

I assume we've all worked and had numerous jobs. Any job that you got paid for qualifies. Name all the jobs you've had. Mine: Greeting card salesman (Hallmark); Snow removal; landscaping; paperboy; Gas station attendant; Meat cutter; Delicatessen worker; Stock boy; dishwasher' waiter; Janitor; Security Guard; Truck Driver; Furniture mover; Insurance Investigator; Attorney. Your turn.


  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Window Washer , Rigger, crane operation heavy construction equipment, gas station as a after school job,
    Business owner operator, now new retiree😊
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    "Greeting card salesman (Hallmark)"
    You do have a gift for bringing an uplifting tone to most topics.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    When we were kids you could buy greeting cards from Hallmark in bulk and then sell them door to door. Made this 10 year old feel like a working man lol.
  • Studme53
    4 years ago
    Lol - I probably had, conservatively, 20 “shitty” jobs as a teenager and young man. Trashman, life guard, cook, laborer / ditch digger, security guard at a sports arena, traveling huckster for crappy home goods, tire store worker, waiter, bus boy, bartender, landscaper to name some.
    My kids laugh every time I tell a new story about another one I hadn’t talked about before. I finally got my education and started a career and put the shitty jobs behind me - that’s usually to “lesson” in my shitty job stories.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I forgot worked at Jones beach every summer lifeguard at west end 2
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I've been to Jones beach. My dad and uncle used to refer to it as sun over beach. By 14 I realized they hated Jones Beach and really meant son of a bitch.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Various manual labor, filing clerk at the local police department*, dishwasher, tutor, lab researcher, stock analyst, consultant, executive.

    *Learned that a good friend's dad had been arrested for jerking off on the back porch. Couldn't look him in the eye anymore. Good times.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I loved that job and the beach was a great place to meet girls, I would spend my days off at the beach as well, from May to September, it was a great place to spend a summer
    If you’re from the New England area there were some nice beaches up there but the water was usually freezing right through the summer
  • Studme53
    4 years ago
    Some of my shitty jobs were a lot of fun. I was an asst manager at a TGI Fridays when I was 21. Tons of good looking waitresses and generally fun people to work with - and who loved party after work. But not just party - we did things I’m not sure a lot of young people do now - like bowling at 2am, dance parties at peoples apartments until the cops came, softball games before work - just a lot of mostly wholesome fun
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    My list is short, car wash, house painter, co-op during college, engineering career; that's it.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    Worked in hardware store, Italian restaurant. Went on to be welfare cheat.

    (Partially embellished to make @Skibum happy)
  • reverendhornibastard
    4 years ago
    I’ve been around a long time, so my list is pretty long. I’m not sure I can remember all of them, but here goes …

    1. Newspaper delivery boy

    2. Restaurant worker - various jobs at same restaurant, busboy, back-bar help, miniature railroad maintenance guy (they had a miniature railroad that ran overhead all around the restaurant)

    3. Lawn mowing in my neighborhood

    4. Working in a greenhouse (the sweatiest job I ever had)

    5. Re-shelving books at a public library (my most boring job)

    6. Counter help at a fast food restaurant (Arby’s) I always sliced too much meat and had to eat it myself. First time I ever got kinda fat.

    7. Store clerk at a record shop (great ego boost because it was a favorite place for teens in my town to hangout late at night)

    8. Summer maintenance job at AT&T facility (my 2nd most boring job)

    9. Non-credit foreign language course instructor - night class program at a junior college (overcame my fear of public speaking and became a bit of an entertainer. I often got applause from my students at the end of the class hour)

    10. Craftsman at a wood carving shop (I made decoupage boards)

    11. Salesclerk at a shop that specialized in shoes for young women (great job because I was SUPPOSED to flirt with the customers as a way to make more sales! They only hired young men at that store because it helped bring in the young lady customers. It helped me overcome my shyness around women.)

    12. assistant in university lab

    13. mechanic in JC Penney auto shop (my grimiest job)

    14. teaching assistant while in graduate school (fun with coeds)

    15. door to door sales of discount coupon books (only did this job for about a week. I was exceptionally lousy at the job - maybe because I thought the product I was selling was a ripoff.

    16. admissions counselor and recruiter of top scholars at major university

    17. law clerk at state attorney general’s office (canoodled a lot of secretaries young attorneys and other young staff)

    18. summer law clerk in corporate offices of an energy company

    19. numerous lawyer positions at several international energy companies from 1980 to 2018, starting as junior lawyer and eventually as managing counsel for country operations (mostly behaved on the job except for with a couple of young lady lawyers who would not take “no” for an answer)

    20. retired from late 2018 until early 2020 (bored shitless and spending way too much time and $$$ in strip clubs)

    21. lawyer for a publishing company (current role)
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    I don't known if I can remember them all, but starting from the every income that required taxes since fifth grade:

    Door to door stationary and card sales (remember the back covers of Boys' Life magazine?)

