Why are Strippers so Contemptuous of Prostitutes/Escorts?
I actually have less problems with prostitutes/escorts than I do with strippers finding the former group to have more morals than the latter. So why are strippers, for the most part, so contemptous of prostitutes and escorts? Just because they are a competitive threat?
I mean even the girls at Rick's where it's hard to see how they are not going over the line seem to hate that other group of women.
How about the regular posters here. What do you think of escorts and prostitutes?
I mean even the girls at Rick's where it's hard to see how they are not going over the line seem to hate that other group of women.
How about the regular posters here. What do you think of escorts and prostitutes?
The atmosphere in a strip club can vary greatly depending on how many extras girls are running around making it harder for girls to earn a living. I'd much rather spend a few hours in a club full of beautiful women who are in a good mood beacuse they are making money.
The problem I run into is when there are "cross-overs" turning small tricks in the VIP room of the club we both work in. Why can't they take it outside of the club?
I wouldn't mind even working with an escort as long as she kept the actual "workings" outside of the bar. She can meet her "johns" there, I don't even mind that as much.
But when I am giving a med/high contact dance and the girl next to me is giving a bj, then it's puts me in a situation I don't wanna be in.
What you will wind up with will be a group of providers who will still choose to operate outside of the law. They will attract plenty of business since many men who frequent escorts are married. Legal or not, a married man is not going to want to become part of any providers customer list. The same holds true for public figures, married or not. There are certainly advantages to legalizing the world’s oldest profession, but anonymity isn't one of them. Also, the social stigma that is attached to the profession won't ever really go away.
Weather it's strippers, escorts or anything in between, I don't recall saying that I'm getting anything for free.
Money is the great equalizer here. A woman in the sex trade is there for one reason and that's to make as much money as she can. It doesn't matter if the customer is tall, short, skinny, fat, buffed or flabby as long as his wallet is full. That's the assumption I go on. My experience has always been that, with any civilized woman, a civilized and polite gentleman will usualy make out better than a jerk who needs a bath. But I've always thought of that as common sense, not bragging. If that's how you percieve my posts theirs really nothing I can do to change that. I'm not going to lie or change the way I write.
P.S. But, please don’t take offense.
I don't get where the "legend in your own mind" comment comes from. I'm speaking truthfuly about my experiences. Isn't that what you are always pestering people to do on this board? Do you want us to be honest or do you just want us to agree with you all the time?
Example: I recently was at a club that had a visiting dancer and I got several dances from her. At one point she was laying with her back against me and she pulled her "G-string to the Side"...I of course was playing with her.
What struck me as really interesting...was the dancer directly across from us with her customer. When I was playing with my girl...you could tell by the facial expression of the other dancer, that she "did not approve" at all.
Competition...the other woman realized that this girl was driving "up" the Stakes or Commodity cost. Thus pushing the "Sexual Comfort Zone" of the club and her...
Now consider the Social Dynamics of women. How will this girl be treated? She has effectively rocked the apple cart...now women accustomed to low sexual contact for $$$$$ a year must react. How they react depends on the club dynamics and personal interactions.
Prostitues are more willing play in a different "Sexual Comfort Zone"...where a stripper for the most part is unwilling to venture into it due to social morality.
Shadowcat. I've never paid a stripper who doubles - at least not that I knew off. Many traveling escorts have a home city that they dance in though it may not come up in conversation during a "date". I don't know where you are, but in the Boston area a higher end GFE escort is about $300 for an hour. If you are a smart shopper, you can find a decent time for about $200. If your an idiot, you can waste $200 to $300 on a VIP room in a strip club and wonder if you are gonna get lucky or not.