
Comments by WiseGuy (page 5)

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    21 years ago
    lots of female customers in a gentlemen's club?
    "Are strip clubs that mainstream now with the 18 to 20 something generation?" That's a good question and niceass had a discussion going about it once. As TGG alluded to i think each decade a new generation is redefining the limits of acceptability. Whether its from DVD's, internet, magazines, TV, or whatever media they were exposed to over the years. Remember how Ricky and Lucy had separate beds and Barbara Eden couldn't expose her navel? ...and look what is on cable TV now. I've seen more girls in the clubs over the years also and the newbie girls do seem to get catty sometimes.
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    21 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    Mousy that must have been some powerful weed.
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    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    Mousy since you are so turned on by humans having sex with animals and to highlight Yoda's point that men are doing it too, ...this story should satisfy your rodent desires. http://www.disk919.com/bb/gerbil.wav
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    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    TGG i agree with your assessment. I'm wondering how many months of porn surfing and porn shop visits his research took.
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    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    Puppies too? Mousy pleeeease seek help for this beastality fetish you have.
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    20 years ago
    What do we learn on these boards?
    I've learned today that when i disagree with Mousy that i'm helping him reconsider his opinions and/or positions on various issues. As far as a my opinions, i've learned how much a few men really struggle understanding women who work in a strip club environment. For some its fun, for some its hateful, for some its confusing, for some its a game.
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    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    ...Mousy, FYI, I'm a trophy stripper boyfriend...hehehe
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    20 years ago
    My experience is the same as Yoda's. A few dancers will always socialize with them for the popularity of it but they all seem to know there usually isnt much money to be made. I remember Dennis Rodman once invited some girls from the Dallas Mens Club to go out and party around town in his limo saying he would take of them. Five hours later he dropped them off at the club, kissed them goodbye, gave them each $100, hopped in the limo and drove off. Needless to say they never partied or danced for him again.
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    20 years ago
    What is the strangest/most unusual stage act you ever saw?
    Non sexual stage acts with animals. I've seen a snake and a bear.
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    20 years ago
    Where are the customers who PAY TAXES FOR ADMISSION?
    "Governor Perry wants to link public education to the so-called vices of smoking, gambling and strip clubs. ...The governor proposed a $5 minimum "adult entertainment tax" admission whereby patrons of topless bars would be enjoined to underwrite the education of Texas schoolchildren. Many municipalities currently waste buckets of public time and money in futile attempts to keep "adult entertainment" venues out of sight of schools and churches. Perhaps now the PTA, the school board, and the liquor lobby can happily join hands for "Back to School Nights" down at the Yellow Rose." Some states have a similar sin tax. Last year Vegas projected and additional $111 million from theirs.
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    20 years ago
    Where are the customers who PAY TAXES FOR ADMISSION?
    Casualguy and TGG touched on a few of these sins... Let's tax all our sinners By RICK CASEY Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle The Legislature needs help with the very difficult task of paying for our public schools. Everyone agrees that good public schools are important. Almost everybody agrees that poor kids deserve as much public funding as rich kids. Almost everybody agrees that our state's reliance on property tax has grown too heavy. That's where agreement ends. Some politicians want to rely more on sin taxes. Led by the governor, they would tax cigarettes and strip joints and increase state-sponsored gambling by installing video lotteries at race tracks. Some, led by the lieutenant governor, want to increase revenues by broadening the tax base. I think I have the solution. We should broaden the base of sins we tax. We need a serious discussion of how best to do this, and I'm calling on ministers of every faith to bring their expertise to the table. My purpose here is simply to start the discussion. With the Seven Deadly Sins. Governor Perry's proposal already covers two. ··Avarice. This is "too great a desire for wealth." Playing the lottery, either by