
Michigan/Detroit clubs opening back up?

Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
Monday, December 21, 2020 11:23 AM
Our governor has apparently reopened many things except indoor dining. I hear the casinos, bowling alleys, etc are all reopening. This leads me to question what metro Detroit area clubs, or any clubs within an hour or so, are opening back up. I was working at the Flint Vu but they closed. I hear the Saginaw Vu is open but that's an hour and a half away from me. Anyone have updates on Detroit area clubs or any other clubs on this side of MI? Thanks in advance.


  • PhredJohnson
    4 years ago
    To my knowledge, all our Detroit area clubs are still closed 😢
  • NinaBambina
    4 years ago
    Thanks. It sucks that no clubs near me seem to be open.
  • Ulrik79
    4 years ago
    She's keeping indoor dining and indoor drinking closed. So no bars are allowed to open either.
  • georgebailey
    4 years ago
    I know it sucks but I support the restrictions. The vaccines will change things. We'll get through Christmas, into 2021, and things will improve as more of us acquire immunity. A lot of people are carrying the virus asymptomatically (not really sick) and once the population gets vaccinations we'll get to 60-70% and business will come back strong. It'll never be what it was and we'll never get rid of the virus completely, but our lives will be close to normal (or maybe better!).
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Lives will be better? They have laid waste to the country and the world over thus giant scam. Its part of a plot to advance multiple evil agendas and increase the arbitrary power of government at all levels. After "this us over" they will unleash the next scheme to ruin our lives even more. How can people still not see this?
  • NinaBambina
    4 years ago
    Ok I don't want to hear about evil agendas and people who don't support the ban. That's getting off topic. Ulrik, when she first imposed the ban, some of the Deja Vus were able to stay open because they don't serve food or alcohol. Hence why Saginaw is open but that's too far for me.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Dave is not wrong. The vaccines are an even bigger scam than the pandemic shutdowns. It's big pharma and big government working hand in hand. Big government gets excuses for overeaching into small business, big pharma gets excusea for skipping regulatory processes, millions or billions globally of public and private money to subsidize a half-ass vaccine that will require regular boosters. There is no two doses and done, it wears off and you will need more. Pandora's Box was opened when COVID-19 escaped the ChiComm lab (or was let loose), you can't put it back in.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    I’d think that if the clubs are closed that would give you more time to focus on your law degree that you keep telling everyone you’re working on, so you can then become JD and work for a big private firm making big bank! That way you won’t have to worry about which clubs are open. Just saying.
  • xedin5436
    4 years ago
    A local (West Michigan) club lists their "fingers crossed" re-opening date as January 15.
  • dirtyburt
    4 years ago
    A Flight Club dancer just texted me over the weekend and told me the BAN was extended until Jan 15 2021 for the FC. Another FC Dancer just hit me up for OTC last night, but I am over 1000 miles away right now. My ATF's are getting frisky, waiting for their Christmas Bonuses........ How do I tell them that I spent it in FLorida NJ and Mexico???? I will be a COld Cold January up there.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Sorry to hear about the aggravation. How is Flint (during non-pandemic times?) I’ve heard Lansing and Saginaw praised before but heard nothing about there. It’s still closed in Colorado too 😭 Kinda tempted to leave and hang out in Texas but I already promised to help out with 💉💉💉 old people.
  • NinaBambina
    4 years ago
    "I’d think that if the clubs are closed that would give you more time to focus on your law degree that you keep telling everyone you’re working on, so you can then become JD and work for a big private firm making big bank! That way you won’t have to worry about which clubs are open. Just saying." Thanks dumbass. I pivoted to an MBA and focused on real estate as I believe it would be financially rewarding and fun, as being paralegal was stressful and hindered me from even wanting to pursue law.
  • NinaBambina
    4 years ago
    I am certified in real estate btw. Flint Vu just reopened! 👏👏👏
  • NinaBambina
    4 years ago
    Nicespice - I've heard Flint Vu praised but only worked there a few times before they closed. Was able to snag a good regular. I think without the pandemic they'd be pretty solid. It just sucks that the Vu chains take so much of your money or I'd be making a lot more.
  • NinaBambina
    4 years ago
    Lansing and flint vu are open!
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    Sure, tell yourself whatever you want to make yourself feel better, like you’re an entertainer and not a sex worker. You change your career more times than a TUSCL pl does his underwear. Your credibility is lacking, considering how uppity you write of yourself claiming how you were going to become a JD, then delayed your schooling and now took a weekend course in real estate to get a half ass license that anyone with an IQ of 80-90 can pass. I. Sure the next thing you’ll say is how obsessed someone like me is regarding your life, but it’s easy to point out the obvious, you’re a lying bloviated hypocrite who lies to take old men’s $$, and you’ve justified it your whole life to make yourself feel better instead of accepting the shame that is you’re a scam artist; plain and simple. I bet your dad is proud of you, dumbass.
  • georgebailey
    4 years ago
    Come on meat don't be mean. She's really cute and fun, and pretty smart. I'm not that old and I love giving her my money. What's wrong with that?
