
Brazilians vs Cubans

Saturday, December 19, 2020 5:32 AM
Where I live in NJ/Philly region we have a lot of Brazilian talent. I love them. They’re usually milfish, not addicts or psycho drama queens. Dancing is their profession, there’s no shame in their game. Making the customer happy with extras is generally part of the package I have not experienced any Cubans to my knowledge, but wonder how the two compare.


  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    I've only met two BraIlian strippers, and that's if they were honest. The first was 2008 in Houston. MILFy, big natural breasts, great dances; but it was back when I thought there was no sex in the champagne room. So, good mileage but no extras. The second was at Tootsie's in Miami, she was also MILFish, but very aggressive about pushing for VIP room dances. I knew about the extras at Tootsie's by that time, but also knew I could do better than her and her prices. Cubans are notoriously aggressive and business like. Your club experience with them is entirely transactional. Moat greet you with, "wanna dans?", and will move on if your response is anything but an immediate yes. If you get lucky enough to meet one that is friendly and outgoing, you can have a great time talking and getting dances. Usually, they treat you like an ATM, though.
  • 623
    4 years ago
    I try not to stereotype or discriminate broad groups especially by race or ethnicity but the best dancer (and dances) I can remember was at Olympic Garden in Vegas by a Brazilian dancer. I repeated every couple days for 6 weeks until she went back to Brazil. Sigh.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    I had a Brazilian for a sugar baby last year for a while. She was a freak in bed. I know Brazil was settled by people from Portugal. But I have to wonder if their isn't a little bit of Greek in their heritage. She loved anal. I have had good luck with Cuban girls. But they do have a penchant for doing a little scamming.
  • codemonkey
    4 years ago
    I have limited experience with both Brazilian and Cuban dancers. I was seeing a Brazilian dancer (ITC) semi-regularly last year. She gave awesome, very sensual daces with extras. The few Cubans I've gotten dances from were mostly down for extras but they weren't as good at acting like they were enjoying themselves. I've had good luck with Puerto Rican dancers.
  • dirtyburt
    4 years ago
    Brazilian or any of the other South American countries “Rock Big Time” for me. Argentina Columbia Venezuela etc. Always a good time and they know how to treat a man right. IMO Basically Slow & Easy. Now the Cubans in Cuba were awesome and I had very little issues with them there. They seemed grateful in Cuba for my money and attention. Cubans in Florida...... not so fun. They want the fast money, will hustle your ass off if given the chance, and rip you off in a NY Second. Also the Cuban dancers have the tendency to not understand English, when it is to their advantage. Basically Wham Bam Thank you ma’am. Only had One Cuban in Florida (2nd Generation one)that worked out fine. Then the damn pandemic hit.......... @Stud Me .....Stick with the Brazilian’s
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    Follies was doing just fine before the Cuban invasion. After they arrived they changed the way business was done. They tried to convert it into just a bordello. Most would not take off their bottoms for a table dance. "Only for VIP". This rubbed off on a lot of the other club dancers. Most did not drink, smoke or do drugs. So no socializing. Just take the customer for a 30 minute VIP, take care of him in 10 minutes and hit the floor again in search of the next customer. In all the years I went to Follies I only took 1 Cuban to VIP. That was on March 12th of this year. The last day I went to Follies before the shut down. I knew it might be my last VIP for awhile so I went for it. It was disappointing because the language barrier I did not make it crystal clear of what I wanted. I had good success with other Latinas from Puerto Rico, Mexico and other parts of central America but never met a Brazilian. Now the dancer that I was seeing OTC before the pandemic did have a mother that was born in Brazil and I certainly was happy with the way she treated me.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    I think dirtyburt is on to something there regarding the Cuban girls. I have spent a lot of time in the Miami area. I"ve noticed that the "fresh off the boat" girls are very sweet and innocent. They work hard to please you and are grateful for what you do for them. But it's the ones that have been in the US for some time that you need to worry about. They tend to change when they become Americanized.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    Cubans are trying to catch up for lost time in the capitalistic world, and they get a high off it before realizing that shit eventually catches up to them. Clip joints aren’t for repeat business.