video at racetracks or by buying tickets at the convenience store, is an effective way to tax avarice. Mathematicians will tell you that, statistically speaking, the odds of winning the lottery are the same if you don't buy a ticket as they are if you do. So there is no rational reason to play except for indulging in avarice's equivalent of a pornographic fantasy. That brings us to... ··Lust. I like Perry's proposal to add a $5 tax on admission to strip joints. Since most of these refer to themselves as "gentlemen's clubs," they should be fined for false advertising as well. Given what patrons pay for cheap drinks for themselves and "champagne" (aka ginger ale) for the dancers, they won't hesitate to pay five bucks for education. ··Wrath. How to tax this sin? Easy: Place a levy on talk radio based on Arbitron ratings. Right-wing talk radio. Left-wing talk radio. Talk radio feeds on the angry belief that those who disagree with you are either stupid or, worse, evil. When well done, the frothing is entertaining. Wrathful entertainment can be taxed, just like lustful entertainment. Let's keep the tax low: a penny per average listener per day. ··Gluttony. Fast-food nation makes this a snap. Can you say, "Super-size it"? That'll be 50 cents. McDonald's isn't the only restaurant that super-sizes, though. The luxury equivalents are steak houses such as Morton's of Chicago, where steaks the size of footballs are accompanied by baked potatoes big as hat boxes. Tax those plates $5. This brings us to another tax on potatoes: couch potatoes... ··Sloth. This is the best proposal of all, because it is doubly beneficial. It not only would raise money for schools but would inherently produce better students. A $1 tax on cigarettes, as proposed by the governor, would likely have the benefit of reducing smoking, especially among the young. It would be better if the money went to health care, the costs of which would be reduced if the tax had its beneficial effect. My sloth tax for schools would do for education what the cigarette tax would do for health. The tax? All televisions would be monitored and taxed a nickel for every minute they are on. There may be no single educational reform with more impact than reducing the amount of time children spend watching television. Parents, too. Much to the chagrin of governments throughout the ages, not everything can be taxed, not even all sins. I have pondered and pondered, but haven't been able to figure a way to tax the two remaining deadly sins: pride and envy. But then, I'm not a preacher or a politician. I know we can count on them.
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    20 years ago
    On the road
    DFK, LFK: Definitions?
    http://www.tuscl.com/discuss-thread.asp?DiscussID=60864 Deep French Kissing, Light French Kissing.
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    20 years ago
    Dancer BS Lines
    Did she or did she not light up a cigarette afterwards? ...hehehe
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    20 years ago
    Unwanted contact - assault or not ?
    "Sexual Assault and Rape - The definition of "sexual assault" includes rape, child sexual abuse, incest and other sexual acts that are physical and non-consensual, forced, manipulated, and/or coerced. Special acts of sexual assault can take such forms as unwanted touching of one's intimate parts, such as a sexual organ, buttocks or breasts; forced kissing; or bodily penetration. Strictly speaking, such actions are illegal." I think it also applies within the stipulations of your city ordinances and laws which the customer is legally obligated to abide by. The key point is when the dancer "stops him and tells him it is not allowed" and as long as the dancer doesn't show a pattern of allowing it sometimes with various customers then she isn't inviting those actions. The dancer has a right to use reasonable measures to protect herself. Just my opinion.
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    20 years ago
    Opinion changer or not? You discover your new girlfriend is a stripper.
    My girlfriend is a stripper but i knew it before we started dating. I agree with Yoda, the more she hides for a long time would make me think she is hiding alot more she will never tell me. Would someone consider every American soldier (who went to war for his country and killed people) marriage material? Would women (who dont go to strip clubs) consider men (who go to strip clubs) marriage material? As was said, it really depends on things such as the character and values of the person.
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    20 years ago
    why do you really go to a stripclub?
    I doubt stripping for money is a disorder like exhibitionism. I go to have a beer and watch some sports on TV and ogle a few women.
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    20 years ago
    Has anyone thought about starting their own club??
    If i had the millions it takes to start and run my own quality club, i would keep the money and the lady(s) to myself. I would not care about letting guys get their jollies off my buck and would not want the club headache that Yoda describes.
