
Comments by lurkingdog (page 12)

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    So much pussy, so little time.
    probably better than heaven.
    Nice review. Glad you had a transcendent experience. We could all use a little bit of that from time to time.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Why are you here?
    It's the virtual human connection that is made by those of us all here with similar interests. Some connections are good (and a few are great) and others not so good. And when you due diligence with your research, you can really discover good and helpful information that makes this hobby more fun and enjoyable. That's been my experience.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    One right dancer elevated the evening
    Nice review. I’m envious of your experience!
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    The old adage- do your research first
    Sorry you had such a crummy time. Don’t neglect to do your research next time — TUSCL exists to help all of us with that!!
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Sunday Night in Omaha
    Very nice review! Thanks
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Dancer asked me to Zelle her money
    Not to be a broken record with all of the other wise replies but I would just second the notion that your actions to help your stripper should not be considered a “loan” — you should consider it a gift. When you give the money to help her out, you should not expect anything in return. By using this perspective, you are not “scammed”. And if she actually came through as she stated she would, you’re “up” in the game. For us mongers to have the money to gift is really a fortunate position to be in (in the grand scheme of things).
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    Pigs likes getting dirty
    Singapore visit.
    In my visits to Singapore, the Orchard Towers had a similar feel to the Hyatt although the women at the Hyatt are almost all stunningly beautiful and can charge higher prices. You have to work through a lot more choices at the Orchard Towers but fun can also be had there. Watch out for the “ladyboys”, however.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Oil dream
    Nice review. Glad you had such a good time.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Same mediocre crap
    “2. Club has a well-earned low mileage / PG reputation” Truer words were never written.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anyone else been played by Trish6547?
    @shailyn. Great “rest of the story”. Sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Best states
    Based on the reviews I‘ve seen, many places in New Jersey seem to fit the bill. Also (in the Bridgeport, CT sort-of way) Akron, OH and Philly both seem to have some good spots. Finally COI in CA has a good rep.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Has Inflation hit the Sugar Babies ?
    Hey. Do you guys think that the Matt Gaetz story has anything to do with it?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Amish Country
    Pool Party on a Friday
    I’ve only been to this establishment once. My experience was that the girls were uniformly attractive, the bouncers were decidedly extra attentive, and the mileage was very low.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What is the difference between F-Buddy, Friends with Benefits and Girlfriend?
    Great responses, tetradon
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Strip Club Memerships
    I guess you’d need to be able to trust the management of your club. Once they have all of your cash upfront, their incentive to bend to your whims is gone as you’re not going to be spending any more than the casuals who get VIP dances and you have little to no leverage. What am I missing here?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Post COVID Draft Night
    Thanks for the great review
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Godfathers Wheeling - Surprisingly good time
    So - I think I’m with Scrub on this one. I was there just last week and the girls clearly stated that contact was not permitted in the private dances due to Covid. . . . unless the State magically opened up between our two reviews.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Open again with a lot of upgrades
    Sir, this is a very nice review. Thanks for writing!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Charleston 2AMer
    I’ve had some fun times in that particular establishment. Sounds like troubling times in Chuck-town
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What Do You Spend Money On?
    Twenty-Five. A couple of other suggestions: Lagavullin 16 and Highland Park 18 are both very good in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Top Health Insurance Provider Tells Employees Not To Hire White Men
    @Gamagamanu95 — if the only place this article appeared was the Washington Examiner, I’d search for additional references before totally believing it as fact. The Examiner has a definite and strong agenda and its stories are frequently more “opinion/editorial” like than truth.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Who wants to play: Stripper Cliches!
    Don’t know if this would qualify but there are always those lower end neighborhood clubs where the bartenders/servers are way hotter than the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    The Mrs. Hornibastards Ratings Review - Part One
    Wow Rev - good story!