Why do dancers have to be broke just because the advisors and Pepsiman are cheap AF? Also Pepsi man is not the cook, he is a cheap strip club patron who keeps writing reviews to read the reviews for free and to try to get girls to go down on him for $110. Very annoying.
If there was no song count it must have been Sincere. Sincere only goes on stage once every leap year on her birthday. All the other girls are called out of dances after 3 songs to go on stage and are told “if you do not go on stage when your name is announced, you do not work here”.
Why not $250 Pepsiman? That shit annoys me, like why you gotta make dudes feel bad and like they did something wrong for generously compensating a woman financially to help improve their life. I just don’t get that, the girl was upfront, honest, and gave a great dance. And honestly patrons of the club could have easily and quickly spend $250 on drinks, food, and tips, so what is wrong with spending that on a dancer with whom he enjoyed his time. I just find that confusing and annoying, and dancers deal with a lot of bullshit, and health hazards, like what is wrong with paying a dancer $250? scratch me head, that shit is confusing.
Like you will get your dance for your price, calm down. The smart ones understand the distribution of wealth and I guess even how to entertain and put on a show wtf.
If the girl demanded $1000 I could understand. But $250? That is not too much to pay and I am sure the dancer really appreciated it.
Sabrina curls her hair and hits the gym and usually works day shift Tuesday-Friday 12-7. There were a lot of day girls working the Christmas party though… could have been someone else!
Comments made by stripclubman01