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Why is it only this site do I see the word “bloviate” commonly used? 😅
  • NinaBambina
    4 years ago
    Meat, your hard on for me never goes away. I started this topic to ask a question about strip clubs and you once again start a bash-Nina fest. I've changed my career once. One time. And, yes you're obsessed with me and have been since I started posting here. Want to keep going? You seem to have a lot of time on your hands for Nina B. Go beat your meat to it. And yes, I AM a sex worker. Cry about it some more. Oh, and Merry Christmas!
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    ^^ very predictable response. Thanks for your gift of hot air. Merry Christmas! My next prediction will be that you sell 20 lap dances so you can buy a piece of property in Detroit proper, and flip it so you can bank the equivalence of 30 lap dances. Big profits lie ahead! You’d make a great Rick if your mouth would write a check that your butt could cash.
  • NinaBambina
    4 years ago
    If you knew anything about Detroit you'd know it's actually a great place to invest right now and has one of the highest rent to value ratios in the country. But keep going off.
  • NinaBambina
    4 years ago
    Thank you Heaving. I guess in Meat's world a good profit is a bad thing if I'm the one making it.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    Yawn... bloviate is the perfect world to describe a member who has in the past countless times written to veteran members how great she (Nina) is, and literally used self edification as a way to promote her grandiose dreams of her future to justify her trash talk. There’s no bitterness on my part, I’m just picking the low hanging fruit called Nina’s hypocrisy, because it abounds endlessly with her prose on this site. If you are getting emotional about what some stranger on a strip club website says about you, you may be able to cut it in the stripper world where lies and falsely leading people on are the norms, but in the real world you won’t last; until you come crawling back to the only career you’re good at, lying to old white men for money, and resenting them for having the money to do it. Of course, I’m not a lonely old white man, like Nina thinks everyone on here is, but it’s just a perspective I can see. If you sell 30 lap dances that upgrades you to a better neighborhood and a home with an above ground pool, which commands an extra lap dance in rental profit each month. I’ve literally heard of hundreds of strippers with their real estate license, because they think their skills of flirting f with old men translates over to success in real estate. It’ll get you through the door, but it’ll get your ass sued when you miss a little detail that turns into a large expense after the purchase. I’m sure there’s little recourse to having buyers remorse when Nina sells an air dance, but I wouldn’t be buying any large purchases witt her minimal experience in realty, other than cheap four plexes. I can see the slumlord dancer raking in the profits now, at a cost of 10 Lap dances a month. Lol lol lol, lmfao!
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    —>“where lies and falsely leading people on are the norms, but in the real world you won’t last; until you come crawling back to the only career you’re good at, lying to old white men for money, and resenting them for having the money to do it.” To each their own, Meat. We are all entitled to our opinions. But as far as industries that are guilty of that type of behavior, I’ll say health insurance companies and pharmaceutical industries, as one example, have a worse track record there and make any strip club shit look like child’s play. Not even that one dancer who ended up being portrayed by JLo in that Hustlers movie can top that as far as scamming people. Or that’s my opinion anyways.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Also lmk how Flint is going if you can. Just want to live vicariously for now. 😭
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Jeezus Meat who pissed in your eggnog? Its not like this thread has any of the elements you are railing about and its just an honest question. Also, whats wrong with going back to the reliable trade when the need or desire rises? Thats the beauty of being an independent contractor who "still has it". Happy holidays and happy new years all!
  • ilbbaicnl
    4 years ago
    Are the Windsor clubs open, do they let Americans dance there? Can you really make any money in Flint and Saginaw? I'd think they could only make it rain food stamps.
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    As to the original question, I take it some clubs are open in Michigan, but not others? Is it based on location within the state, whether they sell food or alcohol, or some other factor?
  • ilbbaicnl
    4 years ago
    Even though all bars and restaurants in Illinois have been ordered to close, I've heard that Luxxx in Peoria is just flipping them the bird. Apparently it's mostly up to local cops to enforce the closings. Some local governments are probably getting more community pressure to look the other way rather than put people out of work.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Illinois has a history of bars being open during Prohibition I’m sure places like Peoria and other towns in Al Capones old stomping grounds know how to operate under the radar
  • NinaBambina
    4 years ago
    "As to the original question, I take it some clubs are open in Michigan, but not others? Is it based on location within the state, whether they sell food or alcohol, or some other factor?" I think it is probably based on several factors but the no food or alcohol element makes it easier for the Vu chains to slide by, whereas other clubs don't have that easy a route of dancing around the rules. - As far the question about Windsor, I have no idea at all but wouldn't be surprised if the clubs are closed still. And for the comment about Flint and Saginaw, we all know suburbs exist and that (along with rural areas) areas are where most of my Flint clientele come from. Just like in Detroit how there is money potential at the white and mixed clubs primarily from men who live outside of the city. Come on, it's not that hard to figure that one out lol. We have several posters here who frequent Detroit clubs and I'd bet most if not all live outside of the city; that, or one of the richer areas of Detroit (a few of those still exist). A friend of mine went to Chicago a few weeks ago when things were allegedly closed. She's not a stripper but she said basically everything was open. I can't say the same for Chicago strip clubs because I don't know, but I know a lot of the Chicago proper clubs are very strict due to pressure from the city. Meat, get help.
  • NinaBambina
    4 years ago
    Lol nicespice - my mom was a top pharm rep for a while.🤣
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