
Comments by Mouse (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    META: Tell me about the history of this board.
    Actually Superdude makes more sense that anyone else - he is a fairminded and very clear thinker with a background in law inforcement (I think with the Federeal Government). Yoda and FONDL and others (I apologize for forgetting someone) also are long time posters of high quality. (Yoda enjoys a good flame war on occasion.) Niceass used to post and was fun, but for some unknown reason moved on. Actually, RLs first pseudonym was LOVER, but not original enough to officially register on this forum, so FOUNDER gave him his current pseudonym of Romatic Lover - both total misnomers. Initially, RL was a regular discussant with many lengthy posts, but he/she went to the pithy approach without repostes. RL is on a mission to protect all of us from the evils of strippers - a worth cause for naive newbies, but for the veterans it's very redundant and very boring. It also tends to chase off strippers, who might otherwise post. Can you blame them - NO.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Old is Too Old to Pick-up Hot Young Girls?
    Yoda, what do you mean by your statement, "I'm 47 and I have no trouble attracting late 20 somethings to early thirty somethings." What do you mean by "attracting?" Please dilate for us.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    META: Tell me about the history of this board.
    Chandler, if you want to keep the posts just print them out and save them, or copy them to your hard disk.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are Strippers Female Players?
    Casualguy, I think you make a very good point with you comments, "In this sense I believe it is common for strippers to play guys in strip clubs selling them a fantasy that she likes them more than the other guys etc. etc. Business often behaves the same way making customers feel special or delivering good customer service, unless they have a monopoly and start taking customers for granted." This is all so true in life.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    META: Tell me about the history of this board.
    Oh, I meant to add, I think davids is making significant contributions. He provides new and needed energy here.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Here is a quote about customers' LOW SELF ESTEEM
    davids, it seems you're on a mission somewhat akin to RL. What happened in a strip club to bring out so much energy and emotion on your part? I ask, because you remind me of myself, when I first started posting here. I was angry, but now I've cooled off - the emotions have dissipated. When I first started going to strip clubs, like many, I was naïve and entered a steep learning curve. I stupidly took people at face value and trusted the strippers, BUT I soon learned of the “strip-club fantasy” – a euphemism for legal scam. Although the strippers never succeeded in getting excess money and never affected my life away from the strip club, I found myself in the gun sights of some really smooth scamming and compulsively lying strippers (one in particular was a complete nefarious bitch), who wanted to take my money with no thought given as to how it might hurt me. Nonetheless, I felt like a victim of a crime – I was angry, like someone almost taken by a sleazy used-car salesman. Now I’ve cooled off. Now, wiser and in more control, I use strip clubs for entertainment and stay aloof from the strippers. I don’t have ATFs, and I mix it up with different clubs, I’m not really considered a regular at any one place. I find the club atmosphere is relaxing, and I make the R-rated ladies work for their pay. I go for high mileage, not relationships. I’m wondering that you may have had a similar experience – maybe not. In any event, it’s clear something in strip clubs got to you and piqued your emotions. What happened? Please share; I might be able to put things in perspective.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are Strippers Female Players?
    davids, like you indicate with the cat-dangling-string analogy, people love the challenge of the chase – indeed, to women it's ROMANCE itself. (Romance = female pornography.) When there's no chase, there's no challenge and no more romance - just boredom, and you're soon history. I always keep some pizzazz in the relationship by never being too easy or too available. Play the coquette and withdraw on occasion to keep her from taking you for granted. Make her chase you. Conquers (like yourself) are especially vulnerable to this ploy, and strippers exchange the chase for money all the time. Strippers are always just out-of-reach – it’s their aura. They know this and use it daily for many guys who visit strip clubs. Some strippers are so intent on getting your money – so competitive with each other – that you can use it to your advantage. Get them charging back-and-forth with each other competing for your business – then dupe them into giving you the highest mileage. To do this, don’t become one of their regulars or develop ATFs – it’s then they’ll take you for granted. Stay aloof from all, just go for mileage, mix-it-up (this one today, that one tomorrow, etc.), and don’t let them sink their tender hooks into you. Who knows, soon you’ll have one outside the club. Good luck!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are Strippers Female Players?
    Fondl, I'm not certain I understand your comment, "And I think they say a lot about who you are." I don't want to react until I fully understand your intent with that comment. How many different types of "you are's" are there, and what is each?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are Strippers Female Players?
    FONDL, the approach I outlined above was intended to enhance one's negotiations within the strip club - that is, to get the most mileage for your money. I think davids espouses the same sort-of-thing (if I understand him correctly). This is much like negotiating for the best deal on car or a home - but in this situation getting the most for you entertainment dollar in a strip club, which takes a somewhat different negotiating style. I'm not advocating becoming competitive with the strippers; I wouldn't stand a chance!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Partition Theory
    We all "partition" people into categories in our lives. Why shouldn't strippers? Moreover, it is quite common for people to move from one partition to another.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    The end of an era?
    What's the new hobby?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How many of you have degrees?
    Well educated bunch!