Yoda is Indeed The Master (Part II)
a) of the kissing of a stripper's ass
b) of living in a happy fantasy world AND beleiving it's real
c) of attacking strawmen
Oh but wait, his strawmen are totally transparent. With a true master you won't even know he had tried such a tactic. Scratch the last bullet. But don't worry Yoda, two out of three ain't bad, right?
b) of living in a happy fantasy world AND beleiving it's real
c) of attacking strawmen
Oh but wait, his strawmen are totally transparent. With a true master you won't even know he had tried such a tactic. Scratch the last bullet. But don't worry Yoda, two out of three ain't bad, right?
Yoda, ever been to any Baltimore area clubs? It's a great strip club town that nobody ever seems to mention. There is everything anyone could ever want, including some things you don't want.
Mouse, there's no trouble for you to start here. We all have a sense of humor about what get's posted here....well accept for davids but one rable rouser always makes it interesting.
Davids: My experience with dancers, on whatever level you care to talk about, covers a period of over twenty five years. I that same time span I've had wives, live in girlfriends and serious relationships, a few involved dancers, most did not. Dancing is an occupation, not a reason to choose a girlfriend. Because I'm comfortable around strip clubs and dancers, that is where I choose to spend leisure time. Some guys like golf, I like tits, so sue me....I love women. That doesn't mean that they can do no wrong. In fact, they can be royal pains in the ass-so can men.
(And we all know for a fact that Yoda has dated strippers so he clearly is interested in dating strippers. Perhaps he just realizes that the odds are so high against it it's only going to happen once every decade or so even if he is in there every day or however often it is?)
I, on the other hand, will be honest here:
I only met one stripper I would have definitely been interested in dating (the non-stripper who lost the bet); then there were let me see, 2 maybes who I never got to know well enough to say for sure but who probably won't have been my type since they were too businessy, and then there was another maybe who was nice, but way too nice so again another likely no.
Yeah so 1 definite and 3 maybes out of 500! Way less than I meet in normal environments like work and school where it might be as high as 10 or 15%.
Now that is dating in the sense of actually liking them. If you are talking about were there ones I would have liked to fuck if it was free and no strings attached, well if I was paying them money for LDs, etc. what do you think?
But if you think that is why I disliked strippers (couldn't fuck them for free) then by the same reasoning I should hate every woman I've ever wanted to have non-commital sex with but was unable to. And that simply isn't the case.
I disliked strippers (before my ephiphany) because of how (I mistakenly thought( they so readily they adopted the evil world view which is part of their culture.
Make of this what you will.
When I first started going to strip clubs I was where Yoda was at: Oh yeah, it's probably just some nice looking, friendly (maybe a bit naughty but most likely honest) college girls trying to make a little extra money to pay for school.
Those were the sterotypes I brought in with me. But after careful examination of my experiences there and, in particular after talking with strippers, other staff members, and reading strippers who posted online, I concluded that my initial sterotypes were incorrect. At that point I had to drop them. (Kind of hard to admit I had been so naive in the first place, but I think it is best just to honestly admit to yourself when you were wrong so you can move on. )
I think the natural tendency of a board like this, if left unchecked, is for stripper worshippers to dominate without any good counter balance. There are a few reasons for this:
a) Those who don't like strippers will just leave saying "leave these PLs to themselves". Then the only opinions you will be those of the stripper worshippers.
b) Those who do post in favour of strippers may win some favour with them in the clubs (or least they may think they will).
c) Finally once communities of like thinking people form on the internet it is natural for them to attack outsiders with different views quite ferociously. This often includes trying to have the outsiders squashed from speaking at all. (As bad as many posters mindless stripper worshipping is the far more offensive posts are those that cry to have RL or my barred from posting. As bad as Yoda is, at least he hasn't tried to pull that crap, I am thinking of others...)
People don't like to have their ideas challenged is the bottom line: Especially when they might have a decades old lifestyle at stake.
On the other hand, at least this board isn't stripperweb, in which a post critical of strippers has about a 10 nanonsecond life expectancy. LOL!
davids: Thanks for proving my point.
1.Because I don't buy into the stereotypes that many of the people on this board do. I like women, I like most dancers and, instead of whinning about the bad ones, I just avoid them and stick with the good ones. It's very easy to do as long as you know your priorities.
1a.Everyone has an agenda, myself included.
2. Because I'm not afraid to argue about something I beleive till the cows come home.
3. This is an anonymous board, I don't give a rats ass what any of you fuckers think about me. You don't even know me. Why should I care? I have fun in strip clubs and that is ultimately what this board is about. When other posters feel the need to make personal attacks beyond the topic at hand it is because their argument on the topic at hand is weak.