    Newspaper route

    Ace Hardware Clerk


    Secondary education marketing & development

    Language Laboratory/TA

    Clothing retail

    Shipping & receiving clerk, medium industrial

    B2B Landline & wireless sales

    NGA marketing and development

    Restaurant Manager

    Production manager, light manufacturing

    Executive recruiter

    Overhead crane service technician
    " contract services manager
    " sales & service acct manager
    " branch manager

    Heavy Equipment Sales & Rental General Mgr

    Owner - Consulting and Contract Services

    Managing partner - Medical Practice
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I had some odd ones - and some good ones.

    Lawn mowing
    Snow shoveling
    Manual labor for marble company
    Christmas tree sales
    McDonalds crew member
    Ice cream scooper
    Deli worker
    Florist delivery
    College computer lab tech support
    Credit analyst
    Contract negotiator
    Bill collector
    Systems analyst
    Computer programmer
    Accounting manager
    Software developer
    Treasury analyst
    Business analyst

    I’m sure there are a few I’ve missed.

    The best was selling Christmas trees!
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    Soda jerk in a Dairy Queen, ages 12-18. Shipfitter's helper, Ordinary Seaman/Wiper, drafter, drafter/engineering side, engineer/programmer, naval architect/marine engineer for the next 40 years.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Has no one amongst us ever worked in a strip club (not counting our resident dancers) or as drivers or similar? Would we still post here if we had?
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Starting with:
    Bread butterer. Yep, when my 1-room country school consolidated to town, in the 4th grade, I got a job in the cafeteria buttering bread. Advantage: me and another guy would eat most of a loaf of buttered raison-cinnamon bread as a mid-morning snack. And a dollar a week - that bought me my 1st bicycle.

    Then, babysitting, snow shoveling, paperboy, Taco Bell from shell fryer up to night assistant manager, various laborer jobs (tree planter was the worst), gutter installer, framing carpentry, painting, dish washer, wood shop worker. Then back to school for accounting. Got a job at a tax preparer doing data entry, then 28+ years of accounting.

    Raising 3 kids during 40 years of marriage - no pay for this one, but it sure felt like a job at time.

    Retirement is good.
  • founder
    4 years ago

    Learned to code

    Bum. With a website.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    Always been self-employed. Sooo . . .

    Video Game Reviewer → Graphic Designer (commission-based) → Fire Dancer/Performer (With a troupe at first, then independently) → Silk Rope Dancer/Performer → Webcam Model → Escort → Amateur Porn Actress → Adult Entertainment Blogger (No, the blog is no longer up) → Virtual Sex Performer (Subscription-based game where players paid with in-game currency to perform certain acts with my character - including voice/video chat features - and I traded the earned currency for real money) → Travel Companion → Stripper.

    I've got quite the (18+) resume.
  • NinaBambina
    4 years ago
    Ice cream server, waitress/cocktail waitress/server, paralegal, real estate, and of course, stripper.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    I've only had 6 jobs in my 26 years of working working.

    Mucked stalls on a farm - from 12-16
    Cut and hung tobacco -from 16-18
    Library Clerk - from 18-22
    Debt Collector - from 22-24
    Paralegal - from 24-28
    Fraud Investigator - from 28-now (38)

    Both farming jobs were with the same farmer and the debt collector and my current fraud investigator job were with the same bank so I've only had 4 employers in my life.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Pharmaceutical sales and career management. A close friend has worked in gardening as a kid. Worked the door at a few dance clubs . adjunct professor. DAs office. Agent and entertainment law shit....career management.
  • loper
    4 years ago
    Gardener/lawn mower, stone mason, miniature golf course attendant, newspaper prep., carryout boy, cabinet maker's assistant, security/phone, math tutor, design engineer, musician/director, business owner/manager.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    "Has no one amongst us ever worked in a strip club (not counting our resident dancers) or as drivers or similar? Would we still post here if we had?"