  • 54kevin
    4 years ago
    I had some back luck initially with Brazilians. I just didn't connect as well as with the Cuban girls. We just weren't on the same page and I left unhappy a few times. Yes, language is an issue more so among newly arrived Cubans but they are real troopers in the VIP or OTC. Lately, I've come around to appreciate the Brazilian ladies as well. Most of my OTC dealings have been Brazilian and I keep coming back (or will once this COVID spike calms down)
  • Greanbeans
    4 years ago
    Agree with @dirtyburt & @warrior15 There is also the culture in USA vs Cuba, Puerto Rico and DR. In the states we are very political correct, most of the time. In the Caribbean not so much. We tend to say whats on our mind and get to the point. It can be off putting if not used to it. I remember my boy when we went to a strip club that had lots of Cubanas. He is Mexican. I told one of them that I didn’t like her body, she was too fat for me. She got a little bugged. Not cuz of what i said, but she wasn’t making $$. He couldn’t believe my comment. Basically with cubanas, if its black its black, if its white its white, no need to go beat around the bush. ‘Its absent of color”... just say white. Dont be a jerk, but firm and confident. In the DR, i went to look for a gal that was a tailor. When i got to the door i asked for her by her name and described her as ‘una negra, gorda con anteojos’ = ‘black, fat and glasses”. The young girl replied: “oh! Nani la negra?!?” And called her: “Negraaaaa!!!! Puerta.” (Door). When she came to door, introduced myself, such n such told me about u, blah blah. Her reply, without a blink: “come in darling”. Kiss on cheek. ¡Ya tu sabe!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Both are easy as is. You can very easily pick up a brazilian or Cuban....dont have to rea9rt to hoes
  • dirtyburt
    4 years ago
    Here is a Cuban experience that I just posted last night......... After her set of dances we went into the back, for private dances. I told her that I wanted her to let me know when each dance was over, so I wouldn’t get ripped off on dance counts. Dances were $30 each. There is a bouncer in the back that counts the dances, I tipped him $10, when the dancer and I went back. There were a bunch of benches in the back, maybe 10-12, no curtains that I saw, and it was fairly dark. Not aware of any type of VIP deal here. Without too much detail, it was very hands on dancing, and I was happy with my Cuban so far. Two songs later, I said “No MAS” ( I was happy) and threw in the towel. So what could go wrong, I ask.???? I squared up with her and planned to tip her $30 because she followed directions well ..... she complained about the $30 tip and wanted $10 more, for a total of $100. Now the Cuban is starting to emerge from within her. When we walk past the bouncer, he says $12. I was thinking that the bouncer was speaking to me, and the dancer turns to me asking for $12. The bouncer tells me to move on, that she owes him the $12. And then the dancer turns to me and wants me to give her two dollars, so she would only owe the bouncer $10.. Turns out the Dances are $30 each and the Dancer needs to pay the bouncer 20% of each dance or $6.00 per dance. The Cuban Dancer was just on the Hustle, wanting me to pay her 20% tip out. See why I always tip the bouncers. See why it’s hard to do repeat visits with these Cubans. All was fine until the Weasel emerged, and now she fucked her self for future dances from me. DB
  • goosman
    4 years ago
    South Americans over Cubans 9/10 times.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Neither is my preference. Add in Russians as well. If I had to choose an ethnicity it would be central american spanish and/or mexican.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Two Cuban experiences; radically different. First at Coliseum in Detroit BITD; direct, pushy, hurry the hell up, Papi this, Papi that..... total turnoff and waste of money. Second at Silvers in Windsor, Eh; adorably sweet, soft spoken, accommodating, right to the point while being polite.... mission accomplished. No Brazilians to my recollection.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    My experience is similar to the OP's. Every Cuban I have dealt with here in FL was looking to churn out numbers in a "slam bam thank you Ma'am" format. I really don't like then. My experience with Brazilians is a bit more mixed, with some being quite fun and others being a bit bitter and difficult.
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