
What is the best way to ask a stripper for FS

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:27 PM
Tonight I got almost all the way but I could not figure out a nice way or requesting FS. Anybody got a fool proof line that won't insult her or mak me feel stupid?


  • moneyb
    19 years ago
    Hey, what's going on in these Texas clubs that I don't know about? Are they all that wild or only a select few in Houston and Dallas? I think I'll need to make a trip out there soon!
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago
    Laughing is good. The only caveat is that I think delivery and timing (foundation) of these lines is everything. If you're confident and smooth, then I can see these lines working like magic. But, you need to lay a foundation first. I'm not seen as a guy with a sense of humor and I'd probably stumble pretty badly just trying to get the words out. My dad could probable use them like a pro. He has all manner of stupid one liners and the women especially greedily devour the worst of them. :)
  • Dain
    19 years ago
    Hey, Gingersnap. Laughing is exactly the purpose of them! When people laugh together they are set to do more together. At the same time, the message comes through. I've seduced more girls with my verbal wit than you have guys with your body. Cordially, Dain
  • Gingersnap
    19 years ago
    HA HA HA Dain those are some funny ass lines that I would probably just laugh at you , and I know I would not take you seriously. But still.. very funny! Secondly Ususally the girl will let you know if she is heading in that direction, I guess if I were on the propositioning end I would ask, if she goes further than a PD. I have been asked a number of ways, and the only one I find less abrasive, is just a flat out do you offer more than a lapdance. Stupid lines, just make me think the guy doesn't know what he is doing. Happy lapping!
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago
    Oh, one other thing, this nonsense about escort services as being a viable alternative is to me complete and absolute nonsense. From what I see the typical customer doesn't care about a dancer's looks even a little so in that case yes an escort service might be worth pursuing. A woman can look mouth watering in a photo and worthless in person. IOW, some women are photogenic. Others who I dream about sleeping with look like nothing special if you just have a photo to judge them by. Because looks are all important to me, I need to see the woman in person before deciding if I'm interested. Even if I'm super interested and desperate for more action I still need a little time to get to know her. The strip club is the perfect place to meet a woman who might be interested in providing full service. This is the land of the free and the brave, right? LOL! :)
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago
    I'm from Miami and it is shameful & disgraceful not to ask if that's what you're looking for. And, no not all dancers willing to sell will make the first move--some need a little sweet talking in order to close the deal and others are very professional. There are a lot different people out there with different ideas of what is acceptable. So far not a single dancer has been openly upset or hostile when I've asked and that is mind blowing. There is an old saying that you won't know unless you ask and there is some truth to that. Actually, there is a lot of truth to it. Don't be afraid of dancers or women for that matter and let them know that you consider them HOT. Yes, they can use the government as a weapon but just think of life as being like $$$. ;)
  • whatevergong82
    19 years ago
    Amen, yoda. Basically, if she doesn't out and out offer it, they usually don't. Like I said, if you're in places like H-Town or Dallas, don't even bother. In those two aforementioned towns, you can ask. The ones that don't play usually won't be offended that you did ask (they know the situation in those clubs anyway.) The rest of the time in those clubs, you can pretty much literally see who plays and who doesn't, and that solves all your questions.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    You don't ask. If she offers it, she will offer it to you.
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago
    LOL! I like those lines. :)
  • Dain
    19 years ago
    "Do you like to have a climactic experience?" "You make me want to experiene you deeply. I have a protective unit. Are you game?" "I know it's special. But I feel special with you. Do you want to exchange the ultimate favor?"
  • whatevergong82
    19 years ago
    Unless you live in Texas(Dallas or Houston usually) or some other part of the country in which you can get extras (under the table and otherwise) you can forget it. Most dancers in other places would a) slap you and call security or b) scam you out of $$.
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