Comments by K (page 42)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Top clubs in Northeast Tri State area (NJ, NY, PA)
    Did you add in a time factor? Some of those 1000 reviews are from years ago and may not reflect the club today
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    7 years ago
    Is it possible to accidentally become friends with a stripper you met in the clu
    Accidently as in you trip and bam you are friends? No, friendship as with any relationship takes work. A stripper may want you to be her friend but keep in mind that her definition of friend may differ from yours. Wanting something is very different than getting it. Where she lives, her schedule and personal circumstances may make it difficult or even impossible for the two of you to become friends. the question I really have is do you really mean friends or do you mean more than friends? if you can't be honest about that then you certainly are getting off on the wrong foot.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Strange question
    it isn't that uncommon. She wants a familiar face in the crowd when she auditions or by her side when she checks out the place. She may also want to tell the manager she has fans that will follow her there. One guy driving her there isn't exactly a following but that has been the reason I was given by more than one dancer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why would a dancer tell you she hasn't had sex in a long time?
    The answer to "why does a stripper say xxx" or "why does a stripper do xxx" is almost always , she wants to separate you from your money. It may be a stupid thing to say or do and have little chance of working but that doesn't change her reasons. Could it be an opening to OTC? yes, or an attempt to make you think OTC is an option and you need to buy another dance to find out. Be brave. be bold. Ask her if she is up for getting together OTC. If yes, go for it if you wish. If not move on unless you do want more dances. Either way , don't buy another dance to find out
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    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    Chicken in the oven and a spinner in my bed,doodah,doodah
    Worked most of yesterday. Spent the over night with two lovely young ladies, brunch for three, watched some football and back to earning a living.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Take a number system?
    I am surprised everyone is arguing what would happen if such a thing as the number system existed. It has been in place at one of the most successful and most reviewed clubs. Why not ask how it is working there instead of making conclusions about why it can't work. The number system does not stop a dancer from hustling. When someone has a number she gives him a dance. When she has no one waiting she goes around hustling. She ends up making more money with less effort. Sienna is a perfect example of this. When she comes off stage she usually has two or three numbers. When she is done with her numbers she circulates the club convincing men to take her for a dance. Hot dancers would work somewhere else or get on a plane? There are three nude clubs and six bikini bars within 15 minutes of GGR. They have a choice yet they choose here and in general the women here are better looking than the other clubs. Women fly in from Miami, St Louis, Boston and Vegas and others drive in from Buffalo, Toronto, Baltimore and Pittsburgh to work here. Those are just the ones I know of. What happens when a guy has two numbers? He goes with the first one available and when he is done with her he tells the DJ he missed his turn with the other and he goes to the top of her list. How do you choose the dancer? They do stage sets unless they are locked down all night in the VIP area. Those are women that have a devoted following. There is also a TV showing a photo of the women. When they are done with the stage set or a VIP, most of the women do circulate providing dollar dances at your seat in an attempt to get you to take them into the VIP area. I am sure they lose some guys that hate the number system but it isn't hard to work around. I refuse to get a number and I always get dances with the women of my choice. I spend much more in other cubs to get the same level of attention I do here.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Take a number system?
    Shatter the fantasy? Trust me, it doesn't
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Take a number system?
    In another thread someone mentioned a problem not seen in take a number clubs. A dancer sits with you and blocks the dancer you want to get a dance with from approaching you. . if you have the number for the dancer you want, you have a perfect , non rude reason to leave the dancer you don't want, your number has been called.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Fish out of water
    We start wars for pussy. This story isnt hard to believe
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How often do you go for dancers that aren't your type?
    Perhaps i misunderstood your post. You indicated you are interested in one woman and another you arent interested in plops down next to you and that might stop the one you are interested in from coming by. No. I understood what you wrote. It may not be what you intended to write but it is what you wrote. In your pet peeve example you are waiting for someone. I even quoted your post. Please explain if i took it out of context. What possible self worth could i extract from this thread?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    JOI with Asa Akira
    I love watching a hot woman play with herself. or with another woman.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can't pull the trigger
    Avoid it is there If there are legitimate reasons to not go to a club. Just not being comfortable for whatever reason is legitimate enough for me. They can't keep your CC if you don't use it. Location rarely is an issue for me. Even in the most dangerous areas, most violence occurs between people that know each other. Mind your business and you will be fine. Clubs will not survive if they are in an area that is so dangerous customers stay away. Whoever runs the club will make sure that the area immediately around the club is safe to park. In Newark I tip the homeless guy on the street not because he will protect my car from others but because I know he will do something if I don't. In my experience, brawls in Stripclubs happen far less often than in other bars. When I've seen them it was almost always between people that knew each other. I do hear about them in the news more often than other clubs. I assume this is because there is the titillation factor of it being a strip club. With that said, the one man I know that was killed in a bar brawl was at a stripclub. The one person I know that killed a man in a bar brawl was at a neighborhood bar. I still frequent both locations.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How often do you go for dancers that aren't your type?
