
Comments by dirtyburt (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Worst compliment ever from a stripper?
    It’s 10:30 PM .....You are way too picky. Why don’t you just GET THE Fuck Out.
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    4 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Are we approaching decriminalization/legalization
    Was there last week .......haha. Had OTC fun.
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    4 years ago
    Michigan Strip Clubs
    I dumped a "Wad of Cash" into my Michigan ATF strippers purse last night when we did an OTC. She said she will be good until February now.
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    4 years ago
    Can a reigning ATF be demoted?
    I was all ready to demote my ATF this week. We are over a 1000 miles apart and see each about 6-8 times a year.We have known each other for about 4-5 years now. We partied together ITC in November 2020. She was supposed to meet me the next day for OTC, but she ghosted me.Blamed it on a hangover. We texted back and forth around Christmas, and she was wanting to get together. I said No, my life was too hectic, but lets try mid -January 2021.She never texted me back with a yes or no. Phone was dead silent until Monday, and we were supposed to meet on Tuesday. Most other ATF's (I have 3) usually text back within a day, this one takes weeks on average. I was ready to dump her this week.......... I told her that she needs to be a little faster on the return texts.She then gives me her real number, and burned up my phone all day, until we met that evening. Turns out she gave me a text app Phone Number originally, and needs to log in to check out her text messages.. Back at the hotel, I gave her the 2020 Christmas Bonus, plus her typical fee and all is good now. So my answer is YES, you can drop them, but they can also climb back to the top. As usual, when it goes south, you need to drill down to find out why. Whether you believe them or not is another question. But after I got her real number, she lit up my phone like the 2020 Riots.
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    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Turned in by the ex-wife
    Boy am I glad they didn't have Cameras when I was young............They would still be pumping sunlight to me. And we were never dumb enough to take pictures of ourselves doing bad shit,and then publicize them. Seemed counter-productive.
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    4 years ago
    Got taken
    Should have told the BF that you just got a call that your STD Test came back positive. Haha Never let anyone intimidate you into something that seems fucked up. But, I agree a name would help.
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    4 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Michigan/Detroit clubs opening back up?
    A Flight Club dancer just texted me over the weekend and told me the BAN was extended until Jan 15 2021 for the FC. Another FC Dancer just hit me up for OTC last night, but I am over 1000 miles away right now. My ATF's are getting frisky, waiting for their Christmas Bonuses........ How do I tell them that I spent it in FLorida NJ and Mexico???? I will be a COld Cold January up there.
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    4 years ago
    Brazilians vs Cubans
    Here is a Cuban experience that I just posted last night......... After her set of dances we went into the back, for private dances. I told her that I wanted her to let me know when each dance was over, so I wouldn’t get ripped off on dance counts. Dances were $30 each. There is a bouncer in the back that counts the dances, I tipped him $10, when the dancer and I went back. There were a bunch of benches in the back, maybe 10-12, no curtains that I saw, and it was fairly dark. Not aware of any type of VIP deal here. Without too much detail, it was very hands on dancing, and I was happy with my Cuban so far. Two songs later, I said “No MAS” ( I was happy) and threw in the towel. So what could go wrong, I ask.???? I squared up with her and planned to tip her $30 because she followed directions well ..... she complained about the $30 tip and wanted $10 more, for a total of $100. Now the Cuban is starting to emerge from within her. When we walk past the bouncer, he says $12. I was thinking that the bouncer was speaking to me, and the dancer turns to me asking for $12. The bouncer tells me to move on, that she owes him the $12. And then the dancer turns to me and wants me to give her two dollars, so she would only owe the bouncer $10.. Turns out the Dances are $30 each and the Dancer needs to pay the bouncer 20% of each dance or $6.00 per dance. The Cuban Dancer was just on the Hustle, wanting me to pay her 20% tip out. See why I always tip the bouncers. See why it’s hard to do repeat visits with these Cubans. All was fine until the Weasel emerged, and now she fucked her self for future dances from me. DB
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    First trip to Whacos post COVID
    Sorry for the confusing post.That is why I usually don't post at Midnight........... I definitely was at Whacos not Sinsations. Sinsations tonight hopefully...............
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Brazilians vs Cubans
    Brazilian or any of the other South American countries “Rock Big Time” for me. Argentina Columbia Venezuela etc. Always a good time and they know how to treat a man right. IMO Basically Slow & Easy. Now the Cubans in Cuba were awesome and I had very little issues with them there. They seemed grateful in Cuba for my money and attention. Cubans in Florida...... not so fun. They want the fast money, will hustle your ass off if given the chance, and rip you off in a NY Second. Also the Cuban dancers have the tendency to not understand English, when it is to their advantage. Basically Wham Bam Thank you ma’am. Only had One Cuban in Florida (2nd Generation one)that worked out fine. Then the damn pandemic hit.......... @Stud Me .....Stick with the Brazilian’s
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    4 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Rent day - a customer’s perspective
    @Cashman.......this is exactly why I didn't participate in this sport when I was younger. Hey, but you lived through it, so that's all that matters. Nice to sit back and laugh at the past.
