
Rent day - a customer’s perspective

He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020 7:35 AM
This is an inquiry following up to Rick Dugan’s rent day eve post. Have any of us customers ever spent too much in a strip club - or on otc experiences, that it was a struggle to pay the rent? I understand the truth - as this is an expensive hobby, you don’t use plastic in the club, you put a hard stop on your spending and don’t go over. But, I know it’s possible to get carried away, and to go too far. If the club ATM’s were never used, they probably wouldn’t have them. If guys never used credit cards - there would be fewer card readers in clubs. Anyone ever spend so much - you couldn’t make rent - or a car payment?


  • mike710
    4 years ago
    Nope. Thankfully, the days of living paycheck to paycheck are more than 25 years behind me.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I failed to make payments because of gambling 40 years ago, but never because of sex.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Landlords Birthday is my favorite 12 days of the year
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    This question is an interesting one. It’s probably happened, but I doubt anybody would ever fess up to it. How about this question: for anybody who has or had a romantic attachment, has anybody ever spent an amount (whether it was large or small) where the other person ended up pausing and wondered what happened to the money for the month?
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    In October of 1991, we moved in together and on day 2, had a financial fight over my spending of $2.00 (yes, we were poor) on water bottles for the gym. That was the last one we ever had. Wow, I have a fox and a coyote in my backyard now, please fight lol. Back. We talk about our joint money and have a say in how its spent. We both have our own funds to spend as we see fit, but with two rules: You cannot spend it on the other spouse; the other spouse has zero right to know how even a penny is spent. The result is no money fights for 29 years, 1 month.
  • PhredJohnson
    4 years ago
    As I learned 15 years ago: You know why divorce is so expensive? Because it’s worth it!
  • Dolfan
    4 years ago
    Nope. When I was younger I worked hard, spent little. Now that I'm a little older, I don't work as hard and spend a bit more, but I've never come anywhere near overextending myself in the pursuit of fun. I've spent more than I should have on a weekend of debauchery here and there, but not so much that the impact was more than having to lay off the partying for a bit. Had a few rough times when my employer went belly up unexpectedly or early on when I made some risky investments that took longer to pan out than expected. Those times were tough enough that I learned those lessons and its unlikely I'll be in that position again. The investment mistake took a few tries to sink in, but it's thoroughly learned now.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    No. I did not become a strip club regular until I was old. So I've had plenty of income and savings to cover any expenses. But I have occasionally spent more at the club than I wanted to--like the time I spent $1000 on drinks for strippers.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "for anybody who has or had a romantic attachment, has anybody ever spent an amount (whether it was large or small) where the other person ended up pausing and wondered what happened to the money for the month?" Yes, but it was the other way around. Some people think the money you have is the money you have to spend. Glad she's gone now.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Not yet
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I’ve never gotten to the point where it’s going to cause any issues with rent or a mortgage. I was busy chasing civilian girls when I was young and my income was low. That method is cheaper upfront - even though it can become expensive in the long run (depending on the girl). As my income increased - my spending habits remained cheap. So, I was able to save a decent amount before I got out of my 30’s. My late 30’s is when I discovered strip clubs and the true enjoyment of the pursuit of paid pussy. It continues today - and now I’m no longer concerned about cost - as I prefer filth to beauty.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    I would have been shocked if anyone here answered differently. Strip clubs are discretionary entertainment mostly the province of guys beyond a certain age and income threshold. I've seen a few crash and burn types over the years, but nobody who would could have done it as consistently as most of the hounds have who are posting on this board.
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    i think we ALL can agree on this based on what has been posted here so far: no matter how much we want to grope and smash none of us ever got to that point of dire financial straits for that fix. we've all been broke before, and it fucking sucked. we all got our priorities straight, took care of our business, saved and now we can afford to spend to splooge.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I agree - except we have not yet heard from Juice...