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    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Founder can run this personal website anyway he wants to. "The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic." Since theater's have a right to restrict "speech" during a movie to maintain their services to the other patrons so can Founder. Actually (hehehe), i think Founder is being paid off (or should be) by all the other stripper forum owners by allowing RL to post thereby keeping him fixated here instead of elsewhere. At least, figure out a way of taking advantage of RL's presence here to generate traffic instead of decreasing it! Create a seperate stripper haters forum for those kind of posts, create a stripper lovers forum, create a ladies only forum for registered names, have TUSCL stripper friendship parties and give away "Romanticlover the OxyMoron" T-Shirts, create a TUSCL screen saver to download, whatever... Founder may be able to set up filters banning the use of the women haters top 100 words, word combinations, caps, and word variations to slow them down. Just a thought. I agree with verfolgung, I vote to ban RL since he is not capable of reasonably discussing both sides of various issues and his posts amount to little more than forum hate spam driving away the ladies.
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    20 years ago
    North Iowa
    What, precisely, is a "10", anyway?
    Try here www.wanderlist.com/beautyinwomen
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    20 years ago
    Ain't no Lady !
    ....thats old "sivlep" nonsense. sivlep, you really do hate the fact that you LOVE the stripping buisness. Obsessively dreaming that dancers and customers should hate themselves for enjoying it too is pretty funny.
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    20 years ago
    Don't spend you $$
    sivlip why would anyone here obsesse about where a dancers money goes? Should we also obsesse about what brand of shoes, soft drink or make up she buys and worry about those companies making a profit? How do your economic theories hold up if she has a girlfriend profiting from it? Please help solve this dilema(sarcasm)!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    This is a business and "relationships" with dancers are rare and dangerous. ...rare? yes. There are not enough hours in a week for a girl to carry a "relationship" with 50 guys that may like her. Dangerous? for RIL's like Mousy that got their feelings and pocket book hurt, yes. If you were a guy lucky enough to have a drop dead gorgeous dancer supporting you, what would you do to keep other guys away? ...supporting a boyfriend? not me, but there are some boyfriends that are being supported. Keeping guys away? the ones to worry about are the guys that run with her group of girlfriends not usually the customers. Insecure boyfriends will worry about keeping guys away. If a dancer wants a regular supply of customers, what would she do to keep you coming back, begging and drooling? ...just being herself and doing a good job of creating the fantasy. The guy--husband or boyfriend--just might blow your brains out. ...applies to non dancer boyfriends too. The dancer will always hold out the possibility of something outside the club, but she really wants you to come to the club on a regular basis, buy lots of dances from her and stay out of her private life. ...true. How many regulars does a dancer need to guarantee a base take of $1,000 per week? ...1 to 20 regs maybe.
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    20 years ago
    Is there really much difference in pimpin and the SC business?
    (Just having some innocent fun Jpac73) All male sports fans are tricks!!!!! First of all, I am not trying to insult all "sports players" but after watching this special about the Pimping business the other week I have to ask myself how much of a difference is that between the "professional sports" business? The Pimp & the Prostitute refer to their male clients as "tricks". They have no respect for these guys they just want the money. The team owner can be comnpared(In a odd way) to a Pimp. He gets a percentage of the money the "players" generate plus the "player" or "players" are working for him. The "players" main task is to win games to generate money from the fans. I don't consider myself to be a trick but in a way I am sort of being one by paying money for beer, nachos and cable though it might not be actual intercourse but there is sexual gratification involved when we when a game. I mean I don't want to think of sports as being a "whore" or anything, I consider some of the players traded to be friends but that documentary really got me to thinking am I lowering my standards by paying for ESPN?
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    20 years ago
    Bringing Wifey to the Club
    I'll agree with FONDL 50 percent. Straight dancers tend to avoid, bisexual or lesbian dancers tend to not care. Its just another paying customer. lopaw, in your estimation, how may dancers are bi or gay at the clubs you go to? And how many of your other gay girlfriends go to clubs too and how much a month?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    V, i see you are threaten by my having a relationship with a dancer. Kind of blows your "rules theories" out of the water when i'm proof that they are merely your antiquated baiting insults schtik. And thanks for remembering that i live rent free in Mousy's head. Feel free to use any of my material in your new schtik.