
Comments by Gingersnap

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    20 years ago
    SUPPOSEDLY fully nude clubs where the girls DON'T go fully nude
    just a question, witht he nude club thing, OK, are all the girls not getting nude? Or just some of them. If its just some of them, can I remind you of this thing us women call aunt flow. More than likely the girls that are not going NUDE are probably on thier period. I don't think you would want to look at a string hanging out, and most clubs do not allow the girls to take off just because of thier menstral cycle. But as for the toppless club where the girls aren't going toppless, is this only on stage, or on stage and during PD's. Alot of girls now a days think that they should not have to remove thier top on stage for a measley 5-10.00, so they save the topless part for only PD's. Just curious.
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    20 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    Did you still want to use this board?
    Ha ha I didn't even know that discussion board was open to public again till today.
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    20 years ago
    A quote that discusses STRIPPER LYING!
    sorry RL I agree with everything your "quoted stripper" says. No girl should try to endanger her self by giving out personall info. Including marriage. But girls should not give the whole woa is me story to get money either. Sounds to me like you just want to twist a perfectly legit post.
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    20 years ago
    Rookie Dancers --You Break 'em in?
    Most rookie dancers are willing to learn anything the customer will teach them, even if it is not what should be taught. I have seen young little 18 year olds go back for thier first VIP show and see what they are doing may be illegal, Of course they do not know it is. I say if you are willing to take on a rookie, please be a gentleman and not jade them from the get go. Its really hard to whip a girl back into shape after she finds out what men really want. Do you understand what I am saying. I am even confusing my self here.
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    20 years ago
    lots of female customers in a gentlemen's club?
    I started dancing because me and one of my ex boyfriends liked to visit strip clubs. I am not bisexual at all, but you have to admit the female body is a work of art that anyone can appreciate. I think since our society is now more open to sexual preferences and couples may be more willing to try new things without the secrecy. Shoot every single new female I have met lately has been to a gentlemens club at least once.
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    20 years ago
    SUPPOSEDLY fully nude clubs where the girls DON'T go fully nude
    In nude club if a girl is on her period they just cut the string off thier tampon. Sounds gross huh, I bet you really didn't want to know that. Otherwise A period last anywhere from 5-14 days so taking off a day or 2 really won't help in that matter and most clubs I have worked at don't let you take off for your period, so most of the time we don't get nude while on our period. Hope that helps CS Officer, I can honestly say I have never made much on stage shows, and I have worked at contact/no contact clubs, so it may just depend on where you are at. I have also never gone nude on stage. I feel I have been dancing long enough to know that going nude on stage is pretty much worthless to myself, but I alway reassure any club goer that I do go nude in VIP/fantasy/private dances. Unless of course aunt flow is on the horizon. i don't think any man wants to see a glow in the dark tampon. Thats just not a pretty site. I say if you are really disapointed about the nudity factor in a club, you can go ahead and tell the manager/owner but for the most part being fully nude is hardly ever always required on stage performances. At least where I have worked anyways. I have worked in Georgia, Florida, Texas, South Carolina, Arizona, Indiana, and Tennesee. So like I said it may differ where you are, I would have no idea. Best advise is to make a comment to the club, and see if that helps you out any. Good Luck, I hope this helps
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    20 years ago
    Body Glitter, Lipstick and Strong Perfume
    I know a few Goth dancers that are hot as hell!! But not my thing when me and my hub go to clubs. But back to the main post. Body glitter is bad bad bad, I tend to think it mainly the newbies that wear it thinking its sexy. I don't think they understand that half of the men int he club are married and don't want to keep a part of the club with them when they get home. Lipstick is a so/so matter with me. I think as long as the girl is not wearing the glossy lipstick it shouldn't get on every one else. HA HA you tell the girl to put a little powder in her lipstick so it won't come off on you. But you may sound weird telling a female that. Perfume/body spray I don't know too too too many dancers that wear perfume, mainly because it has way too much alchohol in it and can make bare skin break out. So most girls (if they were smart) should wear body spray only, it doesn't last as long and won't give any one who comes in contact with is a rash. But I definately agree that body sprays are a must, I know for damn sure no amount of deodorant is going to keep up with me all night.
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    20 years ago
    Read this quote and respond
    As some of you know, my husband is a male dancer. He tells me that most women at the club, are more giggly and embarrased, about the male dancers. He say its like most of them go to the clubs for a good laugh. I will have to admit, every bachelorette I have been to we just die laughing the whole time. I have never been sexually aroused by a male dance(excluding my husbnad). I think they are just silly.
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    20 years ago
    top 10 Lies from strippers (as if you didn't already know)
    I know I am not Sara, but I would like to jump in of at all possible? yeah maybe? Casual guy, Just because she didn't ask you for more dances doesn't mean she wasn't lying. But who knows, some strippers are so bad with their money, that even though they make way more than enough to pay their bills, its cash and it burn holes in some girls pockets. So I don't feel bad for her at ALL. Goes to show how some women are that irresponsible, when they don't use the deposit box at their bank at the end of every night! subatomic09, Ok my question for you is, even if she was lying to you, would it have made your night any worse? from what it sounds like to me is that she made you feel like the most special guy in the house, and if she had to turn the sexy up to make you feel that way, her lying did exactly what it was intended for, right? Ok... sorry for not being Sara, but hopefully I did ok. Happy lapping!
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    20 years ago
    Is it Ever Wrong For A Stripper to Lie?
    Can I just ask a question to Makayla, you have not been dancing long have you? Becuase if you say you do not lie to your customers you are a damn liar just for saying that. I read some of your stuff where you say you love to rub them and breath on them, and tell them fantacies, but say its a big smelly biker you are dancing for, and they do NOT turn you on, while you are dancing and ACTING all into them. Aren't you infact lying right then? Oh and BTW if you say no, then I will say you are not a dancer at all. Not to mention, I am and OLD PRO, HA HA I do mean old too. I am freaking decrepid in this business, NO MAN IS GOING TO LET YOU DANCE FOR A HOBBY. BAH what a freaking Joke. Oh and not to mention, ever heard of a girl witha stage name nikki? and thats all I am going to say!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Hey, Yoda...
    Hi there NA!!! Nice to see you posting again! I pop in every blue moon or so. Now that I am a full time mommy, I don't really *need* to come here and debate with some the moron newbies. KWIM? Toplessdancer was posting here a few months back, but she started helping out with the tsunami relief thing, and haven't seen her since. I haven't seen J23 in like a year, or remember Realguy, and Dusty, whatever happened to them? IMO I think King*pud* scared Dusty off.... Oh well, nice to see you. You still owe me and DDD a stage dance!!! Happy Lapping All!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    More stripper shit
    I know a girl who used to do the same thing to ALOT of her regulars. She would exchange numbers, talk on the phone a few times, and when she thought they were starting to stray, she would ask them out on a date. But the kicker was that she would never respond back, and when she thought they were hooked again, she would make up some BS story why she couldn't make it, and why she didn't answer thier phone calls. I think it is very wise of you not to try calling again, if out of no where she calls you, and asks you to come to the club, then you will know she pulled the same crap on you.
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    19 years ago
    What is the best way to ask a stripper for FS
    HA HA HA Dain those are some funny ass lines that I would probably just laugh at you , and I know I would not take you seriously. But still.. very funny! Secondly Ususally the girl will let you know if she is heading in that direction, I guess if I were on the propositioning end I would ask, if she goes further than a PD. I have been asked a number of ways, and the only one I find less abrasive, is just a flat out do you offer more than a lapdance. Stupid lines, just make me think the guy doesn't know what he is doing. Happy lapping!