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Never had a problem paying bills because of excessive strip club spending. The closest I came was about 7 years ago when I broke up with a long term girlfriend and went on kind of a strip club binge for about 4 months. That's when I realized that there wasn't enough in my entertainment/hobbies account to renew my season tickets. Luckily I keep all of my entertainment and hobby funds in a separate account. I learned a long time ago that I can be foolish with my money when I am having fun so I set up 4 separate accounts and have a portion of my paycheck deposited into each. 40% into my primary account for bills and miscellaneous day to day expenses, 30% into savings/retirement, 15% emergency fund and 15% entertainment/hobby. For a while I had turned off the direct deposit to the emergency fund because I had more than 6 months salary in it, but 2020 has taught me that it is a good idea to have more in the emergency fund so I am looking to stretch it out to 18 months salary just in case.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @rattdog that’s known as splooge splurging 😁
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    A few weeks ago I was driving a stripper from her house to a club and she was asking me about the price I paid for my new car. I explained to her that I only put enough down to take advantage of a 0% interest rate promotion and added, "why come out of pocket for a large sum when they are lending the money for free?" Then she says "Wow you must have good credit" with wide eyes and clear chagrin - no doubt because her credit is shit. I just aw shucked it off because I want to be the fun guy who they like to hang out with, not the smarmy lecturing guy who says something like "Take care of your credit and it will take care of you" - but I was thinking it.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    When it gets to that point it becomes an addiction or someone is being manipulated by someone very unscrupulous. Its hard for me to imagine giving up money id need for survival or the bare minimums
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    No. If anyone is that close to the edge of insolvency they shouldn't be going to stripclubs.
  • sclvr5005
    4 years ago
    Clubbing can easily become an addiction to those who have a tendency to go overboard in their endeavours. It's definitely sad to hear of clubbers who can't quit and wind up penniless and/or in debt because of it.
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    No problems with rent, mortgage, groceries, maintenance, or any other of life's "essentials". Nor, to answer nicespice's question, has anyone questioned money missing. My wife and I have three accounts, mine, hers, and ours. The "ours" one is used to pay bills and deal with emergencies, we each fund it as necessary. Our individual accounts are for whatever we want, and neither of us really cares about what the other spends or where.
    4 years ago
    No. But I would have paid off my student loans faster id I'd applied lap dance money to paying down the principal
    4 years ago
    Like any pleasures, let it get out of control it becomes an addiction. NAAAASTY
  • dirtyburt
    4 years ago
    When I didn't have $$$ I didn't hit the clubs.I was able to hustle & scam and have fun that way. Now that $$$ isn't much of an issue,I can live it up when I want to with "No Regrets". In all honesty, I whoop it up about once a month with a budget of $1000. If it all isn't spent, it goes into an envelope for the following month. One of my ATF's is fucking up "Big Time" because she has been MIA. Oh well, one ATF's lose is another ones gain. @ Jackslash you had to dump the Grand at Flight Club for the [view link] can go quick there.
  • dirtyburt
    4 years ago
    Just to clarify, my thousand dollar a month budget is just plain go to hell money. It can be used for anything not just necessarily strip clubs. But if it’s spent at strip clubs, it’s no big deal. At the end of the year anything left over is blown on a vacation.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Spend your money on whatever stripper fun you want. YOLO
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I have broken most all of the rules regarding what not to do in a strip club. I’ve used personal and corporate credit cards to pay for VIP. I’ve spent all my money - drove to a nearby bank and withdrew cash on my credit card (a cash advance). I’ve driven strippers to my house to fuck them. I fell asleep after fucking the strippers I took back home. I’ve passed out in dark dingy parts of strip clubs. I’ve given strippers my home phone number. Taken drugs given to me by strippers in the club. I have definitely barebacked a few strippers. But, I’ve been lucky, as I’m still alive. I still seem to have two functional kidneys. But I think the other fortunate aspect is that I was frequenting filthy clubs, with very cheap prices, and strippers who were actual whores. On one trip to a nearby bank - I got $100’s - and the dancers couldn’t believe I was paying in hundreds! LOL!
  • dirtyburt
    4 years ago
    @Cashman.......this is exactly why I didn't participate in this sport when I was younger. Hey, but you lived through it, so that's all that matters. Nice to sit back and laugh at the past.
  • rockie
    2 years ago
    My first 30 years - I struggled to live within my means. Since then - living below my means has never been a problem! Strip clubs came at the right time for me and was not part of my early struggle with money! My limit is what's in my pocket and I only put in my pocket what I intend to spend!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Never. But fuck landlord scum
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