    I make sure to go for dancers that aren't my type every few trips. I've found some of the best providers that way and even changed my type a bit. "then some other girl who I'm not interested in plops herself down next to me and starts chatting." You would say no to a waiter that plops a meal in front of you, why not a dancer? Don't be rude and don't drop hints tell her no thank you, you are waiting for another dancer and tell the hottie you are tipping you want her to sit with you or have a dance with you when she gets off stage.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Take a number system?
    BHF- will reply privately A few points of clarification. The earnings I mention above are the lower limit women. The A listers do much better. Nothing stops you from keeping the dancer once your number has been called. there can be twenty guys waiting but if your dance finishes, you can just tell her to keep going. Whales can and do lock the dancer up for hours. The longest I've heard of was six hours. he asked to have food brought in.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Take a number system?
    What surprises me is everyone seems to argue this as if it is a theoretical. GGR has been using this for decades. If it didn't work I am sure it would be gone. They have outrageous house fees and tips outs and still the women typically leave with 700 on a slow week night and over 1000 on Thursday, Fri, Sat and Sun. Other than one or two that really hustle, most of them spend half their time in the back studying for their nursing exams. It is hard to argue with success. As for extras, it is true there are no extras in the club. Enough said on that topic. A dancer more than makes up for any negatives in this system. if she is in demand she spends no time hustling and instead spends her time doing private dances. A porn star , Amber, worked here until a few years ago and she often had numbers from opening to closing. Out of a 4 pm to 3 Am shift she probably clocked 9 to 10 hours with a few short bio breaks and waiting a few minutes for the PL that was just paged. No stage time. No hustle time. Some of my favorites have three or four numbers as soon as they open for business. If there are 8 guys ahead of you, not uncommon for some of the dancers on a Saturday night, she can count on four half hour dances and four fifteen minute dances. I don't know how losing the half hour or even hour you would give her is more valuable than the three she has booked. Maybe she lost a whale but she still came out ahead. If she doesn't have any numbers she will work the stage every hour or two and is free to walk around doing dollar dances to try to get private dances. Sienna has her regulars that get a number but that girl hustles between numbers . How do I get around the system? A few ways but one is to call ahead to my desired dancer and she gets me a number.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Take a number system?
    There have been some over the years that put a cloth on your lap if you wear something that would be abrasive to their tender parts. Or if it obvious your hygiene is lacking
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Take a number system?
    Chessmaster That is correct. You can always approach her if she has no numbers. A dance still gets locked down. The guy with the number decides when he is done. He can keep saying one more.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Take a number system?
    GGR is the club i visit most. I rarely use the numbers and have no trouble getting dances from the women. I tell them i want a dance or they approach me when they dont have a number waiting. Dancers often sit and chat with me and other customers
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What is your success rate for OTC?
    Call me ishmael Ganntt chart? You Project plan OTC. You sir, are a god.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    A favorite turning on you
    It happens all the time. She gets a BF. She takes offense at an imagined insult. Something like she wants a pair of loubitan (sp?) Shoes. I refuse to buy them for her. She is insulted and cuts me off.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Boyfriends at the club
    this past summer a dancer's BF was in the club. It was business as usual for her. She set up private dances for him with some very high mileage dancers. I recognized him from her social media and we would meet up before he came into the picture so I still talk to her often. She said he loved it while he was in the club and she couldn't wait to get home to him. He left before she did and started a huge fight when she got home. She told the bouncer her BF is not allowed in the club when she is working.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I want to dance at a strip club
    Come to NJ. I will gladly get a dance with you if that is your picture.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    I understand every single word of the OP but not one sentence.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Another discussion about kissing
    Burlington, message sent Even if she hasnt done anything with anyone, by the end of the shift her breath will stink. They always think to wash their pussies but never their mouth before an otc session.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Another discussion about kissing
    I dont kiss itc. I only kiss otc with women i trust and am comfortable with. I may be anal about this but i provide a new toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash. I use them and request she does before we start