    I was a bouncer for 4 years in a nightclub as a part time job to supplement my income from my regular job and mainly to pick up chicks. At that time there were 4 Crazy Horse clubs in NE Ohio, now 3. A manager for the local Crazy Horse clubs was a patron and offered me a job in one of his clubs. Problem was it was the most distant of the 4 clubs in the area so I passed on his offer. If it was 1 of the 2 closer clubs I would have taken the job so, almost.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    man. if i did the rev horni bast numero 11 job... dang!

    as it was... newspaper delivery.
    workin mcdonald’s one month.
    assembly line.
    us navy electronics.
    more assembly line.
    warehouse guy.
    delivery driver.
    line driver.
    then retire.
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    Office Clerk
    Purchasing Agent
    Branch Manager
    Operations Manager
    Office Manager
    Support Engineer
    QA Engineer
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    24 years working, 4 jobs, 1 job almost 20 years

    Secretary/clerk - college job
    Car wholesale buyer - college job
    Customer service rep (phone) - 1st job out of college
    Sales rep

    Customer service rep was by far the worst - getting yelled at all day over the phone was not fun, in addition to making the calls quick because you were on a quota/performance scale.
  • reverendhornibastard
    4 years ago
    Lots of interesting twists and turns in the job market for most of us.

    I thought Icee’s list was most surprising.

    I always assumed that he earned his living stuffing pimentos into olives.
  • bubba267
    4 years ago
    farm worker
    delivery driver
    stocking retail
    warehouse janitorial
    electrician's assistant
    kill floor inspector USDA
    associate professor (horticulture & agronomy)
    GM mid size company
    company owner
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    Like Skibum, I sold greeting cards door-to-door. Also little packages of seeds. I had forgotten I ever did those jobs. Tree trimmer. Janitor. Library clerk. Teaching assistant. Writer. Manager in a medium sized company. Manager in a large international corporation. Retiree.
  • mike710
    4 years ago
    Paper route
    Occasionally helped a local farmer harvest crops like Corn, cucumbers and tomatoes
    Gas Station Attendant
    Made popsicles for one day and quit
    Packaged pool chemicals
    Lumber Yard attendant loading up customer purchases
    Courier for a Credit Union. Without security I was carrying cash to branches daily
    Graduated college in the early 80's and still remain with the first company I was hired on to as an Engineer.
  • EastCoaster
    4 years ago
    In order, the ones I can remember off the top of my head:
    camp counselor
    stock boy (retail)
    gas station attendant
    barber shop janitor
    shoe salesman
    landscape worker (cutting grass)
    assembly line worker in a factory making Looseleaf notebook binders
    college maintenance worker
    re-shelver of books in a university library
    full-time professional musician in a touring bar band (for one year)
    shoe store manager
    community mental health center janitor and groundskeeper
    graduate assistant in higher ed administration
    university administrator (for several schools over 42 years before retiring in 2019)
    executive director of a southeast regional non-profit (current, part-time during retirement)
    part-time professional musician (continuously from 1966-present, except for the one year I did it full time)
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Sales was far and above my favorite. I was friendly with almost all of my customers - very few adversarial relationships, expense account, company vehicle, expensed dinners in the French Quarter, great work/life balance, and no P&L accountability beyond my quoted jobs.

    Construction industry was the worst. It's where I made the most income, but superintendants and purchasers in construction are ASSHOLES, especially if they were from NYC. That opinion honestly has nothing to do with anyone here.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ It’s impossible to outslime a slimeball I genuinely doubt you ever post anything truthful
  • LoiusDrad
    4 years ago
    I order papers for third year already and am quite happy. At the beginning, I was afraid my professors will notice I didn’t write it. But over those years, writers from https://domyhomeworkfor.me proven to write so well and papers are always free from plagiarism.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    My first job (around 11 or 12 years old I think) was to distribute sales circulars for a discount department store. They were kind of like mini-newspapers. A half dozen bundles would get dropped off on my front porch along with a big bag of rubber bands. I had to roll them up, put the rubber bands on, load up baskets on my bike and deliver them to a couple hundred houses.

    It took all day, and I only did it one time. After that, my buddy and I took the still strapped-up bundles and just threw them in a dumpster. They were free sales circulars so nobody was expecting them or complained about not getting them. The funniest part was if rain was expected, they'd give me tons of these little plastic sleeve things and I was supposed to put one on each flyer. They'd pay a little extra for that. Lol. I collected like 20 bucks every two weeks and it was almost a year before they figured it out and fired my ass.
  • dirtyburt
    4 years ago
    Delivered flowers in the Ghetto
    Ran the Numbers
    Partnership in “Our Own Football Pool” No middleman
    Pump Gas
    Steel Mill
    5 years as a “Welfare Bum”/ Unemployment, Street-Hustler(“My Best & Only Formal Education”)
    Traveling “Repairman” on some Super High Tech High Demand Machines
  • PutaTester
    4 years ago
    Ditch Digger
    Mountain Rescue (my favorite)
    Real Estate Broker
    Online Help Developer
    Drone Pilot
    Newspaper Carrier
    TV Journalist
    Land Rover Mechanic
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago

    It is no surprise you listed "writer", your reviews and comments have always impressed me that you were a writer or someone who is good writer.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Hey everyone! 25iq wants you to hear the latest insult he learned: "slimeball." Let's all give him a round of applause so he can finish his Ensure and have his nappytime.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Keep it up you’re demonstrating everything that I say about you is true
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    After high school, I tried being a gigolo but that didn't work out because too many guys were giving it away. So when the Cuban missile crisis arrived, I enlisted in the USAF where I was a radio operator for 4 years.

