
Comments by WetWilly (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Kareem by a landslide over Michael Jordan. Why? Defense, which Michael Jordan left to his 4 teammates.
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    7 years ago
    Is a passport a MUST to return from TJ on foot?
    Driver's license. Drivers license. Driver's license.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is a passport a MUST to return from TJ on foot?
    Driver's license to get back in to the USA. They cannot legally prevent a US citizen from entering their own country. They can question you, berate you for not having a passport, but cannot block you from entering your own country. SS card is worthless for this purpose. Birth certificate? Do you really want to carry that around while you're drinking beers, entertaining putas, and likely going to be half drunk? Unless you look like a Mexican national, a driver's license and a few simple answers is all you need. Wth a drivers license or birth certificate, you're going to be in the slow lime, so the later you come back the better.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Detroit dancer missing
    Missing from her mother, but not missing.....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    I Wish I Lived in an Extras State
    You can always move, eh?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tijuana Pharmacy
    I've never bought that many, and I wasn't suggesting anyone do it. I was responding to the mention of buying 5-10 pills, because many guys would respond with " I can only bring 10 pills back wth me? " The pills come in plastic bottles or paper boxes. They are always individually wrapped, or 4 in a packet. I take those and put them in my back pockets. Minimal bulge, especially when I put them in 2 back pockets. To keep them together I put them in the plastic bag, then in my pockets. I've never been questioned in 10 years.
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    7 years ago
    Tijuana Pharmacy
    ANY adult can buy a lot more than 5-10 ED pills without a prescription. There are hundreds of pharmacies, so even if someone did encounter an employee who would not sell over 50-100 pills on any visit, he could just walk to the next pharmacy and buy another 100 from the next pharmacy, and the next, and the next. Al they collect from the customer is cash, not ID, name, nothing -- just cash.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do strippers care about a LDK?
    There are tens of thousands of strippers across the country, so any answer is a generalization. In my experience over the last 25 years, most don't care, but many of them do expect an extra tip.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Welcome to King Georga a all you can fuck brothel for $99
    Sounds great, if they have hot women there.... but if they don't, I'll pass.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Stick Shifting: What does it mean?
    Shadowcat has it... playing with your dick.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why are strippers so rough on the penis?
    None of mine are....pay attention to your choices.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Handjobs in Indiana
    It seems LE might be better served by hiring slightly more intelligent people to do their snooping.....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    So who else hates the new look TUSCL?
    Like anything new, it's going to take some time. I'm reading only from my Android lately, And I like it. I haven't yet logged in from my Windows computer, so I can't comment on that interface yet.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    She wants it bareback
    Not a chance. I wouldn't do that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Overweight strippers
    90%? It seems you might gain by reading the reviews before you go......
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Amy Schumer - Annoying As Fuck or Cool?
    Lots of her videos on YouTube. I hate her attempts to entertain. Painful is my best way to describe her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Desertscrub Worst Troll on Here
    George, for me he was never funny at all, just angry, angry, angry, towards almost everyone. Luckily for me, the entire problem is solved with the click of the ignore button. He hasn't said anything helpful in a very long time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Club Reviews
    Many times I'll omit dancers names to protect the club and the dancer. I don't want to increase the knowledge of LE about the place and the extras, because I go to the place to get extras. I also don't want the dancer to get another monger 2 days after my review posted who mentions what she did for me. Take away LE on this and other sites, and I'd be a lot more explicit. That's my rationale, at least.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Is there anything Donald Trump is willing to tell the truth about
    Let's face it, everything avbout this guy is abnormal.....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Desertscrub Worst Troll on Here
    ^^^I rarely use the ignore button, but for him, I made an exception
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I hate tongue piercings
    I hate them too, but I despise tattoos on humansas well, and they continue to ruin their bodies in that way too....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Rate the former US Olympic gymnast
    Most any strip club I've visited in the last 25 years have numerous women who rank much higher than this woman, in my eyes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Desertscrub Worst Troll on Here
    The angriest man on the planet, the way I read his comments. Thank goodness for the IGNORE button on this site!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You must be kidding
    Thank goodness for the ignore button on this board. Numerous posts here from the angriest man on the planet.