" is invalid. In fact, just the opposite, I think much of it is valid - that is, when its used by the right guy with the skills to understand it and apply it effectively. The hard part is the latter part about "the right guy with the skills to understand and apply it effectively." Most guys who succeed with women have been succeeding with women for years. These accomplished males are already attractive and applying these concepts instinctively. Even Dr. Phil admitted that those who don't need self-help study self-help and those who need it the most don't realize they need help.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are Strippers Female Players?
    davids, maybe all your friend had to do was start talking to them (rather than being shy) and unconsciously advertise - I'M AVAILABLE. Once the chicks get the message and, if he's innately attractive, he'll quickly become a chick magnet. The "reading" may have helped to increase his confidence. But, I doubt the "detail" were that critical.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Davids don't leave, help out some PATHETIC, DESPERATE LOSERS
    RL, if the customers spending their money in this manner say it's beneficial to them or therapeutic in some way, how can you or anyone say they are harming themselves? You can't! The customers know how they feel. You can't know how they feel or make their decisions for them. It's their feelings and their money. It's their life. The implications and consequences of the customers' actions are better understood to the customers than you think. Granted some need enlightenment early on, but the vast majority who continue in strip clubs know the realities.