Michigan Strip Clubs

I heard clubs in Michigan were supposed to reopen Saturday January 2021, but Whitmer is supposed to have a press conference later Wednesday January 13. Wondering if any bars will be allowed to open at reduced capacity or with additional safeguards?
Ski resorts are serving alcohol, but they are using disposable cups, the designated area of consumption is outside and there is a plastic bars are between the bartender/alcohol/food preparation and the customer. You have to go inside to get the alcohol at ski resorts. Food is served in a to go back stapled shut even though everybody eats it there. They also have signs taped to tables requesting customers to sit with who they came with and a number of people per table. Any idea if this loophole is would take place in Michigan strip clubs? I know club owners are ready to reopen in Michigan.
Could somebody ask Whitmer if she is planning to open bars at reduced capacity until February 1st, it is not fair the bars at Michigan ski resorts are allowed to be open but you can’t watch babes fly the pole.
Also somebody told me in Michigan you can get another 12 weeks unemployment but you have to call to make that happen, somebody needs to broadcast that. And this bars closed until May crap can go the entire country is experiencing unprecedented debt and fucked political practices. Pretty sure Whitmer did not give us a realistic date the clubs would reopen back in November because she didn’t want to spoil people’s Christmas spirits, thanks, I don’t appreciate not being able to plan my life. The bars closed around November 17th until December 10. Then she extended this until January 15. And now she is extending until February 1. But I think somebody is not acknowledging a loophole, because ski resorts didn’t open until after November 17 but alcohol cannot be taken outside of a designated drinking area on the premises but away from where alcohol is being prepared.
Somebody in politics seriously needs to ask Whitmer about this. The actual unemployment rate is so much higher than what it says it is if you Google it because nobody is liking for work when our workplace s supposed to open in just a few more weeks or on Saturday. Michigan is literally supposed to open bars back up on Saturday but oh wait seasonal bars are already open.
I know Bogart’s Lounge in Inkster is all ready to reopen assuming Whitmer doesn’t spoil it fir us in her press conference tomorrow. At least open at 25% capacity, the gyms are open at limited capacity, sometimes there is a line outside the door but they are open. I mean thank god for that at least.
last commentI meant Saturday January 16 2021 they are expected to reopen I should have proof read this but it is time sensitive and I know people care about this.
Also ski resorts in Michigan are using plastic cups to serve alcohol that you can throw away. It is wasteful but at least they are open.
The inconsistencies in the Michigan policies are maddening. Massage parlors are open in Michigan. Do lap dances offer any more risk of COVID transmission than a massage? Nearly every social interaction carries some risk, but I would be willing to accept that level of risk for a massage or for a lap dance (especially a lap dance at Bogarts or any of the other high mileage clubs near the Detroit airport!).
To me, the most compelling rationale for closing restaurants, bars and strip clubs is the risk of COVID transmission when you bring a bunch of strangers together in an enclosed space. Unless the club has a very low customer count and enforces social distancing practices, I'll probably refrain from visiting the clubs until I get the vaccine.
Clubs / Bars are open in my state along with indoor dining with all the restrictions and a 10pm curfew. I with E on this one tho in that until I get the V I just don't think it is worth the risk. I had a buddy get COVID at his biker clubhouse where 14 out of 37 guys ended up with it from one event where no attendees were noticeably sick... he recovered but it was a struggle for him. That only reinforced the fact that I am going to wait it out. It sucks but hey, my clubbing bank account is getting bigger and bigger.
Whitmer’s press conference is on at noon today.
Also Electroman, in Michigan Amtrak is socially distanced but in the event the train is cancelled for the day and you have to take a bus instead there will be 20 people within 6 feet of you. Greyhound runs all the time and will cramp as many people as possible. Covid central on the buses but nobody is paying attention to that, just take away jobs for a few more weeks just a few more weeks. It is impossible to plan like that. Unemployment has dried up but who ever wanted to resort to that in the first place, Americans want to work.
Whitmer acts like we all can sit home and be happy for the extra $600 a week unemployment pandemic assistance from the spring. News flash: that was less than our previous income for those working in the bars. People took advantage of it because when wouldn’t they but that is no reason to lie to the state by giving false promises. I don’t like liars. And I don’t like the embarrassing lack of progress.
They’re already laying the groundwork to extend the mask mandate to 2023.
Damn damn damn.
At the rate Michigan is going it will take 2 years to vaccinate the entire population of that state. Not that any other state is doing a better job.
Did you see where a Chinese vaccine that Brazil bought a ton of is only hitting at 45-50% effective?
She extended the ban on bars, restaurants, and strip clubs through January 31 today. Michigan will lose strip clubs with these prolonged closures.
I dumped a "Wad of Cash" into my Michigan ATF strippers purse last night when we did an OTC. She said she will be good until February now.
Semi related...?