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    4 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Rent day - a customer’s perspective
    Just to clarify, my thousand dollar a month budget is just plain go to hell money. It can be used for anything not just necessarily strip clubs. But if it’s spent at strip clubs, it’s no big deal. At the end of the year anything left over is blown on a vacation.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Rent day - a customer’s perspective
    When I didn't have $$$ I didn't hit the clubs.I was able to hustle & scam and have fun that way. Now that $$$ isn't much of an issue,I can live it up when I want to with "No Regrets". In all honesty, I whoop it up about once a month with a budget of $1000. If it all isn't spent, it goes into an envelope for the following month. One of my ATF's is fucking up "Big Time" because she has been MIA. Oh well, one ATF's lose is another ones gain. @ Jackslash you had to dump the Grand at Flight Club for the drinks.Money can go quick there.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Return to the East Coast...
    @Towntap Tip was $10 for three dances. Also gave one of my ATF’s her Post-COVID Stimulus Check. I have 4 ATF’s scattered around the country. Three down and one more ATF to visit in a planned January 2021 trip. Each ATF was allocated & received $250. This particular dancer, I have known since 2005. Hell it’s only money......
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    4 years ago
    Putting Pounds on a Pretty Girl
    Damn It..Now I am really confused........... @Muddy and others....... the fat ones come a dime a dozen. WHy do we want to push extra weight?? I have instituted a weight limit in all of my dancer partners. Pleasantly turned as bunch down in NJ last night. I want to be comfortable and have acrobatics in my dances not smooshed,into the furniture..
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    4 years ago
    Putting Pounds on a Pretty Girl
    Just hang around for about 10 more years....... she will bulk up. As I TOLD my ATF's.NEVER EVER worry about being too skinny or having too much money.I managed to stay that way after 60+ years and do not regret it a bit. If your girl is not into exercise/ working out you won't convince her, unless she follows your lead. Refrain from adding calories to her diet, or you may wind up with a Skinny Chick that has a Beer Gut and sagging tits. Who the hell wants that?
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    A good time at Cheetahs
    What a rough review crowd.......... but glad to see you "Hold their feet to the fire". Working on the East Coast this week. Everyone is in a funk right now.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Fun in spite of COVID
    We got on very well and I opted for two rooms ($300/30 minutes each) with her. So that was $600 for 30 minutes?????
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    First strip club experience
    The dancers know young boys Don't and Won't spend money, basically because you all are cheap. Then you try to negotiate the price down and probably still wouldn't spend much. Not too sure what you were thinking was going to happen on your first strip club outing? In reality,strip clubbing adventures are not as portrayed in the porn movies. BTW, that was one of the best clubs/ highest mileage places in that part of the state. Not sure how Covid -19 has effected operations there, but I am sure I would have had a blast there that night. I would suggest that if you want to try it again, you should go on your own, and try to figure it out. The dancers can spot giggling groups of young boys a mile away, and know there is no $$$ in it for them. Go shovel some snow,or tap into your Christmas Money and bring $500 back to the place. Go by yourself and I guarantee you will have a good time.
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    4 years ago
    Breakdown of Fees and Fines
    Been to FC frequently and know a lot of the dancers. As far as Pimps go........ I have never seen any. Girls seem independent as far as I know. They may blow their $$$$ on loser BF’s, but I doubt the BF’s can or do coordinate anything.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Basically a shithole that nickel and dimes you for all you're worth
    I also have had a crappy time at the Flight Club, sometimes it is everyone’s fibes.(both the Dancers & PL’s) But I have had far more barn-busting nights at the FC than anywhere else. If the evening sucks, then try daytime. Sometimes you need to mix it up. I have ran into a similar issue at the Providence RI clubs that get a top / high rating. I waltz in with a pocket full of cash and waltz right back out with a pocket full of cash. Has me thinking, is it me or does this place suck? How can people write a good review on this dump? Then I realize that sometimes it just doesn’t happen, it’s not as cut and dry as we sometimes want it to be.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Eta: Florida owes my bud dugan a debt of gratitude
    Yea...... It was No Biggie. Just some twigs and branches to clean up.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Delivered flowers in the Ghetto Ran the Numbers Partnership in “Our Own Football Pool” No middleman Pump Gas Steel Mill 5 years as a “Welfare Bum”/ Unemployment, Street-Hustler(“My Best & Only Formal Education”) Traveling “Repairman” on some Super High Tech High Demand Machines
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCLers getting annoyed no matter what you say
    @subraman........ Say What??????
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCLers getting annoyed no matter what you say
    And some are totally disgusting IMO. And should look for another line of work.