    Then I took a 2 week vacation before starting to work for a major air line in flight operations. 4 promotions and 42 years later with the same company, I retired.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Being a gigolo takes a lot of effort
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    Paper boy at age 11
    Cut grass
    Cleared lake development lots with chainsaw
    Cut and sold wood by the tank
    Dishwasher and chicken cutter at restaurant
    Grave Digger and farm hand (my favorite of all)
    Hay thrower. (Fucking hard, but fun)
    Pharmacy technician
    Pharmacy Intern
    HPLC Pharmacy research technician
    Hospital Pharmacist
    Retail pharmacist relief consultant
    Research Pharmacist
    Pharmacy Professor
    Pharmacy Preceptor/Instructor
    Pharmacology Instructor for nurses/pharmacists/physicians
    Researcher for pharmacology/ pharmacokinetics /orthopedics
    Textbook Author for Emergency Medicine, Critical Care, Radiology Technology
    Martial Arts School Owner/Instructor (another of my favorites)
    Expert Witness for Medical/Legal Pharmacology issues
    Clinical Pharmacology Consultant for the entire fucking world
    Future aspirations
    Man Whore for anyone who needs or wants service from an old fuck with big/thick inventory.
    Supply chain for blow jobs. We all know that women who love giving blow Jobs need a supply of inventory to carry out their task. I’m her to get them started.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Nidan thats a career to truly admire
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    At 2ICEE. Thank you. In all seriousness, all careers are admirable. If you love what you do, then it is absolutely worth it!
  • SerenitySinn
    4 years ago
    RUNNING FEW STRIP CLUBS(everything)🤪
  • rickthelion
    4 years ago
    My job: bein’ a rick!

    Most important frickin’ job in the world. ROAR!!!
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    For a good read, I suggest you all google "John Lear QB Speech". He's son of Bill Lear (the man who introduced the world to the Lear Jet). John Lear had quite the storied career and long litany of jobs and gigs. In his closing remarks, he touched on why so many companies he worked for went out of business, and why he was fired from so many jobs. To paraphrase him: "I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, I'm extremely lazy, have a smart mouth, and a real poor fricking attitude." How many tuscl members would that be descriptive of ?
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Been trappin since 2010
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    "shoe store manager"

    eastcoaster = Al Bundy.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Shailynn are you really shocked that Al Bundy would be on here. I've long suspected that reverendhornibastard was really Reverend Al of the Church of No Ma'am and the fact that he had a job selling women's shoes makes him a real possibility along with eastcoaster.

  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Office assistant, pharmacy technician, restaurant associate, random gardening type of jobs. Probably doesn’t count but I really enjoyed when I got a scholarship to read and discuss books and articles with a clear free-market viewpoint. Fun times.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    Lifeguard + The Gap simultaneously in high school
    Mall Easter bunny (yes really)
    Radio Mix dj for Clear Channel (yes really)
    Tried out dancing off and on while having *real jobs*
    Corporate trainer for big insurance company
    Real estate marketing
    Dancing dancing dancing
    Car detail spa general Mgr
    Walmart for very short time at the start of covid
    Mgr at automotive shop
    About to start something cool and retire from dancing soon 😥
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    Oh I worked at Olive Garden for a year too, very fun job
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    How the heck did I forget this above:

    Whitewater rafting guide, for 2 years most of my income.

    One summer, managed California half of rafting company.
  • 8TM
    4 years ago
    Fast food. Went to college and got a work study job as the admin assistant’s assistant in my own academic department. That could’ve been freaking amazing for my career if I had any clue at the time. More fast food while I was still doing the work study job. Then I got my first internship writing code for $17/hr and that was more than what most of the adults I knew in my hometown made. Been doing that ever since. The fun is definitely long gone but I can’t walk away from the money.
  • RealRealSon
    4 years ago
    Pizza place slanging that dough, New York Deli cutting the cheese(and meat), janitor at a Bank, sold knives for CutCo, accounts receivable at a small furniture store, now small business owner and Master of my own domain.
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    Do you know why that niggaformerlyknownas2icee doesn’t like blow jobs?

    He doesn’t like any jobs, because he’s a nigga!
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